First-class immortal

Chapter 110: White Rock

Feng Kui was preparing to practice when there was an extremely harsh scream outside the cave, and then accompanied by the fall, it seemed that someone fell to the bottom of the cliff. The three heard this scream, and their faces were a little strange. They quickly appeared outside the cave and saw Xiaoang struggling to get up at the bottom of the cliff, with blood and blood on his chest. His face was pale, but there was a feeling of heat and excitement in his eyes. He raised his head and looked towards the top of the cliff.

Feng Kui's first three faces were surprised. They were surprised who beat the small iron tower like this and directly fell to the bottom of the cliff. The three looked up and found a valiant woman standing on a huge stone protruding from the edge of the cliff at a very high above, holding her fists in her hands, looking at Xiao Kang extremely coldly. The woman's black hair flew, and she was dressed in a snow-white animal leather dress, like a goddess of war, which made Feng Kui's head and even Bai Xiaoyi and Feng Caier amazing. This is the tough existence among women, beautiful, cold and full of power. The beauty of women's strength and power is simply obvious. There is no weakness and softness, but it makes people look without any disgust. They don't think that she has no female charm. On the contrary, she is more charming and fascinating.

At this moment, the woman is watching Xiaoang climb up from the bottom of the cliff.

Xiaoang lowered his head and climbed to the top of the cliff, stood beside the woman, quietly looked at the woman's side face, and dared not face the woman's eyes. Eight years later, has the woman he lost on the bet grown so beautiful, charming and strong? I'm not the enemy of her move. His heart surged with bitterness and sourness. Suddenly, the woman turned her face and stared at Xiaoang. Xiaog's head drooped lower, and finally sighed a long sigh.

The woman said unexpectedly, "You finally thought of coming back, Xiao Cang!"

Xiaogan's body trembled and said, "I..." He couldn't say anything. This girl who grew up and played with him since she was a child, lost to others on the battlefield and lost her to Tiemu, he had no way to face it. He was ashamed of her, pain, reluctance, and even entanglement. To escape. That time, he was defeated miserably. He ran out of the ancient mountains with injuries, and blood and tears flowed all over his face. That was the first time he cried bitterly, crying like a dead man's woman, crying until he coughed and bleeding in his throat. At that time, he stopped, and there was no trace of the ancient mountains in his sight. He began to wander for eight years in a flash. Until recently, he finally wanted to go back and face what he had escaped. Unfortunately, when he arrived in Shangzhou, he hesitated and wandered around this area. He can't say clearly about that mood. He doesn't know what he is afraid of! In the end, he met Feng Kui Shou and didn't know each other. Now, he stood beside the woman Bai Yan, looking at the face that he had never forgotten, and his eyes were in a trance. She is becoming more and more beautiful and powerful. And what else is there for yourself? What qualifications do you have to talk to her? He can't say a whole word.

Bai Yan smiled gently. In the last line of sunset, there was a trace of familiar tenderness in the cold: "I defeated Tiemu. Now, I'm not any man's woman."

Xiaokang looked stunned, opened his mouth, and was even more speechless. At that moment, he suddenly cried again, but he resisted. Defeat Tiemu, the one who used to be a young generation, far more powerful than his peers?! He can't figure out how much Bai Yan has paid for it and how much sweat and blood he has shed. I'm afraid any man may be unable to stand it. Is she waiting for me?! Xiaoang felt that his chest was about to explode, and his heart was beating wildly. And what capital do you have to get her? This thing, even if it's not love, is really too heavy.

Bai Yan raised his head, and the trace of tenderness disappeared. He said coldly, "I am the strongest now! In a year, I will leave here and travel.

One year?!

Xiao Gan took a deep breath and seemed to have made up his mind. Finally, he raised his head and looked at Bai Yan's face and said, "Do I still have a chance?"

Bai Yan curled up his hair blown by the wind, tied it up behind his head, and said, "You have to ask yourself. If you have any other thoughts, prove it to me and I will consider it. Anyway, if you lose me to others, you will run away. For so many years, I have always wanted to vent my anger on you, but I didn't expect you to even punch me..." Bai Yan's words fell and drifted away, and Xiao Gan smiled bitterly. You can't even eat a punch?! He was just destroyed by thoughts. Over the years, everything he has experienced and the battles he has experienced are even more cruel than in the ancient mountains, hovering on the line of life and death. His style of play is very cruel. His ability to resist Yuanjun is a master. This alone is how many of the younger generation can be compared?! However, he knew that he was still far behind. It's not just the gap with Baiyan, but also with Tianhu. His goal is Feng Kui, the invincible brother of the same realm, who kills the inarith of the master of Yuanjun.

It was not until Bai Yan disappeared into his sight that he turned his head and found Feng Kui's head. He waved his hand from afar, grinned, and left.

The three people of Feng Kui looked at each other and smiled, returned to the cave, activated the mechanism, and a big stone rumbled down at the entrance of the cave, which was completely sealed. Feng Kui knocked on the stone wall and felt the strength of the stone wall. It was very difficult for his sword spirit to cut marks on the stone wall. This seemingly ordinary high cliff is actually as solid as gold. It is the most solid barrier of Xiaoyan's ancient totem family.

In the cave, it is very simple, with stone tables, chairs and stone beds. The lines are rough and ingenious. Several stone chambers have been opened up in the depths of the cave, which are the essence of this cave. The stone interior walls are engraved with ancient pictures, which are very abstract and mysterious, but the common points of these murals are full of power and nobility. The combination of four stone walls and the ground domes and murals constitutes an exquisite array. In it, it seems to be in a space of power. Every litina of the body is shaking and jumping, giving birth to strength, so that the practitioners's strength in it slowly grows, healing and recovery has miraculous effects, and there are also An ancient mysterious will, more mysterious, should be of great benefit to Xiao Jiang and others!

Fengkui's first choice is to set up a stone room, enter it and begin to practice.

He sacrificed the Changsheng Gate at the first time and entered it. He simply greeted the fox Ali, then entered the depths of the Changsheng Gate and began to swallow the mysterious power.

A month is a long time of more than 30 years for Feng Kui.

A month later, he was confident to enter the realm of Xianjun, or even higher. His goal is the realm of Yuanjun. Since the realm of Jinjinxian, he has experienced a series of wars and devoured countless essences of life. In addition, he has realized that the sword of breaking the truth has long been enough. The core of the realm of immortals is the essence of life. Constant accumulation, understanding the mystery of the road, making it qualitative change, beyond the essence of all creatures, can become immortals and become real immortals.

In the Changsheng Gate, the wound of Feng Kui's head soon recovered. The broken God of War armed forces were constantly sacrificed by him, and the huge sword hanging in front of him was also swallowing the power of the road. At this moment, Fengqi's head is like an abyss, devouring endless power. He is growing and changing, and every idea in his sea of knowledge is understanding and deduced, and the realm is endlessly improving. His body, the light released, the holy white halo lingered, and the whole body condensed a grain of power crystal, perfectly integrated with the body, and then assimilated by the body. His body was like a furnace, constantly melting and absorbed, becoming stronger and stronger. Suddenly, Feng Kui opened his eyes and stood up suddenly.

He felt the disaster, and the disaster of the realm of Daluo Jinxian was coming.

He is about to break through.

Feng Kui's head appeared in the Changsheng Gate, flew out of the cave and came into the air. The rolling disaster came down, and all kinds of demons and demons rushed to him. His eyes swept over, and divine light bloomed. The true meaning of yin and yang appeared in his eyes. The incarnation of the five elements glanced at the past, and the demons perished and disappeared. Then he suddenly punched and cracked the sky, and the cloud was blown away by him. This disaster is simply not worth mentioning. It passed in the blink of an eye. After crossing the disaster in an instant, Feng Kui immediately returned to the cave and entered the Changsheng Gate again. Some people who witnessed this scene were full of shock and said in shock, "Is the disaster of Daluo Jinxian so simple? Is the disaster so vulnerable?" That punch was really horrible. With just one punch, he hit the disaster back." Isn't he afraid to provoke Tiangong's anger and punish him? ... All kinds of comments, and some people immediately reported this scene to Tianhu.

At this moment, Xiao Kang is experiencing a big war with his master. Countless cracks have burst all over his body, and his body seems to break into pieces, which is shocking. But Xiaoang looked firm and sat in a pool of milky spring. The power of his whole body was flowing and motionless, and his injury was healing at an appalling speed. Half an hour later, he jumped out of the spring, and there was a destructive power flowing between the movements. He walked out with a firm face, and then he was beaten to crack his whole body again. He is training himself with this cruel cycle. Ordinary people can only conduct such training once a day, which is a compulsory course, but Xiaoang has carried out 18 times a day, and the number of times is increasing. His father, also his master, "created" Xiao Kang with his mother in a thousand years. In Xiaog's eyes, his father is extremely strict and invincible. He fought against the old people of all the clan, and strongly combined with a humane woman. But Xiaog didn't know who his mother was. It was his father who brought him up. In order to maintain the purity of their blood, they can often only marry with the same clan. Xiaoang was born with an impure bloodline and was ridiculed by his peers, and the elderly in the clan were not optimistic about him. His father was very confident. He trained and guided him strictly since he was a child. He was stubborn and stubborn, as if to prove something. Xiaoang never knew where his mother had gone. He only knew that his mother was still alive. Every time he asks about his father, the man becomes extremely silent, his face is gloomy, and he can't help clenching his fist.

He took the initiative to ask his master to hit him with all his strength, and his desperate posture was exchanged for his father's smile and nodded for the first time. Until ten days later, Xiao Can finally rest for a day, and the main reason is that the medicine in the spring has been exhausted and needs to be replenished again, otherwise Xiao Can will not stop anyway, because when he thinks of the face in the sunset, he will surge up infinite power!

Love is the most powerful force and creates infinite miracles.