First-class immortal

Chapter 43: Nine Color God Disaster

In the bloody lotus seat, Su Manxiang heard Zhao Hongxuan's thunderous roar and felt Zhao Hongxuan's breath approaching. He hummed coldly. His white and slender fingers gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. Even his sneer was with a different charm, which shocked the wind beside him. At this time, Su Manxiang sneered disdainfully and said, "Four losers dare to chase me?! It's simply looking for a dead end."

Feng Kui's heart was shocked, afraid that the witch would kill again. Although Zhao Hongxuan is the head of the Chihua Sect, his status is respected, his reputation is extremely loud, and his cultivation has reached the realm of the emperor. Although it is not easy, it is far from the extremely mysterious and bloody Su Manxiang. Although Su Manxiang has just come out of trouble and is less than 50% of his strength at the peak, he has been able to kill the people of Chihua Sect unscrupulously in front of Zhao Hongxuan, which is no longer Zhao Hongxuan can compete with. Zhao Hongxuan was furious in order to follow the ancestral teachings of the clan and maintain the reputation of Chihuazong and his dignity. He was afraid that he had lost a little rationality and confused the way forward and retreat. In case he rushed up and died at the hands of Su Manxiang, he was afraid that he would be wronged and there would be no day to turn over. At that time, Feng Kui will become a big sinner. How can his conscience be peaceful? When Feng Kui endured the bursting pain all over his body, he said in a low voice, "You have promised me not to kill! Since so many people have been killed, it is a breach of promise. It's ridiculous that your cultivation is unrivaled, but your character is not very good. At the beginning, I saw a boy on the heavenly coffin and said, 'A gentleman's skin, do all the villain's things'. At that time, I thought you had a good and peaceful heart, but I didn't expect that you were nothing more than that! Legal people should discipline themselves first. If you can't do this, why do you hate others?! Should I also hate you for breaking your promise and going back on your way? Let's go today. Don't kill anyone anymore. I'm the first to ask you to be kind.

Su Manxiang looked coldly at Feng Kui's head, with a slight blood red in his eyes, and a murderous atmosphere emerged. Looking at Feng Kui's head, who was not afraid and full of persistence, and finally laughed and said, "What's the use of hating me?! When you can kill me, and say that you hate me, I may be able to take you seriously and be a little vigilant. Now, you are just an ant who regards yourself as a gentleman. What promise? I don't count, do you dare to say anything?! However, today I have no power to fight again, so I have completed your kindness to Chi Huazong and left those dogs for a period of time.

While talking, Su Manxiang's body softened, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and almost stood unsteadily. He glanced at Feng Kui's head with a pale face. Seeing Feng Kui's painful grin, there was no intention of killing her in his eyes, so he drove the lotus seat, drew a fiery light above the sky, and threw himself into the westernmost sea of Chihua Mountain. Hundreds of miles away, he threw away Zhao Hongxuan and stayed on a desert island for a while.

Feng Kui came out of the lotus seat, took a few breaths fiercely, slowly suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart, abandoned the feeling of pain in his heart, and soon sat on a big stone like an old monk, combing his whole body little by little, making it circulate regularly all over his body and in the veins of his body.

After this inspection and looking inside the body, Feng Kui found how serious his injury was. The power of Nep God in his body exhausted the remaining 60% and couldn't help repairing his body. At this moment, what scares Feng Kui the most is the Zhenyuan in his body, which is more than ten times more powerful than the immortal realm, and this quality is exquisite. He is also a lucky star. If there is a little more true qi in his body, he will completely exceed his limit. Even if there is the power of the sea god in his body, I'm afraid he can't survive now and explode into a pile of thin bones and flesh.

Xianjia practiced qi, spitting out the aura between heaven and earth flowing around the acupuncture points, becoming a qi vein, strong and stronger, surpassing mortals. There is a breath in the body, called true qi. Once you pass the disaster of immortality, through the baptism of disaster and go up against God's will, you can be detached from the extraordinary body, strong strength, eyes, ears, mouth and nose, internal organs, muscles and bones, blood and mind are more powerful and extraordinary. In the eyes of mortals, what they do is like immortals, and the world of cultivation is called immortals. When Jin enters the realm of immortality, he can refine the true qi in his body, practice qi, become a true qi, and be more pure and refined. After a step, refining the yuan is more powerful for Zhenyuan.

Today, in addition to his own true qi, Feng Kui's body is the true element transformed by the whole heavenly coffin, which is stored in his body and has not been refined into a heavenly dragon. Therefore, there are several rejections of his body, which often hurt his blood and qi, causing a lot of damage.

Feng Kui's first feelings emerged, and many feelings emerged in his heart. At this moment, he slowly chewed, absorbed slowly, and integrated into himself little by little. For a moment, his mental realm improved a lot, beyond the original many.

Su Manxiang, who was healing from afar, saw the situation, and the disdainful smile on her face gradually disappeared. She was slightly surprised and said, "There is actually a Taoist fruit in the body. It turned out to be a genius. Thinking of me, it was not easy for me to bear Taoist results, endured countless hardships, and died. This person has made such achievements at a young age. It's really a change of time. The world in the past is different from the past.

Su Manxiang muttered to herself. When she saw the Taoist fruit in Feng Kui's body, she thought of herself. When she formed the Taoist fruit, the whole family celebrated, and countless auras covered her head, and she actually felt a little pity for each other.

At this time, Ben'an's motionless head sitting on the big stone suddenly burst into a burst of laughter. His body slowly suspended. In the sky above his head, the wind and clouds converged, the sound of thunder rolled, and nine clouds shone down. In an instant, he enveloped the wind's head and became a pillar of heaven and earth. , the colorful light flows with each other, which is extremely gorgeous.

This glow comes down, accompanied by an indescribable will, respect and atmosphere. This will is God's will.

Suman's expression on the fox's charming face stagnated, and he couldn't help saying, "Nine colorful divine disaster! A mortal is just a small disaster of immortality, which actually attracted a colorful disaster. Even if you have divine blood, it is impossible to attract divine disasters, not to mention the supreme nine colors. What's the name of this man? Let me see how he survived this deadly disaster! I'm really looking forward to what an amazing change it will be if this person is unique and miraculously survives the colorful disaster. He should be able to feel a trace of truth!"

The nine-color god disaster is the most dazzling existence in this world. This is not only an angry punishment of God's will, but also a test for those who seek the way. Qiu Xian asked, it was originally to go against the sky and cross the disaster, which is the most direct form in the face of the anger of the sky. If you fail, you will be destroyed by heaven, and if you become successful, you will seek to go further on the road.

This will is extremely strong, and nothing can compete with it. Under the cover of God's will, the wind and head in the colorful glow suddenly gave birth to a humble feeling like a mayfly. It felt the endless thunder rushing in the clouds above his head, making a crackling sound. What the wind's head had was only firm, unwavering, like a rock, never retreating, let alone Show weakness.

Feng Kui first released his own thoughts, fighting against God's will and against the number of disasters. God seemed to feel the resistance of Feng Kui's head, and suddenly a surge hit Feng Kui's head's mind and deep soul. Feng Kui's head roared, and his soul was shocked. Fear, pain, anger, jealousy, cruelty, greed, irritability, despair. Countless ugly emotions of human beings surged up in his heart. At that moment, Feng Kui only felt that he had fallen into an eternal place, confused, panicked, and could not see a trace of hope.

God's punishment is really too powerful. It targets all the weaknesses of a creature and directly tortures a person's soul.

Feng Kui only felt that his consciousness began to blur, his soul began to be lax, and his desperate struggle was useless. His beliefs and soul were being destroyed little by God's will.

When Su Manxiang saw this, she couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, "God is jealous of talents. God's will is just like this. This most difficult part can't survive. I'm afraid it won't happen! It's really pathetic..."

Seeing this, Su Manxiang has concluded that Feng Kui will die. He did not hold any illusions any more and sighed slightly.

How can I know that the next moment, a shocking roar suddenly sounded, "I'm alive, and no one wants me to die!" Whatever God's will, get out of here...ah...ah..."

Sumanxiang's expression stiffened, and Fang saw that above Feng Kui's head, the incomparable will was put out, covering the whole body, emiting a gem-like flash, pure and strong, and the brilliance of the will actually pierced the will little by little like a thorn, and then suddenly, like the sky. In the same way, Feng Kui's will suddenly opened, and he actually stabbed God's will back.

"How is this possible? Is this the will of a person? Could it be that he is... getting more and more interesting!" Su Manxiang was extremely surprised. She suddenly realized something, and a flower-like smile appeared on her face and chanted, "Is this my fate? This is a small tree that has not yet grown up, a divine tree with infinite potential. Maybe one day, I can relax under the big tree..."

Seeing Feng Kui's head force God's will with his own eyes, it simply exceeded all Su Manxiang's expectations, which shocked her and made her counten.

God's will retreated, and a thunder shrouded its head towards Feng Kui's head. Countless thunder and lightning bombarded down, wanting to destroy all the body of Feng Kui's head and completely drown it.

"Come on, come on! I'm not afraid. I just need to refine your body... Ah ha ha... It's so refreshing..."

In the colorful glow, Feng Kui, bathed in the thunder full of destructive power, made a crazy sound, and the twisted song was conveyed in the roar of thunder, which made Su Manxiang curse meaningfully: "What a madman! However, it suits me..."

Feng Kui's head was bathed in the thunder, and his whole body was constantly hit by robbery and thunder. It was black, making a crackling sound, and his muscles and bones were full of thunder and lightning. Feng Kui's head can't help carrying the real yuan in his body and running the immortal and demon gossip in his body. With the help of this fierce power of thunderstorm, he can't help refining the real yuan in his body and transforming it into a dragon Zhenyuan.

But wherever he went through the disaster and was tortured by God's will, he was already panicked. He was lucky enough to cross it. His soul was already weak and his mind was haggard, and then the thunder fell. It was simply a devastating blow. How could he take advantage of the power of the thunder?

The thunder bombardment lasted for a whole hour, but he couldn't turn his head. Even if a fairy was in it, I'm afraid he had died several times. However, as the nine-colored glow rolled down twice, it revealed that its whole body was scorched and there was no human-like wind. Looking at the clouds above, he looked at the sky with a long roar: "Thieves, God, is it over? The big deal hasn't been finished yet!" But he is scolding the sky, which is simply rebellious.

Su Manxiang glanced at Feng Kui's head and snorted coldly, "What are you showing off! Don't force yourself. If you don't want to die, just heal your wounds quickly!" A word about the current situation of breaking the wind.

Feng Kui's face was charred, revealing a mouthful of bright white teeth, grinning, screaming, falling from the air, rolling on the ground repeatedly, with painful tears in the corners of his eyes, holding the heart of the stone in one hand, forcing out a drop of mother's breasts, inhaling his mouth, and finally breathing a sigh of relief and lying flat on the ground, full of fear He said, "I didn't expect the disaster of immortals to be so powerful! I don't know how others got through it. Those chemical fiber masters who were defeated by me, this disaster is all in vain, and there is no climate!"

Su Manxiang's eyes were full of contempt and sighed slightly, "Do you think everyone is like you?"

Feng Kui was stunned and looked at Su Manxiang in consterlingly, just because Su Manxiang's tone of voice had completely changed. There was no sign of looking down on her at her at all. He actually looked at her with a little closeness.