Mythical Beast

Chapter 254 Prepare to go on an expedition

Time flies, and it was three days in a blink of an eye. This morning, Tang Longyan suddenly came to the school yard to inspect this group of new dragon cavalry. Everyone was naturally very excited to see the leader here. After all, after that speech, Tang Longyan has been unable to come to meet the crowd because of pain, which also makes many soldiers of the dragon cavalry quite sorry.

These cavalrymen saw Tang Longyan walking towards him. When they came out of their strength and galloped, they took off the light crossbow, aimed at the target slightly, and directly shot the arrow. The long arrow hit the bull'seye with a "swish".

Tang Longyan nodded approvingly. The cavalry was very proud. When he was about to show off with his companions, he suddenly found a figure in front of him suddenly flashing out. He looked at the place where Tang Longyan had just stood and found that there was only a figure slowly pulling away.

This is the shadow! As soon as the cavalry reacted, his whole body had already been thrown off the horse by Tang Longyan. The cavalry had not yet landed on the ground. Long Qian and Long Kun had already taken him firmly and put him on the ground. On the other side, an archer not far away stared at his hands incredulously, and the long bow and the arrow barrel next to him had just been firmly grasped by him had long been unknown.

On the back of the horse, Tang Longyan clamped his legs and ran wildly. At the same time, he pulled the long bow he had just captured like a full moon. Then his right hand loosened and instantly shot three consecutive arrows at three targets in the distance. Just now, the soldier tilted his head slightly and found that there was no long arrow on the three targets. When he took a closer look, he found that the bullseye of the three targets had been shot through.

After the proud soldier saw Tang Longyan's ability, he immediately said no. Tang Longyan turned over and got off his horse, stepped forward, patted the cavalry on the shoulder, and smiled, "You must not be brave and be arrogant. You need to calm down to achieve your skills."

The cavalry was personally instructed by Tang Longyan and immediately hugged his fist and said, "I understand." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to get in touch again.

"Come back, you don't have to practice. You stay here for a while. Long Qianlongkun listened to the order and ordered the dragon cavalry to stop training and gather here. I have something to say. Tang Longyan took a few steps forward and gave the order. But then, the cavalry beside him found a trace of worry and depression in his eyes at this time.

For a moment, the well-trained dragoons gathered here. Tang Longyan looked at the cavalry of about 600 people in front of him with deep meaning, and his heart was full of ups and downs, mixed with uneasiness and restlessness, which surged in his heart, making him silent for a moment.

When everyone saw that Tang Longyan's leader was silent, they were slightly puzzled, but the dragon cavalry had always been disciplined. Although the Longxiao Department had been built for only a few days, under the leadership of the original Dragon Spirit Department, it had already become a strict mistake of the military aircraft at this moment. At this time, Tang Longyan did not say anything, and the bottom was also silent.

Tang Longyan sighed and suddenly said to everyone, "Today, everyone goes to the account room to get five taels of silver and get together with their brothers and friends. Tonight, everyone will gather in the wild forest three miles away from the West Gate. During this period, you will have about half an hour to freely enter and exit the West Gate, so it is best for dozens of people to travel together. Don't attract the attention of others, don't bring anything, replace equipment and horses there. He then lowered his voice and said, "This matter involves the life and death of the whole state. You must not leak any information. If someone loses his temper, there will be no forgiveness!" Gather the troops and set out at three o'clock and never stop and wait. Do you understand?

"We will never forget the words of the leader!" Without saying anything else, everyone knew about tonight's action as soon as they heard Tang Longyan's order. Since they first joined the dragon cavalry, the words that Tang Longyan once said in front of them that the two armies advanced head-on during the confrontation have proved to be wrong. Everyone knows that although the dragon cavalry is brave, it is almost impossible to fight head-on with 100,000 troops. It is almost impossible for 600 people in their area to take the middle camp directly and capture the commander of the Liao army. The idea of sneak attack behind the enemy has emerged in the minds of more and more people, but no one will believe that this unit of less than 600 people can successfully bypass the right-wing troops of the Liaoning army and successfully go around the enemy's rear without being detected at all.

But in any case, as soon as Tang Longyan said this, everyone has understood that today may be the last day to stay in Daizhou City. Even so, no one complained at this moment, because at this moment when entering the dragon cavalry, everyone has handed over their lives to Tang Longyan, no matter what Defeat.

"That's it. I'll meet one of you on the street later. If you don't invite me to drink, be careful that I will deduct military personnel! Disband!" After saying that, Tang Longyan waved his right arm and turned away.

Xijing Datong Mansion, in the army commander's camp. At this time, Xiao Du and Li Zheng, the governor of Daliao, were discussing military affairs with everyone, and suddenly there was a message outside the account: "Li Chonghui, the commander of Ma Bujun, has something important to report."

Xiao Tuoli raised his head and said, "See you!" After saying that, the man has come to the big account.

Li Chonghui came to Xiao Dali in three or two steps and hugged his fist and said, "The commander, the detectives placed by our army in the Song army have been rewarded, saying that a group of cavalry had entered Daizhou the day before yesterday. Presumably have been in contact with Yang Ye at this time. Not only that, the 3,000 soldiers of the rosefinch clan mentioned by the national division have also been in place. But in terms of the number of the other party, the detective reported more than 30,000.

Xiao Tuoli waved his hand and said, "There are more than 30,000 people? If everyone reports this number, I'm afraid that all the spies we placed in the Song army have been taken down. If you say more than 10,000 people, you can believe me, but if you say 30,000, hum, is Ben Shuai a fool? By the way, that team of cavalry was sent by Pan Mei to assist Yang Ye?

"According to the report of the front scouts, Pan Mei did not send troops to support Yang Ye. According to the news of the detectives, this team of soldiers is the former Black Fire Cavalry." Speaking of this, even if he was a general like Li Chonghui, he still couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Black Fire Cavalry!" Xiao Yuli's expression changed and his eyebrows frowned, as if he was very afraid of these four words.

After a pause, Li Chong regretted and continued: "And according to the return of the detectives, they may launch an impact on our army, that is, the camp of the commander, intending to capture you alive and end the war."

"The heavy cavalry assaulted the army and directly attacked the commander's battalion? Even if his black cavalry is brave, it is absolutely impossible to do it. They were indeed arrested." Xiao Doli shook his head and could not deny it.

Li Chong paused and said, "Marshal, you must guard against others. Although the Black Fire Cavalry does not have such strength, if they cover the back road and hit the army directly, they are afraid that the general will be in danger. If possible, please avoid it.

Xiao Tuoli sneered and said, "It's not necessary. Even if they have the desire to make a detour, it is absolutely impossible to achieve it. They can have the strength to attack. Don't I have the strength to defend? Black flame cavalry, if you really dare to make a detour and sneak attack, my two armies will definitely surprise you!" He looked up at Li Chonghui and said, "I ordered the scouts to pay more attention to prevent sneak attacks. Prepare the three armies and attack in three days!"

On this day, the business of the pub in Dai County was particularly good, with laughter and boxing and drinking everywhere. The soldiers took off their military uniforms and staggered with their own people, which was very lively. But they just keep persuading them to drink. They don't drink too much, and many people look at the sky from time to time and seem to be quite concerned about time.

In the woods three miles away from the west gate, Tang Longyan and more than 300 dragon cavalry had already been waiting here. Tang Longyan had been looking up at the sky without saying anything. There was silence all around him. If it hadn't been for the atmosphere of killing around him, it would have been just like usual.

In a short time, the first dragon cavalry came over, and then 10, 20 and 100. In the end, there was already a black stand here. Tang Longyan did not count the number of people, because he said that if he was reluctant, he would not come, but he believed that these people were not greedy and afraid of death.

He pointed to the horse's armament beside him and said, "Each person has a set of armor blades and a war horse. I'll give you a piece of incense. Go ahead."

At this moment, a calm and old voice came over with a trace of old voice: "You can wear a horse by yourself. It's really well equipped. It seems that you didn't show all the equipment in the battle on the school field in the past. The cavalry in your hand is indeed not at the same level as the one in my hand, Lao Fu Gan Bye-bye." But Yang Ye came over.

Tang Longyan immediately smiled and said, "These are all things left by my father and uncle. Except for the improved light crossbow, everything else was prepared by my grandfather when he followed Taizu to fight. These things are all made to kill the Liao people." Then, he looked at the dragon cavalry who quickly changed clothes and sighed, "Only this time, the general handed over the key to Yanmen and handed over all the elites to me. I'm afraid that it will be difficult for my subordinates to complete the task successfully."

Yang Ye patted him on the shoulder and said righteously, "You don't need to hesitate like this. Just try your best. The road ahead is bumpy. Please pay more attention. Xiao Duoli is not so easy to deal with. By the way, these people insisted on pestering me and asked him to bring me to see you. After saying that, he pointed behind him, and several people immediately appeared.

Tang Longyan fixed his eyes and immediately felt a little angry and helpless. The people who stayed here were not only Tang Cangye, Shuang'er and Tang Xuerou, who came with him and said they wanted to help, but also those who were forced to join the dragon cavalry. In the end, they were secretly hidden by Tang Longyan and put on the generation. Du Youran and Huang Luohan in the state city.

At this time, a delicate voice suddenly sounded behind Tang Longyan: "Little brother, why didn't you take me with you this time?"