God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 184 on the turntable

He grinned and gloated.

"No laughing, I will laugh with you again"! The woman shouted angrily.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh, is that okay? First of all, the human habit is to wear clothes. Don't take off your clothes casually regardless of the occasion, which will cause riots. Is it done?" Bansu did not dare to take risks. If she confronted the enemy and lifted her clothes when she felt hot, she would lose it.

The woman blushed and scolded, "Isn't that just in shape? Don't you know anything as an aunt? Do you still need to teach her?"

"Oh, isn't it?" Bansu recalled the 'scenery' when the woman deliberately lifted her black robe up, and asked in a strange tone.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you idiot. For the sake of helping me transform, my aunt will record your original bad things first. Don't mess with me, or I'll let you return it with profits."

"Hey, it's unreasonable. Didn't you agree to fix it? Why don't you give up?" It's not good to accuse women.

"Hmm, you are really weird to reason with women." The woman blocked the accommodation with nothing to say.

Cough...! Bansu coughed awkwardly and his body trembled. Beautiful. Meixi, who hates the new and old, can't come out of the woman's arms, which also makes him angry.

"Beautiful. Mei, come back and don't pay attention to this dead woman.

Beautiful. Beauty appeared from the woman's chest and skirt, chirping. Bansu's face is blue and beautiful. Beauty means that it is fragrant and soft here, not as hard as the body. These five days have passed on the giant beast.

"Traitor, you big traitor." Bansu blames the beauty. Beautiful.

Beautiful. The United States waved her little claws to demonstrate, and immediately shut up. The wound on his head is still bleeding, and he doesn't want to add any new wounds.

I had to give up and pretend that I couldn't see the beauty. Beauty, ignore it.

"Sister, what race do you belong to?" Bansu asked curiously.

The woman's eyebrows jumped and said, "Buddha, you can't say it."

The house was almost suffocated.

"Well, I don't want to say it. Well, I don't want to ask. But do you have a name? If not, how about I give you a name? My name is Bansu, and the little guy in your arms is called Banmei. Mei, why don't you have a surname? I think it's called..."

"With good intentions, I have a name. My surname is Sheng, and my name is Sheng Liuli."

"Holy Glass, what the hell is this name?" Bansu shouted exaggeratedly and wanted to fool the beautiful woman into becoming a member of the family, which was destroyed. Bansu was very angry.

When she saw the woman's eyebrows, she hurried to change the topic.

"Okay, okay, Sister Liuli, alas, by the way, your demons should use the transformation time to determine the age. You have just transformed, why don't I call your sister...?"

"How can this seat be the same as those idiots? Don't call me sister. I'm old enough to be your grandmother for a thousand years. Call me sister."

Banju rolled his eyes and suddenly didn't understand. He unconsciously asked, "When you demonized, didn't you have a period of brain domain development? Why...?"

The meaning of lodging is actually to ask women why they are not stupid, not only not stupid, but also as if they are shrewd and deceitful to death.

"Well, I know you are not a good thing. I want to fool others during the metamorphosis period and tell you, there is no way. Can I be compared with those idiots? As long as this seat is transformed, it is a complete body. Not only the body is 100% complete, but also the brain domain has been developed together. Oh, it's a waste of saliva to say so much to an ignorant guy like you.

The woman explained the matter in this tone with the eyes of an idiot, and left it to Bansu.

"Cut, I'll cut your head" and scolded in his heart, but he couldn't show it on his face.

"Okay, okay, you are unparalleled, aren't you? I don't care about you. You promised me, follow me, go and find my friends."

"Huh, do people like you still have partners? What an accident."

"You...?" This woman is so abominable, but when she sees this face, she doesn't seem to be able to get angry. Barbarism is the right of a beautiful woman, isn't it?

"Let's discuss with you. I'll change your face. Your face is too easy to remember. If you want to live in human society in the future, you can't show your true face at will."

"What you said is true, didn't you fool me?" Women are skeptical.

I have the heart to death. What strange things are these? Am I that bad?

"Sister Liuli, you don't know how beautiful you are, do you? Let me tell you, your face is absolutely the top among human beings. Wherever you go, the turnover rate is 100%. So attract people's attention. If you want to do something, you won't be free. Do you think you need to change your face?

"Is that so...?" Sheng Liuli thought about the time and agreed with Bansu's opinion.

The woman approached and did not dare to look down from the skirt of her chest. The woman was only wearing such a wide black robe, which was hollow inside, so close and looked down, except for seeing beauty. Beauty, you can see the slippery and sexy peaks. It's better not to be stimulated. This woman is not casual to see.

refused to bow his head to **, and as soon as possible, he turned the woman's beautiful face into an unparadoing image of an outstanding woman. How to say? Such a woman can't be seen immediately when thrown into the crowd, which shows how popular this face is. Yes, the hair and eyes have been changed to the most ordinary black, not the dark one, but the most popular one. If you do it again on your face, it's ordinary that people can't remember.

As for the outstanding figure of Sheng Liuli, it has been covered by a wide black robe, and you can't see how touching the curve there is.

Looking at the face after changing his face, Ban Su breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, his fingers touched the smooth skin, and he felt like a kiss. At this time, the beautiful woman became ordinary and finally didn't have to stand the test. She felt much more relaxed. Such a face can also be beaten hard, and you won't have the heart.

After the change of appearance, the woman bent down to the river, looked left and right at this new face, and pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Really, what the hell is this? Why are you so ugly? No, you make a new face for your aunt. This one is too featureless. Take a look at it yourself and forget what it looks like for a while. Did you hear...?"

Sheng Liuli shouted dissatisfiedly, but she couldn't hear Bansu's reply. As soon as she looked up, she saw the embarrassment of Bansu's blushing face and quickly turning her head. Her heart flashed. She looked down and looked unstoppable at the chest of the black robe, and two huge objects hanging on them. A fist-sized blue wolf. This woman blushed rarely.

"You are so shameless." The woman stood up, subconsciously crossing her arms to block her huge chest, and scolded shyly. His face was flushed, as if he was shy to find a hole to get in.