The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 49 Fail to plea, run away

Although Luan Yuchun hesitated for a while, he still decided to plead for Yan Ji. After all, Yan Ji also helped him continue his life for a year, not to mention... He still fell in love with her.

The emperor brushed his beard and smiled kindly.

It seems that he guessed well. The child must have asked for marriage, and now it's time to get married after the crown year.

"It seems that my Chun'er has grown up. Get up quickly. I just promise to marry Miss Qingxia to you!"

The emperor still has an amiable smile on his face.

When he heard that the emperor was going to give marriage, Luan Yuchun realized that his father had misunderstood his intention, but he had come to this point and did not retreat. He had to be bravely.

"Father, I don't want to marry her, but she is kind to my son. I'm exhausted. If it hadn't been for her healing, I'm afraid I wouldn't have seen my father now..."

Luan Yuchun looked at the emperor with a sincere face, but the sweat stains had soaked his clothes.

When the emperor heard this, he became suspicious again. His son mentioned that the girl was not trying to marry her, so what did he want to do?

"Then what on earth do you want me to promise you?"

Luan Yuchun took a long breath, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"Father, you don't know that the girl of the banquet is Yan Ji! It's just that I have been with Miss Yan for many days and know her very well. I believe that things are not like rumors from the outside world..."


A sudden burst of anger came.

"You... how can you deceive me like this... make fun of me like this..."

The emperor's body trembled slightly, and his angry face was already green, and he looked at Luan Yuchun angrily.

What kind of charming woman this Yanji is? They are all confused by one. Now they are united to play around me. Where is my majesty?

"Father, please calm your anger. My son is wrong. My son really doesn't mean to deceive you... I don't know what happened to Miss Yan Ji before. I only know that she can't give her real name after the palace to avoid unnecessary trouble... But Miss Yan is indeed not such a person. I hope my father can find out. The truth!"

Luan Yuchun knew that his father was angry now, and now he could only ask him to try to find out the truth. With his understanding, Yan Ji would not do the kind of thing rumored.

After hearing this, the emperor calmed down slightly. In front of him was his flesh-and-blood son. Looking at his earnest appearance, he should not have deceived himself.

"Well, don't say anything. I have my own opinion. I'm tired today. You have to rest. Kneel down!"

The emperor waved his hand and got up to leave.

"My son retreats!"

Luan Yuchun had no choice but to kneel down.

He knows that it's useless to say more. Now his father is angry and can't listen to anything. He still has to think about other ways.

However, looking at the father's appearance just now, he will definitely not let Miss Yan Ji go. She will be in danger at any time now.

When Luan Yuchun walked to his palace, he opened the palace people beside him, took out a green jade flute and blew it.

Although the sound of the flute is melodious, it is mixed with a sense of urgency, which is as irresistible as ten thousand horses galloping.

From time to time, a man in purple appeared in front of him.

"Master... I don't know if the lord is in a hurry to summon. What's the order?"

The man's eyes in purple are as calm and resolute.

"Ziyan, you go to the National Normal University now and transfer Miss Yanji and Duoduo to a safe place!" Luan Yuchun's tone was already a little rushed.

"Yes, Lord, don't worry, Ziyan will go now!"

After saying that, he jumped into the air and then disappeared in front of Luan Yuchun's eyes.

National Normal University.

Yan Ji is uneasy in the house. Si Kou Xunxiang has been summoned into the palace by the emperor for several hours, but now there is no news at all.

If she is punished by the emperor for her own reasons, she will die of guilt.

Didn't the pervert Zhan Lingze come to tell herself not to pay attention to the rumors? But now it has shocked the emperor. How can she ignore it?

"Mom, don't walk around, my eyes are dizzy!"

Duoduo lay on the table and watched Yan Ji walk back and forth in the room.

"Your uncle Si Xiang has entered the palace, but it's going to be dark now. He hasn't come back yet. How can your mother not be in a hurry?"

Yan Ji looked worried.

It seems that the emperor must have heard these rumors, and the national teacher was also involved in the rumors. Although he is good at it, he still enters the palace anyway. The palace is the realm of the emperor. There are his people everywhere. As long as he says a word, who can nod his head and have a chance to resist?

I don't know how I will face the emperor's questioning?

"Uncle Xunxiang is so powerful. Don't worry, it's useless to be anxious! Otherwise, my mother took Duoduo to the palace to find him. What do you think? Duoduo suddenly had a careful thought.

Last time my mother went to the palace for several days, she didn't take herself there. I heard that the palace is very big and has a lot of delicious food. In short, it's very fun. It would be great if I could persuade my mother to take me into the palace.

Yan Ji suddenly hesitated.

Yes, it's better for one person to go directly to the palace and explain to the emperor that he was bullied at the beginning, and that person was not Si Kou Xunxiang. Later, the people in the house wanted to kill themselves, so they ran out. Yes, just tell the emperor that he won't do anything to himself, right?

But this is a flaming country, a completely different feudal society from the 21st century. How can people here allow unmarried children to happen? Moreover, it was the emperor who married. If you admit it, isn't someone who dares to insult the woman given by the emperor to him challenging his majesty?

How can it be glorious? For the emperor, face and majesty are extremely important. Even if he tells the truth, even if he believes it, he will not keep himself alive, so as not to provoke people's continued criticism.

At this moment, a purple figure jumped in from the window.

Duoduo and Yan Ji were shocked.

Who is this? It's really sick to have a door and not jump out of the window.

"Girl Yan... is shocked!" Ziyan hugged his hands and looked sorry.

"Wow, mother, it's the powerful uncle in purple clothes. He took care of my uncle in the inn last time!"

Duoduo suddenly shouted excitedly.

Ziyan hurriedly motioned to whisper more.

"Miss Yan, I was ordered by the sixth prince to take you out of here!"

Ziyan then hurriedly said his intention.

When Yan Ji saw Ziyan, she had already guessed that Luan Yuchun must have sent him to protect herself, so she stopped asking more questions.

Duoduo went to the door and looked out. After confirming that there was no one outside the door, he signaled Yan Ji and Ziyan.

Three people walked out of the room.

Yan Ji was just about to go in the direction of the main gate of the house, but Ziyan shook her head.

"Miss Yan, it's not safe to be watched at the front door now. Let's get out from somewhere else!"

So Yan Ji followed Ziyan's figure to a corner in the depths of the garden.

"Ah, you're not asking us to turn it out from here, are you?"

Yan Ji and Duoduo looked at the high wall and felt a little embarrassed.

The wall of this national teacher's mansion is actually so elegant.

This Ziyan is really good. Of course, his light skills are so good. Of course, it doesn't matter, but he only knows some of the skills of a three-legged cat, and Duoduo is just a child. How can he turn it over?

"Don't be afraid, girl, I'll hold the girl and Duoduo... It's just that I hope the girl doesn't mind..."

As a person who traveled through the 21st century, naturally has no rules. Yan Ji said, "That's so troublesome."

"Miss Yan, how many masters, who am I taking you out first?"

Duoduo suddenly volunteered.

"Uncle, I, take me out first!"

Ziyan picked up Duoduo and rose into the air. With the force of the corner of the wall, his feet were as relaxed as water, and he reached the other end of the wall in an instant.

Then he jumped over more easily and flew over the high wall with Yan Ji in his arms.

"Where are we going down?" Yan Ji was a little confused.

Ziyan's expression is extremely gentle.

"Don't worry, girl, take the girl and many masters to a safe place!"

A safe place is still selling. Isn't it equivalent to saying it for nothing? Of course, I know it's a safe place. Is it possible to go to a dangerous place?

"Uncle, can we stroll around the street first?"

The market has not dispersed yet, and fragrant foods such as steamed buns, pies and sesame sugar have attracted a lot of attention.

Of course, Ziyan can see a lot of thoughts. Children, in addition to eating and playing, what else can they think about?

"Don't worry, there will be all kinds of meals waiting there!"

"Duoduo, be obedient, we don't have time to waste now!"

Yan Ji held Duoduo's little hand and looked serious.

So the three of them walked into a secluded alley.

Zhan Lingze sat in the teahouse and drank tea calmly.

"Ling Feng met the prince..." A brisk and vigorous man appeared in front of Zhan Lingze and saluted with his fists.

"Get up!"

Zhan Lingze continued to drink tea with no expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, as you expected, Miss Yanji and others have been rescued from the Guoshi Mansion!" Ling Feng hurried to report.

"Since there is nothing they can do... only I can do it myself!"

Zhan Lingze held the teacup tightly, but his eyes were full of gloomy eyes.

Although he had expected such an ending, he still had no choice but to take action easily. He knew that the national master and the sixth prince were interested in Yan Ji, so he still reported a glimmer of hope for them, but the emperor was the emperor, and he was indeed a powerful role!

Of course, he knew that the national master and Luan Yuchun would definitely find a way to save Yan Ji, and it must be a last resort to let Yan Ji hide. It must be that the emperor would not let her go.

"Your Majesty, the person you asked me to check with a red and black birthmark on his left arm has also been identified!" The man told the truth.

Zhan Lingze's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Quickly...who is this person?"

"It's a family member of Baixuan Marquis's Mansion!" Ling Feng answered respectfully.

" could it be him?"