divine universe

Chapter 5 Misunderstanding Deepening

A huge dragon breath spewed out of the dragon's big mouth and fought with Liu Wei's sword spirit. A powerful air wave burst out in the air as if a comet hit the earth, impacting in all directions like a cattail fan.

The dragon scales on one side of the dragon's body were stripped off by sword gas. Each dragon scale was shot in all directions like a flying knife. When it shot at the peak, the peak was broken. When it was shot in the jungle, all the trees were destroyed and reached several meters deep into the ground. Such a naturally painful dragon screamed, and Liu Wei was blown up. High altitude, directly away from the atmosphere. Seven or eight of the sternums in the chest were broken by the huge impact force, and there were some cracks in the bones of the arms and legs. Zidian made a light sound and turned into a stream light to protect Liu Wei's whole body from space radiation.

The power of countless stars came, and the pure power without atmospheric filtration directly rushed into Liu Wei's Dantian. The original chaotic atmosphere in his Dantian seemed to be squeezed by a pressure cooker and was quickly condensed into a ball, compressed from the gaseous state to **, and then from ** to a solid state.

Liu Wei's consciousness is still very clear. The power of stars is still constantly entering Dantian, occupying the surroundings and beginning to pour into the chaotic atmosphere. Under high pressure, the energy will also change qualitatively. The chaotic gas cultivated by Liu Wei was broken by the super power of stars and instantly turned into a wisp of clear air.

Liu Wei with a clear mind smiled bitterly and secretly said that his cultivation state was really strange. He desperately wanted to cultivate the chaotic atmosphere. Fortunately, an injury actually shattered the condensed chaotic atmosphere. The chaotic gas turned into the power of stars and gradually formed the star power that Liu Wei could control.

"Are I regressing or improving?" Liu Wei asked puzzledly, and a message came from the jade pendant: "Everything follows fate. Chaos is not the ultimate point of cultivation. Only the way that suits you is the real way. Why do you force it?"

Suddenly realized that Liu Wei was originally a smart person. At this moment, through the guidance of others, he immediately understood that when running the Zhou Tianxing Tips, all the power of the free stars around him was poured into Dantian, which was slightly refined and turned into pure star power. There seemed to be a magnificent suction in the center of Dantian, and the refined star power was instantly closed. When it was collected to a certain level, a turbid air suddenly burst out in the middle, and the star power was further purified.

After nine times, Liu Wei's Dantian condensed a star core again, pure white, with white flames steaming, spinning, and couldn't help absorbing the power of stars into his body, and then refining a wisp of star power more powerful than the power of stars for him to drive.

Liu Wei looked at Dantian's change and suddenly understood it and said secretly, "Do I have to be free from chaos to further improve?"

Of course, he did not know that the person who created this magic formula in those years was created by secretly in the tune of the birth, extinction and rebirth of the universe, but later generations practiced the golden elixir road. They did not agree with the birth, fragmented and regenerated like suicide. Therefore, the worldly heart method of "Zhou Tianxingju" was buried. After many years, if Liu Wei hadn't been seriously injured and thrown into the universe, it would be even more impossible to absorb so much power of stars, and he would not be able to break the chaos and condense the star core again. Everything can be said to be dangerous and extraordinary, but it is a little doomed.

"Come on, everyone, today is a festive day, and everyone is not drunk~~~" The previous moment was still frightened. At this moment, it is full of joy, but the wine is trembling~~~

The dragon was injured too much, almost half of the dragon scales all over his body were knocked off, and the keel was also broken. Every time he moved, it touched the wound, which was painful. As a last resort, he found a cave to heal his wounds.

As soon as he crossed his knees into the cave, a person fell into the cave. The sun shone on the man, and a long shadow penetrated into the cave on the ground. Long Ju immediately said alertly, "Who is it?"

"Ao Xuehen." The man replied in a loud voice.

Long Zhu's original vigilance suddenly loosened. The proud family has always been a friend of the dragon clan. He was very relieved about the arrival of Ao Xuehen and said happily, "Come in quickly. I'm seriously injured and need to be healed."

Ao Xuehen slowly stepped into it and said in surprise, "Why is Liu Wei so powerful that he beat you like this?"

The dragon said desolately, "I don't know what the boy is practicing. I suffered such a big loss because he controlled all the vitality around me so domineeringly."

"Senior, what do you dare to do next?" Ao Xuehen asked.

Long Su said, "Recuperate the injury first and return to Longze to report it. It's strange that the little dragon will protect Liu Wei. It doesn't look like the forced slave you said. It's strange."

Ao Xuehen's eyes suddenly shined everywhere. He looked at Long Ao and asked, "Senior, what are you talking about? Isn't Liu Wei the heinous enslaved dragon clan?"

Long shook his head and retorted, "I don't think he is. Someone must have made me misunderstand him. He is not a heinous person who thinks about the dragon around him. We must have misunderstood him."

Is it a misunderstanding? Not to mention this for the time being, senior, you should heal the wound first. I have a wooden elixir, which is very effective in healing the wound. I don't know if it will help your injury. Ao Xuehen took out an elixir frankly, and the fragrance of Yimu came from it, which made people feel refreshed.

"Okay, give it to me." As soon as the dragon's big tongue full of saliva, the elixir was swallowed, and the smile on Ao Xuehen's face became more and more mysterious~~~

"Ah, how can my stomach hurt? Ah, it hurts me so much." Long Shou suddenly rolled up on the ground. Ao Xuehen suddenly laughed wildly. Long Shou suddenly understood and stared at him fiercely: "How dare you poison me?"

Ao Xuehen wiped his finger to remove the medicine and said with a sad smile, "Yes, it's me who poisoned."

"Bastard." The dragon swept his tail. Unfortunately, this tail was really short of heat and accurate. It swept the huge stone on the side, and suddenly the cave vibrated continuously. But it didn't hurt the proud snow mark.

"Why?" The dragon's eyes were cracking and asked.

Ao Xuehen looked arrogantly and said, "It's strange that you don't know the current affairs and want to speak for Liu Wei. If you say it, then our proud family will be accused of being provoked and instigated. That's very bad for us. For our proud family, as well as for the dragons and Liu Wei. I have to do this for the sake of the sworn enemy. Just go on your way at ease.

"Bastard, you won't succeed. Don't forget that I am a dragon clan. The dragon is the nemesis of poison in the world. Poisoning me is the stupidest thing you have done. The dragon roared wildly.

"Real?" Ao Xuehen smiled confidently and said, "Indeed, I admit that there is no poison in the world that can poison you dragons, but don't forget that no poison has no effect on you. There are always one or two kinds that can make you hurt for a while. When your strength is weakened to the extreme, I will cut you again. This is not Is it a simple thing?

Long Su felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and he quickly understood, "It was you who put dragon saliva on the elixir. No wonder it smells so good."

"It's not stupid." Ao Xuehen giggled and said, "Yes, our family has been cultivating dragon saliva thousands of years ago. Gaga, dragon saliva is a good thing. You big animals will get drunk when you smell it. If you eat it, you will have abdominal pain for three hours, and your strength will weaken to the bottom. This is the best time for us to take action."

Long Shou shouted, "It turns out that you have made a plan for a long time. Wolf's ambition, you actually wanted to design against our dragon clan early in the morning."

"Not bad. Without absorbing such a powerful power of the dragon clan, we have to bow and bow for you. This is not what our proud children are willing to do. Today, I killed you. Hey hey, drinking your dragon blood can not only improve my strength, but also help our proud enemy set up a powerful sworn enemy. Why not? It's just you, just go on the road at ease." Ao Xuehen showed her fangs in her mouth and slowly walked towards the dragon.

Long's frightened body shrank to the corner of the wall. At this moment, he had no strength at all and could not resist it at all.

"Let me decide." The surrounding aura was fixed in the call of the proud snowhen.

"Ah~~" Ao Xuehen's fangs bit the dragon's neck, and blood poured into his stomach. Ao Xuehen's body bursts of red light, powerful waves rolled out from his body, and there were faint dragon scales under his skin.

"You won't succeed." Long Su opened his mouth and spit out his Yuan Dan, and hit the proud snow mark on his body with his whole body cultivation.

"Good thing." As soon as Ao Xuehen's bloody hand was grasped, Neidan was captured to death. The dragon spewed out a mouthful of blood and smashed it on the ground.

"Good thing." Ao Xuehen swallowed the huge inner elixir in one bite, and saw bursts of dragon breath all over his body after swallowing the inner elixir. His whole body slowly became a blood dragon, and the powerful breath shocked the whole cave collapsed.

"You won't succeed. I won't let you succeed." Long Su spit out the last trace of aura and shot it into Mumian Mountain when the proud snow marks were not paying attention. The comforting smile stiffened on his face, and a dragon was calculated by such a cowardly death by a small man.

After eating the inner elixir, the soaring Ao Xue marks of his whole body smashed the three mountains crazily before stabilizing the inner breath in the body. He burned the body of the dragon with the true fire of samadhi. He thought it was seamless and left with a gloomy smile~~~

The black bream, who was playing with water in the Mumian Valley, was so happy that Liu Wei and others were in retreat. This period of time was really consumed a lot, and everyone needed to retreat to recover.

Suddenly, a spiritual light flew out of the mountain and hit the magic array on the boundary, but surprisingly did not attract the magic array to hit the eyebrows of the falling black dragon. The black dragon, who was still laughing, suddenly stiffened his whole body, and his face twitched for a few days. Several new entry-level disciples who served him Worry asked, "Lord Blackfly, what's wrong with you?"

With a bang, the water in the whole pool was shaken into the sky by the sudden eruption of the black dragonfly. The valley ushered in the long-lost rain. The black dragon cried loudly: "You bastards, you are actually planning our dragon clan. Uncle Long, I'm going to kill you all."

The people who were still in retreat felt the abnormal breath fluctuation of the black owl's whole body and broke through the barrier one after another. As soon as Liu Wei saw the black owl crying in the air, he reached out and waved his big hand to capture him and asked, "What's wrong with you? If it weren't for the ban here, it would have been demolished by you. Do you really want to demolish this valley?

The black dragon cried on Liu Wei's waist and said, "Liu Wei, the proud family killed the dragon. It was the Proud family who blamed you. They want you and the dragon clan to take revenge. You must avenge the dragon."

Men Yu asked doubtfully, "What are you talking about? How can such a powerful dragon be killed by the Proud Family? This is impossible? How did you know that the dragon was killed before you came out of the mountain?

"Did you have a nightmare? Don't be afraid." Zhuge Ping should still do the same and persuaded him.

"No." The black dragon cried and said, "It's true. My dragon clan has its own unique way of sending messages. I just received the message before Long Su died, that is, the Ao family provoked the dragon clan to say that Liu Wei enslaved me. Long Su found that something was wrong and wanted to report all this, but the Ao family actually poisoned him. Whoo, I can Pity's predecessor, Uncle Long finally found the root and was killed by them. I want revenge, revenge, yo~~" The high-alous dragon roared out one after another, as if he was going to pierce the world.

"Shut up." Zhuge Ping couldn't stand his howling and punched him.

"Bastards, you are indeed a group of bastards who enslaved our dragon clan." Thunder and lightning flashed in mid-air, and a white dragon showed its true body from the thunder and lightning. With his hum, the thunder and lightning in the air became more and more dense.

Zhu Geping put away her fist awkwardly, and Liu Wei patted his forehead and said bitterly, "This is a big misunderstanding."

The white dragon came to the boundary as a dragon breath. The white flame hit and burned everything. Five-color streamers broke out on the boundary of the sky, converging against the current and against the flame of the white dragon.

The white dragon stopped the flame in surprise, circled around the boundary, and said, "Good formation, it can actually resist my dragon breath."

Although he couldn't resist, the dragon breath he spewed raised the temperature around him a lot, and the people inside were sweating profusely.

Liu Wei made Zhuge Ping look for help. Zhuge Ping waved unwillingly. Suddenly, snowflakes flew in the boundary and the temperature returned to normal.

Liu Wei said to Bailong, "This little white dragon, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Why don't you sit down and talk about it?"

"Well, you Luoluo, who killed the dragon, don't kill me today. I, the white dragon, will flatten here today and regain dignity for my dragon clan." Bai Long's eyes were so sharp that he actually saw that the five mountains around him were the foundation of the array. He quickly rushed up and swept up.

Bang, the huge stones that were shaken on the mountain peak rolled. Liu Wei was annoyed at first sight and scolded, "Damn the eight-character, the magic circle I arranged by me actually dare to fight and look at the sword." Zidian Ruhong penetrated the magic array and shot at the throat of the white dragon. This is the weakest place of the dragon's body. Liu Wei is sure to let him fade his skin if he doesn't hurt.

However, it was not expected that a layer of golden light broke out at the other party's neck, but a reverse scale suddenly grew up, turning into a shield-like thing to block the attack of purple electricity, and the purple electricity did not work.

The white dragon opened his mouth and spit out a golden light, revealing a long gun chasing Zidian, but he was stopped by the array and countershocked back~~