First-class immortal

Chapter 35: Chihua Mountain

After relieving Qian Xi's cicada, Feng Kui found a hidden place for the first time and adjusted his condition to restore his state to full. It took a day to continue on the road. Huarong's demand for mother's breasts seems to be quite urgent. From his words, Feng Kui Shou also noticed that Huarong's recent state did not seem to be very good. Since the last time he took the first move for Feng Kui, he rarely walked out of the door of long life and stayed in her flower room.

Feng Caier, the fox Ali and Hua Rong get along very well together. They all call Hua Rong as their sister and form a camp. Even the fox Ali, who is used to be obedient to Feng Kui, sometimes stands on the side of Hua Rong and puts a little pressure on Feng Kui Shou. Three women in one play, not to mention that four women have penetrated the lazy temperament of Feng Kui Shou. Together, it is indeed not what Feng Kui Shou can cope with.

After a day's journey, I finally arrived at the boundary of Chihua, and the signs of Chihuazong can be seen everywhere. This Chihua Sect is the state religion in the Kingdom of Chihua, just like the Lei Yunzong in the Kingdom of Daliang, and the Chihua Sect is even more different. It has more privileges in the Kingdom of Chihua. Many disciples even stepped into the court to participate in the society and conspire to govern the country with the emperor of Chihua. Therefore, the influence of Chihuazong in Chihua is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and deep-rooted. Whether they are rich, poor, men, women, old and young, all children are honored to enter the Chihua Sect for cultivation, and even exceed the entrance to fame and become an official.

Therefore, the number of disciples under the Chihua sect is far greater than that of another sect in Yunzhou, the Piaomiaojian School. The history of Chihuazong is also much older than that of the Piaomiao Sword School. The Piaomiao Sword School has other places. It was originally a hermit sect and received disciples. It has always relied on fate, and then talked about qualifications. It was not until recent years that it was born, which is also mysterious. And this Chihua Sect only recruits disciples from all over the country every year, plus the people from outside Chihua. It is full of people and night to be busy with the review day and night. The scene is extremely huge, and it has long been a big event in the hearts of the people of Chihua.

Fortunately, Feng Kui's first came to Chihua Kingdom, which is not the time for Chihua Sect to recruit disciples, and the whole Chihua Kingdom is still relatively calm. Although the Chihua country is located in the westernmost part of Yunzhou, the popular customs are not wild at all. The industrial and commercial workers and farmers are safe, and the whole Chihua country is prosperous and prosperous.

Fengkui passed several big cities along the way and found that each city had more than 100,000 residents, with a rich population, high walls, fine and neat houses, wide roads, well-organized and well-planned roads. Feng Kui couldn't help sighing: "A city is built in such a standardized manner, well, horizontally and round, and not bad. Obviously, it can be built so exquisitely with the advice of the masters of the Chihua Sect. Thinking of the place where the Piaoyuan Mountain is located, there are robbers, disturbing the people, robbing the people, robbing goods and killing people, but I have never seen such a evil thing when I walk half of Chihua. It can be seen that Chihua Sect has indeed benefited a side of water and soil and inocating the common people, which has indeed had an excellent effect.

On this way, we arrived at the westernmost part of Chihua. A series of distant mountains are in front of each other, like a giant dragon lying in the present, winding mountains, forming the westernmost border area of Chihua.

The mountain range in this area, in the hearts of all the people of Chihua, is the Holy Land Spirit Mountain, which has an extremely noble status. All the reason is that Chihuazong is located here.

Feng Kui stepped on a white cloud at his feet. Looking down at the edge of the clouds, he found that the peaks in this area were as many stars, dotted with stars, and the westernmost part was connected to the shore of the vast sea, which was extremely vast. Between the mountains, located in the center, is where the mountain gate of the Chihua Sect is located. A huge forbidden law is running endlessly, hiding the whole sect gate. From the outside, you can only look at a white fog, constantly rolling and rising, and the eyesight can't see through at all. However, if you look at it with your mind, it will immediately provoke the opposition of the forbidden law. Ying, the idea was immediately shattered. I looked everywhere. For a moment, Feng Kui was at a loss and didn't know where to find it.

At this time, Feng Caier came out of the door of Changsheng, with a faint sadness on her face. She stood in the clouds, looked around, and sighed faintly. She looked a little complicated, and I'm afraid it was reminded of the past. Feng Caier looked at it in a daze for a while before she cleaned up her mood and said with a helpless smile on her face: "In those years, he and I have also visited this area and witnessed someone find mother's milk here. Later, it caused competition and fought fiercely. In the northernmost part of Chihua Mountain, in a bay, there was a series of Cave, let's go there first. Maybe the landform there has not changed!"

Feng Kui nodded and didn't ask more questions.

Feng Caier did not return to the empty door. Together with Feng Kui, she rode the wind and went straight to the northernmost part of Chihua Mountain, flying over the mountains in that area to the endless sea. At this moment, the two looked at Chihua Mountain from the sky, but saw the waves rolling forward and washed all the way to the mountains in this area. The peaks near the sea are full of cliffs. After being hit by the sea all year round, they are smooth, as smooth as a mirror, and almost impossible to climb.

The two looked at it once, and Feng Caier smiled gently and said, "I didn't expect that this place hasn't changed much. It's just been redecorated. In the past, this area was full of rocky cliffs and strange rocks. Unexpectedly, three thousand years later, this area was flattened and made like this. Look, is there a hole in the protruding stone?! That is the entrance to the cave. Unfortunately, this cave was still ownerless at the beginning. Several forces competed fiercely and did not belong to either side. At that time, if the opportunity was good, I could still sneak into it. Unexpectedly, 3,000 years later, this cave would become someone else's private.

Feng Kui looked at it. Sure enough, on the big stone above the mountain wall, he found a hidden entrance, protruding a big stone. Before the mouth of the cave, there stood a bright flag, painted with the logo of Chihuazong, which was fluttering in the wind. Looking carefully, you can still see the figure moving and the hand there, which looks like a forbidden place.

"These people actually cut the mountain wall so smoothly that there was almost no hiding place for those who sneaked in. It's really amazing." Feng Kui said angrily.

"It doesn't matter, this cave is more than this entrance. We couldn't enter from the top of the mountain, so we dived under the sea. As far as I know, there is still an entrance under the sea. However, looking at this situation, this Chihua Sect should also know that it must be sealed, or someone will guard it. However, let's go and have a look. At worst, we can kill it..." Feng Caier said softly.

Feng Kui nodded and said, "It seems that's the only way. If we enter from the hole above the mountain wall, we will be found to be in trouble as soon as we appear, but entering from under the sea is conducive to our concealment. With the power of Sister Cai'er, those guards can be easily solved as long as they quietly approach.

"Let's go!" Feng Caier smiled gently, swooped down and leisurely into the sea. Feng Kui's head followed closely, and a fierce man plunged into the sea. Her heart was happy. She couldn't help turning into a dragon and swam happily under the sea, which was quite comfortable.

There is a huge crack under the sea, like a canyon. Feng Caier and Feng Kui slowly went deep along the edge of the crack, hiding their breath and searching carefully.

Under the sea, there is another different world. I can only see swimming fish shuttling, clumps of algae, gently swaying, all kinds of underwater creatures, swimming smartly, feeling the dragon breath of the wind head, following one after another, as if worshipping the king.

Feng Caier is not as comfortable as Feng Kui Shou. She is unfolding her mind and searching inch by inch in this rift valley, looking for the entrance.

After a long time, Feng Caier withdrew her thoughts and whispered, "It seems that it is indeed sealed. This rift under the sea hasn't changed much. The entrance was not only blocked by a powerful prohibition, but also two old guys sitting on the bottom of the sea and guarding it! It seems that this Chihuazong valishes the importance of the mother-in-law's milk! After a while, I will lead away the two old monsters for you, and you release the Taoist insects and tear apart the forbidden law. I will pass you a rune seal. As long as the forbidden law is opened, you can use it, and you can turn into a fire through the forbidden crack. When you get inside, I can't help you. Everything depends on yourself. I am here. Take you, as long as the mother's spirit milk arrives, let's meet inside and outside, and then open the sealed hole in one fell swoop, and then spread our legs and run away!"

"So good!"

After listening for the first time, Feng Kui responded. Feng Caier's move is extremely safe. Feng Kui's head is in the cave, with the protection of flowers and life worry-free. When it comes to break through the forbidden law, it will break through again, which is simple and effective.

The discussion was established, and the two of them went straight to the entrance of the cave.

However, not long after moving forward, I suddenly saw a figure on the rock wall of the rift valley in front of me. My hands and feet were tied with thick iron ropes and tied to the rock wall. Behind me was a huge array, which was shining and completely shrouded it.

Feng Kui looked at it and found that the figure was a little familiar, with magic all over his body, looking ferocious and horrible, and made a sharp roar from time to time, hysterical and extremely painful.

"This man, this man is actually Xiao Dongchen! Why is he here? After looking carefully, Feng Kui immediately recognized that this man was actually Xiao Dongchen, a disciple of the True Biography of Chihuazong who had a grudge against him, but he did not understand why he was imprisoned in such a place, and his whole body was magical and crazy.

Feng Caier looked at it for a while and was also shocked: "This person has been planted with a magic root in his body, and this magic root is so strange, full of incomparable fluctuations. I have never seen it."

"Magic root?!"

Feng Kui's heart was shocked and secretly recalled that in the ancient demon world, he found that Xiao Dongchen's mind had changed greatly and was full of violent atmosphere, almost uncontrollable. Now when he heard Feng Caier's words, his heart was clear.

"This man has a grudge against me. Why don't I take advantage of the present and kill him! At the beginning, he repeatedly bullied me and almost killed me.

Feng Kui's eyes were full of murderous intent and said coldly.

Feng Caier shook her head and said, "Fool, you can't kill it!" If he could be killed, he would have been magical, and Chi Huazong would have been except for him. This magic root is extremely depressing. I'm afraid that killing him will encourage his growth. He lives in the world, as long as he imprisons him and doesn't let him make trouble, he can't make any big waves! However, if you let it go, it is very likely to become a ruthless and righteous demon, which will inevitably cause trouble to one side, and the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Is that so?! It seems that he can only be cheap to live. If he can't kill, he can't kill. If he is imprisoned like this, it's more cruel than death. Life is better than death!"

After hearing this, Feng Kui changed his attention, looked at Xiao Dongchen a few times, bypassed Xiao Dongchen, and continued to approach the entrance of the cave.