God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 31 ma yi shen xiang

"I dare to ask the Taoist priest, you wrote that the god of mahjong is the signboard. I don't know if it's exaggerated?" Li Chuan asked softly, and his tone was still very respectful, but it was unpleasant to question his authority.

But this Taoist priest is really self-restrained and has no intention of anger. However, this attitude made Li Chuan realize that he was really a master of the Taoist school. You know, the skill of flying sword practiced by monks is the most daunting.

"Isn't this Taoist cultivation master who doesn't like to show off? Oh, I'm a little impetuous."

Li Chuan suddenly thought of this problem and suddenly felt that he was underthinking. With an awkward smile, he wanted to leave. Some high-level people still don't want to provoke. Li Chuan couldn't see the depth of this person when he was close to him. He couldn't feel whether he was a monk or not. For a moment, he had a little drumming in his heart and wanted to stay away.

"This benefactor, don't go. Since it is predestined to meet, it is polite to meet the poor silkworm. The Taoist priest made an audit, and Li Chuan sat down and hurriedly bowed his hand in return.

"The donor asked why the poor Tao dared to play this signboard. To be honest, the poor Taoist face-to-face technique was indeed passed down from the sacked god school. I won't say much about the specific reason. In short, this signboard is not a fooling. If the donor doesn't believe it, why don't you let the poor meet each other?

"Taoist priest, I'm rude at the first time. Since the Taoist priest said so, let's take a look at the recent fortune.

"In this case, please face the morning sun in the east and watch the poor road carefully."

"Good." Li Chuan immediately faced the east and let the morning sun shine on his face.

The Taoist priest stood up, came to Li Chuan, and carefully watched the fine lines on his face. After a while, he returned to his seat without saying a word.

"Daochang, how do you think I look recently?"

"Let's not ask about the recent luck. Let the poor first talk about the donor's past luck?" The Taoist priest sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and said quietly.

"That's good, Taoist priest, please say it."

"From the perspective of the donor, although he is not rich and noble, he should also have no worries about food and clothing, and even be famous in the world. However, there are disasters in the donor's hit, at least two major disasters. First, the donor's fate is not independent. On the surface, he is manipulated by demons to do things that are not his original wishes. Second, recently, the donor's fate has shocked the world, and a great disaster will come in the near future. Whether you can survive or not depends entirely on luck.

Ah? Li Chuan was shocked. He didn't believe it at this time. The life of Li Chuan's family is in the hands of the organization, and they never dare to disrespect them.

"Can this be seen by others? Even if this person has no talent in practice, he is absolutely unfathomable in metaphysics. The god of sackcloth is worthy of his name. Li Chuan was in awe.

"Taoist priest, please teach me." Li Chuan stood up and asked respectfully. At the same time, a gold ticket in the amount of 10,000 business dollars has been sent to the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest smiled.

"Don't panic, the poor road needs to be carefully watched again before reasoning."

The Taoist priest motioned Li Chuan not to be polite, let him sit down, get close to him, and carefully check Li Chuan's fate palace, wealth and silk palace, husband and wife palace, friendship palace and many other positions again.

"The heavenly court is full of the square, there is no chaos in the palace of wealth and silk, and the couple's palace is smooth. It was originally a good rich and long-lived appearance, but unfortunately, a messy line went straight from the hair to the palace of life, and the blue was hidden, causing disaster.

According to this phase, it can be speculated that the donor encountered evil spirits many years ago, was bewitched by their demons, and joined a certain evil way that was not the Lord's evil way. His wife and children were all trapped in the fate of the puppet chess pieces because of the thought of the donor, which is particularly lamentable. It has been many years now. The donor follows this demon, and he is just a hawk in front of the devil's door. If he continues, he will be killed by the devil sooner or later. Even when it loses its value, it will be abandoned by demons. At that time, the donor's life will come to an end.

While watching Li Chuan's face, he pinched his fingers to calculate closely, and then said this.

Li Chuan's face was suddenly shocked. These things are top secret. He even hides his wife and concubine. This Taoist priest will definitely not know the details inside. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the past seems to be vivid in his mind. How can he not believe it?

"Taoist priest, what should I do?" Li Chuan is anxious.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Since you met me, I can't watch you be robbed and lost, can you? As the saying goes, people's money and disasters are eliminated. The benefactor takes this charm back and carries it with him. He must see the evil spirits within a day. Then, this spiritual charm will block the demon's restriction on you. Within ten days, the demon who has been controlling you will definitely die. It will keep you safe for ten years, and then it will depend on your creation. But one thing needs to be remembered. If the law is not passed on, you can't mention today's matter to others. Otherwise, if the Fu urn fails, it is likely to be eaten back. In that way, the disaster will come early. Remember, remember. Infinite longevity Buddha, the poor road only meet once a day. Today's event, the donor cherishes it, and the poor road goes away."

As he spoke, the Taoist priest handed a purple charm to Li Chuan, which was full of strange golden patterns. The Taoist priest collected 10,000 business coins and gold bills, waved the dust in his hand, no longer looked at Li Chuan, who was uncertain in the eyes of the purple charm, and left, and didn't even want the stall and cloth. Yes, 5 business dollars can buy all these items. At this time, 10,000 business dollars have been harvested. Who is still impatient to clean up this mess? As for the books, inkstones and other things on it, it is predestined to leave it as a gift.

Unfortunately, Li Chuan could not see the joking eyes of the Taoist priest at this time, otherwise, he would be shocked.

"Goodbye, goodbye."

The macaw showed his talent at the right time, but no one paid attention to it. The little parrot was very injured and quite unhappy. After calling a few times, he used his curved hook-like beak and combed his colorful gorgeous feathers.

Li Chuan respectfully bowed and thanked the distant figure of the Taoist priest and clenched the purple rune in his hand, but lightningly remembered his boss (that is, the masked man in black). He did not know who this person was, but he had always been restricted and under the jurisdiction of this person. At that time, he was also bewitched by the countless benefits granted by this man and voluntarily joined In the organization, it's too late to regret it now. Once that organization officially joins, it is difficult to withdraw halfway. Undoubtedly, the evil in the Taoist priest's mouth refers to the immediate superior.

"You must see this person in one day, so that Fu Yu can work. Within ten days, this demon will die. In this way, you will be safe. Ten years of peace is not bad. After the date, it really depends on creation." He had this thought in his mind. Although he also suspected that he had been fooled by 10,000 business coins when he met a big liar, the money was nothing to him. He would rather believe whether he was trustworthy or not. He dared not believe the mysterious Taoist priest's words. Most importantly, people were too accurate. Don't let him believe it.

Li Chuan straightened up with gains and losses and looked far away. The Taoist priest had long disappeared.

"The game is dusty, and it should not be wrong. Damn, you have to find a way to contact your boss and make up a reason. Otherwise, you will be punished if you contact that person at will. What's the reason for making up? Yes, he said that he found out that a big man would come to the Imperial Guard Office of Cherry City. That is to say, his relatives on duty in the Imperial Guard drank too much and inadvertently revealed that it was of great importance and must alarm his boss Yunyun. Think about it, the matter is urgent, and the boss won't blame himself for contacting randomly, will he?

Li Chuan's eyes rumbled and thought about the way to deceive the top and the bottom. Flying pigeons are not easy to use in broad daylight and are easy to be seen, so use emergency contact methods.

Li Chuan carried the macaw and did not continue to wander around. He went out of this alley and went along a small street to the stone bridge at the small river in the north of the city.

The small stone bridge arches a beautiful arc and falls on both sides of the river. There are exquisite sculptures on the stone railings on the bridge. This is a stone bridge with a long history, and the sculpture on it is the appearance of the twelve zodiac animals. He walked to the sculpture of the snake and looked left and right. It was remote. In addition, the time was still early, and there was no obstruction. He smiled secretly and casually drew a circle on the snake-shaped sculpture with *, three horizontal lines, the first two long, and the last one was short. The position was behind the triangular snake head holding high and up, which was not noticeable. If you are not a caring person, who will observe whether there is a mark after observing the snake's head? It's very safe.