God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 72 Super Alloy, Build a Giant Sword

You know, the weapon is originally added to force, and the weapon is supported by the seal. Strictly speaking, it is close to five times the real cultivation ability. At this time, the general lodging has the melee ability to be horrible before being chased by the Qingshan Tower.

Floating gently on the surface of the mountain stream, walking on the water like a flat ground, like a fairy. This light skill that is not stained with the fire in the world is really fucking awesome! The speed of light power penetration is close to the speed of sound, so that Bansu has a life-saving card. There is always a chance to escape.

Put away the sword and look at the fireball that is about to fall in the West Mountain. The day is about to pass. On this day, Bansu once again had a leap and growth, and once again became three unique skills. He mastered the seal and improved his spiritual cultivation again. He went to hide in the cave with joy.

In the sunset, the body becomes more and more blurred, and finally becomes invisible.

Shake off the fallen leaves stained with long golden hair, and I don't know where to stuff the belly round again. Beauty, under the starry moonlight, leisurely returned to the cave, and then opened her eyes in surprise. Because it saw an extremely shocking scene.

In the cave, I don't know when a huge metal crucible was erected, with boiling metal** inside. The high temperature makes the baking in the cave extremely dry, and the air is scorching and unbearable. But it's beautiful. The United States is not afraid of poisonous fog and has no sense of high temperatures.

It was shocked because the upper body was pale, and his toned body made the little guy a little distracted. The muscles on his body are like knives and axes, not to mention the edges and corners, and the unparalleled explosive power, which makes people blush and heartbeat at a glance.

Beautiful. Beauty suddenly came back.

"This idea is too inexplicable. It is a human being and a beast. How can it produce emotions to appreciate the human body? My sister's must be a second personality. Beautiful. Beauty has called the strange emotions that appear from time to time the second personality, and this little thing is also thoughtful enough.

Throw the strange ideas in your mind into the corners, which is so beautiful. Mei walked four legs in all directions and walked into the cave very leisurely. However, the attentive night did not seem to notice it coming in, which made it grit its teeth with hatred. I really want to teach this fool who doesn't know how to pick up with his claws, but for the sake of his serious work, he put up with it.

It's not that I haven't seen beauty. When the United States comes back, the problem is that he is really busy and must focus on it, otherwise he will fail.

He has a huge hammer in his hand, swinging the hammer, pounding the metal on the iron plate. In a short time, the metal was forged into the appearance of a giant sword, and then the metal ** in the crucible was poured on the sword embryo and continued to beat.

This 1.8-meter sword is getting thicker and heavier in the constant beating, and it is estimated to be hundreds of catties.

The forging method used by Bansu is the art of forging in miscellaneous studies. Although it is very simple, each landing point is extremely exquisite. This forging is different from the refining art of this world. The refiners in this world use furnace tripods to forge flying swords connected to hearts and gods.

This simple forging skill can't meet the standards of this world and can't be connected. However, in terms of strength and sharpness, it is no worse than the finished product in the hands of the forger.

It is very clear that the preliminary level of miscellaneous learning is only the foundation. There must be a way to produce the effect of mind-to-heart connection, but he has not been exposed to it yet.

He is building a huge sword for Big Ben. It is bulky and weighs thousands of catties, and its strength is greater than that of the monks who have practiced. Just by swuncing this huge sword with brute force, it is enough to blow off the monks. It is not a demon, but it is more powerful than ordinary monsters. This is a scene that I really want to see.

With this giant sword, the safety of Big Ben will be improved a lot. Ordinary fierce beasts and ordinary monks will not threaten the safety of Big Ben, and they can safely lead the beauty. It's beautiful.

He really wants to travel around the world with a big fool, but the big fool is too big to go out of the mountain with him. Not as beautiful as it is. Beautiful, on the surface, it looks like a pocket puppy that is harmless to humans and animals. It is suitable for carrying with you. Since you can't take Daben out of the mountain, let's ensure Daben's safety first.

The reason why this world can't use this forging method is that there is no discipline of 'chemistry' here. People in this world don't know about various reactions in chemistry. Therefore, if you want to dissolve extremely strong metals into **, you can only use the high-temperature melting of the refiner furnace.

And according to the formula in miscellaneous studies, Banju has made a matching solution to melt various metals.

For example, a few drops of 'chemical steel liquid' can melt all kinds of steel, but other metals cannot melt. In the same way, 'golden water' can only melt gold, not silver.

With these solutions, Bansu can easily turn the weapons that are not used in the universe bag into **, put them into the crucible and continue heating, so that the melted metal ** can be mixed in one place. This is the super alloy liquid.

This alone is far ahead of the forging technology of this world. Although Bansu will not make the giant sword produce flames, wind blades and so on, it is only the step of melting metal, and Bansu has been ahead of the whole world.

The miscellaneous name is simple, but what is contained in it is enough to make great progress in the world in a certain way. Of course, just like the blood-bone healing liquid, Pifu is innocent, and he will not foolishly tell others that he has this technology.

Otherwise, it will be studied by five horses of refinery masters all over the world. Bansu doesn't want to be a white mouse in the laboratory. Cherish life and stay away from researching crazy people.

The super alloy liquid kept pouring on the sword embryo. While ** was about to take shape, the huge hammer kept forging and shining, beating according to the image designed in the brain.

Bansu did not have the skill of smashing flowers on the sword. He only asked for the huge sword to be simple and unpretentious, but it should be absolutely sharp and strong, and even the flying sword of the monk could not be damaged. Therefore, he used super alloy forging.

To be honest, this sword is stronger than the big sword in his hand, but Daben is his friend, and he has few friends in his life. For the sake of a real friend, what is there to bear?

Anyway, these swords were all obtained from the underground base of Liufu. They are nothing more than going to the practice workshop to sell in the future. At this time, it is better to melt together and build a joint weapon for Daben.

'When there was a loud noise, the sweat kept flowing on Bansu's body, and the high temperature made his face red, and the sparks kept jumping on Bansu's body. With the golden bell shield, it can't cause harm to him.