Divine Book

Chapter 12 Skinning the Jungle

"If I don't protect you, I won't be worried." Liu Tiantian's expression is more serious than ever.

Ma Xiaochao looked at her in surprise and felt a little strange. But I can't think of anything strange. So let An Caiwei and the other three wait in place and don't run around.

"What's wrong with the jungle in front of you?" Ma Xiaochao and Liu Tiantian walked a while, and Ma Xiaochao couldn't help asking questions.

"This is the skinning jungle." Liu Tiantian's answer is very concise. And Ma Xiao supernatural doesn't know what it means to peel the jungle. I just think the name is a little creepy.

Ma Xiaochao and Liu Tiantian entered the jungle. Under the golden and white moonlight, the peeling jungle looked particularly strange, emitting a quiet sound everywhere. And the two walked all the way, and no creature appeared here.

The mottled tree shadow makes the moonlight dim, and the calm journey makes the surrounding quiet sound very scary. Ma Xiaochao and Liu Tiantian are both fearless people. So I didn't take the surrounding atmosphere seriously.

"Ma Xiaochao, do you know?" Liu Tiantian suddenly stopped and faced Ma Xiaochao.

"Ah..." Ma Xiaochao was shocked by Liu Tiantian, "What's wrong?"

"Do you know? Your personality is very annoying!" Liu Tiantian frowned slightly, "Why did you break into Weiwei's world? Why did you become her son-in-law?

"I can't say it." Ma Xiaochao has begun to doubt whether Liu Tiantian can see his relationship with An Caiwei. Ma Xiaochao thought about it carefully, and there were no flaws along the way.

"Can't you say it?" Liu Tiantian regained her expressionless face again, "Then let me ask you, do you love her? If you don't love her, why do you carry the name of a son-in-law? If you love her, why don't you admit it?

"I..." Ma Xiaochao didn't know how to answer Liu Tiantian for a moment. In ignorant youth, everyone will have a throbbing for the opposite sex. Cute, what is it? Ma Xiaochao didn't know. He didn't dare to think about it. He didn't know whether he loved An Caiwei or any of them.

Ma Xiaochao admitted that he likes these four girls very much. However, Ma Xiaochao is not sure about love at all. Therefore, when Liu Tiantian asked him, he was silent.

"I can see it. You love her, and you also love the three of us. Although Liu Tiantian didn't say much, every word was shocking.

"I..." Ma Xiaochao opened his eyes wide and didn't expect Liu Tiantian to say so. Unexpectedly, Ma Xiaochao said that he loved her.

"When facing the enemy, you are always the first to rush up. The first one is in front of us. And when facing us, you are always so gentle. In the face of the choice, you also did not hesitate to take responsibility for us. Do you know? That desperate ropeway is almost a corridor to hell. Liu Tiantian stared at Ma Xiaochao seriously and said apologetically.

Ma Xiaochao didn't say anything. The moonlight in the stripped jungle has never been immutable. At least at this time, it looks very elegant.

"I didn't tell you that only people with outstanding strength or firm belief can pass that desperate ropeway. If it hadn't been for you at that time, you would have assumed that responsibility without hesitation. I think I still have a grudge against you until now. Liu Tiantian took a step forward and took Ma Xiaochao's hand.

"I want to ask you one thing. If you don't agree, I won't force you." Liu Tiantian raised her face and looked at Ma Xiaochao's eyes attentively, "Can you leave the princess?"

"Leave the princess?" Ma Xiaochao didn't react for a moment. What does Liu Tiantian mean? Did this girl really fall in love with me?

"Yes, the princess's fate is destined for her to become a person who competes with the Kui Shen. And Kui Shen is an unimaginable opponent. I don't want any of you to be a victim under the curse of Kui. Liu Tiantian's eyes are already full of crystal**, "Whapp or Weiwei, Xiaofei, or Qianxue and you. I don't want to watch you die one after another in front of my eyes. I'm afraid that I will lose you. Dragon Empire, can we stop going? Weiwei continued to be her princess, Qianxue and Xiaofei, and continued to be their daughter. And I escorted the caravan for others. In this way, isn't it good for us to live a peaceful life?

"It's not good!" Ma Xiaochao was a little angry, "You know. If we don't defeat the Kui God, the world will be shrouded in darkness. At that time, who could live a peaceful life?

"Kui Shen is now seriously injured. If he wants to regain his strength, it will take at least a few decades. And these decades are enough for us to live a peaceful life. Ma Xiaochao, please, don't fight against Kui Shen, okay? We are not the opponents of Kui Shen. We will all be killed by him!" Liu Tiantian was extremely anxious, but she still resisted the tears in her eyes.

"If the Kui God gathers 14 dark sacred artifacts. His strength can be restored in an instant. Kui Shen has so many men, and it is easy to find the sacred artifact. Not to mention decades, I'm afraid we don't even have a few years. Ma Xiaochao came forward and hugged Liu Tiantian, "I promise you that no matter what happens, I will not die. I will protect everyone around me and prevent any of them from suffering even a little grievance.

Ma Xiaochao's arms are as warm as the spring breeze, melting Liu Tian's cold heart. At this moment, Liu Tiantian suddenly felt that she had an unprecedented sense of security.

"However, our enemy is a powerful Kui God after all!" After all, Liu Tiantian is still worried. After all, Ma Xiaochao's strength is still too weak.

"Since I promised you. How can you be so easily scared?" Ma Xiaochao touched Liu Tiantian's head, "If I want to stand at the peak of the world, I'm afraid that I can't eliminate the district leader? Look, one day your man will make the whole world tremble for him!"

Liu Tiantian's face suddenly turned red. What is "your man"? Immediately wanted to break free from Ma Xiaochao's arms, but Ma Xiaochao held it tighter.

"I won't let anyone bully you! Sweetie, be my girlfriend!" Ma Xiaochao's confession is extremely childish. After all, he is a rookie who has never been in love!

"But... you have a wife." Liu Tiantian's face was full of resentment. The world is full of wonders. This iceberg-like woman actually expressed her heart to Ma Xiaochao so boldly. Ma Xiao's supernatural will not disappoint her feelings.

"You know. I love any of the four. So, I won't let any of you leave me. My love for you is my truest and deepest love. No one is more, no one is less. What you get will be my sincerity. Ma Xiaochao hugged Liu Tiantian and whispered gently in her ear.

Papa--! Countless applause sounded around. And the quiet sound suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Ma Xiaochao and Liu Tiantian quickly became alert. But the moon in the air seemed to be frightened and hid.

The thick red fog dispersed. Ma Xiaochao and Liu Tiantian's nasal cavity was full of magazines. Liu Tiantian reacted very quickly, holding her breath and signaling Ma Xiaochao to do the same. Ma Xiaochao's reaction was not slow, and the smoke did not have much impact on the two.

"That's wonderful! I didn't expect that young people nowadays dare to come to my skinning jungle tryst!" The voice of a magnetic woman came into their ears.

In the thick fog, a shadow came slowly. The graceful, exquisite curves and graceful steps are enough to make all men fall in love with her.

The shadow gradually approached, and Ma Xiaochao and Liu Tiantian finally saw it clearly. This is indeed a rare beauty, wearing a tight long skirt and an arc behind her head, swinging on her shoulders.

The woman smiled. Looking at the disappearing moon in the sky, he frowned.

"Well, I don't know if I scared them? It's still my beauty that makes them have no face to appear in the sky again. The woman stroked her face and sighed.

Since Ma Xiaochao came to this world, all the women she sees are beautiful women, and everyone's beauty is different styles. But in this woman, it seems to be a collection of all styles and beautiful things.

Cut noodles! Ma Xiaochao closed his eyes, and he always felt that the woman was using charm to him. If he is a little careless, his 18 years of guarding himself will come to an end.

Liu Tiantian stared at the woman in front of her and had grasped the scabbard. As long as the woman had any irregular behavior, she immediately launched an attack.

"This sister, look at your sword eyebrows and stars, and you are heroic. I think you have practiced martial arts since you were a child. Your strength is extraordinary, right? The handsome man around you doesn't look good, but the means of cheating girls are very smart!" The woman smiled, and the trees around her trembled with her smile.

"Who are you?" Liu Tiantian is not in the mood to listen to this woman. Now she just wants to figure out whether this woman is an enemy or a friend.

"Who am I?" The woman suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha, of course I'm the owner of the skinning jungle!"