The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 52 How to accept the unexpected truth

Speaking of this, the emperor's voice trembled slightly, which was the most painful time in his life.

"This is also the reason why I have been refusing to set up a prince now, and I'm also afraid that your brothers will kill each other. These are the last things I want to see, because in those years, I have had enough pain."

He continued to explain that he tried his best to calm himself down when he said these words. After all, it was over, and several people could know his bitterness.

"Later, your mother saved me and had a martial arts skill. When I saw her, I was deeply attracted by her!"

Speaking of this, there seemed to be some light in the emperor's eyes. He will never forget the woman's beautiful face and the appearance of fighting bravely with a gun on the horse.

When Zhan Lingze heard his mother's story, he opened his eyes wide and listened carefully for fear of missing a detail.

It turns out that this is a hero to save the beauty! Unlike the past, the hero in this story is the beauty!

"Later, Qinglan took good care of the injured me. The two of us gradually became familiar with each other and fell in love. Those three months were undoubtedly the happiest moments of my life. I rode with her, hunted together, and lay on the grass and watched the stars together. I have lived in the palace since I was a child, how could I have had such a safe life!"

The emperor has obviously been silent in his beautiful memories. Happiness is so unforgettable, and his beautiful and pure love can't help but recall it.

It's just that the past has passed away like the wind.

"Later, my father sent someone to find me. At this time, Qinglan knew my real identity. At that time, I was just afraid that she would know that my identity would be far from me, but she blamed me for lying to her, which was a little funny. At that time, she actually ignored me because of this matter, but just when I was about to return to Beijing, she showed it. With understanding, she didn't care who I was, only cared about my heart, so I took her back to the capital..."

The story seems to be a happy ending here, but Zhan Lingze's later ending and experience made him understand that it was not the end, and there must have been more twists and turns.

"Originally, we could stay together forever, but the first thing she faced when she went back was the difficulties of the princess. The woman's jealousy was terrible. When I brought her back to Qinglan, the princesses and the concubines in the house actually rejected her. She silently endured it for me..."

When he said this, the emperor was heartbroken. She knew how much the woman had done for her. She had been living carefree all day, and she became depressed when she came back. But these are not problems, because they still love each other.

Zhan Lingze also understood that it was no wonder that the emperor's attitude towards the queen had always been a little grudge, and it was estimated that it had something to do with his mother. Where can a woman who can be a queen go so easily?

The emperor sighed deeply and continued,

"She followed me wholeheartedly. At that time, the emperor was seriously ill, and my third brother and fifth brother were more unscrupulously competing with me for the throne. My life was getting better day by day. I was afraid and framed all day long. All his men were killed, and it can be said that life is worse than death! At this time, she was pregnant. She just waited silently beside me and looked at my haggard appearance. She advised me to give up the throne and go back to the fairy couple-like days with her..."

The emperor's eyes were dim and seemed to be a little regretful. Yes, if he had gone back with Qinglan, he must be the happiest man in the world.

But now he seems to have the whole world, and in fact, he is also the poorest man in the world. Everyone is in awe of him on the surface, hypocritical to themselves, and worry that the throne will be coveted all day long, and there is no one who is sincere to them.

"But I didn't listen to her. I have been a prince for many years and am not willing to give up like this. Only cowardly people will retreat! Qinglan asked me to make a choice. If I chose the throne, she would leave me, but I still chose the throne. Although I knew that the road to the throne was still full of hardships and even shattered bones, I still chose it. Qinglan was heartbroken and felt that all the previous vows were false and could not match a dragon chair, but It was she who still respected my choice... And what I never expected was that she went to beg her father, used her father's power, and finally helped me eradicate the power of the third prince and the fifth prince, and firmly sat on the throne!"

It turns out that if there is no mother, the emperor may not be able to get the throne. This woman is so great that she has been silently paying behind this man, and even being bruised all over by the man.

"After I became the throne, I wanted to take her as a concubine, but I didn't know that my queen and other concubines still refused to let her go. On the grounds that she was a great family of Mulin, they prevented her from entering the palace and becoming my concubine, and the leader was the current queen!

In fact, at that time, I knew that Qinglan was originally a member of the Mulin family.

At that time, there was some conflict between Mulin and Flame, but Qinglan knelt in front of her father's door for two days and two nights. Her father knew that she was pregnant and loved her daughter's body, so he had no choice but to agree. Of course, his father's power came to help the emperor, which were carried out secretly and must not be known to the people of Mulin.

I can't think so much. I just want to marry Qinglan into the door, but I didn't expect... Qinglan still refused me in order to take care of the overall situation and never entered the palace. But she told me that she didn't like the bound life in the palace and yearned for the days outside. So after giving birth to you, I left a letter and left alone. From then on, there was no news!

I have inquired for so many years, but I haven't heard from her. I even thought that she was no longer alive, but I can vaguely feel her breath. I believe that he must still be in a corner of the world and will continue to look for her!"

Zhan Lingze was moved by the love story between the emperor and his mother. Although his appearance is cold, he has always longed for good feelings.

And love and family affection seem to have always been so far away from him.

I didn't expect that my mother was a great woman. She lived her life just to love, pay for nothing in return, and endure infinite pain alone. On the one hand, she didn't want her father and family to fall into a situation of disloyalty, and on the other hand, she didn't want the emperor to be embarrassed because of herself.

So, only the best way is to leave, but she doesn't know that her child is the most hurt when she leaves!

"Then how did I become the son of King Chang'an?"

Zhan Lingze still has puzzles and doubts in his heart.

The emperor shook his head helplessly and looked at Zhan Lingze with a guilty face.

He is indeed full of guilt for his son. How much he once loved his mother, but after his mother left, he still failed to take good care of this son. For so many years, he looked at his child, but the father and son could not recognize each other. This pain is also beyond others.

"I have lost my beloved woman, and you are the only thought she left me, and in the harem, it is very dangerous. If such a child without a mother is taken into the palace by me, even if he is a prince, I am afraid he will be persecuted by those women. Your mother has suffered so much. I am really I'm afraid that you will continue to suffer after entering the palace... And King Chang'an is the closest brother to me. He swore to follow me to the death and has a deep affection for me. He promised me to treat you as his own flesh! I think your mother will also think this is the best for you, so..."

After hearing this, Zhan Lingze suddenly realized that the emperor's foster care of him in the Chang'an Palace was actually his protection. Only in this way can he live a safe life.

Although he has not been happy all these years, isn't this happier than being in the palace?

"Zeer... You know, I'm actually full of helplessness... Although I am the honor of the 95th Five-Year Plan, I can't protect my beloved people and sons... And in the court, there is more helplessness!"

When he said this, the emperor sighed repeatedly. He had never said so many of his heart to others, and now he said these to Zhan Lingze completely so that he could understand his painstaking efforts.

Zhan Lingze just listened quietly and found that it was not so simple to be an emperor. If he could afford this throne, he would be able to bear greater pain.

"I know that many people have ghosts, but I can't get rid of them. If I want the throne to be stable, I must balance the forces of all parties! You must remember it!"

The emperor's earnest warning to Zhan Lingze that this is the way to govern the country, and it is also what the emperor must understand.

Zhan Lingze suddenly admired himself at this time. It turned out that the emperor knew everything in his heart. No wonder he even knew his private relationship with ministers and the reproductive forces!

The emperor suddenly took Zhan Lingze's hand, but Zhan Lingze was a little at a loss.

Even if he understands him now, he still has some grudges. After all, it will take some time for him to accept this fact.

However, the emperor's eyes are full of tenderness and expectation for the son in front of him.

"Zeer, do you know that I have been training you for so many years? In fact, I want you to inherit my throne..."

Zhan Lingze was stunned in an instant.

What... actually...

I want him to inherit the throne!

These shocking news have confused his mind. He is the emperor's own son, and the emperor has been trying to cultivate himself to inherit the throne for so many years. Is this... a dream?

But I have been working hard over the years, and it is also in order to get the throne one day!

The reality is so funny!

The emperor had seen Zhan Lingze's panic, patted him on the shoulder and smiled kindly.

"Zeer, you don't have to worry too much. In fact, I don't want you to be the throne because of guilt for your mother. None of my princes' talents and character are like yours. I have also thought about letting you become the throne. Otherwise, I wouldn't have told you today! However, after you, don't show your heart again. I will leave power for you and announce it to the outside at the right time, but now you must not be a prince, otherwise the world will be in chaos! You must remember not to live up to my heart!"