First-class immortal

Chapter 38: Saint Zudan

Every breakthrough and promotion in the realm of immortals has extraordinary significance, which represents a new table for the understanding of Tao and a higher level. Feng Kui's first accumulation is strong, his sense of perfection, and he has been promoted to the realm of immortals. He has made progress in cultivation, which is another leap. He can feel his current vitality, as vast as the ocean. With a little dispatch, it is active and boiling in every micron in his body, running in his veins, and the purity is more pure, as if it is inexhaustible. In the realm of immortals, you can use flying swords, kill thousands of miles away, and begin to show the elegance and detness of immortality. Just like Yang You, one person controls ninety-nine flying swords, with various arrangements and changes to form a sword array, which is very powerful. What a sword flight, ten thousand miles a day, is just a small trick. Feng Kui's strength immediately rose and became more powerful. He immediately thought of the elixir on the ethereal mountain, which could improve the strength of the immortal realm by one level. But he did not intend to take it immediately, but to reach the full accumulation of his immortal realm, reach a limit, and then use elixirs to make himself surpass this limit, and then break through in one fell swoop, which is very good for him. Taking the wonderful medicine elixir and Ganoderma lucidum fairy grass, there is a lot of attention and knowledge in it. Feng Kui has learned a lot from Zhu Xiaoliu. How to use it, he has made achievements in his heart.

At this time, Feng Kui turned his eyes to Bai Xiaoyi. This girl has completely controlled the situation, even though the silver armor old demon has used her master's ability to sacrifice silver armor with strong defense, and she can't compete with Bai Xiaoyi. The power of the holy ancestor is not what they can compete with at all, and all his means are helpless. The failure of silver armor is just a matter of time. At this time, the silver armored old demon was at the end of the road, unable to defeat, unable to escape, and fell into a dead end. When there is no way to go, despair can plunge any kind of creature into an extremely dangerous madness. That's why dogs jump over the wall and rabbits bite people. At this time, the fish net broke into the best choice. The silver armor old demon laughed wildly: "I can die under the eyes of the holy ancestor, I will die in the right place, waiting for the fish to die and the net to break..."

He suddenly laughed wildly and fell into a dangerous state. The demon elements of his whole body began to change, showing three kinds of brilliance of red, yellow and blue. A layer of blazing flame burned all over his body. The flame quickly burned the essence of his life and pushed him into the abyss of eternal death. At this moment, he burned his life, gained powerful power, and wanted to fight with Bai Xiaoyi. Seeing the sudden movement of silver armor, Baixiao's soft voice suddenly sounded: "Delusion." In the softness, the murderous intention is hidden, and the softness is full of sharp needles.

All the power of the silver armor began to converge, condensed, and condensed into a blazing ball of light that was enough to destroy a city, burning with the flames of destruction, full of the smell of destruction, and the danger made people frightening. With the last bit of life and power of his life, he held the destructive fireball and laughed almost crazily: "Sleep with the Holy Ancestor forever..." On the flame ball, surrounded by three colors of flames, jumping strangely, making a trace of surprise appear in the wind's indifferent eyes and deciding whether to help.

At this time, the destruction flame ball condensed by the life of silver armor was about to come out and bring Bai Xiaoyi and the Holy Ancestor virtual shadow to destruction. However, at this thrilling moment, there was a trace of anger and thin anger suddenly appeared in the noble eyes of the Holy Ancestor virtual shadow. Shuang always's lazy and hazy eyes immediately stared at the silver armor, and Bai Xiaoyi's voice sounded at the same time: "It won't be any effect to desecrating the holy ancestor and her incarnation with the power of the holy ancestor. You are unforgivable." The power of the holy ancestor is like a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. The spear can penetrate all shields, and the shield can resist all spears. However, in the hands of the holy ancestor, the spear and shield are just a force that belongs to her. There is no difference between the two. The performance of the spear and the shield is just a joke with the ignorant. Therefore, the holy ancestor's nine-color demon yuan cannot hurt herself. The nine-color demon yuan is her unique power.

At the moment when the silver armor was stared at by the virtual shadow of the holy ancestor, his whole body was frozen and fell into a wonderful eternity, and even his consciousness was completely dull at that moment. And the flame ball was gently picked by Bai Xiao and absorbed little by little, as if it belonged to her, but it returned to the original owner. Then, the gaze of the holy ancestor disappeared, and the silver armored old demon made a cold laugh with the last bit of his life: "I...delive." He died with a smile. At the moment of death, a picture appeared in his mind, which was the extremely glorious and sacred face of the colorful snake. At that moment, his heart seemed to be redeemed. We are the people of the holy ancestors, why should we betray? That was the last and most profound doubt in his life.

Kill the silver armor, but Bai Xiaoyi did not show any joy, but became heavy.

In the distance, Feng Kui looked at her calmly and gave her an inexplicable power. She suddenly sighed and said, "The will of the Holy Ancestor's nine-colored snake turned out to be benevolence, and my bloodline has awakened a little. Silver armor has the potential to awaken the three-color demon yuan. In the heavenly snake, it is already very talented. As long as it is bathed in the breath of the colorful heavenly snake, it will certainly be outstanding in time. The Tianshe clan must be led by me to become prosperous and powerful. Damn golden snake demon..."

Feng Kui said lightly: "Actually, the Tianshe clan is still eager for the return of the real king in their hearts. Silver Armor 'dedicated' his life's strength to you in an extreme way to accelerate the awakening of your bloodline, which is his redemption and expresses the common voice of the Tianshe clan. The golden snake demon will not eliminate you for a day, so that unnecessary sacrifices and sieges will not stop. The benevolent heavenly snake ancestors can't escape the disaster of these swords and soldiers. You'd better find a way to speed up the awakening of your bloodline. I believe that at that time, the Tianshe clan will be re-edified by you and lead back to the right path.

Bai Xiaoyi sighed gently and said, "Master once left me an elixir, which is the painstaking effort of the rest of her life. That elixir can stimulate the awakening of blood to the maximum extent, and greatly shorten the time of the last moment, almost as short as the disaster of immortals. She studied this Danfang in order to prevent her from happening again. It's just that before I could refine one, I went there.

Feng Kui immediately understood that Bai Xiaoyi's will of the colorful snake was benevolent. Judging from her master's deeds, it was true. He immediately asked, "What is the elixir? What materials do you need?"

Bai Xiao also said, "It is called Jiucai Shengzu Dan, which is a special elixir with a single effect and extremely remote. There are a lot of materials needed, but the master collected some by himself, and I also found some in Tianzang Mountain. The chalcedony leaf is one of the essential spiritual grass. Now there are still about a dozen materials left. I plan to go to Huanhai Treasure Island to see if I can collect them all, so that my blood can wake up time. Great advance, beyond everyone's expectation, has a lot of benefits for me. The most important of these benefits is in strategy.

Feng Kui nodded and said, "Well, let's leave immediately and go to Haibao Island."

Bai Xiaoyi nodded meekly, and the two immediately left for Huo Lingjiang. On the way, Feng Kui began to refine Yang You's golden elixir. A golden elixir contains the essence of cultivating truth and asking for immortals, and all the mysteries of the Tao are engraved in it. Feng Kui's first practice of Dayi classics and his terrible ability to deduce computing, interpret it little by little, take its essence, and take it into his own use, which can improve his cultivation accumulation. From these aspects, I realized the cruelty on the road to cultivation. This is a single-plank bridge. Tens of millions of people are rushing to cross it. There are always unfortunate people who fall down, and most of them.

As Feng Kui and others gradually approached Huo Lingjiang, Feng Kui felt that this area had been completely controlled by the devil, and there were faint signs of demon collusion. This area is no longer a humane home and paradise, and has become a nest for demons. After such a dangerous place, Feng Kuishou and Bai Xiao also had to be careful to feel that there are more than a dozen undisguised breaths, powerful and terrible things that surpass the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Although Feng Kui and Bai Xiao are also strong, they can't challenge and compete with such demons and demons. In this area, at the junction of Yunzhou and Shangzhou, the forces of various sects have hardly been covered, making this area almost become a vacuum zone for immortal forces. Only a few Xiuzhen families, scattered, like Zheng Wei, can be regarded as a huge thing.

Feng Kui's head vaguely felt that this area gave himself a wonderful feeling, especially that so many big demons and demons were dormant here, which aroused Feng Kui'shou's suspicion: "Is there any hidden secret in this area? These demons are waiting for the opportunity to discover?" He couldn't figure it out. He vaguely remembered that in the shouting of the blood-eyed old demon when he was dying, he must have something to mention the young master. Maybe he was the descendant of the three patriarchs in the demon world.

When Feng Kui was thinking about it, suddenly, a phoenix sounded and went straight to the sky. Suddenly, Bai Xiao, Feng Kui's head, was also shocked. This is so sudden that there is no defense at all. You know, in order not to attract attention, they even hike on the ground, restraining their breath to the extreme, and the wind is almost no different from ordinary people. Bai Xiao, the head of Feng Kui, couldn't help looking up, but saw a divine black phoenix hovering, and a man sitting on the black phoenix. He was looking at them that for a while, there was no discernment between enemies and friends.