The magic doctor's mother pharmacist baby

Chapter 208 Don't Marry

Aunt Ziling and Linger hurried outside. Yan Ji made trouble all day and drank a large bowl of chicken soup with satisfaction. She had already fallen asleep.

Zhan Lengze looked at this woman's sleeping face and was really not flattering.

"More, come out."

Zhan Lengze waved his hand and Duoduo covered his invisible clothes and appeared lively.

"Mother, mother," Duoduo shook the sleeping banquet girl.

How did he know that his mother slept too heavily? Duoduo was anxious and shook it a few times. Unexpectedly, Duoduo flew over and kicked Duoduo to the ground.

"Ouch, my ass, dad, look at my mother."

The pain was so great that she complained to Zhan Lengze. At this time, Yan Ji had also woken up.

He calmed his eyes and found that it was his son.

"Duoduo, Duoduo," Yan Ji climbed down from **, "Oh, son, you're finally back. You don't know your mother, but I'm worried about you. You're finally back."

Duoduo pouted: "Mom, you just kicked me to the ground. You're too bad."

"Really," Yan Ji smiled and said, "I really don't know. You don't know that my mother is really too tired in the past two or two days, fighting wits and courage, flying sand and stones, swords and shadows."

"Wow, mother is so awesome," clap your hands.

Yan Ji hugged her son and kissed and hugged him. He was an intimate and put aside such a living man as Zhan Lengze.

"Duoduo, come on, come to Dad," Zhan Lengze said a little majestically at this time.


Duoduo actually got into his own father's arms, and he was indeed his own father.

"No," Yan Ji stood up. What's going on? Why did she suddenly become her own father?

"Zhan Lengze, the two of us agreed. What's wrong with you?" Yan Ji has swung her sleeves and looks like she is going to fight.

"What's wrong with me? Duoduo is my biological son. Why don't you want to?"

"Of course I don't want to. What's wrong with you?

"What's going on? I'm holding my own son. Is it wrong?"

Duoduo suddenly stood up at this time and accused his mother very dog-legged: "Yan Ji, don't talk to my father like this."

"Oh, little rabbit, you are really capable. I let you forget your mother," said Yan Ji and went to fight.

was empty, and as a result, Duoduo had drilled behind him.

Yan Ji was dumbfounded. What is this? Not only did he forget his mother, but this boy actually had the ability.

Zhan Lengze smiled proudly and happened to be seen by Yan Ji.

"Okay, Zhan Lengze, I asked you to find your son, but you actually gave me this hand. You are really insidious."

Yan Ji came forward to fight, and suddenly there was another movement outside.

Luan Yuchun is here.

"Six prince," Aunt Ziling quickly stopped, "Miss saw that the sky has lost her temper all day, and now she has fallen asleep. Tomorrow is a happy day. You'd better not go in."

Luan Yuchun nodded. That's right. Since Yan Ji's concubine finally fell asleep, don't to toss around, as long as he has nothing to do. After all, tomorrow's wedding is still important.

"Well, since Yan Ji has fallen asleep, I won't bother you."

It was not easy, but finally left, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at this posture again. Duoduo was held in Zhan Lengze's arms. Miss Yanji actually leaned on other people's shoulders. It was really a family of three, and she was happy.

When Yan Ji realized it, she quickly robbed her son and sat in ** embarrassedly.

Laugh more, Zhan Lengze laughs secretly.

"By the way," Yan Ji suddenly realized, "I asked you, what should I do? Didn't you say that I can go back smoothly when Duoduo comes back?"

Zhan Lengze saw that he was eating a lot of cakes. He raised his eyebrows cunningly and said, "There is still a way, but I don't know if you want to or not."

Yan Ji figured out that the reason why Zhan Lengze would say such a thing was that he designated to be loaded with bad water.

However, now my son has recognized him and is trapped here. He really doesn't believe him and who else can he trust.

"Tell me, as long as the business is not lost, I will naturally agree."

Zhan Lengze was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "There is only one way, that is, you marry me."

"What," Yan Ji was furious. "If you want me to marry you, you really want to come out."

"I'm forced by my family now. Is that the way for you want me to marry you? Isn't that jumping from one fire pit to another? Zhan Lengze, you are really very talented."

"Let me tell you, even if I am dead, even if all my men in the world are dead, I will not marry you, absolutely."

"The toad wants to eat swan meat, and they all want to take advantage of me."

"There is no way."

Zhan Lengze listened to Yan Ji scold for a long time, and then continued to say, "I'm talking about fake marriage. In fact, we are also doing business, depending on whether you do it or not."

"Buying and selling, it's bad for what you think, fake marriage."

"Yes," Zhan Lengze nodded. "There are also big deals and small businesses. If you do big business, you must pay the price. If you do small business, there will be small losses. What do you think?"

Yan Ji bowed her head. Since it is an additional marriage, that is to say, there will be a chance of liberation in the future, that is to say, she can be saved. After the end of Fengping, she may really be able to leave with her son.

However, what does this big deal and small business mean?

Yan Ji touched her chin and thought about it. For Zhan Lengze, the most important thing now is the throne.

This stinky boy doesn't want to help him win the throne, and what I'm waiting for my exchange in his hands is freedom.

Is it worth it? Yan Ji weighed back and forth. What if this boy doesn't want to let himself change after becoming emperor?

In addition, there is also that Si Kou Xunxiang. What should I do? Isn't there still a marriage for three lifetimes? If I fail to live up to others, I will really be a grandson.

But who is more harmful? Zhan Lengze is also.

"This, this," Yan Ji stared at Zhan Lengze. "What you said is not impossible, but I can't trust you so easily."

Zhan Lengze raised his eyes and said, "Yan Ji, do you know what I want?"

"Zhan Lengze, you think I'm stupid, the throne, don't you?" Yan Ji pinched her waist.

Zhan Lengze lowered her head. Sure enough, Yan Ji was not the only Yan Ji.

"You are my princess, the princess, and then you use the strength of the ice and snow country to help me seize the throne. Once I succeed, I will set you free."

"Zhan Lengze, empty mouth and white teeth, do you think I will believe you," Yan Ji will not forgive.

Zhan Lengze looked up and said, "What do you want?"

"It's clear in black and white. After you promised Hao to help you take the throne, you let me and my son go and let us fly away. How about that?"

Zhan Lengze thought for a moment, and his eyes fell on Duoduo, who was devouring.

He just recognized his son and agreed to such a condition. Naturally, he was a little reluctant.

However, Zhan Lengze also knew that if Yan Ji married herself, there were many ways to keep him and me in my hands and would not let him leave me.

At that time, he will not only become the emperor of the Flaming Kingdom, but also have a wife and children.

What's more, everything he does now is for Yan Ji and Duoduo.

How can he give up so easily?

"Okay, I promise you."

Aunt Ziling, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

By the time she killed a small plate of mung bean cake, Yan Ji had proudly pressed the guarantee.

"Oc, that's it," Yan Ji nodded. "But Zhan Lengze, have you thought about how we should deceive the Empress Dowager and the emperor? You know, I'm going to get married tomorrow."

Zhan Lengze smiled again, and Yan Ji paid attention to it. Zhan Lengze has laughed many times tonight.

It's really going to break the record.

"We really need to help with this matter. Don't worry, it's up to him as long as you do one thing well tomorrow."

"What's going on?" Yan Ji didn't understand.

"Smash things," Duo Duo came over and said, "Mom, you only care about smashing things, but you still have to say some jokes. For example, if you want to marry your father, you are very homesick and heartbreakingly want to marry him, that's enough."

Bah, who wants to marry an ice face? I don't want to. If it weren't for your conscienceless little beast, I would have sold myself like this.

"Oc, okay, I know. Isn't it just smashing things? I'm the best."

Zhan Lengze and Duoduo looked at each other. Tomorrow is really going to be a good performance.

On the roof, Si Kou Xunxiang looked at the happy appearance of their family, and there was a pain in his heart.

After all, Yan Ji still chose Zhan Lengze, even at the most difficult time, he chose to believe and rely on Zhan Lengze.

However, between him and her is just a previous life. There is a cold forehead in her present life, a cold Ze that he can't replace at all.

The next day, the whole palace was full of joy.

Today is really the most unexpected day for him. He never thought that he would really marry Yan Ji.

The Empress Dowager closed her eyes. The banquet was noisy for two days, smashing things and beating people. In the end, the appointment stopped.

No one wants to fight with the royal people, and in the end, it can only be a word of service.

"Chun'er," the Empress Dowager said with a smile, "Grandma is really happy to see you get married."

"Grandmother," Luan Yuchun said with a small smile, "After Sun's marriage, he will definitely be more filial to his grandmother."

The emperor and the queen nodded with a smile after hearing this.

"Empress dowager, the auspicious time is coming. It's time to invite the princess into the hall."

The Empress Dowager nodded: "Go, go, don't miss the auspicious time."

Yefeng and Yean looked at each other, and even Gong Ao frowned. Can this sister really marry so peacefully?

I don't think so.

It's only three days, will he have such a big change, no way.

Sure enough, when Luan Yuchun walked into the yard where Yan Ji temporarily lived, a vase flew out.