Mythical Beast

Chapter 208 Unscore

Seeing that Tang Longyan could not move, but still stared at herself, Qin Bingning sighed softly and turned her head aside. Twenty years ago, when Tang Haotian and Qin Caiyi played against each other, the firmness and indomitable in her eyes were the same.

"Secret art, thousands of miles frozen!" Qin Bing's eyebrows lit up again, shining with a dazzling white light. She raised her bare hand, and suddenly changed its color. The ice and snow on the ground slowly soared like back in time, as if the long-cherished wish of the past had not been fulfilled. At this moment, it seemed to fly into the ground again, but this time, the snowflakes that had already been firmly on the ground did not fall directly on the ground, but with Qin Bing He waved his hand and suddenly flew towards Tang Longyan, who solidified his body!

One piece, two pieces, first of Qin Bing's ice and snow, which was less than a foot long and wide, slowly flew up, and then all the ice and snow around him began to be restless, as if to take Tang Longyan as the center and wrap him up and pour him with a crazy cold breath!

First, the ** skin of the palms suddenly had an inexplicable cold, and then a sharp pain with bone-piercing ice penetrated into the bone marrow. Finally, it was completely numb and unconscious. Then even her clothes and shoes suddenly squeezed, and the ice and snow were not in a hurry to be melted by his weak body temperature. , which has been frozen by a large number of ice and snow behind. At this moment, Tang Longyan was like a huge hornet's nest, accepting the ice and snow swarming from around.

Gradually, it seemed that even his intuition would be frozen. Tang Longyan could not even feel the beating of his heart. At the final moment, with an obsession, he slowly gave up the resistance of the operation of true qi in his body. The veins have long been blocked by the cold ice true qi. With his red flame true qi at this moment, he could only barely protect his head from the cold attack, but in the end, even the intuition of his head was gradually disappearing.

Is this the end? Feeling that his body gradually went from existence to nothing, Tang Longyan finally flashed this sentence in his mind, and then fell into the endless abyss.

But at this moment, at the moment when he was about to give up, a cool**, somehow, could swim freely in his body, just like the touch of Qin Yuning gently patting his forehead in the past, as if his mother stared and called at her by the pillow when she was a child. At this moment, it suddenly felt like a mountain. The flood surged crazily in his body and walked through all the frozen meridians. It was a trace of coldness from her hands when he buried his mother outside Zhuxian Town. This was a trace of coldness that he controlled his heart after the Fumo sword entered the body, and then woke up in his body!

Qin Bing stared at the huge ice hockey in front of her, shook her head helplessly and said to herself, "It seems that things are not as I imagined. Your body has not inherited the Xuanwu blood of Sister Bing." After saying that, he didn't seem to have the intention of rescuing Tang Longyan and turned away.

At this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly came from the ice ball behind him. Qin Bing, who had turned around, trembled and suddenly turned around, but found that if it was ordinary in front of him, nothing had happened.

Is this my illusion? Qin Bingning shook her head. When she was about to turn around, she saw clearly. This time, the white light was brighter and more dazzling than the one just now, so that even if it was still close to evening, the white light was still clearly visible. At this moment, the ice ball "banged" and scattered, and an ice blade suddenly attacked Qin Bingning with a supreme arrogance, which turned out to be a cold water and ice blade!

Only when the blood is opened, you can use the swordsmanship of my Xuanwu family! Qin Bingning waved her big sleeve and condensed a piece of ice frost armor. Then she pushed it with her left hand, and there were spikes on the ice frost armor. As soon as those spikes appeared, they kept firing at Tang Longyan for a moment.

"Frost armor flying thorn, but that's it!" Tang Longyan's eyebrows suddenly lit up, waved his left hand, and the frost under his feet suddenly flew up and spread in front of him. Slowly structure pieces of ice crystals. Those sharp thorns kept hitting the newly condensed ice crystal, but only made a crack. As soon as these cracks appeared, they froze again.

What a monster it is to use the ice frost armor so quickly! Qin Bing moved his body and unexpectedly came directly to Tang Longyan's body and stretched out his left hand to the ice crystal condensed by Tang Longyan.

The ice crystals are like dilapidated and decaying pieces. I don't know whether it is because Tang Longyan's defense ability of this ice crystal is indeed insufficient, or because Qin Bingning's finger has a destructive miracle. While Tang Longyan was marveling, Qin Bingning had condensed an ice crystal silver gun in her left hand and shot, and the cold jade sword in her right hand had sprinkled an ice crystal, which was like a flower.

The red light on Tang Longyan's right magic sword has long been extinguished. At this moment, it has been replaced with a layer of frost. The reason seems to be another cold jade sword alive. He waved the magic sword and also waved an ice crystal. The ice crystal fell on the ice gun, condensed out six snowflakes, and then smashed the ice gun!

And he didn't care about the snowflakes on his left arm. Those ice crystals fell on his hand and were directly sucked into his body without any obstruction, nor did he feel like he had just blocked his veins.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Qin Bingning immediately retreated, the cold jade sword waved in the air, and an avalanche hit again! But Tang Longyan raised his left arm without moving at all, and his face remained unchanged. Just as an avalanche like a snow wall rushed to Tang Longyan, Tang Longyan's left palm first touched the wall. In an instant, all the cold air, like a turbulent mountain torrent, poured into Tang Longyan's body crazily. Tang Longyan's eyebrows lit up again, and then an avalanche disappeared.

Heavy snow fell one after another. Tang Longyan looked at his left arm and felt something in his heart. At the moment when he was distracted, Qin Bingning's figure had appeared in front of him. At this moment, Qin Bingning had put the cold jade sword into the scabbard, and his right hand had stopped on Tang Longyan's forehead.

Is it the Xuanbing finger again? Tang Longyan was shocked. Just now, Qin Yuning used only a little and easily destroyed the ice frost armor, but he touched his body again and found that it was undamaged. He raised his head and looked at Qin Bingning with a smile in front of him.

"You are as persistent as your father, but only in this way can you stimulate the Xuanwu bloodline passed on to you by your mother. The conditions for opening the scars are too difficult. I must completely exhaust the red flame in your body and then pour it into my ice. However, you finally lived up to my expectations. This time, you suffered for your father, and this time, you owe your Aunt Bing. After saying that, Qin Bingning stretched out her hand, nodded a trembling on Tang Longyan's forehead, and then slowly fell down.

So it is! Tang Longyan hurriedly held Qin Bingning. Only then did he know that the comparison was just a cover. Qin Bingning's real purpose was to stimulate the scars in his body, but Tang Longyan immediately frowned. He did not know that it was the scars that his mother had passed to his body. Why did Qin Bingning know? He saw that Qin Bingning was unconscious because of too much loss of true qi, and immediately aimed it at her palm and transported the cold ice in his body.

Qin Bingning just consumed too much real qi. As soon as Tang Longyan's true qi came, she was immediately alert. Even if she woke up and sat on the ground and began to meditate to recover her true qi, as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt that Tang Longyan seemed to have something to ask, so she said, "You want to ask me why I know that you have scars in your body, because This scar is originally one. From the moment I saw you, I knew that the scar was in your body. Although Sister Bing brought the scar out of the Xuanwu clan, she would never lose it.

Tang Longyan asked again, "Then why do you work so hard to force this scar out? If you tell each other bluntly, I will naturally return it with both hands. Why do I have to work so much effort? In the end, I even let you consume so much real anger. I almost regarded you as a villain.

"Because the ice formation requires six or more people to complete the array, now the talents of the Xuanwu family have withered, and few people with pure blood, not to mention activating the blood in the body to awaken the power of inheritance. You don't have to worry. When I recover, I will naturally treat Miss Yu. It's just what I mentioned before. You have to think about it. Qin Bingning closed her eyes tightly and said slowly.

Tang Longyan shook his head and denied Qin Bingning's words: "Aunt Bing, not to mention whether the cold-hearted sister agrees or not, from my personal point of view, I will not agree with you to say that she will be the next Xuanwu saint. You'd better give up your mind about this matter. There is another question. I'm afraid that the cold jade can't be returned to the Xuanwu family, because as early as half a year ago, the cold jade had already been smashed to the ground by the current emperor.

"Do you think that's the sacred jade of our clan?" Qin Bingning suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Tang Longyan, then closed her eyes again and smiled, "Also, the thing I asked you to consider is to become a Xuanwu saint... The matter is more complicated. I will explain it to you when the time is ripe." After saying that, he never spoke again.

When Tang Longyan saw that she was meditating at ease and felt that he would disturb her here, he picked her up and said, "Aunt Lao Bing has taken too much energy, so his little nephew will not disturb Aunt Bing's further study." After saying that, he turned around and left.

As soon as he took a few steps, Qin Bingning's voice behind him came: "You should also prepare yourself. Miss Yu's internal injury can no longer be delayed. Tonight, she will start to prepare a formation to heal her wounds. Remember." After saying that, there was no more movement.

Tang Longyan nodded to Qin Bingning. She didn't know whether she could see it or not. She turned around and walked out of the yard. In the corner of the yard, a peach tree was quietly looking at what was happening in front of her.