Divine Book

Chapter 52 The Birth of the Dynasty 4

The reason why Ma Xiaochao wanted to say those words to Luo Wenxi was that just now, a super curse he dreamed of was waking up in his body. If you master this forbidden spell, Ma Xiaochao will have a real immortal body.

This forbidden spell is naturally from the inheritance of Alex - the fire of Nirvana! When life runs out and chants spells, then at the moment of death, the body will be burned out, the soul will be preserved, and the flame will recast a body, stronger than the previous one.

But this forbidden spell can only be used when your life is in danger. Naturally, it is an extremely dangerous skill. If you are killed by others before the spell is recited, the fire of Nirvana will not cover the whole body.

But Ma Xiaochao has a magical prop called Unbounded Necklace! This necklace is a fairy prop, but it has the ability to be more sacred.

The reason why the unbounded necklace is only a fairy is that the unbounded necklace can only be used three times in this life. And once it is used, it can no longer be repaired. When all three opportunities are used up, the necklace will return to ordinary.

As for the effect of this necklace, it is really an unbounded door! Let all magic not need to sing, and at the same time surpass its own level, launch a curse that is far stronger than its own strength, and it continues.

If you don't have enough mental strength, strong will and belief in victory, no one will want to use this necklace. After all, the side effects of this necklace are too great. After using the forbidden spell, I'm afraid I'm dying.

However, Ma Xiaochao, who has the fire of nirvana, can use this strange necklace unscrupulously! Ma Xiaochao has mastered something since he used the unbounded necklace last time. This time, he believes that he will not faint again.

"Gate of No Boundary - The Forbidden Curse will last forever!" Ma Xiaochao recited a short spell, and the long bow in his hand fell on his back. The dagger flew around, and countless fires enveloped Ma Xiaochao, like a whirlpool of flames.

"Forbidden spells and flames!" Ma Xiaochao's hands were not soft at all, and he didn't need soft hands at all. The fire rain fell all over the sky and hit the crowd behind the red spider with a scorching temperature.

"Forbid the curse and burn all the eight wastes!" The sky and the ground proceeded at the same time. Ma Xiaochao did not intend to give the enemy a chance to breathe, and he also slowly walked to the enemy's front.

"Is he going to die?" Huangfugui's experience is old, and he can see that Ma Xiaochao's action is no different from death. Even if his forbidden spell can take away most of the opponent's combat strength, he is also in danger and will inevitably suffer the stormy attack of the other party.

Even if Ma Xiaochao has the phoenix feather coat and the blood of the undead bird, I'm afraid he has no ability to resist in the face of such an intensive attack!

The red spider made a decision immediately. Seeing that Ma Xiaochao's whole body was wrapped in a forbidden curse, he rushed to his camp and immediately shouted, "Don't panic, everyone concentrated their fire to attack him!" As soon as he dies, the Xintian League will be completely over!"

The words of the red spider work very well at this time. After all, the previous performance has made the members of the Blood League begin to trust the red spider. Since the red spider has a way to stop Ma Xiaochao, everyone is naturally willing to help.

Ma Xiaochao does not need to sing magic when the door of boundless is opened, that is to say, he can cast spells infinitely in this short period of time. As long as these magics are not too much for the loss of spiritual power, it doesn't matter how many times he uses them.

The Wall of the Wind! The wind is flexible! Lei Yujiu! Empty wall! Interlaced space!" Ma Xiaochao put countless shields on himself in one breath and opened his magic shield.

"What, overlapping casting!" The red spider clearly saw Ma Xiaochao's casting action. He did not recite spells or cast spells at all. In just a moment, it summoned countless large forbidden spells, and what he was wearing was all gas magic.

The red spider panicked that Ma Xiaochao actually mastered so much gas magic, so why did he say that he was a pure fire magic practicer? Moreover, what does the long bow on his back do? How can he use a dagger?

If it hadn't seen Ma Xiaochao constantly use magic, the red spider would have thought that Ma Xiaochao was a hunter who made a living by hunting.

When the red spider saw that almost everyone in his camp had the same emotion as himself, he suddenly felt bad and shouted, "This guy's shield is not invincible. Everyone attacks with the strongest magic!" It is bound to kill him in a short time!"

"Dad, shall we support him?" Luo Wenxi looked at Ma Xiaochao anxiously. If it goes on like this, he will be killed by the other party's bombardment!

Luo Dingtian gritted his teeth and looked at Huangfugui. After all, Ma Xiaochao had previously ordered that all people should listen to Huangfugui's command and not act rashly.

Huangfu naturally understood Luo Wenxi and Luo Dingtian's thoughts, but he closed his eyes and shook his head gently and said, "This is his own decision. We can't disturb him. Maybe he has some anti-sky means!"

Luo Dingtian swallowed his saliva and went against the sky. Is it really such an easy thing? However, Ma Xiaochao's performance is enough to describe it as anti-sky.

The forbidden spell, which ordinary people can't reach, was thrown around like mud by Ma Xiaochao, and there are more than a dozen of them, each with infinite power.

Maybe this boy really has the power to turn the world around. After all, after this period of getting along with each other, Ma Xiaochao brought too much shock to Luo Dingtian.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Ma Xiaochao endured the other party's attack with difficulty and kept throwing out the forbidden spell. His mind was blank, and there was only an idea to kill all the enemies in front of him.

is such an idea that supported Ma Xiaochao to walk into the enemy's formation. At this moment, Ma Xiaochao has been bruised all over, and his consciousness has gradually blurred.

"You can't faint, you can't faint!" Ma Xiaochao kept warning himself in his heart, "If you faint, it's all over. I still have to use the unbounded necklace again!"

Nirvana fire, this magical magic, although extremely dangerous, also has a fascinating charm. That is, it can refresh not only the user's body, but also the props that the user is using!

That is to say, once Ma Xiaochao successfully uses the fire of Nirvana, the unbounded necklace can be reused immediately. Ma Xiaochao nervously calculated the time when he was about to die, and also paid attention to the opponent's super magic attack.

The red spider seemed to see something, but wandered outside the scope of Ma Xiaochao's forbidden curse. Waiting for the moment when Ma Xiaochao's life was about to run out, she would do her best to grab Ma Xiaochao's head.

Ma Xiaochao's head is not only of great help to improve his reputation, but also enough to deter this group of rabbles temporarily.

After a moment of hesitation, Ma Xiaochao decided to use the fire of nirvana in advance! After all, the skill of Nirvana fire still needs to be spelled, and the unbounded necklace does not work.

Seeing that Ma Xiaochao's expression seemed to be a little different from just now, the red spider immediately grabbed it with an arrow step, and the leather whip in his hand suddenly waved a line of fire on the ground, followed by another whip, sweeping the forehead in the air, and also drew a line of fire.

"Double dragon jaw flash!" The red spider read the name of this magic loudly, which is obviously created by herself. The magic that the church has never stipulated to practice is extremely powerful. In the face of the dying Ma Xiaochao, this move can definitely break Ma Xiaochao's soul!

"No!" Luo Wenxi screamed and watched Ma Xiaochao swallow up by the flames, but he was powerless and knelt down heavily on the ground.

"Get up!" Luo Dingtian pulled up Luo Wenxi, "How can you lead your Xintian League when you fall at this time? Once you collapse, who else can trust your men?

Luo Wenxi was stunned and looked at Ma Xiaochao, who was wrapped in the red flame. Suddenly, he thought that it was this man who had always blocked all kinds of crises in front of him and cleared up one obstacle after another for himself, and he was just sitting and enjoying his success.

Luo Wenxi raised his head, looked at the blue flame at the far end, and took a deep breath: "Dad, don't worry, I won't let him die for nothing!"

Luo Wenxi shook his long hair, slowly turned around and shouted to all the members of the Xintian League: "You see, your boss chose brave sacrifices for us, for the glory of our Xintian League, and for the future of the bloody city. Will you make his death worthless?

"No!" Qi brushed his answer and gathered together, and did not lower morale because of Ma Xiaochao's death.

"So can you look at these enemies in front of you and wander in front of you so freely? Don't you want to avenge your boss? Can you let them leave alive?!"

"Of course not!" With the same answer, everyone in the Xintian League looked at Huangfu's return angrily. As long as the old man did not order, they could not attack.

"Wait a minute." Huangfugui suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the blue flame. "The flame of the two dragons' jaws is red, but the flame you see is blue!"

"What does this represent?" Luo Dingtian naturally wants to be the first to ask. After all, only he has the status and experience of dialogue with Huangfu.

"Maybe, this is the flame of the boy himself, maybe!" A trace of wisdom flashed in Huangfu's eyes.

"It's not good! Everyone continue to attack, don't stop! Try to kill him before the flame burns!" The red spider's ears were excellent. Hearing Huangfu's speculation, he was shocked and ordered to continue the fierce attack.

At this time, Ma Xiaochao fell into a wonderful feeling. The scene in front of him was no longer a bloody city, but a fresh sea full of flowers. Ma Xiaochao lay on a cloud and bathed in the warm sunshine. Everything is so quiet and peaceful.

Is this death? Is this dead? Ma Xiaochao experienced this wonderful feeling. Indeed, death is a beautiful thing. But the fear before death and the unwillingness after death make everyone unwilling to face the moment when death comes.

Flame, Nirvana! These four words suddenly flashed in Ma Xiaochao's mind, and he felt that he was warmed and protected by countless flames. The flames are giving him strength and giving him a new life!

"The Fire of Nirvana!" The flame on Ma Xiaochao's body suddenly faded, and a brand-new Ma Xiaochao appeared in front of everyone again, and the strength of the bloody alliance had long been consumed by Ma Xiaochao.

"Gate of No Boundary - The Forbidden Curse will last forever!" Ma Xiaochao recited the spell again, and countless forbidden spells swept across the battlefield. At the same time, he shouted to the people behind him, "It's time to attack!"

"Roar--!" A roar, accompanied by a violent lightning, fell impartially between the two sides!