God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 260 Sky Wars

Hercules mecha provides endless energy. Banju has secretly attracted the seal of the treasure bottle, and the airflow in the sea is surging. The sun Buddha's projection appears. The Buddha's eyes are opened, and the boundless power is poured into the body of the master. His comprehensive strength has increased seven times in an instant, reaching a higher position of the Dharma.

Stepping on the holy lotus flying weapon, he flew rapidly to the west above the clouds. It feels like what's going to happen to the west. Thinking of the warship under his control, it is not difficult to speculate that he is going to do something with the warship.

The message of Bansu using the Holy Lotus Flying Vehicle to fly to the west was instantly transmitted to the imperial guard by the intelligence personnel. The Holy Emperor has explained that he should not interfere in any behavior of Bansu. Although the information has arrived, whether it is the imperial scale guard or Yinxu College, it will naturally not be boring to track the house, causing his displeasure and serious consequences. We also need to use the power of the general host and the invading forces to fight an ultimate battle. Naturally, there can't be mistakes at this time.

The imperial scale guard got the message, and the green shirt building naturally got it.

In terms of speed, Fenghai City, the owner of the green shirt building, who has taken a step towards an unknown situation, can be said to be the world's highest flight speed.

I don't know how much faster than the elders flying to Cherry City. Suddenly, I received the latest report from the intelligence system of Qingshan Building and learned that Bansu had left the ten dragon city of Shangding under the protection of Shang Huangding at this time. The owner of Qingshan Building was about to look up to the sky and roar for a while. God helps me. There is no way to go to heaven, and there is no way to hell. Boy, God is going to kill you. See if you die or not?

Although the laser book killed Wu Lima, how can it scare the green shirt owner? Moreover, he is confident that he can use the power of the field to trap and kill things that can be completed in an instant. What else is hesitating about?

Those laser beams will never smash his field. Besides, even if it directly hits his body, it doesn't matter, because his physical strength at this time is countless times stronger than that of a guy who is good at demonic physical skills like Lima. He has stepped out of the Dharma level in half a step. According to the words of the Earth Star Federation, this is a great emperor-level strongman.

Although it has just entered and its realm is unstable, the emperor level is the emperor level, which must not be underestimated.

Banshu looked at the thick clouds flowing back rapidly under his feet, and from time to time there was a message from the nightmare in his mind.

'50,000 miles..., 30,000 miles..., 10,000 miles, 1,000 miles,... 300 miles, alarm, three seconds later, Fenghai City, the owner of the green shirt building, will reach the range of one million miles behind him. The flight speed, 500 times the speed of sound, far exceeds the speed of the host using the flying magic weapon, and there is no doubt that he is an absolute emperor-level strongman.

'One-mile, enter the one-mile range..., drip, alarm, alarm..., threaten the safety of the host's life, danger level 8, the host must take emergency measures immediately'.

Bansu's face has changed. If there is no report of the Nightmare, he can't feel that there is a master approaching here at such a high speed, indicating that the fluctuation of this person's breath and the world are completely combined, and he can't distinguish his own unique breath at all.

What a terrible art of concealment, what a powerful big killer. It's no wonder that a big businessman has been wanted for many years and can't even touch it at all. 500 times the speed of sound, my God, is this fucking human?

What kind of speed is this? Half a column of incense can cross more than half of the commercial empire! This person's flight speed is too terrible, and how to control his speed is a big problem.

This is just an emperor-level master, that is, the level of Dean Yinxu. What will happen to the demigod level? Is it possible to have thousands of times the speed of sound? That fucking body can be used to knock a mountain into powder, provided that the body and body protection are powerful enough.

The host suddenly condensed into the void and remained motionless. After turning around, he still couldn't see anything when he saw it. However, Bansu knew that the most terrible and cold-blooded killer in the world had come.

The sea of clouds is at your feet, and the red sun shines dazzlingly. This environment has no way to enter the world and is blocked by the green-shirt landlord. It is really not a good thing.

"Since you are here, please show up." Bansu looked at the empty scene in front of him and said with a sinking face.

"Hahaha, what a powerful young man, it's really extraordinary. Can the invisible means of this seat be perceived strange by you? That's amazing."

He was actually very surprised that he had just approached Fenghai City, which was hundreds of feet away. He had hidden and was ready to assassinate. After all, the sooner such a person was eliminated, the more reassing it was. He really didn't expect that this person's perception had been so keen, or could the warship high in the sky detect the invisible spell?

His mood became solemn and ready to resist the laser beam attack. It's one thing to see that thing on the water screen, and it's another to try it yourself. Fenghai City has gained its own great power. The secret technique of blessing under his control has been activated and increased its power by 40 times. Even Dean Yinxu, it may not be better than this time. Where is Fenghai City?

With this sound of words resounding through the sky, a tall and magnificent figure changed from virtual to real, appearing at a distance of a hundred feet in front of the body, empty under his feet, without stepping on the flying magic weapon, clearly marked, the horrible strong man flying in the body!

A gloomy middle-aged man's face appeared in front of him.

At the first sight of this person, he was already very careful.

Although he was born in a blue shirt building, he has never seen the landlord who can't see the end of the dragon, not to mention seeing the real face of the landlord, and he doesn't even know his name.

The name Fenghai City was collected by warships. As a top killer, it is seamless in terms of identity confidentiality, and the investigation data of the green-shirt landlord in the imperial guard is pitiful. I don't know anything about my origin and teacher.

Bansu may be the only person who has seen the real face of the landlord outside the Qingshan Building base in the past decade. From another perspective, this landlord's heart to kill Bansu is extremely firm. Because the person who is not the backbone of the building but has seen his face has long turned into a handful of loess.

The invisible aura covers a radius of thousands of miles, which is a force field that isolates all energy fluctuations. What is happening here will not be felt by people outside the aura. Unless the bombardment force breaks the aura field, it will cause vibration.

There is infinite murder in his heart, but naturally he has to pretend not to know.

After a slight signal, he asked slowly, "I don't know where the master is coming?" The physical flight, what a powerful cultivation, appeared behind me, what do you want to see?

The voice is calm and the attitude is calm. It seems that he is not facing the physical flying giant, but just a level monk. Confidence in himself and the arrogance in his bones have been shown vividly by this attitude alone.

"Bunsu, it's normal that you don't know me. Few people in the world know this seat. You might as well open the skylight and speak out. Others may not know your origin, but I know it.

It's really crazy. Since you are not dead, you dare to continue to use the name Bansu. Can't you notice this name as a green shirt building? When you got engaged to Baiguo in Cherry City, the name of Bansu had spread all over the world.

So coincidentally, is it the same name as the original little killer in Qingshanlou? Naturally, it will be investigated by us. You are born in the Qingshan Building. However, the building has never taken you seriously, so raising tigers has made you a climate.

Unfortunately, such a young man with a future will die on this high sky today. I am the owner of the green shirt. Remember this name, Fenghai City. Go to hell, don't forget to come to revenge after reincarnation, hahaha."

As he spoke, a golden flying sword appeared in the hands of Fenghai City. When the sky shook, it instantly became a sword array of ninety-nine flying swords, swirling along the unpredictable route, looking at the dense and scalp.

Bansu slowly stretched out his hand, and the magic sword appeared in his hand.

He looked at the man with calm and beautiful eyes. Mei has rushed out of the skirt of Bansu clothes and fell to the shoulder of Bansu. Her big eyes stared at the middle-aged man who was set in the void with his own ability, with an extremely solemn expression.

"Well, your sword is very unusual, and the materials used are not worse than the grade of this Qinglong Flying Sword? Bansu, you still have some stock, or so. After killing you, I can also enrich the material library.

"Well, don't be nag. If you want to kill me, let's see if you can withstand the laser beam blow first? There are too many people in this world who want to kill me, but I'm still alive. Can you pass the light faster?

As he spoke, Bansu waved the magic sword at Fenghai City and shouted viciously, " Nightmare, kill this person, kill!"


The endless beam of light landed, instantly covering and devouring the owner of the green shirt.

The fierce force exploded in mid-air, but it is still within the control of the aura.

"The Green Swordslaughter!" I don't know when, in the explosion of energy, this roar came out, and a green bubutter that supported the sky appeared between heaven and earth. The green nightmare Futu has been upgraded to the scope of the field, with layers of cyan aperture stirring, firmly blocking the endless laser beams on the periphery and quickly spreading towards the place.

The owner of the green shirt was a little pale. Just now, he did not use the field at the first time. He received the next round of laser beam with his body, and still suffered a slight injury. He is very murderous to those who control this power.

"This person must not stay. This kind of attack, the general master of the Dharma, will be torn into nothingness. In the Qingshan Building, if you don't use the field, you have to suffer a little loss, not to mention others?


Pointing to Bansu Yaoyao, the sword array shot the boundless sword spirit, towards Bansu and beauty. The United States rushed over.

The sword array seems to have turned a corner in mid-air, blocking the westward route, isoling the action route of Bansu, forcing him to stay away from the position of the warship.

Bunsu is very cooperative. When he saw that the laser beam could not break the landlord's field, he did not hesitate to order the laser beam attack and not to do useless work.