The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 29 Search for Murder

Yan Ji saw the fragrance, which was indeed the source of the fragrance on Li Guifei's body when she came today.

So he told Zhan Lingze what happened today, but he didn't expect Zhan Lingze to say it.

"It seems that someone intended to harm the Noble Concubine Li, and the queen was also wronged at the beginning!"

In fact, Yan Ji did not tell Zhan Lingze about the original queen, nor did she say that the fragrance could lead to infertility. But Zhan Luze seems to know more than she thinks.

"However, these can be used as evidence of the queen's injustice, coupled with the previous medicinal residues, the maid of honor Xin'er, and Dr. Wang, can completely bring down the noble concubine Na Li in one fell swoop." Yan Ji was full of confidence and thought that Zhan Luze would agree with her own point of view.

However, Zhan Lingze raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"I'm afraid there is still a direct evidence to safely bring down the Noble Concubine Li! If we can catch the current situation, in this way, her noble concubine Li will never be able to climb over the mountain. Since she wants to do it, she has to do it without leaving her a way out..." Zhan Yingze's eyes became fierce, and this sentence made him more and more cold.

Hearing Zhan Lingze's words, Yan Ji immediately understood that yes, if she hadn't been successfully pulled down, she still had a chance to fight back, then it would be difficult to do later.

So he looked at the man in front of him and suddenly felt that he was much taller.

In the Weiyang Palace.

The queen suddenly knocked over the medicine bowl and was very angry.

"Go and check it all. I can't find any water. All of them are pulled out and cut down!"

The maid Duoer summoned all the eunuchs of Weiyang Palace to investigate one by one.

For a while, the Weiyang Palace was in chaos.

"The queen was poisoned..."

"The queen wants to find out the real murderer! It was found that the whole clan was going to be destroyed..."

The eunuchs of the palace were frightened. I don't know who dared to murder the empress. It's really lifeless.

It's night.

Xin'er, the little palace girl, and Xiao Linzi hurried out of the back door of the Central Palace.

The two walked to the back door of Lijingyuan, knocked cautiously, and then walked into Lijingyuan.

"sister, why are you here? There are many right and wrong in this palace. Didn't you agree not to come here to meet?" Xiuzhu was nervous when she saw that the people who came were actually her cousin and Xiaolinzi.

Although Xin'er was introduced to the palace by her relationship, few people in the palace knew that the two of them were cousins, and she had always been cautious.

But the two of them quietly entered the Lijing Garden from the back door tonight.

But Xin'er and the little eunuch seemed to have lost their souls, and they couldn't stand still.

"Sister, the Queen found out about it!" Xin'er looked scared.

As soon as Xiuzhu heard that something was wrong, she quickly took them to Li Guifei's bedroom.

As soon as I arrived at the door of Li Guifei's bedroom, I saw Li Guifei getting angry. The teacup fell to the ground and picked up the fruit plate and fell to the ground. With a bang, the copper fruit plate made a crisp sound, and then the apple rolled to the ground. And a eunuch knelt in front of her, lowered her head and trembled, and dared not make a sound.

It's horrible for a woman to splash. This noble concubine Li is usually arrogant, and her appearance when she gets angry is not curious.

"Everyone is a rice bucket... Everyone in my Lijingyuan can die for no reason. Who will bite his tongue and kill himself?" Concubine Li pointed to her nose and questioned the eunuch.

Xin'er and Xiao Linzi stood at the door in a stunned way. Xiuzhu paused for a few seconds and led them in.

"Master, it's not good, the queen found that..." Xiuzhu didn't care much and came straight to the point.

And Xin'er and Xiao Linzi, like the little eunuch just now, knelt on the ground and dared not move.

Princess Li, who was already upset, turned pale when she heard this. When she just went to see the queen during the day, she was about to die. Why did she find out again now?

"What did you say?" Li Guifei's voice suddenly became higher, and her eyes were as big as copper bells.

"Return to the Empress, she found that the medicine was poisonous, and now she has begun to investigate. She has gathered all the eunuchs of the Weiyang Palace and won't let any of them go..." Xiaolinzi looked up and answered, and the fear in her eyes deepened.

"The queen has been terminally ill for so long, how could she suddenly find out now!" Li Guifei can't believe it.

When she went to visit the queen today, it was obviously difficult for her to get up. It won't take long to cough up blood once. How could she suddenly find that there was something wrong with the medicine and have to go to a large-scale inspection?

Before she doubted, Xiuzhu flashed a light in front of her eyes, "Is the queen's condition fake..."

Xiuzhu was shocked when she heard it. If the queen's condition was fake, didn't she deliberately lead the snake out of the hole? Didn't I go to see her today and be her trick? Is it her hand and footwork for the maid in Lijingyuan to bite her tongue and inexplicably suicide?

What a hidden queen, she is still pretending to be sick in front of me! Li Guifei clenched her jade teeth and felt a burst of resentment.

"So what are you two doing now? Isn't running away now that you are the murderers!" Princess Li was so angry that she patted the table fiercely.

Today's investigation may also be a cover, and it may be a desire to capture!

"Return to the Empress, we are just afraid of being found out. Of course, we will not invite the Empress, but in case they torture us, we can't stand the pain of that flesh!" Xin'er answered their thoughts truthfully.

"Yes, Madam, that's what I think!" Kobayashi also echoed.

The noble concubine Li frowned and turned blue. So many things suddenly happened today that gave her a headache.

"Did anyone find out when you came?" Xiuzhu asked Xin'er and Xiao Linzi cleverly and blinked Xin'er at the same time.

Of course, she knows the temper of Concubine Li, and also knows that now that Concubine Li is angry and is likely to kill her cousin at any time. She finally got her cousin to the palace, but she can't let her die like this.

"Please rest assured that we were careful all the way when they didn't pay attention to the path, and we still came in through the back door." Xin'er also guessed her cousin's intention and quickly explained.

Li Guifei has been thinking about things and hasn't responded for a long time.

"Madam, since it's good that they haven't been found, in this way, I will arrange for the two of them to leave the palace overnight, send some silver and go away from now on. Don't come back. As for Dr. Wang, he will continue to threaten his family and measure that he will not confess to the Empress. Without this evidence, even if the queen is capable, she can't find out that it was made by the Empress..."

Xiuzhu waved beside Xiner by the way, signaling her to agree with her.

"Mother, I am willing to leave the palace overnight, and I will never come back from now on, and I will not talk about it to anyone..." Xiuzhu knelt on the ground and kept kowtodding. She knew that her life was in the hands of the Empress Li. In her mind, she might have died.

Kobayashi also kowtowed and begged.

Li Guifei took a look at Xiuzhu and knew what she was thinking. This girl has been with her for more than ten years. Can't she understand her mind?

Is't she just giving her sister a back road now, but she wants me to give her sister a back way, who will give me a back way! These two people must not stay, otherwise the future will be endless.

Li Guifei's eyes became fierce, but she immediately regained her composure.

"Xin'er and Xiao Linzi sacrificed their lives to work for me, but in fact, I'm still a little reluctant! Forget it, for the safety of the two of you, I'd better send you away, Xiuzhu, prepare more silver and entanglement for them..." Princess Li also helped the two of them up in person, which moved them for a while.

Who can think of the real thoughts of Li Guifei?

"Mother, don't worry, leave this matter to me and I'll do it!" Xiuzhu was finally relieved. It seemed that the Empress still cared about their relationship.

When Xiuzhu, Xin'er and Xiao Linzi went out, Li Guifei's eyes became vicious again and looked at the eunuch who was still kneeling on the ground.

"You have to seize the opportunity to make contributions! Do you understand what I mean by treating them well? Princess Li came to him and said softly.

The little eunuch kneeling on the ground looked up at Princess Li and understood.

"Sister, thank you. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to live..." Xin'er looked at Xiuzhu gratefully.

"I'm your sister. How can I die? This palace is a place of right and wrong. It seems that it's my fault that I brought you in. Remember, you can go as far as you can after going out, and never come back again!" Xiuzhu shook her head, and there was only so much she could do.

Xiuzhu was ready for the entanglement and silver. She had just taken Xin'er and Xiao Linzi to escape from the palace and went to three masked people to block their place.

It seems that the Empress still refuses to let them go. Xiuzhu has obviously guessed that it was sent by Princess Li. So his arms blocked the two of them, and the masked man cut straight down with a knife.

Xiuzhu closed her eyes. Now she is not afraid of death. After so many years in the palace, she has watched so many lives and death, and followed Li Guifei for so many years, but she still refused to give herself a way to save face. Such a cruel master really chilled her.

I was ready to face death, but I heard the sound of sword killing and opened my eyes. It turned out that there was a masked man in blue holding a sword, and only three moves killed the three masked men!

Although the man in blue is covered, he can still see that his eyebrows are cold, strong, his hands are extraordinary, and more importantly, there is a cold aristocratic atmosphere.

"Thank you for your help..." Xiuzhu was full of gratitude.

The man disdained it and just said coldly, "So you still have to work for her?"

It seems that this man obviously knows everything that happened to them.

"We are just slaves, how can we choose our own destiny!" Xiuzhu burst into tears and picked up her handkerchief and wiped her tears.

"Ask the strong man to save us a low life. We just want to live well." Xin'er, who was beside her, knelt down and begged the man in blue.

She knew that although he had saved them at this time, it was estimated that Princess Li would not let them go. This man was so good that he could definitely save them.

The man took two steps forward, but his eyes were deeper and colder.

"If you do what I say, it will save your lives!"