First-class immortal

Chapter 44: Progress

The mother's breast treatment has a miraculous effect. Feng Kui's head lay comfortably on the ground for a while, and then felt a crisp and numb feeling all over the body. It was slightly hot, that is, the body is rebirth, and the wound is healing and growing. Feng Kui felt that the pain all over his body gradually subsided, so he got up on the ground and began to check his physical condition.

He looked inside and felt the excitement of Zhenyuan in his body, and the majestic and deep power surged darkly. Feng Kui's heart was excited. He raised his palm slightly and made a dark move. A group of Zhenyuan on the palm suddenly changed. Then he heard a sound of dragon singing, which sounded majestically, and he saw a living head on the palm of Feng Kui's head. The living little dragon, full of spirituality, couldn't help circling, like a living creature. It hit it from the palm of the wind's head and flew and rotated in the air, extremely flexible. Seeing this, Feng Kui was overjoyed. As soon as his thoughts moved, the little dragon circled and suddenly threw it into the sea, making a long and bright dragon roar. Suddenly, he fell under the sea and saw a circle of white ripples on the calm sea, spreading nearly a hundred feet away, and then a dull sound. The sea suddenly exploded on the surface of the sea within the range of the ripples, setting off white tides and throwing them into the air at a height of nearly ten feet, which was spectacular.

The power of this explosion simply exceeded Feng Kui's expectations. Even Su Manxiang beside him flashed with an amazing look in his eyes, which was a little unbelievable.

Feng Kui's heart beat wildly and said, "This Tianlong Zhenqi cannon is so powerful. It seems that the previous feelings have immeasurable benefits for my cultivation! On the way to practice, the feeling is really important. No wonder everyone is obsessed with it. Nowadays, what circulates in my body is pure Zhenyuan. In the same realm, I am still condensing Zhenang. My advantage is much greater than that in the same realm. It seems that it won't take long for me the head of the thief Yuanling!"

Feng Kui's mind flashed and was quite satisfied with today's progress. At every moment of life and death, it forced his potential to burst out little by little. Although it was dangerous, the benefits brought by others were enviable. Wealth and danger are like walking on a single-plank bridge. If you can take risks, you will definitely get new gains.

This time, he not only broke through to the realm of immortalization, refine the ready-made true yuan, and became the true element of Tianlong, but also made amazing progress in the cultivation of the three types of dragons and evil dragons. Each of them has made several times, and the five phases of disasters have changed more. The cultivation of disaster has directly entered 20 times from ten times, which is even more amazing.

This time, above the sea in the distance, a spark came rapidly towards the desert island where the wind stopped, which immediately attracted Su Manxiang's attention, and a chill appeared on his face, and he looked over with caution.

Feng Kui felt a little, and he breathed a sigh of relief at the bottom of his heart. The person who came was not from Chihua Sect, so he was much relieved.

The fire came very quickly, and it came to the desert island in a moment. It circled over Feng Kui's head, showing a woman in red as fire. The style fell from the sky and came to Feng Kuai's head. Looking at Feng Kuai's scorching black appearance, he frowned and said with some heartache, "Poor A Kui, sister I can't even recognize it! How did you become such an embarrassed look... No, your realm has actually been upgraded to the realm of immortality. Tell your sister what you have experienced in the cave. I'm so worried outside!"

Feng Kui smiled and said, "Sister Cai'er is worried!" While talking, Feng Kui glanced at Su Manxiang, who was not good-faced, and said from afar, "Don't be so vigilant. This is my sister, not an outsider!"

Su Manxiang snorted coldly and stopped looking at him and began to heal himself.

Feng Caier glanced at Su Manxiang and saw that her beauty was extraordinary, plump, concave and conve, with a natural charm. She looked at Feng Kui in a playful tone and said, "Bad boy, I really didn't see that you are so popular with such a woman! Come on, how did you hook up?!"

Su Manxiang is much more powerful than Feng Caier. Anyway, Feng Kui can't see through her level of cultivation at all, but only feels extremely powerful. Imagine that she is not even the supreme of Chihua's teaching when her strength has not been restored. It can be imagined that the realm of cultivation is horrible. At this moment, Su Manxiang restrained her breath, and Feng Caier couldn't see through it, but she didn't think deeply. Maybe she thought it was just like this when she saw it together with Feng Kui, so she spoke boldly and had no scruples.

Sumanxiang was healing her wounds. Suddenly, she heard Feng Caier's words. Her face was cold, and her eyes stared indifferently. Her eyes were deep and she emitted a little breath, which shocked Feng Caier. Feng Kui quickly made a silent motion and whispered in Feng Caier's ear, "This man's name is Su Manxiang, and he can't even compete with the Chihua Sect. This time I entered the cave, and I was in big trouble. After that, I'll talk to my sister when I'm free!"

Feng Caier only felt a burst of heat in her ear, and her heart was surprised, but her face turned red. She said angrily, "Bad boy, what's the point of thing! I dare to eat my sister's tofu! Take your strange hand away..."

Feng Kui only cared about his smile, easily opened Feng Caier's hand, and said contentedly, "Sister Caier's hand is so soft..."

Feng Caier's cheeks were crimson until her ears were red and said angrly, "Be careful, I tell Sister Huarong that you will feel better then!"

Hearing this, Feng Kui quickly begged for mercy and said, "Sister Cai'er, don't! If you say it to Hua Rong, she will lose her temper with me and don't look good for me. I don't want to be annoyed with Hua Rong."

Feng Kui thought of today's abnormality. He felt uneasy and extremely worried. At that moment, he put away his naughty and said solemnly, "Sister Caier, I can't stay here for a long time. You are here to protect me now. When I recover a little, I will leave here. This time, I really made trouble..."

Hearing this, Feng Kui's tone was heavy, and he was also uneasy when he spoke. He was full of guilt. Feng Caier no longer cares about the little things in front of him and said softly, "If you want to heal your wounds, be faster. When you crossed the colorful disaster, my sister looked at it from afar! A Kui is really auspicious. My sister sweated for you at that time and knew that you had suffered a lot. Just heal your wounds!"

Feng Kui was moved, so he sat down on the ground, carried the true qi, and used the effect of the mother's spiritual milk to recuperate his wounds.

Three hours later, the head of the wind is scorched and black, giving birth to a new layer of skin, as if it were a new look.

Feng Kui only felt that there were 18,000 pores all over his body, each of which were usually incomparable. Between inhalation, the pores continued to open and close, constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. The internal organs are like a reconstruction, more powerful, the mind is clear, the thoughts move, many of the confused things in the past are clearly thought, orderly and reasonable.

Feng Kui expanded his chest, opened his arms, and felt that his muscles were full of strong strength, like a strong bow, bone joints, a crackling sound, extremely comfortable.

"This feeling is really great!"

Feng Kui couldn't help shouting.

Feng Caier was also happy for Feng Kui's head. She looked at Feng Kui's head with a smile and said softly, "Is it all right so soon?! Should we go? In the previous episode, I saw several magnificent breaths flashing, and it seemed that something big had happened! I avoided the distance for a while and couldn't come to see you in time! Now everywhere is not a place of peace. Let's get out of here first! Did you get the mother's breast milk?"

Feng Kui nodded and listened to Feng Caier's words. He guessed that the reason why there were no people from Chihua Sect here must be that Feng Caier cleverly led it away. Everything was to protect Feng Kui's head with thoroughness and good intentions, which moved Feng Kui even more.

After thanking Feng Caier in the bottom of his heart, Feng Kui looked at Su Manxiang and said helplessly, "Can you listen to me a few words before we part?! Maybe if we say goodbye today, it will be difficult for us to face it calmly in the future, and it may also be that we will face each other. If we don't say it now, I'm afraid that there will be no chance to speak calmly in the future!"

Su Manxiang slowly opened his eyes, looked at Feng Kui's head calmly, and said indifferently, "If you have anything to say, just say it!" I didn't expect you to be an extremely pedantic person. Although you probably said something, I have guessed it. But since you don't spit it up, I will be patient and listen to you to prove whether my guess is right or wrong! As for the swordsman in the future, I advise you not to be so good to me, otherwise you will die ugly!"

Feng Kui smiled, looked at the vast sea, and sighed, "I'm just a layman. I can't compare with you. Naturally, I'm extremely pedantic. However, I sincerely hope that you don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. The more you kill, the deeper the sin. This is not your sin alone. I released you, and there is also my share in this sin! What I ask for is just calmness and a clear conscience. Now it seems that it is difficult to get it. Don't let me hate you, or one day, you will regret it! It is not known who will die worse than whom at that time!"

Su Manxiang sneered, and the powerful breath was released in an instant. A layer of blood appeared in her eyes and shouted coldly, "Then I'll kill you now!" While talking, he was murderous and looked like he was about to take action.

In such a situation, Feng Caier's face was angry, and she suddenly stepped forward from Feng Kui's head, resisted all the powerful breath of Su Manxiang, and shouted, "With me, you can't hurt A Kui!"

Su Manxiang sneered disdainfully, "Just because of you, I also want to stop me!" I said who I want to kill, you can't stop 100! Humph..."

Hearing Su Manxiang's words, Feng Kui sneered repeatedly and said, "It turns out that you only know how to kill and live. What's the point of living?" You are awesome. You can kill whoever you want, so you deserve to be unhappy and imprisoned! Do you think people all over the world are sorry for you, hate you and deserve to die? If you want to kill me, try it. Am I afraid or not?

Feng Kui took a step forward and looked at Su Manxiang coldly, his eyes full of ridicule, ridicule and contempt.

Su Manxiang's whole body was extremely frightening for a moment. Feng Caier beside her gently pulled Feng Kui's head and looked at Feng Kui's head swaying in Su Manxiang's strong breath, holding a sweat in her heart, which was quite unbearable. Feng Kui was as stubborn as a cow, but he did not move. He was stubborn to the extreme and fought against Su Manxiang.

For a long time, Su Manxiang suddenly smiled miserably, fell, retreated several steps, and shouted, "Go... Don't let me see you again... Get out..." Her face was pale. For a moment, she actually changed her mind. At this moment, she looked lonely and looked extremely pitiful.

Feng Kui's head suddenly felt a little unbearable. He wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything. As Feng Caier broke through the air, only Sumanxiang was left alone on this desert island.

It was not until Feng Kui's head and Feng Caier disappeared from sight that Su Manxiang looked at the direction of Feng Kui's head's far away, fell to the ground and whispered to herself in a sad and pitiful voice, "There is no good person in the world! Do you think I'm killing innocent people indiscriminately? Who knows the pain I've suffered!"

Two drops of tears fell from the corners of Su Manxiang's eyes.

At that moment, Su Manxiang actually cried, which was no different from ordinary people.