First-class immortal

Chapter 41: Killing with a Broken Sword

The vacuum demon is not as strong as the cultivation in the vast Kyushu world, and the accumulation of perception is strong enough. Feng Kui first had a battle case of defeating the demon king of the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but when facing a real Daluo Jinxian, the division of strength between the two sides appeared and made a judgment. Even if his murderous spirit broke out and fell into a terrible situation, it is still an unknown. Although there were powerful words, under the immortals, they were all reckless, but after all, it was bold words, the difference of the realm, and the accumulation of perceptions, which built a gap that seemed to be crossed, but in fact, it was difficult and dangerous and desperate.

Three hundred and thirty-three blood-eating swordsmanships can't do anything about it, and Feng Kui's head has only one way to go crazy.

In fact, Bai Xiao also has a third expectation in his heart - Feng Kui's first fierceness, killing Qingshan, and then blessing and regaining his mind. This trace of expectation is weak like paranoid stubbornness, and Bai Xiao can only hide it in his heart.

She is a smart and rational woman, but she is not rigid and does not believe in miracles at all, so she did not abandon this expectation and prayed secretly in her heart. The strength of powerful creatures is that they can see a little hope in a hopeless place and then create miracles. What they want is not hope itself, but a fulcrum that supports the insignificant fulcrum of a world.

There were crystal tears on his face, pear blossoms and rain, and Bai Xiaoyi's eyes did not leave the bloody figure in the sky for a moment. Somehow, the sky suddenly became cloudy, as if the night was coming. The sky is full of blood, like a strange sunset glow, which is very beautiful and cold.

I don't know when the old boat family sat up straight and no longer shrank into a ball. His turbid old eyes stared at the air and sighed, full of compassion, like the sigh of an old dragon in a certain month of a certain year.

Qingshan's eyes became solemn and cold, like a fierce beast that suddenly woke up. He didn't expect such unexpected changes in this battle. He was suddenly caught off guard and felt an unprecedented crisis. The magic elements all over his body were boiling, and death began to permeate, turning into a thick fog. , turned into a dead space, flowers, trees, reptiles and beasts all withered and died little by little.

The murderous spirit around Feng Kui's head is as hot as ground fire, forming a space for killing. Each breath is heavy like a roar, and all the dark hair turns into a fishy red color, floating behind his head, like a cluster of wires. Suddenly, the blood in Feng Kui's eyes shone. At first glance, he saw Qingshan. Then, in his instinct, Qingshan must die.

The killing begins immediately.

Feng Kui's head actually abandoned his sword and attacked. A ferocious hand suddenly opened, like a giant claw, and his body flashed like a shadow of blood. Suddenly, he disappeared in place, comparable to a ghost, and embarked on the ruthless rhythm of killing. Qingshan only felt that Feng Kui's head rushed over, as if a knife had poked directly at his Yuanying. His heart trembled, and the huge sword suddenly swirled, and the sword spirit like a mountain like a prison came out, blocking the wind's head. His sword spirit is heavy and huge, and it has become a realm.

Feng Kui's head was actually clumsy, and his hands suddenly grabbed it out. With the power of the flesh, he brazenly attacked, crazy and domineering. When the claws passed, the power burst out, and the sword spirit was completely torn apart. The blood was combined with the scattered murderous atmosphere, and they could not distinguish each other at all. Only crazy and more violent, like rainstorm and thunder. With this obstacle, Feng Kui's head was as fierce as a broken bamboo, straight to the green mountains.

Qingshan was shocked to see this.

It's like a mountain sword spirit, but it's hard to take the wind. His sword spirit suddenly changed. The so-called steel is made into steel. The sword spirit is thick and more solid. It is actually abandoned and light. This realm is like a child suddenly growing up. The huge toy in his hand can now be played with a few fingers. Qingshan was at the beginning and did not do his best. There are too many amazing things in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. It can be suppressed and killed casually.

With a long roar, the sword spirit of Qingshan came back, as gently as a boating in the mountains, but it was as many as crucian carp crossing the river. Each sword spirit was as heavy as a mountain, but it was as light as a swimming fish, full of sharp and killing. Between one move, a large amount of sword spirit is born, which shows its profound background.

Feng Kui immediately sensed the danger and suddenly clenched his fist with one hand. The murderous spirit of his whole body evolved into a killing field, like the sword after the sublimation of the sword. The killing domain suddenly rotated, as if the grinding disc began to rotate, like a saw chain pulling up, which could smash everything. His fists suddenly bombarded, shaking the sky. Suddenly, his body rushed out and killed into the torrent of sword spirit. All mountains and light spirits were shattered by the killing area and were blown by his fists.

Extremely powerful!

In the meantime, the wind appeared in front of Qingshan safely. In a pair of eyes, blood is dense, and in the pupils, blood-colored roses, as if spewed out from the endless void, continue to grow bigger, until the eyes are full, and then wither and reincarnation. Qingshan was shocked and said incredulously, "Daluo Jinxian can't be unscathed."

Feng Kui couldn't hear what he was talking about at all. He had only one idea. Kill him and bombard him completely.

There was almost no pause. Feng Kui's head had taken action, and his strong fist came out. One punch, two punches, three punches... The fist shadow is dense. The green mountains were completely flooded. He didn't even have time to escape. The wind is like a machine that will never stop, always running at a high speed and always in amazing efficiency. The power of every punch can break his sword spirit, which is enough to flatten a mountain. Daluo Jinxian will not suffer from itching peacefully. Daluo Jinxian is not a fairy king. He is still Cao Mang, and the king will be stabbed to death. What's more, no matter how strong Cao Mang is, he can be killed alive.

This chaotic fist swept away the previous decline, and Feng Kui immediately won back a city. Unfortunately, he has no feeling about it now. The enemy is immortal and the battle is endless. The outstanding killing is just a corner of the curtain,

Qingshan first urged the demon yuan to cover his whole body with the body protection door. His body couldn't help shaking and couldn't help himself. However, his huge sword rose up in the air. Between them, he went down into the air, and the sword spirit shot. It turned out to be 100,000 mountains, which was extremely heavy and suppressed. The wind immediately suffered from mid-air and fell down, like a comet falling to the ground, shocking the earth. He was not dead, seriously injured, and non-stop, like a projectile. He rose to the sky from the cracks on the ground, and his violent thoughts were even stronger. Unexpectedly, he abandoned Qingshan and changed his goal.

Move like thunder, more than ten thousand.

The wind is straight up to the sky, the huge sword of Qingshan.

Seeing this, Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, and the sword spirit went down again. 100,000 mountains were suppressed more violently. This time, he tried his best to make a final sound to completely destroy Feng Kui's head. He has great confidence in this. A small creature, under the heavy pressure of 100,000 mountains, is not even as good as an ant. It is simply a mayfly, a dust, can only despair and be crushed to death.

However, miracles always happen in the most unexpected places.

The seemingly crazy and brainless wind bow suddenly produced amazing changes and made a shocking magical reaction. He suddenly restrained around the area, rotated at a high speed, turned into an extremely sharp blood-colored drill, and became a drilling rig that broke through the mountain. 100,000 mountains were pierced, like crossing no one's land, flying straight at the giant sword, which shocked everyone's eyes and made everyone could imagine such a powerful sword as Qingshan. , it is easy to be broken. At this time, the wisdom of a fool is as good as stupid as a fool.

Qingshan exclaimed, and the flying sword was about to be taken back, but he had been holding it with his big hand. The violent power made the flying sword stop and the momentum of withdrawal. In an instant, the other hand also held it. The blood-scorching hands opened and held the two ends of the giant sword. The body was straight, like a burning cross and a death cross.

The roar from the region sounded, as if it were crushing the roar of reincarnation, and Qingshan's face suddenly became ugly.

He finally knew what Feng Kui was going to do first. Although he knew that he might not succeed, his heart was still uneasy and frightened.

He wants to destroy the sword.

Use your hands to break the extremely hard sword.

The long roar of Feng Kui's head sounded, and huge power gathered on his arms. With a bang, layers of mutant murderous air wrapped up above the giant sword, and the beating light was burning like a fire. His waist suddenly bent, and the spine made a sound like an explosion, and boundless power burst out. Suddenly, his waist straightened in an instant, one relaxed, his head raised high, making a long roar, and his shoulders suddenly shook. Only a chilling click sound was heard. The huge sword was actually broken like this.

There is nothing crazier than this in Kyushu Xiuzhen.

Break the top fairy weapon with bare hands.

He did unprecedentedly, allowing everyone to regain their awareness of power and begin to abandon their usual prejudices.

He raised the broken sword in his hand and suddenly hit the two broken swords into Qingshan. The roar of tearing the space sounded, and the broken sword went to the green mountain, which was unimaginably fast. However, the speed of Feng Kui's head was more rapid, surpassing the broken sword and taking the lead in front of Qingshan. He hit out his hands, but his index finger and middle finger were pointed out together, and the disarmed Qingshan's whole body protection method was suddenly broken.

At that moment, he had not even woken up from the shock. At a glance, only the ferocious face in front of him was cold, and he suddenly felt a burst of pain. A blood hole had been opened above his chest, almost smashing his heart. Qingshan was shocked. At this moment, he knew that there was no fluctuation of vitality on Zhou, Feng Kui's head. He dodged away, and his strong uneasiness swept his heart. Unwaiting for him to move again, one arm had flown up in the air.

Under the blood, a painful and ferociousness appeared on Qingshan's face. He never thought that his flying sword would kill himself. However, the arm was cut down by his flying sword.

This amazing layout and judgment immediately made him realize a serious problem - the crazy monster in front of him is that reason still exists. He was immediately shocked and shouted, "Do you have any thoughts?"

A stiff expression appeared on Feng Kui's face, which was very obvious, which was disdain and ridicule.

At this moment, Qingshan's stunned moment, one of his slaps had been hit, and his body was so fast that he suddenly hit Qingshan's face. The powerful force made a head of Qingshan rotate countless times on his shoulders, during which he even said, "Impossible!" Then it exploded and turned into powder. The exquisite control of this power is simply appalling. However, this is just a move in the secular world, which is not a skillful martial arts - tearing wind, and almost no one recognizes it.

The flesh of Qingshan was destroyed in an instant. Falling to the ground, suddenly, a stream of light flashed out of the headless body and shot into the distance. Feng Kui's head eyes turned, and his blood-colored eyes immediately locked. Want to run?" The dull and hoarse voice sounded, and his body had disappeared in place. Holding a crystal baby in his big hand, he was shouting, struggling and suffering.

This is the Yuanying of Qingshan. If he escapes, he can take away the body and regain his body. This killing will be in vain. Feng Kui pinched Yuanying, glanced at it, and laughed. Suddenly, he opened his mouth, swallowed it, and swallowed it, which was appalling. Then he suddenly turned around and looked at Bai Xiaoyi.

At that moment, Bai Xiao also burst into tears and laughed.

It turns out that there is a fourth possibility! At that moment, she felt that she was like a lonely young woman, looking at her long-lost man and coming to her from the deadly war. She couldn't help feeling a burst of heat, and her desire began to make a fuss.