First-class immortal

Chapter 31: The Argument of the Black Shark Emperor

What kind of content is written on the edict? It is unknown what the Black Shark Emperor saw. Judging from the extremely angry performance of the Black Shark Emperor, there must be content that the Black Shark Emperor does not want to see, and it has something to do with the White Turtle Taoist.

Seeing the black shark emperor's anger and the appearance of a fierce battle, Qin Jun smiled indifferently, but retreated aside, let go of the flower boat behind him, waved Qin Sijing and the three elders of Lei Yunzong, took them to his side, protected them, and then said, "Although I have promised the white turtle Taoist, if I see If you read the edict and still want to kill people, then use the golden bamboo fishing rod to correct you. Unfortunately, the fishing rod has been destroyed, and I don't want to fight with you for the time being. So if you want to grab the empty door, I won't stop you at all. If there are any bad consequences, you should be prepared to bear them alone. The merits and prestige of the white turtle Taoist in our Kyushu cultivation world are not comparable to that between you and me. Does the bright firefly dare to compete with the bright moon? Black Shark Emperor, let's not talk about you and me, I still advise you to think twice. In this world, sometimes an enemy is much more important than a friend. I don't want to see you fall too early, because I haven't realized my wish to defeat you..."

The Black Shark Emperor said, "You have your selfishness, and I also have my selfishness. Speaking of which, you still haven't defeated my confidence. I, the Black Shark Emperor, have never listened to the opinions of a weak person. I firmly believe that strength is the foundation that determines everything. Even if it is an eternal truth, it must be changed and distorted in the face of absolute strength, let alone others?! If you really want to point fingers in front of me, then defeat me. Maybe I will calm down and listen to your words. Humph, don't talk about the rest!"

The Black Shark Emperor was obsessed with paranoid talk about his strength and did not recognize reason. He refuted Qin Jun so much that he had nothing to say, and did not want to say more. He only took Qin Sijing to avoid it in the distance.

Qin Sijing also looked at the empty door and did not give up, and Meng Mei and others were not only shocked by the knife of the Black Shark Emperor at that time, but also consumed a lot. After this battle, her mood was greatly impacted, and her Taoist heart was a little turbulent.

"Father, will you arch the empty door to others? With my empty door, my father's victory over the Black Shark Emperor is like a trivial matter. Why don't you take it?

Qin Sijing does not have Qin Jun's foresight. To put it bluntly, it is because his realm and cultivation are still weak. Although he has a universe and a hidden city, he is not much as seen as Qin Jun after all. He is open-minded and can't see the trend of the whole chessboard, so he is often confused by the immediate interests.

Qin Jun was silent and didn't look good. After a long time, he turned his head to look at his most clever and beloved palm pearl. He did not return immediately. Instead, he said in a low voice, "Sijing, what did you come out this time and risk to Wuxiang Island on the sea?"

Qin Jun's slightly annoyed face made Qin Sijing speechless for a moment. If there is only one person in the world who can make Qin Sijing look like a little princess, instead of the ambitious Prince Jing, then this person is undoubtedly her father Qin Jun. This man who spoiled her and raised him as a boy since he was a child. In her heart, he is not only a father, but also occupies the position of an idol and has an extraordinary status.

Qin Sijing hesitated for a moment and finally said frankly, "Go back to my father's words. On this trip, I originally intended to go to Wuxiang Island to see the demon king Haiji, and planned to secretly take back the corner of my father's heart. I didn't want to be besieged by the evil heart clan on the way, and I met a man named Feng Kui Shou to help relieve the siege. The man showed his unparalleled talent and used a means with a unique skill, which is quite similar to the magic skill of the evil heart sect. At that time, I wanted to take it back and interrogate it clearly, so as to deal with the evil sect. I didn't expect that this person seemed to be weak in cultivation and cynical, like a prodigal with no ambition, but the means emerged one after another, and he learned both immortals and demons. Not only did I fail to succeed, but I was counterattacked and unfortunately defeated. It was thanks to the help of the three elders Mengmei Meng He Menglan, who were hiding in the Wanhua boat, that they were able to save the danger. Along the way, it was quite tortuous, and then we arrived at Wuxiang Island. Unexpectedly, before the plan was launched, there was a scene of this wind and receiving the empty door, and the sea god on Wuxiang Island immediately set off a shocking wave, leading to pursue and lootling from all walks of life. I discussed with Elder Mengmei and decided to follow along all the way. Finally, I was about to win and didn't want to suddenly kill the Black Shark Emperor. This time, thanks to my father and Mr. Time, otherwise Sijing would be more bad luck this time.

Qin Sijing still had a trace of fear on her face.

"It's nonsense!"

After hearing this, Qin Jun scolded and said with a shock on his face, "Do you know that you have walked several times on the line of life and death, which is simply a game of life. Haiji hates because of love. I'm afraid she has hated me very much. You still plotted a corner of her heart in those years, but you know how dangerous it is. Moreover, fortunately, you didn't kill him. Do you know that this wind head is a peerless genius of white turtle Taoist preaching and teaching. It seems to have an extraordinary history and earth-shaking*. This time, I came here with the edict of the White Turtle Taoist to warn the Black Shark Emperor not to plot against the empty door and the man named Feng Kui Shou. Since the decline of Kyushu Xiuzhen world, there has been a faint upward trend. Listening to the hints between the words of the white turtle Taoist, this young man named Feng Kui is likely to be a leading ** and a rising superstar. Imagine that if you do something you shouldn't do, it is very likely to anger the terrible existence of the immortals. At that time, when the anger comes down, I'm afraid that our Qin family will not be in protection. Do you know it's awesome?"

After hearing this, Qin Sijing was stunned and couldn't speak for a while. She couldn't calm down. She really didn't want to believe that she had so many stories with such a person, and she actually did a lot of things to repay kindness and revenge with resentment. She didn't dare to wait until the future was really plump. When she grew up and asked her to seek revenge, how should she face it, and secretly regretted it. At the beginning, the three elders of Mengmei had already broken their identities, but she didn't believe it and did something that seemed stupid now.

Life is afraid of messing with people you shouldn't be provoked!

"Feng Kui's head is still on the ship!"

Qin Sijing couldn't help muttering, and the confident look on his face disappeared, with a faint grimness, as if he had died tragically under the blade of the Black Shark Emperor.

"It doesn't matter! Feng Kui's head can't die. When he comes out of trouble, you have to apologize to him anyway. I know that you are worried about your thoughts now, but the choice of life is sometimes driven by the situation. I'm afraid that it's not too late to make up for the wrong step by step, and it's not just a legend to turn war into jade. After today, you can also say that you have a relationship with this wind head. After admitting your mistake, you will meet in the future, just like a newcomer. You can face it calmly, and naturally the clouds are light. Just let go and do it. Don't feel ashamed. People who can't bow their heads can't understand the true meaning of life!"

Qin Jun's words have a long heart, enlightened Qin Sijing, showed his loving side, and passed on his feelings through the vicissitudes of life to Qin Sijing, which shows the greatness and depth of his love.

Qin Sijing nodded silently and quietly looked at the Wanhua boat.

At this time, Qin Jun glanced at the ice fragrance standing behind Qin Sijing and suddenly said meaningfully, "After today, you'd better go back to your master. Thinking of walking around the world, you have also experienced a lot of things. It's time to calm down and understand. After going back, don't forget to bring a sentence to your master and ask her to meet me in Leizhou. It's time for many past events to come to an end!"

"Master won't see you!"

Bingxiang was not afraid of Qin Jun's appearance at all. She raised her head and said calmly.

Qin Jun smiled indifferently: "It's her business whether you come or not. Just send a message on your behalf. Since she sent you to Sijing's side, she has her intentions, and she is as old-fashioned. Unlike the two, I think all kinds of entanglement should not continue. In this way, it's not good for you, not good for your master, not good for me and Sijing! What do you think?"

Bingxiang was slightly stunned and finally nodded. Looking back to Qin Jun's first time he saw himself, he was stunned on the spot and said, "The world is so big that there is such a strange thing!" After looking at it for a long time, I left with heavy thoughts. From then on, I didn't say a word to her and let her hang out beside Qin Sijing.

And there are some things that Qin Jun can't know.

The reason why she has been silent is that her ice-scent appearance and temperament are nine points similar to her fairy-like master, just like the girlhood.

And Bingxiang's master is another scar in Qin Jun's heart, a woman who will always feel indebious and sorry.

As soon as he spoke, the Black Shark Emperor had arrived on the flower boat and grabbed the quiet empty door with one hand. His mind rushed in and wanted to refine it and take it for his own use.

However, after a while, he screamed and took a few steps back. His face was very ugly, and most of his mind was strangled in the empty door.

Finally, he flashed and rushed into the Wanhua boat like a whirlwind. He grabbed Feng Kui's head with one hand and shouted coldly, "Did you refine the empty door?"

Feng Kui grinned and said, "It's the young master. What can I do for you?"

Behind him, the fox Ali followed him. Seeing this scene, his face was full of anger and continuous shouts, full of heartbreaking sadness.

A sunny smile appeared on Feng Kui's pale face and said, "Don't be afraid, I will definitely count what I promised. No one can do anything to me. No one can compare with my great luck. If my life is not done, I won't die casually. This is destiny..."

is full of confidence, but it can't hide the desolation of the end of the road. It looks very tragic.

"We believe!"

Fox and Beaver support each other and are sad and powerless.

"Very good!"

The Black Shark Emperor sneered and said, "Since you can refine the empty door, there must be something unknown on your body, which plays a key role. If I guess correctly, it must be the divine power left by Nep God! I have felt it flowing silently in your body. In this case, I will refine you, integrate your whole body with blood, and then control such artifacts as empty doors. Before you die, I will tell you a truth. Although many people don't agree and even feel unreasonable, it happens around us all the time - strength determines everything, and everything else is just a luxury vassal! What you think is noble is just a gorgeous cover in front of absolute strength, and it will also collapse. In the next life, don't run around with your baby, unless you are strong enough to beat everyone who dares to covele you, and there is nothing unreasonable to kill them. It's your fault that your wings are not plump and your claws are not sharp enough in your life! Go at ease."

The Black Shark Emperor showed a cruel smile, and his face was full of anger. His whole body was full of strong true qi fluctuations, and he was about to refine all the body and spirit of the wind.

Death is so close.

However, a smile suddenly appeared on Feng Kui's face, and he was not timid at all. He said with emotion, "If you are the first in the world, maybe your words, I will be the guide. However, I have seen too many people who are more powerful than you. In fact, a role like you is not worth mentioning. I don't know if the Black Shark Emperor has ever thought about how you would face it if others did it against you in your way?

The Black Shark Emperor really didn't think about it, so he was stunned and his face became more and more gloomy!