First-class immortal

Chapter 22: Enlightenment

At this moment, Feng Kui had a sense of relief, and he felt a sense of fullness that he had never felt before. What is the end of the world and the era of withering? What is it compared with this moment? If a person has got everything he deserves and wants most in his life, then even if he is destroyed, he will die!

At that moment, the greed in Feng Kui's heart completely disappeared.

He felt his thoughts and soul, and at this moment, his epiphany was sublimated.

Natural, peaceful, no desire.

He finally felt the peerless realm of quiet and incompetence.

is love, the strength given to him.

Love is an unbreakable existence of the gods, which cannot be controlled, controlled or strangled.

is the ultimate variable of creation and the source of all variables.

Suddenly, the boundless atmosphere of creation washed down and wrapped the head of Feng Kui in it. An ancient gate suspended above Feng Kui's head.

That door seems to be an era in the universe, mysterious and unpredictable. The shadows of all living beings and gods are born and destroyed and changed in that door.

This portal is the gateway to creation.

Wandering in the vast universe, the ethereal door of creation actually showed a true shadow and came to the top of the head of the wind, sprinkled the divine light of creation and countless creation of heaven and earth. Feng Kui's head is like returning to the mother's womb, absorbing the most original milk. In his body, a great force is awakening and a great will is recovering.

But he is quiet, no longer related to cause and effect, plain, and return to the truth. It seems to do nothing, but there is a momentum of everything.

The pure land of the head of the wind was completely opened, and the endless spirit of creation washed into it. The spirits sang happily. One by one, they were leaping, uncontrollably transforming, one by one. With the ancient temperament, they returned to the innate, turned into a congenital ancient saint one by one, and became a creation. The holy land of transformation, the embodiment of creation. Among them, Zhao Lingyue, Bai Xiaoyi, Miaoling, Binglan, and Ahu Ali have all received endless benefits.

Canglan in Feng Kui's arms just looked at Feng Kui's head quietly, and his eyes were clear.

At that moment, she was so beautiful that even her creation looked gloomy.

Feng Kui's head suddenly flew up, and his body slowly suspended and floated up.

The laws came down one after another, the origin of chaos, the will of the era, and the laws of immortals converged into a reckless river, washed down and entered the body that reached the head of the wind, the flesh and blood of the head of the wind, and countless mixed holes. At this moment, the endless laws and the origin of chaos have been poured into the air of creation. Among them, they have transformed into a world of neutinia, and the mustard space, and then constantly changes, become the Xumi Dharma world, and the concentration reaches the extreme. Fengkui's head is almost thousands of worlds, accumulating. His body is a universe.

The thoughts of Feng Kui's head were broken one by one, and the tower of wonders collapsed. Taixu Xinghai turned into chaos and generally condensed into a point.

The spirit, thoughts and soul of Feng Kui's head have been melted and compressed into an unhesable point and reached the extreme.

This is one of all things.

Life, two, three, three, all things!

Suddenly, the most original suddenly exploded, thousands of divine thoughts rose out, countless souls separated, and the thoughts condensed and became bigger and bigger. Each one was pure and crystal, shining with eternal wisdom, and then gathered one after another to form a divine tower.

The First Tower!

All the wonders return to one, creating a tower of gods, symbolizing the rebirth of the era of the universe, from the beginning.

His soul was broken, kneaded countless immortal laws, extreme laws, and epoch laws, and turned into a divine soul, full of Taishi's breath, scattered all around him, and a fragment merged into a Xumi Dharma world and sat in it.

The soul of Feng Kui's head is still essentially one, but it can grow in different Xumi Dharma worlds, understand the Tao, and even grow into a complete soul.

Feng Kui's head almost incarnates tens of millions, and his control of his body has reached a level beyond the reach of immortals.

At the end, a divine light and an immortal aura appeared on Feng Kui's head. The essence of his life completely changed, completely separated from the mortal body and reached the realm of immortals.

He waved his hand gently, and in the door of creation, laws fell down and merged into his body.

At this moment, what he felt was not power, but control, a supreme control, and the universe was under his control.

It was also at this moment that he realized the feeling of the gods taking all living beings in heaven and earth as chess pieces, and the superiority of controlling the chessboard.

He became a fairy and finally became one of the first-class immortals!

The slaughter is like mud compared with him at this moment.

As soon as he became an immortal and added to his boundless creation, the essence of life was the most radical change. The chaotic origin melted into every Xumi Dharma world of his body, which made him immediately communicate with each other and become an existence comparable to the ancestral god.

His pure land world has also changed at this moment, becoming a pure country and a vast and infinite temple. The temple shines with eternal glory, and the pure light of purification sprinkles all over the heavens and the world. It is the prototype of a kingdom of God. One by one, the innate ancient saints, sitting in all parts of the Pure Land Kingdom, full of greatness and holiness, chanting profound epics and offering pure faith.

Nightmare, destroying the gods, and then transform and become a congenital artifact, with a smell of the universe.

The wind's head is full of endless power. The power of Taixu, the chaotic origin, and the divine power are all kneaded and melted into a furnace, forming the power that belongs only to the wind's head and the beginning, but it is not complete now, because the power of Taixu and its own divine power are relatively weak, and it can't show the essence of everything at the beginning. Breath.

Suddenly, a big hand suddenly grabbed it and almost held the whole world of the sea. Suddenly, it grabbed the real shadow of the door of creation. Unexpectedly, it wanted to plunder the shadow of this gate of creation, and at the same time, it took action to kill the head of Fengqi together.

Feng Kui's first thought moved, and his eyes penetrated countless time and space. He saw an old man wearing an infinite Taoist robe and infinite divine power flowing all over his body. Sitting in the void, he was leaning out a hand and grabbing through the infinite time and space.

This is already a miracle. The great god is angry and destroys the world.

Feng Kui snorted coldly: "Insurgremea!"

He stretched out his hand a little, and a line of white light jumped at his fingertips like a flame, and suddenly hit it out.

The pure white flame crossed through endless time and space and suddenly fell above the head of the infinite god, like a fireworks explosion, gorgeous.

The infinite god suddenly raised his head, looked at the fire, and waved his hand. The infinite constant sand, like a galaxy, rolled over his head, trying to extinguish the flames.

But as soon as the infinite constant sand reached the flame, it suddenly burned, as if the infinite constant sand was made of grease. When it encountered a fire, how could it extinguish the flame?!


The flame suddenly burned on the body of the infinite god, and the infinite god immediately jumped up and couldn't help beating him.

Every time he slaps, the aftershocks of his power spread out, and countless worlds and stars are destroyed.

But no matter how he fights, the flame always does not go out and becomes stronger and stronger.

At the end, he finally couldn't stand it, screamed, and said in horror, "How can the fire of the saint of the abyss family appear again? Ah, my soul, my divine body... I have been ordered to have a solid sea world for so many years, how can I get such a result?! I'm not willing..."

The infinite god was unwilling and there was nothing he could do. He kept burning, and soon he burned clean and perished.

Feng Kui nodded with satisfaction and said, "The abyss family is indeed a natural race that sanctions fallen immortals. It seems that Zhuhai's words are not wrong, but this abyss scripture is not complete. In the end, the eternal chapter was hidden by Zhuhai and did not give it to me. It seems that this Zhuanhai also has ulterior motives.

Immediately, Feng Kui's eyes moved. Outside the world of the sea, in the void outside the world, seven or eight screams sounded, all of which were immortals. They were secretly monitoring everything that happened in the world of the sea, but they were directly killed by the head of Feng Kui. At a glance, he directly "looked" to death.

The infinite god actually wanted to plunder the true shadow of the door of creation, and wanted to kill him at the moment he was promoted to immortality. Feng Kui's head really didn't expect it. Thinking that the infinite god must have been instructed by the thirty-three gods, he monitored the world of the sea all the time, and expected that the wind would come here. It seems that everything has been premeditated and set a big trap for him to drill. Feng Kui also heard Gongsun Xuan's words and became alert in his heart.

The gods can't kill him, but they can suppress him.

He must be careful.

Thinking that the infinite god is the founder of the infinite religion, he was burned to death by Feng Kui's first fire, which can be said to be a great pleasure. By now, Feng Kui has disdained to take action against the infinite education and killed their founding ancestor, which is the best result.

Next, he is going to save Hua Rong.

But he can't know where the flower is. Once he caught a trace of Huarong's breath. It was Huarong's idea that transcended time and space to feel him. He just sensed it and found a mysterious garden, but knew that Huarong was trapped in a garden and could not be found. Hua Rong was also extremely careful at that time. His thoughts were extremely weak and illusory, and he was afraid of being discovered, so Feng Kui could not know more. But after that, Feng Kui felt that Hua Rong seemed to have mysteriously disappeared, and he couldn't feel it completely.

Feng Kui was about to get up and explore the clues when suddenly a dark shadow appeared in front of him.

The shadow tore open time and space and came out abruptly.

Feng Kui was not surprised at all and said indifferently, "You appeared again!"

The man in black: "It's time for you to fulfill your promise!"

Feng Kui's head is just a smile.

The eyes of the man in black became strange.