First-class immortal

Chapter 10: Thunder

The two changed their wounds to another place, and half an hour later, the injury has recovered. Feng Kui's first feeling in his heart suddenly grasped a trace of inspiration and muttered, "It is indeed able to devour other people's souls. This move is awe-inspiring. You must be cautious in using it in the future. It seems that the Dragon III and the Evil Dragon III seem to be re-cultivated. If the evil dragon devours the spirit and the sky-covering hand or the blood claws of the soul, it must be more fierce. Harm, it can almost support the war with war, which is an excellent supplement to the consumption of the battle!" Feng Kui had such an idea in his head. He had a fantastic idea and put it away immediately. Now is not the time to study these. He must heal and recover as soon as possible to fight against the enemy. The battle with Zhang Bai is inevitable. Feng Kui doesn't want to win, but don't be too ugly to lose.

Since the battle with the killing of the demon king, Feng Kui'shou's understanding of the battle has been deeper. Although he lost his longevity, he also learned a lesson and completely saw his strength. Now, while the power of the Blood River Crazy Curse has not subsided, he is just fighting with Zhang Bai. Otherwise, in dozens of hours, he will have to return to his original form.

After another hour, Binglan opened her eyes leisurely and saw that Feng Kui's head had recovered, but the shocking trauma on her arm had not healed. Bing Lan sighed and stood up, took out a delicate jade bottle from the storage ring, and apologized, "Brother Feng, this is some healing elixir. Injury is very good, you'd better paint it a little... In the fierce battle just now, I was so confused that I forgot such an important thing. Brother, don't blame me for my carelessness..."

Feng Kui took the jade bottle for the first time and smiled, "This is my sister's kindness. How can I not know what's good or bad!" Gently opened the jade bottle, but saw the green fluorescence in the jade bottle emanating, and a medicinal fragrance floated out, refreshing the heart and spleen. Feng Kui knew that the potion in the jade bottle must be extremely precious. At present, a little was poured out on the palm of his hand and gently applied to the wound. As soon as the medicine was used, he felt a cool, and the hot pain at the wound immediately subsided. It's much less comfortable, and then it creates a feeling of numbness. Feng Kui felt the combination of the first feeling. Unexpectedly, he saw the meat | buds wriggling on the wound, and the speed of wound healing was simply amazing.

Feng Kui was shocked and said, "Sister, what kind of fairy medicine is this? The effect is really good. In less than half an hour, my injury will be completely cured!"

Binglan said softly, "I got this bottle of medicine powder by chance, and I don't know what kind of medicine it is. When I got it, there was a wisp of ownerless idea in the jade bottle. There is nothing else to mention its function."

Feng Kui said, "So that's it!" So he returned the jade bottle to Binglan.

Binglan put away the jade bottle and said, "Brother, I think that white will come soon! Brother, heal your wounds quickly, and I'll check it for you. Binglan looked alert and floated to the mouth of the cave, alerting to the changes outside the cave.

Feng Kui was moved and nodded. He did not dare to delay the time and continue to heal his wounds. For a long time, Feng Kui's head, who was trying his best to heal his wounds, suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange look appeared in his eyes. He asked in a low voice, "Sister Binglan, is there anyone outside the cave?"

Binglan said in surprise, "There is no difference!"

Feng Kui said again, "Has Shangguan Ziru joined the impermanence door?"

His question was very abrupt and brainless.

Binglan was shocked and said in surprise, "Brother, how do you know? Not only Shangguan Ziru, but also the others are the followers of the impermanent door.

Feng Kui did not answer. Huo Ran got up and came to the mouth of the cave. He looked at Binglan with cold eyes and asked in a low voice, "So what about you, senior sister?"

Binglan's face changed slightly and sighed, "They won't want me!"

Feng Kui whispered, "That's good! Then, I can still trust you." Immediately, Feng Kui ignored Binglan's doubts, stepped out of the cave and shouted, "Sister Shangguan Ziru, since you are here, why hide? Come out! In addition, should Brother Kong Ruchang also show up?

As soon as Feng Kui's first words fell, he heard a loud laugh, and a voice sounded: "Brother Feng is really outstanding. I only let out a little breath, and I was noticed by you. I didn't see the wrong person!"

Binglan was surprised and said, "It's Kong's voice as usual."

The two suddenly came out in front of them, and the people who came were Shangguan Ziru and Kong as usual. Shangguan Ziru stood on the side of Kong as usual, with her small and delicate figure slightly close to the hole as usual, and the bird was like a human.

With a confident smile on Kong's face, he glanced at Feng Kui's head and suddenly said, "Since you fought with Mu Feifan, I have felt that you are extraordinary. At that time, I looked up to you very much and had never done anything to help Mu Feifan. I once told him that pigs need to be fatten before killing them. I want to see if you have potential. I know that you have been wary of me since you became a true disciple, but you are not my opponent yet. Now, there are two ways in front of you. First, join my impermanence door. In the future, we will work together to win the world. Second, refuse the first road and be my enemy. However, in this way, I'm afraid you won't have a good life in the sect. I believe that you are a smart person. The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and a good bird chooses a good tree to live in. I believe you will not make a mistake in such a simple choice. You are a smart man!"

Feng Kui smiled and said, "Ha ha, someone praised me for being smart, but this has never happened!" If you say hatred, I don't actually have it with you, right?! Is this the party's unity?! Indeed, this choice is too simple for me, and I will never make the wrong choice. I am a stubborn person. Now, I will tell you - the owner of the impermanence door - Kong as usual, I will not join your impermanence door. There are a lot of people in my worry-free hall! Since you want to be my enemy, how can I avoid it? If I choose to obey your impermanence, I am the fat pig, and then I will let you slaughter it. I can't do this!"

Shangguan Ziru's face flashed with a trace of surprise, and she looked at Feng Kui's head piti, but she was gloating. However, a trace of sadness and determination flashed on Binglan's face. Kong Ruchang sneered and said, "I don't know how to praise. You know that the party fights against each other and dares to choose so. It seems that you are determined to be against me?"

Feng Kui shook his head and said, "You're wrong! It's you who are determined to be right with me. If you want to press me with the impermanence door, how can you suppress me?! Am I still afraid that you won't do it?"

Kong Ruchang snorted coldly, "You're not afraid, I'll hit you!" In the meantime, the flying sword has been sacrificed, and the magnificent momentum has spewed out thinly, and it is about to kill the head of Feng Kui.

At this moment, he shouted again and said, "Brother Kong, stop!"

Everyone only saw a figure flashing and appeared in front of everyone. Kong, who moved slowly, looked at the visitor as usual and snorted coldly, "Why, Zhang Bai, do you also want to step in and relieve him? I'm afraid you don't have this ability!"

Zhang Bai stared coldly at Feng Kui's head and said word by word, "Who will relieve him! I'm going to kill him! No one can save him here! Please give me this opportunity. He dared to beat my brother half to death. Do you think I should kill him to vent my anger?!"

Kong Ruchang's face moved and said regrettedly, "I didn't expect that anyone dared to beat Zhang Bai's brother. Who doesn't know that Zhang Bai loves his brother like a treasure in the palm of his hand? Since you want to do it, I won't compete with you as an adult!" Kong Ruchang was so calculating that he suddenly killed a Bai as a gun for himself. He taught him a lesson. He didn't have to take action when he was idle. He could watch a good play beside him. Why not do it?

Zhang Bai said, "Thank you very much!" Then he glared at Feng Kui's head and shouted coldly, "Although you hide quickly, now, let's see where else you are!" In the past, I came to a critical juncture because of my practice, and I can't deal with you and let you be free for a while. Now, I want to let you know what regret is and regret what you did at the beginning. Zhang Bai's brothers, how can you move! Look at the fight..." Zhang Bai's cold shining sword in his hand, showing his fierce power, and three swords between his hands, like starlight, condensed into a point, extremely sharp sharp, and the sword spirit has not yet arrived, and a boneless Xiao killing has hit, which is really scary. Seeing this, Feng Kui came forward with a sword and waved the Middle East. The sword spirit was like a dragon. He met Zhang Bai's sword spirit and took it all over.

Zhang Baixian's cultivation and combat effectiveness are comparable to that of the demon king. He is naturally captured by the wind. However, Feng Kuihou sacrificed Shouyuan with the bloody river crazy spell to improve his strength. Although it was the peak of the immortal realm, Zhenyuan was not much different from Zhang Bai. Moreover, he did not understand Feng Kui's determination to fight this battle. Although he did not suppress Feng Kui Shou, he did not cause Zhang Bai to be too vigilant. He thought that he would teach Feng Kui Shou a lesson. It's really good to play with the things in the palm of your hand. As for killing Feng Kui, he didn't dare, just verbally.

Feng Kui knew that he could not fight with Zhang Bai for a long time and must know it in a short time. Otherwise, he would not even have a chance. He took Zhang Bai's sword move and suddenly shouted loudly. He rushed forward with his sword and pushed Zhang Bai directly. He was as fierce as a fierce beast, as the enemy who killed his father and his wife. Unexpectedly, he was in front of him with a horizontal sword, blocking Zhang Bai's sword spirit with great consumption, and quickly approached Zhang Bai.

Seeing this, Zhang Bai didn't think so and sneered, "The little fish can't turn over the big waves!" In front of Feng Kui's head, he killed Feng Kui's head with a star-like sword spirit. He was determined to play Feng Kui's head, humiliate the enemy first, and then hurt the enemy. A trace of evil smile appeared on Feng Kui's face, and the evil spirit was awe-inspiring. Suddenly, he raised his hand and stimulated it with a large number of real yuan. Above the eastxia, the red glow burst out and made a clear Yue sword chant. With the head of the wind, a sword came out, pulling out a flame-like practice, like a glow under the sky. Zhang Bai disdained it and crossed the sword. Feng Kui laughed loudly: "Ignorant people, damage soldiers, break swords!" The two swords were connected, and there was a crisp sound. Dongxia's color was dark, and Feng Kui's head stood still, and his face was full of sneering. Zhang Bai retreated three steps, and his face appeared a little pale and angry. The sword in his hand was broken and could not be used again. At this moment, he shouted wildly: "Feng Kuai, you have really angered me!"

Feng Kui's head did not answer, and suddenly his breath became strange. At Zhang Bai's angry mouth, a cold made Zhang Bai couldn't help but shiver, but when he saw Feng Kui's head surging a murderous atmosphere, Zhang Bai suddenly felt scared and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

Feng Kui grinned and said, "Kill you!" He showed his white teeth, which looked depressing and scared Zhang Bai.

Zhang Bai sneered and couldn't help but rise. He wanted to suppress the murderous intention of Feng Kui and break his mind out of fear. However, Feng Kui's head has moved, and there is no delay at all. At the moment when Zhang Bai's mind was shrouded in murder, he moved. Zhang Bai only saw a golden light suddenly shining all over Feng Kui's head, and his whole body was caged in a ball of golden light. Then Feng Kui's head turned forward, and a bloody sword came out of the air, like bleeding, like a dementor. The cold and cruel murderous intention instantly wrapped around his heart and stabbed him in his heart. Zhang Bai screamed and raised the remnant sword in his hand. He was anxious in front of him. In an instant, hundreds of swords were emitted. The speed was so fast that it was simply shocking, and it was chaotic and unsurprising, which showed his cultivation. Those who watched the battle, especially Kong Ruyan, who saw Feng Kui's sword, had already changed greatly. He was secretly glad that he gave up the opportunity to teach Feng Kui to Zhang Bai, otherwise he would suddenly suffer a big loss when he met this sword. At present, he said with no danger: "First destroy the flying sword, mess up the enemy's heart, and then suddenly burst out, and send out an extremely powerful sword like thunder. This wind leader seems to be about to stand up. Alas, Zhang Bai was careless, this battle has been defeated! Under this murderous and cruel sword..."

Shangguan Ziru said in surprise, "No way... I saw him last time, but he didn't have such cultivation. How could it be like this?" Subconsciously leaned closer to Kong as usual, and a trace of fear appeared on his cheeks.