The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 22 No antidote

Bian Yifei was obviously very confused about the situation in front of him. He originally came to visit Yanji with Si Kou Xun, but he didn't expect that he was just a step slower and was blocked by the people inn for a long time to squeeze in.

As soon as he came in, he saw the princess whip on Si Kuxun, and behind Si Kuxun was Yan Ji.

"Brother Yifei, why are you here?" As soon as Princess Bailing saw Bian Yifei's eyes, she launched a light.

But when I think about my current situation, I am not embarrassed in front of Bian Yifei, isn't it a little barbaric?

At this time, Bian Yifei noticed that Yan Ji had been covering her arm with a painful look. She didn't seem to hear what the princess said, but just went straight to Yan Ji and asked with concern and gentleness.

"Miss Yanji, are you all right?" Bian Yifei looked pitiful.

But the princess was completely ignored, and she hated her so much that she stamped her feet.

How can this bitch be so capable of seducing the national teacher and her beloved brother Yifei! The more she looked at Yan Ji's face, the more she felt that she looked like a fox spirit, so she became more and more angry. Why does she have such a beautiful appearance?

It's better to ruin her face.

So the whip waved higher and wanted to throw it at Yan Ji's side face.

Everyone was frightened, which was really vicious. It would be a pity if such a beautiful woman's face was ruined.

Bian Yifei grabbed the lark's hand holding the whip, and the other hand quickly pulled the whip away and threw it to the ground.

Such speed and action made the lark unexpected, but almost fell down.

"Princess, sooner or later, you will hurt yourself with a whip!" Bian Yifei said this with a smile.

"But this bitch, she bullied me and my sister-in-law!" Lark is completely unconvinced. It turned out to be to avenge her sister-in-law and herself, but now she has obviously fallen into jealousy.

Bian Yifei looked at her with no care: "Isn't it that you are unreasonable first? Miss Yan Ji is a friend of my brother and me. How can we not know her?"

Si Kou Xunxiang frowned and said faintly, "Princess, Ji'er will never hurt anyone for no reason, but what I see now is that she has been injured?"

Seeing that Si Kounxiang and Bian Yifei actually pleaded for her, and what was more abominable was that they had put all the charges on themselves and questioned her, Princess Bailing's whole body trembled angrily.

B bitch! B bitch! B bitch... The psychology has scolded Yan Ji countless times.

"She..." Just as she was about to continue to judge, she was paralyzed and fell down. Seeing this, Si Kou Xunxiang hurried forward to help the princess.

He clearly saw that the princess's eyes were still turning, but his whole body was weak in his arms.

There was a sigh around. Si Kou Xunxiang and Bian Yifei looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Yan Ji, who had been quiet for a long time, lowered her head and still didn't say a word.

In fact, when the princess was about to pick up the whip and slap herself for the second time, she quietly took action. She didn't want to cause trouble, but the princess forced her to do it. Anyway, she poisoned it invisibly. Even if there were so many people around it, it couldn't be proved that she did it. Just run away.

Of course, you can't be soft-hearted to deal with such people.

"The princess is tired. Bian Yifei will send the princess back home!" Si Kou Xunxiang's first reaction was to explain the matter to the people around him.

Then he took a look at Bian Yifei beside him and gave him a hint.

Bian Yifei got the instructions and immediately went to the door to disperse the crowd. "Let's go. Let's go. Don't look at it. There's nothing to see. Princess, she's tired and fell asleep..."

This reason is really far-fetched, but it comes from the mouth of the national teacher. The national teacher has done many good things for the people. His majesty is unquestionable and I don't want to doubt it. For ordinary people, who wants to go to the muddy water of the official family?

Although the people outside the door are in a circle, they are not close. Naturally, they can't see the specific expression and situation of the princess. What's more, they never question the words of the national teacher. Since the princess is tired, they have dispersed one after another.

After the door left, Bian Yifei hurriedly closed the door.

At this time, Si Kou Xunxiang had put the princess in the inner room**.

was drugged for Yan Ji. Looking at the red and swollen blood stains on her arm, Si Kou Xunxiang was heartbroken. In my heart, I just blamed myself for why I didn't come a moment earlier.

"Ji'er...does it hurt?" Si Kou Xunxiang's gentle eyes were full of pity.

Yan Ji gritted her teeth and said firmly after the medicine was finished, "What's the pain? It's just a small injury, not enough to mention!"

"Bear by the way, I actually gave her poison! I'll just bear it alone! It has nothing to do with you!" Although Yan Ji loves money a little, she is very righteous to her friends. Both of them are involved in this in order to save themselves. Of course, they can't be implicated.

Can there be an antidote? It's okay to punish her. In fact, she is just a little unruly and not very bad!" Bian Yifei glanced at the inner room and sighed.

I can't help but feel pity when I remember that the princess was paralyzed and couldn't move, but her eyes kept asking for help.

Although she is unruly and capricious, she is quite good to herself. After all, she is not a cold-blooded animal, and she still has some feelings for a woman who has loved her for a long time.

Yan Ji hesitated: "The antidote... has not been developed yet"

"What, there is no antidote?" Bian Yifei stared at Yan Ji. He originally thought that Yan Ji was just playing and let the princess know that he was powerful, but he didn't expect that it would be a big deal.

Si Kou Xunxiang frowned, as if thinking about it. Then he shook his head gently.

"But I'm trying to study. I only need a dose of medicinal herbs, and I'm about to come out. Give me some time!" Yan Ji hurriedly added.

Although she is not sure whether she can study it before the princess starves to death because she can't eat, she still feels that she has that ability, and the name of the magic doctor is not covered.

"This marquis's mansion is powerful, and the little marquis has a good relationship with the second prince. In this way, how can you be a weak woman? How about this? You should avoid our house for a while!" Si Kou Xunxiang looked at Yan Ji gently.

"Brother, you are right. You are good at martial arts, thoughtful, and safest in the house!" Bian Yifei agreed.

In fact, in this way, he can also take the opportunity to visit his brother to approach Yanji. As soon as Yanji arrived in the capital, she caused so many troubles. It seems that she is really a simple woman. No wonder her brother is so kind to her.

It seems that this is the only way. She is so embarrassed now that she has poisoned the princess, so she can only temporarily avoid risks. Revenge for the real Yanji and recognize her parents, these things also have to be slowed down.

"What should this princess do? What should I say if I send it back?" Yan Ji knew that this was the most difficult thing to do. Now the princess was poisoned by herself and lying in the inner room, but she couldn't move.

If this is sent back to the princess's mansion, Bian Yifei and Si Kou Xunxiang will never get rid of the relationship, and they can't send back a vegetable for any reason.

How to settle it if you don't send it back?

"Temporarily place the princess in my house and send her back when you find out the antidote. After all, she has feelings for me. I will take care of her and won't hate me too much." Bian Yifei thought for a long time and finally came up with a temporary plan.

Sigu Xunxiang stood up, walked back and forth in the house, and finally made up his mind: "That's it. The princess will be placed in your house for the time being. You and I are next to each other, so that we can take care of each other if we have something to do. You send a message to the marquis's house, saying that the princess will visit your house for a few days and will return a few days later. In this way, the people of the marquis's mansion should not doubt..."

Yan Ji looked at Si Kou Xunxiang and remembered that he had just been whipped for himself, so she hurried to medicine Si Kou Xunxiang, and he did not refuse. What an honor it was for his Ji'er to drug him in person.

is still a warm look, with gentleness and infatuation in his eyebrows. Yan Ji looked at Si Kou Xunxiang looking at her like this, and her face turned red and she didn't dare to look at him. She just quietly drugged him.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed outside the window, and Si Kou Xunxiang was shocked.

"Who is it?" He hurriedly opened the door and looked around, but the porch was empty. But he clearly saw the figure just now, and with his skills and skills, it can't be wrong. It's just that the comers are in the dark and they are in the light.

Si Kou Xunxiang vaguely felt that there was some potential crisis behind them.

So several people did not dare to stay in the inn for a long time. Yan Ji packed up and saluted and went to Si Kou Xunxiang's house with them first. I also left people in the inn to wait for Duoduo and Luan Yuchun to come back and then pick them up to the house.

In the marquis's house.

Dongfu hurried into Yan Rou'er's room.

This man is tall and thick. If a man has practiced martial arts since he was a child, it is certainly impossible for him to walk so lightly. Although he looks unsatisfactory and rough, he still moves very fast.

No one in the house even knew that he had good skills. Except for Yan Rouer's delicate eyes, he accidentally found these and accepted him for himself.

As soon as Dongfu entered the door, Qinger hurried to close the door. Although this was in his own house, he still had to be careful. After all, it was not a glorious thing to do.

"Madam, it's not good, princess, she was taken away..." Dongfu's eyes were full of panic and uneasiness.

Yan Rouer, who was originally embroidering in the room, suddenly stabbed the rust in her hand into the delicate skin and flesh, and blood came out in an instant.

"What did you say?" Yan Rouer couldn't take care of the pain when she heard this. She originally wanted to borrow the princess's hand to teach the woman who made a fool of herself in public that day. Although she also thought that the woman's background might be unusual, she didn't expect that the princess would be taken away this time.

This is undoubtedly self-defeating. If the old marquis knows the truth and blames it, she can't afford it.

The old marquis is the founder of the former emperor. Today, the emperor is a very respected person. His son inherits the title and has a prominent position in the court. His daughter, Princess Bailing, is also treated the same as the princess, and can go in and out of the palace at will. Now although the old marquis is old and resigned to take care of his family at home, if he knows his daughter It's gone, that's amazing.