God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 108 The Marquis who forgot the rules

Li Chuan, the owner of the rice harvest, was in the crowd of the banquet. His Mi Xing is not far from the Bai family, and he immediately came to join in the fun as soon as something happened, but his calm face was full of horror.

The main character of the chase half a year ago was killed and escaped. The goal is to live. At present, only Li Chuan knows it among the members of the Cherry City Crown Building.

Left and right inquired about the name of the marquis personally sealed by the Holy Emperor. Coincidentally, it was called Bansu, and Li Chuan's heart almost jumped out of his throat. It's a coincidence. Can he not be afraid?

Three months ago, I met Taoist priest Tiancanzi. According to the instructions, I met my superior on the same day... As a result, it didn't take ten days at all. The fact that Du Feng, the city owner, was the deputy head of a certain hall in the Moon Crown Building, has spread all over the world.

The city master's mansion was besieged by the top masters of the imperial scale guard, and the underground base of Liu's mansion was washed by blood, and major events happened one after another. Until today, the crown building has given up control of Cherry City. Li Chuan has not seen the superiors for more than three months.

He knew that the boss who contacted him must be a master in the city owner's mansion. It is not clear who it is. To be sure, only six people escaped from the building owner on that day. In this way, what Taoist priest Tiancanzi said has come true, and the devil who controls him has died. Li Chuan secretly called for the blessing of the emperor.

Indeed, the events here in Cherry City continued, and a large number of masters were stationed in the Crown Tower. The Moon Tower temporarily gave up its infiltration and control here. All the grassroots personnel turned into the underground state to lurk and wait for the opportunity to rise again.

Li Chuan has been free for three months, but today, the words "general marquis" are like a bolt from the blue. How can Li Chuan forget this strangely lost character who has been hunted down?

He looked carefully at the two people who were gradually approaching. The two men were tall and should be the shorter one. Looking carefully, it seemed that this man was different from the one he chased six months ago, and the height difference was not small.

In this way, is it just a coincidence of the name? No, it's true that there are many big businessmen with the same name, but they all have something to do with the Bai family...? It doesn't make sense to think about it.

Li Chuan was confused, but he was not worried that he would be noticed. He followed the action that day and did not do it himself. Even if the Marquis was the target of the pursuit that day, he would not notice his existence.

At the thought of this, and the appearance of the marquis who came from far away was different from the one half a year ago, Li Chuan was much relieved.

While holding his fist and saying polite words, he saw Li Chuan, who was a little distracted by the table in front of Baifu, and smiled secretly and thought to himself: This buddy didn't carry the macaw today.

His eyes turned, and suddenly pulled the running skirt behind him, and his eyes turned to Li Chuan.

Running and meeting, he suddenly stepped out and pulled Li Chuan out from behind the table.

"Marquis, are you...? Xiaomin Li Chuan, the boss of the rice harvest, has always been law-abiding, marquis, you...?"

Li Chuan was stunned, and the people applauding around him were also dumbfounded. They didn't understand what the big young man had done. They stood still for a while. It was silent, and everyone looked at this place and thought about the intention of these two upstarts.

"Hahaha, don't panic, Boss Li. My brother-in-law is a rough man and has offended him. I apologize on his behalf." Ban Su first comforted the anxious white case and Baiguo with his eyes, indicating that they should be calm and not be impatient. Bai's case calmed down and waved his palms gently behind him, signaling the people in the house not to interfere.

"Lord, dare not, dare not, grass people..."

"Boss Li is a rice shop and has been providing food for his neighbors. He has great merit. I feel that you are a person of weight in the people. Today, I was going to ask Miss Baiguo of the Baifu family for marriage, but when I came in a hurry... In addition, I was an orphan and had no relatives and friends. I forgot important things. There are rules for marriage, and I needed three media and six jobs and so on. Look, how confused I am and forgot these important things?

Boss Li is an old man on this street. Please work hard and help me prepare for it. Alas, orphans have a hard life, and no one helps to greet lifelong events. Isn't this disrespectful to the Bai family? How can it be? I don't know if Boss Li is willing to help me?

Bansu explained the matter with a smile, including Li Chuan, and everyone was relieved. As long as it's not a bad thing, Li Chuan wants to prosper. If the marquis temporarily arrests people to help, it's his turn? Your sister's, don't be so annoying, okay?

For a moment, everyone looked at Li Chuan with jealousy, and their eyes were complicated.

The titles of the Shang Dynasty are divided into nine levels, from top to bottom are Wang, Gong, Hou, Bo, Zi, Male, Dingwei, Shunwei and Qianwei.

The three 'lieutenants' who have just entered the threshold of nobles basically belong to glory and have no real power. Officials at all levels only respect them on the surface and will not take them too seriously. These three low-level aristocratic titles are used to reward, without much weight. When it comes to the title of 'man', it is equivalent to really entering the aristocratic circle.

The title is lower than 'Bun', and there can be no private soldiers or land. It is just that there are more noble salaries every month. This is a national reward, and the salary of formal officials can be superimposed. At this stage of the title, you can support the private army and have a fiefdom.

Of course, this means that the title is not virtual. Like Bansu and Banben, although the title has arrived, it is a false name. There can be a certain number of followers (that is, the private army), but there is no fiefdom of its own and no name.

Generally speaking, those who have the title are the real marquis, such as the champion marquis, the winning marquis and so on. In this way, the marquis with the title is extremely awesome. Most of them have fiefdom and the region is not large, but their status is there.

However, the wait is different, because his virtual title is given by the emperor Laozi, and other people's titles are distributed by cabinet ministers on behalf of them. The emperor just looks at it and verbally agrees. The stamp is the seal of several ministers in the cabinet, and the noble title will take effect.

The title of this false marquis is a jade seal. In this way, the weight of this man is more noble than that of the marquis with a title.

Such a character asked Li Chuan to prepare for everything. Li Chuan is underdeveloped, who is developed? No wonder everyone is jealous.

Li, who thought his identity was exposed and was almost lost in fear, was overjoyed and hurriedly responded to this matter.

Banju smiled and took out a pile of gold tickets. I'm afraid it doesn't look like more than a million yuan. He put it into Li Chuan's hand and asked him to go to Zhang Luo.