God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 139 The Eight-faced Exquisite Hero

Huachangling Town is so big, and this square city is so famous. It seems that it is not very difficult to understand when two enemies meet on a narrow road, even in reason.

He was not afraid. He stood on the stairs, condescending, deliberately raised his head, and looked at the man who was more gloomy than the mask on his face with contempt. A very obvious hostility emerged between the two, as if the air here was invisibly stagnant.


The two big men guarding the door seemed to cough inadvertently and took a few steps into the store, with a trace of mischiness in their eyes. Weimo Baiqi Building is famous in the world. Who dares to make trouble here? Not to mention anything else, there are three Dharma in the secret room of this building. How can they care about such a few hairy young men making trouble?

Is it the Zhou family or the son of the Ximen family? For here, is there any difference from passers-by? Dare to do things, that is, the act of looking for death. It is light to be expelled from a violent beating. Is the guard power here useless? That's too blind.

Almost at the same time, the gloomy room and Zhou Chu smiled together, which seemed to be very sincere, and the solemn atmosphere here was swept away. At the same time, the two big men scolded the little slippery head, slowly retreated to their positions, and installed wood again.

"I haven't apologized to the Simon brothers. A week ago, what you said was not polite enough. Simon Shuanghan is an awesome person who has mastered the secret of the Simon family. He must respect him, otherwise, he will not give me face." Zhou turned his head and said to the man with a crafty face around him.

This person was obviously stunned, his eyes rumbling, his mind turned electric, piled up smiles, and arched his hand to the host. He smiled and said, "Hey, I just saw Brother Ximen coldly. I was happy and talked nonsense. Brother Ximen has a large number of people, and I don't think I can see him as much as Zhou Zhou. We will all be from Yinxu College in the future. We should live in harmony and watch and help each other. Brother Ximen, do you think what I said is right?"

The exquisite little man's face is the most annoying, but this place is not a place to cause trouble, and whether it is blood droplets or other means, it is definitely not to use it. At this time, it is not good to fight with the Zhou Chu of the Dharma soul period, and it is also happy to pretend to be confused.

He arched his hand with a smile on his face, but he looked gloomy. There was nothing he could do. Who let this mask be this virtue?

What my brother said a week ago was reasonable. God bravely waits to come here, but wants to buy weapons and prepare for tomorrow's affairs?

Zhou Chu arched his hand with a smile and said slowly, "Exactly, the Count of Snow Mountain, our purpose is the same. Tomorrow, I hope you have good results."

"God is waiting for you. I went upstairs in advance."

"The Count of Snow Mountain, please do your own."

The two spoke politely. I don't know how deeply they thought they were.

Zhou Chu secretly carried his inner strength, wrapped the sound, and sent a voice to Ban Su, "Kid, don't think you are awesome. You wait, in the bloody moon river, I want you to look good. You can't die and can't be disabled, right? There are many ways to deal with you. Also, if you are unlucky and meet a demon master, it is not uncommon for you to be killed all of a sudden. I advise you to be careful, hahaha."

The semantics of the transmission is extremely vicious, but there is a smile on this person's face. Who would have thought that his heart would be so vicious.

Bansu turned around and rejoined with the women who stopped at Ximen South and above. Hearing this, cruelty appeared at the corners of his mouth. He was motionless, with one hand behind him, pointing up in the middle, straight to the surrounding area.

This gesture is not only used in the Earth's star domain federation, but also does not mean friendly here.

Zhou looked at this gesture with a flash of anger in his eyes, but it was quickly suppressed. My mind is spinning. How can I kill Ximen Shuanghan under the condition that I don't do anything? This is what he wants to do most.

Yinxu College has rules, so that tutors must tampacit with various geniuses, that is to say, although tutors cannot enter the Xueyue River, with their spells, they have a way to know whether the geniuses have been killed and disabled by their own experienced people.

In this way, geniuses have scruples and naturally dare not die. However, everything is absolute. In the area shared by the two countries, the Xueyue River is dangerous and can even attract experienced monsters, and it is not impossible to kill people with a knife. As long as it is done cleanly and neatly, the tutors have nothing to say.

Zhou thought about these thoughts in his heart and secretly calculated them.

Coincidentally, how can he not understand the viciousness of this person after hearing Zhou Chu's words? However, he is not afraid. Even if the tutors can know the general situation, the tutors will certainly not know if blood droplets or beauty appear in the blood moon river.

It was very clear thatdao shi Qiaolang knew that he was carrying a small pet at first sight when he saw him, and he didn't take it seriously.

However, it is still unclear how horrible this pet is. If there is beauty on the body, is it strange that the host will be afraid of Zhou Chu?

The Indian martial arts system is not awakened, but there is a feeling in his heart that this person must secretly do many evils. This is a person who does everything to achieve his goals. Such a person is very dangerous and extremely harmful to others. How many merits will he have to kill him? Even if you don't do it yourself, it's good to plan such a successful action.

The calculation is open.

One mountain does not allow two tigers, and the two are against each other. Of course, no one will show it.

The episode passed quickly, and no one could notice how dangerous it was in this episode. They regard each other as a thorn in their eyes, and the journey of the Blood Moon River is doomed to be unable to calm down.

A group of five followed the rabbit sister Tao Ni into the seventh floor of the Baiqi Building.

There are many people here who are choosing bows and arrows. What makes it very enjoyable is that the service staff responsible for selling bows and arrows here are all demon beauties.

The fox beauty with a big white tail smiled skillfully.

The snake beauty with a soft and slender figure, enchanting face and dark cyan scales at the corners of the eyebrows. One mouth, I went, and the snake letter inside was forked. Obviously, this part was not completely transformed.

The leopard beauty with bulging breasts still has leopard prints on her calves under the white skirt.

A wolf beauty with a strong posture and big blue and gray ears... There are all kinds of them here.

They are all patiently introducing the latest and best products, various shapes of bows and arrows, and constantly appearing in front of demon beauties to introduce the advantages of these weapons to customers.

The size and shape of bows and arrows vary greatly.

Bansu saw a two-meter-long wolf demon who bought a large bow of 1.8 meters long, and the arrows were longer than usual. You can imagine that this demon is amazing. With one arrow shot out, it can shoot through a wall.