The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 103 Mother and son go to Chang'an Palace together

National Normal University.

"Oh, the weather is really great today." Duoduo stretched out her little arms and calves and said with a smile, "I must pull my mother up so that her mood can shine as much as possible."

"More." Si Kou Xunxiang waved to him and said, "Where's your mother? Why didn't you see him?"

Duoduo touched his chin and sighed and said, "Oh, uncle, don't you know whether my mother is lazy? The sun has risen three times, or she still doesn't rise."

Si Kou Xunxiang thinks that this should not be at all, because the demon elixir has been successfully obtained. Shouldn't the antidote be prepared as soon as possible? Why is there still no movement?

"Uncle Guoshi, don't worry, I will pull my mother out and bask in the sun in a moment. In this way, she should be able to wake up."

Si Kou Xunxiang squatted down and looked at him and said, "You, kid, your mother must have been exhausted yesterday, so she wanted to hide and sleep for a while, so don't make trouble, understand?"

Duoduo smiled, as if he said it was right, but it doesn't mean that you can't go to see it.

"All right." Si Kou Xunxiang stood up and said, "You are obedient at home. Uncle Guoshi is going out. I promise you that I will bring you delicious food when you come back, okay?"

"Don't worry." Duoduo nodded cutely, "As long as what the uncle of the national teacher said, I will definitely follow it well. Go and do things well. Just leave all the things in the family to me."

Sometimes, this living baby really doesn't know what to do.

However, as soon as Si Kou Xunxiang left, Duoduo sneaked into the room.

"Mom, mother, don't sleep, get up quickly."

Duoduo covered his eyes and jumped to the window and said half anxiously, "Mom, the sun has sunburned on his buttocks, so don't rely on ** anymore, okay? Get up quickly."

Dangdang, Duo opened his eyes, but...

It's strange that he scratched his head more. Where did he go?

Duoduo stretched out his hand and touched the quilt. It had been cold for a long time. Did his mother go there?

Hey, I have many angry eyes. How can you lie to me?

That's right. Yan Ji hasn't been able to sleep since she came back last night. She has always been worried about Zhan Lengze, a bastard. If she really can't save her, what should she do if she dies?

Although she tried to find all kinds of excuses, she couldn't help but want to have a look.

"That's right, that's right." Yan Ji stood at the gate of Chang'an Palace and said with a long breath, "Doctor's parents, no matter what kind of bastard Zhan Lengze is, as a doctor, I can't watch him die."

Besides, he said so many inexplicable things and said that he was Duoduo's father. If this guy is really dead, wouldn't so many backgrounds really become a mystery?

"I don't want to see you. I'm just for that reason."

After Yan Ji figured it out, she finally took the first step, but suddenly retreated.

Why should I go? He has nothing to do with me. Besides, this guy is so insidious, so how can he believe what he said?

So back and forth, Yan Ji wandered in front of the door for a long time and was very tortured.

"Miss Yan Ji, do you look at our prince?" Ling Yun came out of the gate and said with a smile.

Yan Ji hurriedly said, "No, no, I'm just passing by. Oh, I have something else to do. I have to go."

"No, no, no." Miss Yan Ji, Ling Yun grabbed him, "You'd better go in and see our prince. He has been all night..."

What happened all night? Yan Ji frowned and guessed that this guy had not woken up from a coma.

It's strange. Isn't he the emperor's own son? Do the imperial doctors in this palace say that they all eat dry food? Since it's an internal injury, he should be treated quickly.

Ling Yun can see that Yan Ji still cares about her prince very much. Besides, if Yan Ji is by her side, the prince's injury may get better faster.

Therefore, Ling Yun immediately said that Zhan Lengze's condition was much more serious.

"Miss Yan Ji, you don't know." Ling Yun said sadly, "Our prince hasn't woken up since last night, and his mouth has been shouting your name. Why don't you go and have a look?"

"These quack doctors." Yan Ji said fiercely, "I haven't woken up all night. What are you doing?"

"What are you still doing? Go back and get my medicine box."

"No." Duoduo suddenly came out from behind, "I have brought the medicine box."

"Duoduo, why are you here?" Yan Ji didn't know why she suddenly stammered.

"Hey, mother." Duoduo stared with round eyes and said, "I should ask you this sentence. If it's not good, why do you stay in the National Normal University and come here?"

"I want you to take care of it, you dead child."

"Okay, okay, adults are always so hard-mouthed." Duoduo exhaled and said, "Ling Yun, what are you still doing? Take the medicine box quickly and let my doctor show it to your prince."

"Good, good." Ling Yun bowed his waist and said, "How many masters are there? You don't know. Our prince has been talking about you all night."

"Really? It seems that Uncle Zhan is really sick." Duoduo curled his lips and said, "With my past experience, it should be time to call out a woman's name."

To make a guess, the two walked in and left Yan Ji alone in place.

"What do you mean?" Yan Ji pointed to their backs unconvincedly, "Didn't you say that you were shouting my name just now? This Ling Yun, like your bastard prince, has no truth in his mouth."

"Hey, Duoduo, wait for me. You can't cure his injury at all, okay?"

When Yan Ji walked into the bedroom, she saw Duoduo closing her eyes to control her pulse. Ling Yun looked at Duoduo's serious face and was very worried.

"How about it? How many masters, doesn't it matter?"

Shh, I moved my lips more and came over for a long time before I opened my eyes.

Yan Ji looked at the little guy's expression and was still a little worried. When she was about to go over and take the pulse, she was stopped by Duoduo.

"Mother, don't worry. Uncle Zhan is fine. It seems that the doctor in this palace is still very good."

Hearing that it was okay, Yan Ji immediately said, "I knew it would be like this. He is the emperor's son. Of course, he is the best doctor to hear that his son is so seriously ill."

Duoduo stared at Ling Yun: "But why did you lie just now, Ling Yun, don't you know that adults or children can't tell lies? Once you say it, you will be spanked."

Ling Yun was so speechless that he scratched his head and smiled shyly.

"How many more, don't you like to eat black plum meat? Shall I take you to eat it? Let's go, let's go."

Duoduo was held by Ling Yun and ran out as if flying, and stombling closed the door.

"Hey, what are you two doing? Come back quickly and come back."

However, the reason why Ling Yun took Duo away in such a hurry is that he really wants to give the prince and Miss Yan a chance to be alone. After this injury, maybe he can really improve the relationship between the two.

Yan Ji turned her head to look at Zhan Lengze in a coma, took a long breath and stepped forward to help him cover the quilt.

At this moment, Zhan Lengze has no cold edges and corners. His whole body is so pale and weak, and suddenly there is a feeling that people want to protect him.

"Yan Ji."

When she was about to leave, Yan Ji heard this call and really didn't know what to do. Unexpectedly, she really called her own name.

Zhan Lengze must have burned his brain, it must be so. Yan Ji knocked on her head, which is why she said such nonsense.

But I don't know when my hand was tightly clenched by this guy, and his slender fingers were full of retention and reluctance.

Yan Ji unconsciously sat down again and looked at him quietly.

Duoduo bit the black plum meat unhappily through the crack of the door. Humph, my mother is really. Didn't she say that she didn't like Uncle Zhan? Why did she accompany him like this?

"Oh," Ling Yun took him to the yard again and said flatteringly, "How many more masters, don't mind? Our prince is really sick. Don't we all have to understand the patients?"

"Forget it." Duoduo pouted and said, "I knew it would be like this, but Uncle Zhan is really a little too much today. I'm really unhappy, but for the sake of Wumei meat, I forgive him."

After hearing Duoduo's words, Ling Yun shook his head with a smile. No wonder the prince liked this child so much. It was really cute.

"What are you looking at?" Duoduo said rudely, "Go and get the black plum meat. You think I let your prince go, so you don't plan to bribe me, do you?"

"Okay, okay." Ling Yun agreed, "How many masters, you don't know that the most in our Chang'an Palace is black plum meat..."

in the palace.

When Si Kou Xunxiang came out of the Taihe Hall, he met the sixth prince Luan Yuchun standing outside.

"The Sixth Prince." Si Kou Xunxiang nodded.

"National Teacher." Luan Yuchun smiled faintly and said, "I heard that Yan Ji fell into the hunter's trap last night to help me. Didn't she get hurt?"

"I was not injured. Fortunately, we arrived in time, so there was nothing serious."

"That's good, that's good."

It will inevitably be a little embarrassing for two men to talk about a woman, because from the perspective of both sides, they both know how much they like Yan Ji, but they are unwilling to admit it.