First-class immortal

Chapter 12: The Power of the Saints

As soon as Feng Kui's first words fell, he violated the prestige of the emperor and the emperor, making the ten emperors appear angry and murderous on their faces.

"Those who disrespect, die!"

There was a broken shout.

The emperor was angry and finally took action. In this five elements, they have an infinite sense of superiority. They feel that between heaven and earth, they are the queen of the emperor, inheriting the fate of heaven, and there is no one in the universe. The various behaviors of Feng Kui and Zhu Yanzhen angered their supreme majesty. Unexpectedly, they were stubborn and tough to plead guilty, which deeply offended their majesty, so the emperor was completely enraged.

For a while, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the true essence of the five elements, the original divine power swept everything and swept to the head of the wind, the sun, moon, stars, yin and yang hexagrams, and the virtual shadow of the universe all evolved in these spells, bombarding the head of the wind.

The half-step immortal is really extraordinary.

Feng Kui's first felt numbness, heavy, hot, sharp and cold breath wrapped around him, almost wrapping himself into a cocoon, blocking time and space, and trapping him in a strange time and space. The unparalleled five-element mixed elements and demigod law made him feel as if he were in the end of the world. A premonition of destruction.

Feng Kui's look became extremely solemn.

It seems that there are still too many differences between half-step immortals and ordinary immortals, which are too powerful. And it is ten, born with five elements. The tacit cooperation between each other is infinite and flawless, and it is even more unpredictable, almost infinitely close to the power of immortals.

The methods of the emperor and queen are far more than that. It's like hunting, besieging first, trapping the prey, and then hunting.

Feng Kui's first fist bombardment, wanted to tear the blockade of this layer of heterogeneous space, and burst out with supreme combat power, but it was still slightly difficult to fight against ten for a while.

The emperor's back hand immediately followed.

The Black Emperor's body protection power.

The black emperor's water is frozen magic power.

The immortal power of the Qingdi Muhuang.

The wooden magic power is built after Qingdimu.

Red Emperor Fire Emperor Nirvana magic power.

The Red Emperor is full of magical power after the fire.

The White Emperor and the Golden Emperor cut the magic power.

White Emperor Jin smashed the magic power.

The Yellow Emperor suppressed the magic power.

The emperor's mysterious power.

A whole ten magical skills, both offensive and defensive, and communicating with each other are the immortal means, which cannot be compared with any kind of existence. These ten existences, no wonder that after claiming the throne, they turned out to have such a means, mastering the means of immortals, which is not arrogant.

The Black Emperor Water Emperor showed his magic power to protect the body, which was a hundred times more mysterious than the great fairy art of protecting the body. He was the first to block all the counterattacks of Feng Kui. Feng Kui clearly felt that the Xuanming body protection fairy art was a small part of the black emperor's water emperor's body protection magic power.

Then there was the Qingdi Muhuang, and the reborn body soared down and directly wanted to capture Feng Kui's head. The Nirvana flame of the Red Emperor's Fire Emperor also burned, burning the wind head, almost turning him into nirvana ashes. The Yellow Emperor held thousands of divine mountains, and the earth were suppressed, and the heavens and the worlds could not be freed.

Feng Kui felt an unprecedented threat, simply facing a fairy.

The danger is more than that.

The black emperor's wood sealed everything, making Feng Kui's head click around and knotted Xuanbing, as if he had been beaten into a certain ice age in countless eras. Mixed yuan, bloodlines and even thoughts had a tendency to freeze. The wooden magic power built after the Qingdi wood also fell, and Feng Kui's body had to be turned into a section of trees, which could be cut down and could not move. The fiery magic power after the Red Emperor's fire fell down and began to burn him, truly destroying the flame and burning everything. The White Emperor and the Golden Emperor, the White Emperor's golden queen were extremely sharp cutting and smashing, causing cracks in the whole body of Fengqi's head, like a porcelain, with cracks, dense and about to be broken. Feng Kui tried his best to run his strength, and his flesh and blood were reborn, but he couldn't resist it. Finally, the emperor also took action, and the most important thing in the mysterious world fell into Taigu. Feng Kui felt that he was in a heavy world, and he couldn't even lift a finger.

This is simply a mortal situation.

Zhu Yanzhen was desperate and waited to die.

How can real immortals compete with immortals?!

The emperor was furious and almost crushed Feng Kui's head.

At this moment, life and death, Feng Kui's head was completely angry.

The pure land world suddenly opened.

The Sanskrit chants of countless Holy Spirits are conveyed, and the light of clean purification shines, and the wind suddenly opens up a peaceful place, clean and clean, reaching eternity.

Feng Kui shouted loudly: "You are very good. Let me see the magic tricks." He was bathed in the holy light and Sanskrit singing, and the destructive power of the five elements of his body was purified, and his flesh and blood grew again. In a blink of an eye, the windy head returned as before. In the pure land, Zhao Lingyue and others also saw this scene, and they were surprised and nervous.

However, Feng Kui can't take care of these now. He wants to capture all these emperors and emperors, and then practice one by one. At that time, the origin of his five elements was simply unmatched.

The power of Taixu tore through time and space, and Feng Kui's head suddenly appeared in front of the White Emperor's golden yellow and the White Emperor's golden queen. The nightmare giant sword is in hand, and the super evil dragon Taixu ancient dragon is supremely powerful, shocking everything, and immortals dare not fight against each other. Feng Kui cut out with a sword, and the sword light is divided into two worlds, as if breaking through chaos. This sword is to kill the most destructive White Emperor and the White Emperor Jin Queen, who are the most powerful among the emperors of the five elements, and each of them was blowns by surprise.


It's like a huge iron mountain breaking and collapsing.

The White Emperor and the White Emperor suddenly exploded.

The other eight emperors and queens roared and shouted sadly. They really didn't expect that Feng Kui was so powerful. Not only did they escape from their ten magical power, but they also had an invincible pure land world, shuttling through time and space. Instead, they were the first to kill the White Emperor and the White Emperor. It's just a sword, and there is no life.

"Ah, humble creatures, we give you the fate of death."

Suddenly, the emperor and queen of the five elements roared, and the loud voice shook in the head of the wind. Most of the eight-step immortals raised their hands, which was like a sacrifice and had a mysterious atmosphere.

Atop the sky, an altar suddenly fell down.

A sacred altar made up of five elements.

Around the altar, ten directions are empty. At the top of the altar stands a statue, which is sanctimonious, sacred and great.

The statue is the five gods.

Zhu Yanzhen screamed and was stunned.

The altars of the five gods appeared, and what she could feel was glory and despair.

She was honored because she finally witnessed the face of the five gods and saw his true appearance, while despair was because she knew that the fate of death had come.

The five elements are extinct in the first place.

It was not until now that she had such an awareness. Her desire for holy sovereignty blinded her. At this moment, she finally woke up. Her absolute confidence in Feng Kui was shaken and she had given up deep in her heart.

"Five elements return!"

Singing and recalling, it is an ancient chapter, an immortal poem, and the language of the gods.

A emperor and queen soared and fell into the ten directions of reaching the altar, and even the White Emperor and the White Emperor Golden Queen, which had been annihilated, were resurrened and appeared in the corresponding positions.

On the whole altar, the inscription began to flash, the five elements of divine power flowed, the halo circled, and the sacred flame appeared.

The five elements are evolving and changing.

The taste of creation is presented.

Ten half-step immortals, relying on this altar, actually merged with their power. All kinds of magical powers found a point of connection with each other, fused, and changed into a more magical ability.

A piece of spell was produced, and it actually evolved into a cursed power, like an unrivaled witch, but anyone who is cursed cannot be reborn and directly destroyed.

The magic power of destroying the world, the five elements of the spell of destruction.

Ten magical power soft communication transformation, and finally change into a divine spell, five elements of destruction spell. This spell contains the essence of all the five elements, and the spell can only be destroyed.

Feng Kui shouted: "All the saints help me, supreme glory, purify the evil curse!"

As soon as he felt the spell added, there was a tendency to crack, and his body was about to collapse and turn into powder. This power is too powerful. No wonder God's words are also supreme spells. God said that there would be light, and there would be light. God said there would be heaven and earth, and the chaos would be broken. Of course, such gods are all ancestral gods, born in chaos, born as gods, adhere to the will of the era, and exist for mission.

The god light of Feng Kui's head can't be compared with these five-eed great destruction spells. The little witch sees the big witch. The light of the annihilation is incomplete, and its power is too weak. Moreover, the practice of the five-element great destruction spell has reached the extreme. If you break through the five elements, it is possible to successfully practice the legendary great destruction spell. It is simply a prophecy.

Feng Kui's head has not yet been cultivated into a sacred judgment, and he can't compete with this spell. It must be blessed with the power of the Holy Spirit. If he really cultivates the eye of successful reincarnation, he will not be afraid. However, in the face of disaster, even if he relies on the protection of the pure land world and is invincible, he is trapped in this place. He doesn't want to waste time and toss slowly anyway. He wants to get all the altar, and the five-egorous destruction spell. He will also practice the eye of successful reincarnation, attack the realm of immortals, save clothes, flowers and Canglan, and avenge.

They are always suffering, lonely and suffering.

I can't wait for it!

The glory of the saints is added to the body of the head of the wind, and the life form of the head has reached the strongest peak. It is about to sublimate, about to transform, and to get rid of the category of all sentient beings and become a god.

This is the realm of half-step immortals.

The sword in Feng Kui's hand waved.


represents the courage to sanction fallen gods.

With a sword, it is too virtual and shocking, and the lotus flower appears. Nothing is not gloomy under this sword, and even the evil in the nightmare sword is dormant, and a huge sword is stained with divine glory.


The statue is broken.

Ten half-step immortals screamed repeatedly, and under this sword, they were divided and silenced.

The five-eed curse suddenly dissipated.

The saints made a cheerful voice. Feng Kui only felt that this sword had consumed everything he had. He was about to collapse and had no strength.

However, he endured and grabbed the whole altar, the broken gods and the bodies of the five-emperor and queen who died like sculptures.

This is a supreme wealth that fell into the hands of Fengkui.

The pure land world was shrouded, and the altar was put away. Feng Kui sat at the top of the altar. The position of the sculpture of the five elements god was, and the final power was poured into it. The ten emperors and queens seemed to be resurrected, and their bodies lit up, and the five-e elements of destruction spells were cast again, but the power of the spell was very weak and pitiful.

Feng Kui's head is very satisfied.

Understand all the mysteries one by one, quietly practice the five elements of the great destruction spell, put away the law seal of the five elements of the emperor and the queen, and refine them one after another. Around him, circles of five elements of divine light were produced, and the statue and altar were refined by him. Behind him, a huge yin and yang gossip rotated and became bigger and bigger, like the epitome of a yin and yang world. The mother of the five elements was injected into the body of Feng Kui's head into a pure five-e elements source, which was refined and sublimated into yin and yang.

Feng Kui's head feels extremely comfortable.

I don't know how long it took, and the altar disappeared.

Feng Kui muttered: "The yin and yang gossip has finally become great, harmonious and infinite, and has become innate, without a trace of flaws. Very good, gossip, reincarnation. The eye of reincarnation, completely condensed..."

The yin and yang gossip suddenly turned into two black fish, one pure black and the other pure white, coiled around and rubbed into the eyes that reached the head of the wind.

In the deepest part of his eyes, like the empty end at the same time, there are two doors quietly standing in them. Inscriptions, runes, ancient characters of the era, the mysteries of life and death, and all kinds of immortal chapters are engraved on the portal. The door is ancient, mysterious and grand.

Feng Kui's eyes blinked, and the door could no longer be seen. Feng Kui smiled mysteriously and whispered, "The era of reincarnation, the door of reincarnation is exclusive, and I got the rest of you. The gods want to control the reincarnation, hum, as long as there is me, never think about it. At the beginning, I got an empty door and hid it without using it. You didn't expect that what was hidden in this empty door was one of the reincarnations.

Suddenly, Feng Kui stood up and appeared one scripture by one and turned into a Taoist book, recording the secret of the five elements of the Great Destruction Mantra. Then he gave this Taoist book to the women practicing in the Pure Land and asked them to practice well.

And he suddenly put away the pure land and appeared in front of Zhu Yanzhen with a sneer.