First-class immortal

Chapter 10: The Sword Walks away

Fox Ali served quietly. Looking at Feng Kui's head in a very poor state, a silky white color appeared on his face. Sweat fell down like rolling beans. He had found that something was wrong and worried, but there was nothing they could do. The two sisters held hands with each other, like ants on a hot pot. They were really worried about Feng Kui's head. .

Feng Kui's head, who was sitting at **, suddenly snorted, opened his mouth and spit out a turbid evil spirit. He fell down and turned pale. He hurried over and carefully picked him up. One hurriedly beat his back smoothly, the other hurried to bring tea, and asked repeatedly, "Mr. Feng, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm poisoned!"

Feng Kui opened his eyes devaguously and said feebly.

Fox Ali screamed and said incredulously, "Poisoning? Didn't the prince just say...?" The two women couldn't believe that the Feng Kui's head, who had just been powerful and injured Su Hao, was actually poisoned.

"Those, who deliberately pressed the poison gas and deceived Qin Sijing, were actually bitten by the evil worm, and I have been poisoned. Knowing that danger was coming, he deliberately set up his power. Unexpectedly, this poisonous insect is so domineering that it has ruined the real anger in my body.

Feng Kui smiled miserably and looked at the fox and found that the two goblins were not acting in front of him. They were sincere and natural, and they felt slightly comforted. At least there were one or two people around him who could be trusted, and the next thing could be done at ease and boldly.

"Son, aren't you very dangerous?" Ahu was so anxious that he turned around.

Ali's eyes were also full of panic and said, "Can the prince have a solution? If you can't solve the poison and fight with Qin Sijing, there is no chance of winning!"

"I need time, a short period of peace! Although I am in a desperate situation, there is still a chance to live!"

Feng Kui said calmly, and his whole body was already surrounded by evil spirits, as if he had become a magic road, and there was no such thing as the transcendent elegance of immortals.

"Faun, what should we do?"

Ahu Aci heard Feng Kui's words and understood that there was still a turning point. He quickly asked, hoping to help Feng Kui's head, and did not give up the intention of Feng Kui's head at all.

Feng Kui said with a serious face, "Are you willing to help me?"

Fox Ali nodded without hesitation.

"Is it possible to die?"

Feng Kui's eyes were full of calm, and then asked.

Unexpectedly, the fox and Ali still nodded resolutely, which surprised Feng Kui'shou. It seemed to be far beyond expectations. He asked in a shocked voice, "How can I be worth risking my life and death for my safety?"

Ahu lowered his head slightly and said helplessly, "Of course, the prince is good to our sisters. From the beginning of the mountain to now, the happiest time is these days with the prince... We have our desire, so our sisters are willing to take risks for the prince!"

"Is it?"

Feng Kui's first sighs surged into his heart. He remembered the good and evil assertion told him by his grandfather Liu Xiucai. For evil, he will be rewarded with evil, and for good, he can be worthy of his heart. Although he is not kind to the fox sisters, his love is sincere, not with the vulgar idea of playing with women, so sincere exchange for sincerity is his good reward.

At this time, Ali suddenly said, "Mr. Do you know, Ahu Ali is very scared!" Do you know that there is an unwritten iron law on the ship? If the woman on the ship is no longer a pure daughter, she will definitely be executed. No one can escape, and no one can escape. The rules set by Qin Sijing are heavenly and holy laws on the Wanhua ship, and no one dares to violate them. We were promised to the prince, and we have been regarded as abandoned sons and dead by Qin Sijing. Do you know that we are going to die and still suffer the pain of being happy? Ahhu lied to you. In fact, we have never been happy since we came out of the mountain. Because we have no freedom and nothing!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Feng Kui was shocked. What Ali said was simply shocking. Fang asked doubtfully, "Why didn't you object at the beginning? If you say it at that time, I won't harm you anyway!"

Ahu sighed and looked at Feng Kui and said, "We can't help but be full of love with men. How can we say it clearly!"

Ahu Ali stood there helplessly, helplessly, with a trace of fear, and her flower-like face was full of absoluteness, as if all hope had left them far away, leaving only the breath of bleak death.

"Has anyone done something to you?"

Feng Kui's first thought turned sharply and asked quickly.

Fox Ali nodded, and Ali said, "It was Bingxiang who tamped with us. She is the heir of lust. With a little means, she can arouse other people's lust. It is precisely by Bingxiang that we are imprinted in our bodies that we can't help but want to confuse the prince. In fact, on the Wanhua boat, what the prince should be mostware of is not others, but the inconspicuous ice fragrance. Once, the emperor of the State of Rui came to Prince Jing's mansion in person. We were maids and knelt down all over the room. Even Mr. Jing made a thousand blessings. He stood proudly and did not kneel down without even looking at the emperor. However, His Majesty the Yellow Emperor did not blame her. It can be imagined that she must not be an ordinary person.

Feng Kui's head looked stunned and sighed for a long time: "This Wanhua ship actually hides dragons and crouching tigers. My Feng Kui Shou is really idle. It turned out that I went into the muddy water and didn't know it!"

"At least the prince still has a chance to get out. Like us, he can only become someone else's plaything here." Ali looked sad and regretted why he had to come out of the mountains and forests at the beginning.

"The prince knows that when our sisters look at the little blood stains, they know that we are done. Although we are full of fear of death, we still have to talk and joke with the prince as if nothing happens, for fear of not pleasing the prince, hoping to catch a life-saving straw. In our life, we have to face death before we improve a little. We are unwilling, so we bet on the prince, hoping that he is an affectionate and righteous man who can read the dew love of that little bit. When we escape, he will take us away, even if we can be a maid and serve him for a hundred years in the future. We are also satisfied. There has never been such a humiliation and unwillingness in our hearts, and we never want to experience it again. Mr. Feng, can you promise us?"

Ahu Beaver's words, the listener's heart is painful. Feng Kui has never been a person with a hard heart, and he has a good impression on the two sisters. Although he is already a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, he sees the truth in adversity. With the sadness in his heart, he resolutely nodded resolutely. "Some people say that people who practice truth and enlightenment and pursue long life will become selfish and lose their humanity. I don't believe it, but when I see more, I gradually feel the same feeling in my heart. However, because of people like you, I can be bold and trustworthy, so that I can repeatedly avoid danger. We are also in trouble. If we still suspect each other and plan to use each other to save ourselves, I'm afraid we will fall into the good play of competing for the profits of fishermen, and we will all be doomed. As long as the three of us are single-minded, trust each other, deal with each other, escape from here or even revenge!"

"With the words of the prince, we will be relieved!"

The fox sisters looked at each other and exchanged their eyes. Looking at the evil wind, their breath was floating, and black spots gradually appeared on their bodies, which were being corroded by sinister. The situation was not optimistic.

Ali looked grim and asked, "Sir, tell me, what do we sisters need to do?"

With a sigh, Feng Kui picked up and said critically, "I guess that Qin Sijing will not tear her face with me in a day or two, but I'm afraid that I will be closely monitored when I walk out of the cabin, so I can ensure that I am in the cabin. And what I want you to do is to complete it in these two days and take great risks.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Ahu Ali looked at Feng Kui's eyes with a lot of concern and knew that this moment was a moment of struggle, and asked repeatedly.

"Help me raise the evil spirit of this place!"

Feng Kui said slowly.


Ahu Ali screamed and couldn't believe it.

"Now, this is the only way I can go. Although the sword is biased, it has to fight. You and I will live and die. I want to practice the same spell with this evil spirit, but this evil spirit is obviously not enough. At this moment, Qin Sijing will never let me exert my strength to collect the evil spirit of the earth, so I can only rely on you to get this evil poison and supply me as much evil spirit as possible. If it succeeds in one fell swoop, with the spells I practiced, I will rush out!"

Feng Kui lowered his head and said, trying not to let the two sisters see his eyes, because there was no chance of winning in his eyes. It was a battle of trapped beasts, like a near-death struggle and finally counterattack.

Despity is always unacceptable and unable to calm down, so Feng Kui chose to bear it silently. This pair of sisters has suffered too much pain. If there is more, I'm afraid they will collapse. At that time, nothing can be done.

"What if it doesn't work?"

Ali whispered.

"We are all dead!"

Feng Kui is very unwilling, but he does not allow himself to fail in his heart, even if he is not very sure.

"Let's start!"

Fox Ali looked at each other and said with one voice, as if he had got rid of a certain load in his heart and suddenly felt much easier.

"There is some pain, but don't make a sound so as not to cause suspicion. You must be patient!" Feng Kui first told him, raised his hand and beat two evil spirits with yin, and entered from the palms of the two sisters and let them act as furnace tripods, just to prepare for the cultivation of [unless evil yin and yang eyes].

cheng, or not, Feng Kui Shou was not sure at all. The pain all over his body and the blood gradually dried up, and the pain of muscle atrophy became more and more intense, and his whole body was shrouded in Sensen's evil spirit.

At this moment, not only him, but also a mass of evil spirit appeared all over the body of the fox and Ali, making the whole cabin gloomy and full of fierceness.

Ahu Ali frowned. Although painful tears rolled in his eyes and his nails pinched into his palm, he never made a sound from the beginning to now, even a slight moan.

With the passage of time, Feng Kui's head sat still and made the greatest preparation for practicing [the absolute evil yang eyes]. When the evil spirit of his whole body was strong to the extreme, he was about to exhaust his body's functions, and Feng Kui's closed eyes suddenly opened.

A fierce breath was released. Looking carefully, in those eyes, it was actually black and white, which was strange and powerful.

Fengkui's whole body began to collect evil spirit, and he was absorbed by a force and converged through his eyes. He only saw the two eyeballs of Feng Kui's head. The white circle of black ripples spread out from the pupil, like ripples, circle by circle, and the pure black eyeball was the same, but the color of the ripple was Sen White.