God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 52 Men's true colors

The dialogue between Dean Yinxu and the owner of the Crown Building is a way to spread the sound of thousands of miles, and the whole province can basically be heard. This is also because the owner of the Crown Building is afraid that the Dean Yinxu will not keep his promise and deliberately do so. Even if Dean Yin Xu wants to repent, he will not do so in full view of the eyes of the public. What's more, this strong man has never talked about anything else in his life. In terms of reputation, I can trust the enemy.

Although Liu's underground killer base is strong and soundproof, the words of these two worldly powers can't be stopped, and these dialogues echo in the underground space.

Nanqilan's cold face rippled with a smile. The crown owner escaped, and five great powers escaped. Anyway, this is good news. Dean Yinxu can escape six people in front of him. What else is not satisfied? The man has been closed for a hundred years. Needless to say, he is unparalleled after leaving the customs. Such a great god, the crown owner can compete with one or two, and Nanqilan feels proud.

In contrast to Nan Qilan, the cool room is very unhappy and frowns. Dean Yinxu appeared. He thought he could catch them all and kill at least two insiders, so that as long as Du Huo was killed, no one would know the secret of Baiguo. However, listening to that, in addition to the strong crown owner, there are also five moon crown demons who escaped. What these guys are best at is hiding in the dark. I don't know if these five people include Du Rou's sister and brother? Naturally, he didn't know that although his sister and brother were disabled, they really escaped. He just kept praying for the success of killing people with a knife.

I forgot one thing, and the probability of relying entirely on the power of others to achieve great things is not high. It's a good idea to kill people with a knife, and the plan is detailed. For this, Bansu ventured to contact the three chief judges and made enough efforts. I don't know how many brain cells were consumed to calculate. However, the plan does not change quickly. With the help of others, it can only succeed for a while and cannot be arrogant. Again, all external forces are illusory after all, and their own strength is really strong.

The Indian martial arts system is very busy, and the energy is not sufficient. It is underground, and the scanning is maintained in the underground space, and it cannot scan the abnormality in the direction of the city's house. It is not clear at this time that the two people he wanted to kill most became the fish that had leaked. Thinking about it, he will be very angry when he learns about it.

At this time, he didn't have time to think too much. When he was surrounded, how could he have the energy to slip away?

The area of the martial arts arena is large enough, with a total appearance of 7,000 or 8,000 square meters. The floor is paved with bluestone slabs, which is roughly the same as the structure of the martial arts arena in the city's mansion. It is designed by one person. This place is undoubtedly the place where many killers practice martial arts. There are many blades around, and there is no shortage of supporting weapons. Even various wooden stakes for practicing light martial arts are well arranged.

A full of five or six hundred killers appeared, ten feet away from Bansu to form a circular human wall. This distance is naturally arranged according to the length of the chain of Bansu hidden weapon. The lethality of the blood droplets has shocked Nan Qilan and Meng He, and they dare not be careless.

These killers are not well-cultivated and belong to the underlying force cultivated by the crown building. Not only the bottom, they are also very important. Whether it's Nanqilan or Menghe, who didn't climb up from the bottom step by step? There is a bottom to have a future, so this is a very important base for the coronal building. The human and material resources invested in are unimaginable.

Basically, everyone in this base was shocked, except for thousands of boys and girls abducted from all over the province who were locked in secret rooms. Abducting people with talent for practice is one of the important ways to make a fortune in the Crown Tower. Naturally, they will not let go of this big cake. Nan Qilan itself is very disgusted with this kind of business, but the sect needs a lot of resources to develop. What's more, this is what the superior means. She is not qualified to resist.

In the three-dimensional picture given by the system, it clearly indicates the location of those imprisoned boys and girls, and they are all murderous.

He is a child who has been abducted and trafficked. He was looked at by the Qingshan Building and entered the killer organization. It has been extremely difficult all the way. He hates human trafficking the most. He was lucky to be picked by the green shirt building. Those who were unlucky probably fell into the demon king's blood basin to make supplements. With this experience, how can you not hate human trafficking? Those guys are impersonal, from three or four-year-old children to men and women in their twenties. Most of them are boys and girls. They are too old and their cultivation is high and slippery, which is difficult to catch. The main goal of the crown building is low cultivation. If the cultivation is too high, it means that there is too much trouble. The crown tower does not want to cause too much trouble. In this way, children and teenagers are the most suitable and have the least trouble.

He was only two or three years old when he was abducted. He couldn't remember who his parents were and how he came from. At this time, he encountered a large-scale abduction incident, and it was strange that he didn't hate it. He suspected that he had been abducted and sold by the gang under the Crown Tower, but it was difficult to prove it for a long time.

Banju shook the blood droplets and glanced at the surroundings with the eyes of the world. The killers were stunned and understood the metal bird cage shelf in Bansu's hands at this time. It almost killed Du Huo's deadly hidden weapon. Within eight feet, ghosts and gods are unavoidable. It's better to be careful.

Killers are not afraid of death, but no one wants to die in vain, right?

They subconsciously took a step back.

Hahaha! He laughed indulgently and laughed at the courage of the killers. Everyone was furious.

"No, don't be rampant!" Meng He shouted fiercely, and the flying sword swallowed the sword in front of him, which was extremely fimacing. Du Huo stood behind Nan Qilan with gloomy eyes, knowing that he could not beat this man, so he could only stare at him with viper-like eyes.

"Du Huo, are you staring at me? Is there a kind of Nima who comes out and dies with me? Stupid." Bansu raised the Pu knife in one hand, pointed at Du Huo, and shook the blood droplets on the other hand, making a terrible sound and cursing rudely. He ignored Meng He.

"Scold happily!" Nan Qilan shouted in his heart. Du Huo's selfish personality has reached the extreme. In fact, everyone doesn't like him, but because of the face of the city owner, he has to be perfunctory and secretly wanted to scold him for a long time. This young man helped to scold it. Damn it, it's so happy!

not only Nan Qilan, but also more than half of the killers present thought so. Therefore, Banju scolded Du Huo bitterly. No one said anything, but also looked at Du Huo, whose face turned red and white one by one to see if he had the courage to accept the enemy's face-to-face provocation.

The grass mud horse, a strange beast, rumbled in Du Huo's heart. Since childhood, when has it been so faceless as this time?

"Don't have brave rats, full of mouths of manure, can only assassinate and attack, carrying strange hidden weapons, you can call me, there is a way not to use hidden weapons." Du Huo flashed into shape, and the flying sword swam back and forth arrogantly in front of him, saying exciting words. That's reasonable. You carry a hidden weapon to fight by leaping the level. Who the fuck will fight with you? There is a kind of one-handed fight with a hidden weapon.

Du Huo is fierce, but there is nothing wrong with this.

"Is there water in your head? I can't be more ordinary. One brother, you are surrounded by five or six hundred people. In this state, you let me throw weapons to fight with you, a golden bone monk? Damn, do you think this is a fairy tale world? Bansu jumped with his feet and scolded. Du Huo's face was full of blue veins, and he was almost vomited blood. The wound on the top of his head had stopped the bleeding. As soon as he was angry, the blood flowed down, and he opened his mouth and was about to curse back.

Bansu said first: "Kid, you look like a dog, but you don't do anything. What's wrong with your father as the city owner? What's wrong with you as a dump? Do you think the world revolves around you? To tell you the truth, I just don't like you. If that sister hadn't taken action today, you would have been a dead body and jumped out to show off your power. You don't know how to write the word shame, right? Yes, after today, you don't have to know that I will twist your head off and kick it with my own hands."

" shut up, shut up, I must kill you!" Du Huo vomited blood and was already injured. Can he not spit blood? But he scolded happily, but he couldn't rush forward with blood. He is not stupid if you can't let that strange bird cage reach him. Anger is one thing, but it must not be impulsive. Impulse is the devil.

"You boy can really endure it. Simply, you can go straight to the situation and hang out with Guan Jin." Bansu mercilessly ridiculed him as a man.

Du was hot, and he threw his demeanor out of the clouds in an eye. He jumped high and showed his nature like a wild scolding. What a powerful scolding is, and the dirty words are dazzling. How does this look like the most well-bred young master of the city? This is a mad dog.

South Qilan frowned. It's really humiliating. What kind of garlic do you dare not go out to fight?

"Hit!" The woman shouted fiercely, and the crazy dog-like ditch suddenly woke up and knew that she had lost her temper.

"Come back". Nanqilan shouted coldly.