First-class immortal

Chapter 17: Growth and Transformation

The instinctive response of the clam shell to protect pearls is quite strong. It suddenly closes and clamps its hands. I'm afraid that the bone is broken and the tendon is slightly injured.

Zhu Xiaoliu looked at the boss's shell in front of him and hesitated. His mind was full of predictions of failure. If he failed, would his hand be immediately broken, how painful it would be, and whether it would become disabled. So he didn't take action for a long time and stood still with a hesitant face.

Feng Kui was not in a hurry at all. He didn't even go to see Zhu Xiaoliu and began to collect the pearls of the clam shell. Then the sound of clam shell closing sounded, which was low and fierce. A grain of pearl was taken away by the wind and was not distracted, so that it would be particularly efficient.

Feng Kui won again and again and took away pearls, but Zhu Xiaoliu did not move.

Adventure is a forbidden fruit. Only those who have tried it know its exciting taste. Those who dare not try can only look at its thorny and dangerous appearance, sigh and walk away. Zhu Xiaoliu was in a tangled stage and had no full reason to take risks. Because he was afraid of failure and injury, he looked forward and backward.

The real pleasure of adventure is to defeat yourself, not to win. Winning is just a icing on the cake.

Finally, all the clam shells have been closed, and Feng Kui has obtained enough pearls to arrange the weak water killing array, leaving only one in front of Zhu Xiaoliu.

Feng Kui quietly came to Zhu Xiaoliu's side and made a sound with true air, "Is Pearl beautiful?"

The little fat man nodded.

Feng Kui continued: "In fact, every pearl is a wrong beginning, but it has a good result. This process is extremely painful for clam shells. A grain of sand fell into the soft body of the clam shell and made it painful. In order to protect itself, it constantly secreted a substance and wrapped the sand layer after layer, accumulating over time, forming beautiful pearls. As long as you want, the sand in your heart will be a pearl tomorrow. Will you continue to bear the pain brought by the hateful sand? Let's take action. At worst, you will get hurt."

Zhu Xiaoliu looked around. The place that was originally sprinkled with crystal pearls had darkened, leaving the only clam shell in front of him, and quietly opening the clam shell, revealing a shining pearl.

Zhu Xiaoliu shouted, suddenly took action, and then quickly withdrew. Feng Kui's head didn't even see clearly. He only saw the clam shell suddenly close, and the little fat man's face turned red and white, and his hands were tightly clenched.

"Does it feel good?"

Feng Kui smiled for the first time.

A trace of ecstatic expression appeared on Zhu Xiaoliu's face, but he remained calm, slowly raised his hand, then opened his palm, and a bright pearl lay quietly in his palm. The little fat man's heart was still a little excited, and a smile finally appeared on his face. He said excitedly, "It turns out that it's not as difficult as it looks! I succeeded..."

Feng Kui smiled and said, "Would you like to try it down there? I won't force you, but I must be famous in advance. The bottom is very dangerous and full of unknown dangers. If you don't go, you can wait for me on the shore."

Little fat Zhu Xiaoliu gritted his teeth and said, "Go! Why don't you go? I seem to fall in love with this feeling..."

Feng Kui's heart was full of relief. He took the lead in getting out of this stone cave and continued to sink.

Under water, it's getting darker and darker, and nothing can be seen. Zhu Xiaoliu couldn't even see the wind around him clearly. Feng Kui's eyes flashed with two balls of masculinity fire, looking around, nothing in the sky.

Suddenly, Zhu Xiaoliu screamed, "What is it?" I only felt a slippery feeling, which was fleeting.

Feng Kui looked back and saw that a big black water python behind Zhu Xiaoliu was opening its mouth to swallow. Feng Kui's face changed for the first time. He pulled away Zhu Xiaoliu and raised his hand. A dragon cannon burst out. It hit the mouth of the black water python and exploded with a huge impact, which rushed the two away.

Taking advantage of that ray of light, Zhu Xiaoliu saw the huge dark python in his sight, which dyed a large area of water red. His heart tightened, and the self-confidence he had just gained at that time immediately extinguished three points. Then, Zhu Xiaoliu's front became dark and he couldn't see anything. He could only feel everything around him with his hearing and touch, and Feng Kui didn't know where he was.

In fact, Feng Kui's head was rushing to the seriously injured black water python, suddenly hugged the snake head of the black water python, holding the burial fairy thorn in his hand, and suddenly plunged it in. Then he urged Zhenqi to hit it in and killed the black water python's life. Feng Kui Shou paid attention to the situation around Zhu Xiaoliu while taking the demon elixir and snake gallbladder. He deliberately isolated Zhu Xiaoliu to exercise his courage. A person full of fear can't defeat a powerful opponent at all. Feng Kui guessed that this was probably one of the reasons why Zhu Xiaoliu had repeatedly failed under his little wife.

Now, it seems that the black water python is not as fierce as it felt at the beginning. It is just that it is impossible to defend against the power of the black water python. If it doesn't rely on the burial of immortal thorns, it is really easy for him to deal with it alone. The tough and slippery snakeskin makes him feel like he has nowhere to do it.

Zhu Xiaoliu has sacrificed his own flying sword magic weapon and held it in his hand. There was no initial panic on his face. He turned into a calm face, calmed down and was alert to all around.

Suddenly, a violent shout sounded, and a sword spirit came out on Zhu Xiaoliu's flying sword, hitting the body of a black water python that suddenly hit him, but it wiped the snake skin and slipped away. The black water python was slightly painful and immediately enraged and suddenly wrapped around Zhu Xiaoliu.

The black water python is so sensitive under the water that it wraps around Zhu Xiaoliu in a blink of an eye. Zhu Xiaoliu's flying sword in his hand is chopping repeatedly, making the black water python begin to roll and bounce up. Every time it bounces, the snake's body will tighten one point, which is a great challenge for Zhu Xiaoliu, but Zhu Xiaoliu can't help it for a while.

Zhu Xiaoliu's flying sword danced a barrier in front of him, resisting the black water python that wanted to bite down. Although the lower body was tightly entangled by the black water python and the pressure was huge, Zhu Xiaoliu was stimulated to be fierce little by little. He traumatized the black water python again and again and began to roar.

In the distance, Feng Kui hid in the darkness, looked quietly, and said secretly, "Help, you lose!" The black water python is definitely the opponent that Zhu Xiaoliu can defeat. Although Zhu Xiaoliu occupies an absolute disadvantage, it is by no means an absolute disadvantage that can't be won back. As long as he has enough confidence, he will definitely win.

For Zhu Xiaoliu, this is an arduous battle and the biggest danger he has faced so far.

He began to beat the drums in his heart after fighting for a long time. Do you want to ask for help?

In addition to feeling the great pain brought by the shrinking body of the black water python, he could only do his best to wave the flying sword in his hand, and the sword spirit supported a barrier to protect himself. He didn't know how long he could last. Maybe it would be exhausted the next moment. All he knew was that his whole body had begun to numb.

"Brother Feng, help me, I'm dying... Help me..."

Zhu Xiaoliu shouted.

Feng Kui shook his head and did not make a sound or move. He was cruel and still looked at him.

The helplessness enveloped Zhu Xiaoliu's body and mind. In an oversight, the black water python came fiercely on his shoulder, and blood flowed. Zhu Xiaoliu can't hold on any longer.

However, at the moment when Feng Kui was about to rush out, Zhu Xiaoliu suddenly raised his left hand, and a bright pearl was raised high by him to illuminate a small piece of water, but it was enough.

Zhu Xiaoliu's sword spirit finally got the target of attack and launched a round of crazy attacks. The sword spirit was diverse and accurately strangled the brain of the black water python.

The blood color is dyed under the luster of pearls, full of wildness and barbarism.

Feng Kui gently came behind Zhu Xiaoliu and shouted, "Zhu Xiaoliu, the black water python is dead!" Stop..."

Zhu Xiaoliu's pale face stopped slowly, and it was difficult to suppress the feeling of life after the disaster. He turned around and whispered, "I succeeded?"

Feng Kui nodded with a smile.

At that moment, Zhu Xiaoliu's eyes flashed with tears. Even in the water, Feng Kui still caught this subtle detail. He sighed with relief from the bottom of his heart, "It seems that my painstaking efforts are not in vain!" Although Zhu Xiaoliu asked for help, Feng Kui thought he had done better, which was beyond his expectations.

After cleaning the battlefield, the two returned to the cold pool. Zhu Xiaoliu applied medicine to himself while looking at the wind head chewing the grassroots and said with a sunny face, "I really understand what you said. I collect this pearl well. It really means a lot... Thank you... Dude!"

Feng Kui turned over and sat up. Looking at the sky, he vaguely thought of the ignorant teenager who was forced to catch fish by the white turtle. Suddenly, he smiled and said, "I'd rather you call me more than say thank you so much. Thank you for nothing, but my brother is worth more than anything else!"

"Brother, brother..."

Zhu Xiaoliu muttered, his eyes narrowed into a line, and it seemed that the wound coated with medicine was a little tingling.

After a long time, Zhu Xiaoliu suddenly said, "Let's do business together in the future!" I like the feeling of making money. Anyway, I'm not used to bleeding.

"If there is a chance, I will consider it! But what do you want to sell? I hope what we sell is worth enough. Feng Kui smiled with a clear hint and said that he would never sell any spring | palace album.

Zhu Xiaoliu laughed and said awkwardly, "Of course, I won't sell any spring | palace album! In fact, I have never sold these things. It's just my own bad habit. I lied to you at that time. However, I did sell medicine. Let me tell you a little secret. I'm actually an alchemist. What I have recorded in my mind is countless elixir prescriptions. As long as you give me enough materials and time, I will definitely become the best alchemist in Kyushu. Think about it, at that time, we could open a blessed place and practice quietly. The door was full of practitioners who came to ask me for alchemy. How exciting it was.

Feng Kui laughed and said, "Your ambition is not small! I believe that day will not be too far away. Step by step, I am looking forward to that day. Don't forget that there was the most important person who was with you at that time.


Zhu Xiaoliu hummed gently, and his eyes were full of firm light.

He is indeed different, as if he had experienced a baptism.