Divine Book

Chapter 49 Elf Guardian, Unicorn! On

Hearing the words of the nine ghosts and scorpions, Ma Xiaochao's heart sank. Being able to directly break through to the fifth stage is enough to prove the power of this warcraft. Ma Xiaochao can't wait to see what this monster looks like.

Lu Bo's pace became very slow and careful. His eyes told Ma Xiaochao that Lu Bo was really scared. For those who want to enter the elves, the guardian beast of the elves is indeed a terrible existence.

Layers of trees gradually separated, and a holy light shrouded a large open space. Ma Xiaochao opened his mouth in surprise. He was too familiar with the warcraft in front of him. When I was on earth, there was this monster in many animations. It looks like a deer, with ribs and wings, and the whole body is snow-white and spotless feathers. Yes, it is feathers. And its whole head is a horse's head, giving birth to a golden one-horn at the forehead.

Yes, this is what Ma Xiaochao often sees in various film and television works, which represents the holy warcraft - unicorn!

Ma Xiaochao doesn't know what level this unicorn is, spirit beast? Monster? Fairy beast? Or a mythical beast? However, Jiuyou has clearly told Ma Xiaochao that this warcraft is more powerful than the super mythical beast. Then, Ma Xiaochao must raise his twelve-point spirit to face this unicorn.

This unicorn is sacred, white and flawless, leaving no blasphemy at all. Ma Xiaochao instinctively doesn't want to fight this unicorn. But the unicorn has seen Ma Xiaochao and others. A gentle and majestic female voice said, "Do you want to break into the center of this psychedelic forest and go to the elves?"

Ma Xiaochao swallowed his saliva. In the face of such a sacred warcraft, it is impossible without pressure. He nodded faintly and said, "Yes, I have a lot of things that can only be done by the elf clan."

"However, the elves have long been isolated from the world and do not want to be disturbed by the outside world. I advise you to go. As for what you want to do, the elves may not be able to help. You should know that many questions don't have only one answer. The unicorn's eyes have been locked on Ma Xiaochao's body, but the air machine all over the body enveloped everyone.

"If it goes on like this, the elves will become extinct sooner or later." Ma Xiaochao suddenly turned his face, turned his back to the unicorn, and said indifferently, "The ratio of men to women in the elf clan has always been very strange, and the fertility of the elf clan, hehe, I don't need to say more. He has been in a state of self-retained. What hope is there besides sinking and degenerating?

The eyelids of the unicorn hang down. Ma Xiaochao is right. The women of the elf clan are always ten times that of men, and the most important thing in the life of the elf clan is their chastity. A male elf can only have one partner in his life. The long life has also made the elves gradually ignore the importance of breeding their offspring. In the long run, their fertility has long deteriorated. Until now, the elves have realized the gradual decline of the race, precisely because the speed of reproduction is not as fast as other races.

I didn't expect this human to break the troubles of the elf clan in one word. It seems that this human knows the elf clan very well. The unicorn blinked his eyes and said lightly, "Then there's nothing we can do. It is impossible for elves to marry other races. Once, those semi-elves, demons and blood elves did not have the purity of the elf clan, but became the evil race on the mainland and finally extinct. The Elf clan no longer wants those races to reappear.

Ma Xiaochao shook his head and said, "This is the final ending of the elf clan. No one can do anything about it. I just told the reality. Moreover, I think the elf clan will soon be abandoned by the heavenly clan and become the target of their next attack.

"Nonsense!" The unicorn suddenly became excited: "The elves have always been a peace-loving race, if there were no other races plot against us. We elves never provoke trouble."

"You love peace, but others may not love peace. Peace-loving races will always be invaded by others. I want to see your queen. I have something important to ask her. Ma Xiaochao knew that he would not be able to convince this unicorn for a while. If it really didn't work, he could only break through.

"Important things?" The unicorn said, "That's what everyone who tries to harm the elves says. Who will believe you? With me here, I won't let any creatures who don't belong to the elf clan enter here.

Ma Xiaochao was anxious and angry. He took out the branch and said, "I really have something very important!"

"This...this branch! Where did you get it? The unicorn suddenly flew in front of Ma Xiaochao, and his breath was full of murder, locking Ma Xiaochao firmly.

Ma Xiaochao put the true air all over his body to fight against the unicorn's air machine, which really made him a little uncomfortable. Spread the branch and said, "I must go and tell your queen in person, I can't tell you!"

"What?!" The unicorn's eyes were suddenly full of blood. He suddenly lowered his head and looked up again, and the unicorn on his forehead hit Ma Xiaochao's chest with a strong wind. Ma Xiaochao was caught off guard, and his whole body was knocked away. He drew a black arc in the air and fell heavily on the ground. The blood followed the position of the heart and left out with a pungent smell.

The sudden attack of the unicorn made Ma Xiaochao very angry and said, "You actually made a sneak attack!"

"Since you don't want to tell me where you got this branch, I have to kill you first, then take out your brain and dig out the memory inside!" The unicorn seemed to care about the branches. As soon as the words fell, countless golden lights gathered all over its body and kept converging towards the golden horns overhead.

Ma Xiaochao felt cold when he heard the words of the unicorn. Of course, he can't tell the unicorn how the branch got it. Because that is equivalent to admitting in disguise that Liyue was killed by Ma Xiaochao, so not to mention the unicorn, I'm afraid the whole elf clan will not let him go. Ma Xiaochao is not so impulsive.

The light of the unicorn gathered quickly. In a blink of an eye, the golden horn was full of light and condensed into a golden lightsaber in midair. The lightsaber was also fantastic and suddenly went straight to the sky. Ma Xiaochao looked at the sky. When the lightsaber reached the top of the sky, it suddenly fell, and the place where it fell was Ma Xiaochao's head.

Ma Xiaochao was shocked and said, "Since you want to kill me, I have to kill you first." You elves don't seem to be trustworthy allies either!"

Ma Xiaochao's words made the unicorn even more angry. The lightsaber had not yet fallen. His front hoof was raised and his head kept shaking up and down. The lightshes were like a meteor shower, flying towards Ma Xiaochao with lightning speed.

Ma Xiaochao sighed that there was no way to dodge this attack. However, Ma Xiaochao still fought back. In the gap between the lightsaber, Ma Xiaochao kept shuttling and releasing the six-yuan magic sword with his left hand. Seeing this, the unicorn opened its mouth slightly, and a huge golden light stood in front of Ma Xiaochao, blocking the six-yuan magic sword. And the unicorn also spread its wings and retreated more than a kilometer away from Ma Xiao.

Ma Xiaochao soon collapsed the light wall, but the attack distance of the six-yuan magic sword was only 120 meters, while the unicorn was thousands of meters away. Ma Xiaochao knows that if he is not close to the unicorn, I'm afraid there is no possibility of winning.

But when Ma Xiaochao rushed forward, the ground suddenly raised a wave. Every step forward, Ma Xiaochao raised a sharp knife-like boulder and stabbed out at Ma Xiaochao's footboard. Ma Xiaochao had to step back to avoid these stones, but in this way, he could not reach the unicorn at all.

At this time, the huge light sword in the sky suddenly floated over Ma Xiaochao's head and cut at Yuxi and Seven Kills behind Ma Xiaochao!