God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 150 Spirit Storm

The three nuns of the Dharma soul period were the first to break into here. Looking at the scene here, their hearts thumped and knew that the big thing was not good.

Two big living people, no man, no dead, no corpse, must have been assassinated by the other party and put into the storage weapon. The problem is that the refiner himself is a master, not to mention how tall the dragon claw-level male slim hand is. These people are very clear in their hearts. How can they be killed in one face?

I happened to see Lao Dao rushing out of the window. At a glance, I recognized that it was the cow's nose that scrambling to buy the jade tripod in the black market palace, and his eyes were about to crack for a moment. Qingshanlou doesn't find this old-fashioned trouble. Even if he burns high incense, why does he dare to chase and kill the people of Qingshanlou in turn? Looking for death.

The three nuns are all strong people with strong thoughts and have powerful runes distributed by the organization. At this time, the most correct way is to stimulate the offensive runes and destroy the invaders in one fell swoop.

However, this is originally one of the secret strongholds of the Qingshan Building, and today rest here because it is extremely important to meet other teams. Once the spell is stimulated, whether it is a flame or a wind blade, it is bound to cause a vision and attract the attention of people. In that case, some plans of the organization will be affected. , how does this work?

At the thought of this, the first three nuns who rushed in released their flying swords and coincidentally adopted the skill of mind attack.

Three mental attacks with horrible thoughts tore the air, roaring strangely, and bursting in the ears. People's ideas are the fastest, and they can't avoid it at all.

In an instant, there were a lot of ghosts in their eyes, and a large number of ghosts with shocking weather waving huge mountain knives. The surrounding scene seemed to have changed. It was not in mid-air, but in the ancient battlefield where corpses were everywhere in the blood-stained place. It was extremely frightening. Such an extremely realistic situation was frightening.

A ungry monk will suddenly be lost, then can't remember anything, and will eventually be destroyed in the ancient battlefield, that is, the soul will be annihilated. The soul is gone, and the outside world will undoubtedly die. Mind attack is the most dangerous behavior. The monks do not have the confidence to suppress the other party at more than seven levels and dare not use it at all. Once you eat back, if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

He is in the operation stage, and as soon as he feels it, he knows that he is not in the golden bone period. The three nuns are all great monks in the Dharma soul period, dragon claw-level killers, and they do not hesitate to launch a spiritual attack. The three great monks can't help but be a little monk. Isn't that a joke? Therefore, they do not hesitate to use mind attacks and are more than 90% sure.

The fog in the sea of knowledge suddenly dissipated and was attacked by the power of thought. An eye of heaven suddenly appeared in the middle of the forehead of the Bodhisattva of the King of Knowledge, penetrated the sea of knowledge, and instantly locked three nuns. When using the Donkey Kong wheel seal, after attracting the third Ming King to open the sky's eyes, this magic power can be used by all the demon statues attracted in the future. This aspect is connected.

"Is this...?" The three women are correcting to increase the intensity of the output of the mind, and want to kill the soul of the invaders at once and avenge the death of the two monks. Telepathy, I saw a statue of a demon in the sea of knowledge at a glance. Looking carefully, I almost scared the soul.

"The projection guard of the King of Earth Treasure Bodhisattva? Oh, my God, this is not true. Isn't this old Taoist a Taoist? How can he have the ability to protect Buddhism, or the Bodhisattva level? Oh, my God, I have vertical eyes. This is the king of the earth that opened the eyes of heaven. I'll go."

The three women were shocked, but it was easy to release the mind attack. After causing the other party to counterattack, it was difficult to take it back.

The Bodhisattva of the King of Tibet looked at the sky, and the ghosts had no place to hide.

"Is the evil, won't you die?" A stream of spiritual fluctuations rushed out of the Bodhisattva's vertical eyes, which was a violent mess.

The king of Dizang gave a fearless seal in his left hand and fished his right hand to his side. The fragments of the evil monk's soul absorbed by the assassination of Du Huo in Liufu were controlled by the Bodhisattva. Bansu can't attract the strong soul power in the fragments, but the Bodhisattva can use it at will.

With a rumbling sound, a large group of Vajrahan holding all kinds of Buddhist weapons rushed out of the Bodhisattva's heavenly eyes, defeating demon pestles, demon swords, diamond bracelets, holy lotus flowers..., rumbling and violently impacting, transforming the three women's thoughts into ghosts and the ancient battlefield impact.

The soul fragments of the evil monk's blue light have been reduced to four-fifths of the original. At this time, the thought power is not small.

The result is brilliant. This is a mental attack at the level of heaven and earth. This kind of spiritual battle is extremely dangerous. Once suppressed, the consequences are unimaginable. To be on the safe point, the Bodhisattva directly uses one-fifth of the mind power of the soul fragments and burns this mind power, which can't even withstand the general power of heaven and earth, not to mention the three Dharma soul nuns?

Ah ah...! There are a series of screams.

Puff..., the three female practitioners rolled on the ground at the same time, spraying blood, but howled several times, and their souls dissipated and died. The danger of the mind attack is reflected again.

If they had known this, they should have used Fu Li. Unfortunately, it's too late now.

Another male Xiu took a slow step forward and rushed in. When he happened to see this scene, his hair suddenly appeared on his head.

What kind of enemy can kill three dragon claw killers with a spiritual attack? It must be a power of more than two steps in the world. In the first step, only three Dharma soul nuns can join hands, and it is impossible to kill them in an instant.

Can this person not be creepy when he thinks of this problem? Killers are not afraid of death, but no one wants to die innocently, right?

During his hesitation, Bansu had fallen to the ground in cold sweat from mid-air, and the sword in his hand unfolded a sword flower, and with a bang, he flew dozens of arrows shot continuously.

On the high wall, twelve killers bent their bows and arrows and shot at the host.


I rushed to the wall and shoulders like lightning, rubbing my palms with my fists. Just now, an arrow shot wildly, and the angry little guy chirping. As soon as he approached the wall, he used his gecko skills. The little guy's sharp claws were like a broken bamboo inserted into the wall, like a strong wind.

In the blink of an eye, there was a deep mark on the wall, and the little guy had rushed to the high wall.

Bangsu took a breath, pointed at the tip of the wall, and rushed up violently, like a sharp arrow shooting up. In mid-air, the sword unfolded. With this power, the speed surged and surpassed the height of the wall. Under the full moon and starry sky, the explosive swords were overwhelming!

The eyes as sharp as eagles and falcons have seen the beautiful lightning in front of the twelve killers, and the twelve killers screamed repeatedly, and there were blood holes in their eyes. Obviously, he was blinded by the beauty.

There were two guys who took out a strong crossbow, and the crossbow that had just been winding suddenly missed. The crossbow arrows had a ring-shaped whirlpool and glittered hundreds of meters in an instant and shot deep into the ancient castle building. I don't know how many meters deep it is.