First-class immortal

Chapter 23: The situation is not good

Although there is a little regret in my heart, Feng Kui is still very excited when he got the treasure. The barrier of Wuxiang Island, the strongest and most mysterious defense, is now held in his hands and becomes private property. That feeling is like a poor man suddenly has a large amount of money. Even if he can't use much, it is also a kind of enjoyment to look at the golden light.

The empty door is already the most precious magic weapon that Feng Kui has.

The head, who has always been a poor man, can't control the idea of being hanged. He exclaimed, and his face was full of money-rich smiles, happy and complacent, and did not notice Hua Rong's gradually stiff expression and the constant changes.

"I can't!"

Hua Rong gave a weak and delicate cry, grabbed Feng Kui's shoulder and leaned over, which made Feng Kui's head wake up. He turned his head and found that half of Hua Rong's body had been petrified and was about to turn into a sculpture. The man said with a frightened face, "Hua Rong, now is not the time!"

Hua Rong looked like: "My strength has been exhausted. I have to fall into a deep sleep before I can recover after ten days. Send me to the gate of Long Life quickly. Don't you want to run around with a beautiful sculpture, do you? Hua Rong saw Feng Kui's ugly face, and finally did not forget to smile. She looked at Feng Kui's head innocently and flashed with big eyes.

With a long breath, Feng Kui condensed to open the door of Longsheng, which consumed the strength of nine cows and two tigers. Finally, a gap was opened. The flower was a flash, and it had penetrated and disappeared.

Looking around, Feng Kui Shou only felt a layer of goosebumps all over his body. Countless but gloomy but unfriendly eyes came to him. The throbbing of desire and coveted eyes were full of bad intentions, which made Feng Kui Shou immediately realize how bad it was to collect a treasure in full view of the eyes of the public. Wise things are not only unwise, but simply stupid.

A man is innocent and guilty.

Looking around, I felt a trace of murder spreading over. Feng Kui's head flew down with his scalp and sighed secretly: "Sure enough, it is a mixed place of fish and dragons. Driven by desire, it is simply naked, without any concealment! I'm afraid Haiji has some other ideas about me and is thinking about how to kill me. This flower face suddenly came out, which not only made Haiji unable to get the divine power left by Neptune as she wanted, but also collected the empty door in full view of the public, seriously provoking the majesty of the demon king, just like hitting her in the face. I'm afraid Haiji will never let me go..."

The worried wind fell back to the Haishen Palace complex and hurried to the outside of the Haishen Palace and run away from the sky. He did not dare to do so, because such a move is like a wild challenge or a manifestation of guilty. It is easy for anyone to rush up and immediately make himself trapped and unable to escape.

But it will not be eslod at this time, and it will be more time.

Feng Kui's head is determined to escape and does not want to become a group of wolves to chase.

He fell into the Haishen Palace, relying on the cover of tall buildings, and walked east and west to the edge of the Haishen Palace.

In a secluded place in the Haishen Palace, Mengmei, Menglan, Meng He, Jiaqin Sijing and Bingxiang saw all kinds of Feng Kui's head. At this moment, in addition to being shocked, there was also a meaningful expression on their faces, but the five people did not say anything, which made people figure out.

Farther away, Su Hao, who came down from the Wanhua ship, smiled sinisterly and shrank in a shadow, staring at the empty sky, like a sinister poisonous snake, waiting for the most deadly blow to defeat the enemy.

"What should we do?"

Qin Sijing held a folding fan in her hand and glanced at the three elders of Lei Yunzong. Her grace and self-confidence had never been reduced, let alone changed because Feng Kui had seen through her mind. Instead, there was a trace of fierceness and a kind of cold breath mixed with inadvertent expressions, which became more and more difficult to understand.

"I'm afraid it won't work to kill and seize treasure!"

Mengmei said in a low voice, faintly murderous. Wukongmen is the treasure of Wuxiang Island. Anyone can be jealous, and looking at its weather is simply beyond knowledge. You don't have to think of it. It is absolutely the supreme treasure. It is your own and benefits endlessly.

If you want to say that on Wuxiang Island, there are many people who are as dangerous and disgusting as murderous and treasure-grabbing. Most of them see that Fengkui is a fat sheep, which is not worth mentioning. Although there are strong people such as Huarong around, bright-eyed people guess that there is no threat because Huarong incarnates as a sculpture because of the exhaustion of power. However, anyone who has stayed on Wuxiang Island for a long time is not unfamiliar with Huarong, a crystal-white sculpture known as the flower of the sea and bathed in the square of the Sea Temple. Even some evil male beings have had evil thoughts and spiritually blasphemed the sea god. Although they were shocked to hear the sound of Huarong's flute, which was extraordinary and slightly intimuriating, but they wanted to Hope is often driven above reason, not to mention that this biggest threat seems to have temporarily lost its awesome power.

But these people did not dare to do it immediately, because as long as the demon king did not take any action, it would not be the turn of these shrimps to come out to fight. The shadow of the demon king's bloody means in their hearts is the last bond to hold their desires. Once a period of time, these demons and demons and immortals are sure that Haiji will not take action, which is the beginning of the bad luck.

"It really doesn't work!" Bingxiang frowned and said, "I don't know the geometry of those who coveted the empty door, and how can the strong people stand by? Everyone is ready to move. If they grab it, even if they win, they will become other people's prey, which is unfavorable. In my opinion, we might as well observe secretly and wait for the opportunity. At the right time, we might as well extend a helping hand to Feng Kui, and then show our identity to the outside, which is a little more deterrent. I believe that most of the shrimps, soldiers and crabs will die, and we can deal with those who refuse to give up much more calmly. On the other hand, I believe that the wind head must be in an extremely poor state at that time, which is the best time for us to attack it. In this way, we can avoid trouble and reap profits. This style head, identity**, is really not easy to deal with. It can only be discussed in the long-term.

"People can't be killed!"

Menglan said with a serious face. Maybe she still has a good impression on Feng Kui's head, so that others will not be ruthless. She whispered, "He is a descendant of the white turtle and one of the best opportunities in the world of Kyushu. If something happens, I'm afraid it will cause the white turtle to anger, and we can't escape."

"Don't worry, sister. Whoever said we were going to kill him, we just took what we wanted. Your nature often has a sense of pity. Sooner or later, you will harm yourself and never change your mind, which is really heart-threatening!"

Mengmei smiled, counted a few words from Menglan, nodded to Qin Sijing, exchanged opinions, and then left, far away in the direction of Feng Kui.

Feng Kui walked all the way and almost became the focus of everyone's attention. Fortunately, he did not encounter any obstacles. It was not until the edge of the Hai Shen Palace until under the wall that he jumped out and determined the direction of the sinking sand sea and left in the air, leaving a series of shadows.

Looking back, Feng Kui's face was even more ugly. He saw dozens of figures behind him flashing repeatedly and blatantly following him. Although he did not rush up immediately, the trend of chasing him was very obvious, which made Feng Kui's heart very uneasy.

Qin Sijing is still behind, and Feng Kui can't see it at all.

Feng Kui looked down again and saw the undercurrent surging under the sea, and a huge dorsal fin came out of the water from time to time, biting the shadow he cast on the sea and couldn't get rid of it.

"These beasts are going to rob the empty door of the young master. Whoever dares to come, I will kill! Don't blame me for being cruel." While muttering a fierce word without self-comfort, Feng Kui raised his speed and was wary of all the changes around him.

"It's not good!" This time, Feng Kui's head suddenly looked surprised, only felt that there was a layer of invisible barrier in front of him, which completely blocked his way and almost bumped into it.

"Brother, why go in such a hurry!"

With a familiar voice and a calm tone, a strange expression gradually appeared on Feng Kui's frightened face.

"It turned out to be Brother Xinne. I don't know what to teach you?"

Feng Kui's head thought of the heavenly heart with the idea of being unkind, so he spit out a cold word, guarded against the complete opening of the nihilistic demon body, and did not show his own head at all.

In the distance, Haiji hovered over the sea, and the waves under her feet surged, as if she were stepping on a huge spring. A group of cultivation that had been hanging far behind did not dare to move forward and keep watching.

"Brother Feng, what the words! I've heard a common saying for a long time, called a knife on the head of the word sex, which is to warn me not to forget righteousness and be careful not to cause disaster. My conscience is very pure, and I am not a person who is greedy for beauty, so you can rest assured that I will never interfere, and I promise you that Haiji will not care about it. The first thing to catch up is to say goodbye to you. After all, I don't want my brother to leave with a grudge in my heart. It's not good to see him every day. Second, Haiji asked me to convey a sentence and let you tell the flower of the sea, that another dynasty in the sea is about to begin! In addition, I can only wish my brother a good journey! See you again..."

Tianxin Nie said happily. After a few words, suddenly the demon body opened up and became a huge umbrella cover. Turning in the air, Feng Kui only looked faintly. Seeing that the huge umbrella cover was covered all over the world, he actually wrapped the whole phaseless island, which was more meticulous than the guardian of the empty door at the beginning. Indeed, a man should be a man who can't open it.

Haiji glanced at Feng Kui's head from afar and said with a smile, "Isn't there a word of thank you for asking me so much!"

grinned, and Feng Kui smiled and said, "If you didn't want to kill me at the beginning, everything would have been beautiful enough. Don't say a thank you, just ten thousand words, and I'm willing to say it. Unfortunately, everything the Demon King wants is in my hands, and I can only say apologe - I'm sorry.

Haiji frowned, and Feng Kui's head obviously saw Haiji's anger rising and murderous intention. However, when she stretched her eyebrows, there was no sadness or happiness. The wind was calm and she was secretly surprised: "This demon king Haiji's mood has improved rapidly. It seems that Tianxinni has helped her a lot. In the future, he must be an earth-shaking figure and reach the level of Aunt Qiudie.

Hai Jimei turned her eyes and said coldly, "It's just that the opportunity is better than me for a while. Don't be rampant. Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, there is always a time when you cry! Humph..."

As soon as the words fell, he went away, only giving Feng Kui a charming back.

Haiji, in a blink of an eye, entered the Haishen Palace, lay lazily on the throne, stretched her body, and spoke slowly: "It's really quieter!"

The ethereal voice of Tianxin Nie sounded: "Those who are not good at heart have chased my brother Feng. Those who have the determination to stay on the island without phase, at least their minds are not bad. It's all because you used to be too relaxed and don't care about the things on the island. In addition, the magic power of the empty door will be exhausted and the poor operation will make a mixture of fish and dragons. After this disturbance, at least 70% is better, and it seems that it is good for Feng Kui to take away the empty door. With me protecting Wuxiang Island, you can practice quietly for hundreds of years. When you are successful, you will definitely shock the world.

"Are you really willing to wait here for hundreds of years? Is it worth it? Or are you too stubborn? Do I have such a charm!"

Hai's bright eyes were in autumn water, looking at the dome of the palace in a daze.

"If you live, you have to stick to it once to leave no regrets. I envy the good stories of talented people and beautiful people, but unfortunately, our cultivation has gradually drifted away from this! So, if it's a rare opportunity, I'll take it as a rare confusion. Maybe there's a good story for future generations!"

Tianxin Nirvana comes from the heart and is very sincere.

Hai smiled charmingly and danced under the infinite beauty of the long-lost touch.

Under the whole world, Qin Jun was the only one who watched this dance. In order to show his admiration, he was willing to dig out a corner of his heart and give it to Haiji to win the heart of the demon king. If today, his heart is predestined to witness it, it seems that there is a play!