God's seal covers the sky

Chapter 269 Mecha King

In the two black thrushes, before flying to the defeat of the black mecha, the enemy will lose a leg when receiving the beam, and the surface is full of broken and electric sparks.

Zhu stopped and raised the light sword in his hand from afar to fight against two.

Two mechas carry light knives, and the great practitioners who control the mecha in them have a trace of admiration. The master in this silver gray mecha uses the mecha to make all kinds of incredible actions. The swordsmanship, body and leg methods can be perfectly integrated with the mecha, which is incredible.

They obviously feel that in terms of basic skills, this person is by no match for his peers, but this person's spiritual strength is too terrible. In addition, the swordsmanship and leg skills performed by this person seem to be unique in the divine seal martial arts system. There are only three sets of divine-level systems in the whole Federation. One of them caused a star war when it appeared in the world. At that time, the host was hunted down and killed. The divine-level seal and martial arts system was nowhere to be found. At this time, there seemed to be a clue and actually drifted into this surface.

At that time, the warship carrying the god-level system should be the Nightmare. At this time, I finally understood why my side was sniped by the opponent, and why there was also the battleship mecha here. It was all due to the Nightmare and the god-level system, right?

Li Meng was located in the main control warship, and more than 80 warships protected the warships from the control of the Nightmare, but at this time, his eyes flashed.

God-level system, in those years, the Li family hunted down the family that got the system and failed. Although they killed the first host of the system, the nightmare was swallowed up by the black hole with the system. They thought they could no longer be found, but they didn't expect to meet here today.

The god-level system, the highest-level practice system, can help the god-level one-level into the double, triple, or even four-fold top system. Federal leaders have a set of god-level systems, and the system has a seal secret. This thing is not confidential. Many families have backups, but there are not many people who can practice. . And the controller of the silver-gray mecha in front of him can suppress the great monk in the black mecha in terms of spiritual power, which is enough to show that he controls the seal.

Then infer that, does it also control the nightmare? No, it's better for this person to be caught alive and need to dig out all his secrets.

Li Meng immediately ordered the emperor-level master who blocked Bansu and tried his best to capture the controller in the silver gray mecha alive.

Two black mechas stood in front of him in silence. He knew that his two emperor masters would get some treatment in the Nightmare, and then change a new mecha. This time is the most dangerous for him and must survive.

In Banju's hand, there are more than a dozen of the best elixir, which quickly replenish energy.

At this moment, two black mecha moved.

If you act at the same time, you can't resist two mecha strikes at the same time, so you can delay the time with fighting tactics.

Quickly press the light curtain of the control platform with both hands, the control rod is shaken in all directions, and a clear picture comes from the horizon in front of the eyes. No matter how fast the other party is and how exquisite the control is, he cannot escape the scanning of the nightmare. The landing point of these two mechas is clearly calculated.

Bansu was very surprised to find that these were all attacks of disabled mecha and avoided the control room. It seemed that the other party deliberately did it. Why?

With a flash of inspiration in his heart, he understood the core of the problem. The other party wanted to capture it alive. In the previous battle, they saw the stegosaurus explosion, instant flash and leg kicking. Naturally, they would think of the god-level system, and then thought that they were the person who controlled the nightmare, so they wanted to catch it alive. Without talking about its own secrets, as long as you control the owner of the Nightmare, you can naturally occupy the planet without blood.

Hmm, dream!

Look at the quiet sleeping beauty in the sea. Beauty, there is boundless fighting spirit in her heart. If a man does nothing, he must do something. He lives as a hero, dies as a ghost hero, and will never be a prisoner. Besides, the existence of the beam makes Bansujin can attack, retreat and defend. The problem is that the field of the demigod is enough to offset the power of the beam. Once the demigod strong man gives up guarding the warships to take action in person, it will be dangerous.

"Order, when the demigod appears, immediately use the nuclear bomb to attack. The specific number and attack direction will be calculated by the nightmare and implemented independently, and try not to hurt your own people."

'Receive the order, in execution..., scan and monitor Li Meng, a demigod-level strongman. Once he rushes out of the warship, he will immediately launch a nuclear attack to calculate the safest plan under the premise of ensuring his own safety...'

The feedback from the nightmare made Banshu's heart breathe a sigh of relief. At present, although the war situation is tragic, the allied forces on this side can still support it, but once the demigod Li Meng takes action, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Dean, when will the ancestor wake up completely? Without him, who can stop the demigod?"

While controlling the change of the mecha, he ran around in the vast starry sky to escape the pursuit of the two mechas. At the same time, he connected to the helmet of the head of Yin Ruins and asked for the most important information. At the same time, the faces of emperor-level masters such as the demon emperor, Tianzangyue and Sheng Liuli also appeared on the screen one after another, which seemed to be very bad. .

The demon emperor and Li Xuan, the second master of the other party, fought together, regardless of victory or defeat. The strength of the other party shook the hearts of these strong people. Li Meng, the demigod who has never taken action, is a sharp blade. Li Xuan is horrible to this level, not to mention far beyond Li Xuan's demigod?

The names of these people are naturally provided by the nightmare scan. The other party's system is far inferior to the nightmare. In terms of intelligence, their own side dominates, but in terms of force, they are not as good as the other party, especially this demigod. The demon emperor is very headache.

The ancestor in the mouth is naturally the master of the president of Yinxu. He has been closed for nearly a thousand years. If it hadn't been for this life and death, he would not have shocked this ancestor. However, even if he had begun to contact the ancestor in the secret area of Yinxu College a few years ago, he was still slowly waking up and didn't know when he would really take action.

The demon emperor also tried to contact the soul fragments of the demon god on the demon ancestor mountain, but they don't bird him at all, and the demon emperor can't do anything about it. It is estimated that only when the invaders come to the demon country will the guardian power on the demon ancestral mountain wake up, but in that case, the life will be ruined.

At this time, of course, the most certain one is the ancestor of Yinxu College, which is the last sea god needle of the big businessman. It is said that the ancestor had a little permission to control the Shanghuangding. If he could move the tripod, the war would turn around.

"Don't worry, the ancestor's spiritual fluctuation seems to be violent, as if he has sensed the catastrophe facing mankind. I feel that in less than half an hour, the ancestor can come with the Shanghuangding. At that time, we will have the confidence in this war. The ancestor was a demigod thousand years ago. In order to attack the god level, a thousand years later, he is bound to be able to suppress Li Meng, break his demigod field, gather all our forces to kill him, and dare to invade our planet. He must die.

Dean Yinxu's face was murderous.

"Yin Xu, your grandmother's, standing and talking doesn't hurt. This Li Xuan is so horrible that I don't know how long I can resist."

The mecha driven by the demon emperor was cut 10,000 meters away by Li Xuan and shouted angrily.

"Tianzangyang, your demon god doesn't care. Do you have the face to complain about a bird?" Yin Ru's fierce scolding knocked the enemy in front of him thousands of meters away. A big energy hand fell from the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand and hit the opponent's field hard. The loud noise almost smashed the field directly, scaring the opponent to defend in a hurry.

When it came to mention the loss of the chain of Demon Anus Mountain, the Demon Emperor had no face to continue to complain. He could only grit his teeth and scold the enemy, attack him with his life, and beat Li Xuan back thousands of meters.

A speechless and wry smile. Once such a master is really in a hurry, he also has such a gaffe? It turns out that everyone is not a god, just a human being.

Two black mechas chased in a hurry, and the light knife was like a surge of a river, and waves swept the silver gray mecha, giving them time to breathe. The open and closed style of play is domineering. In the face of such two domineering mecha, Bansu really has no power to fight back. He can only wave the lightsaber to block the light knife from chopping, while knocking on the light curtain console, making the mecha circle around like a swimming fish. Borrowing some actions in light body skills to temporarily put the two mechas that are entangled. Get rid of. Bansu made a series of dodge movements, which looked pleasing and breathtaking.

The mecha driven by the two emperors are full of deterrent power, and they keep fleeing like oppression. What's more terrible is that the two fields are concentrated in one place of crushing. The big sun Buddha field is in danger of being broken. Once the field is broken, the two fields will fall, and there will be extremely terrible confinement. At that time, Bansu will become a turtle in the urn, and it will be difficult to escape.

This situation must be avoided. Bansu gritted his teeth and resolutely sacrificed ten years of life. This is the secret technique given by the Indian and martial arts system at the third interface. Burning life in exchange for a short period of power time. Forced by helplessness, this can only be done at this time. After being promoted to the Dharma level, the life expectancy has risen to thousands of years, but life expectancy has always been the most important thing for monks. It is not a critical moment of life and death, and it will never be bad. At this time, there is nothing they can do. Compared with these two emperors, after all, Bansu is too young. If you don't work hard, just wait to be captured alive.

The huge threat of the demigod-level strongman, the emperor-level master controls the invincible mecha, and the extremely horrible protection of the warships blocks the attack of the fleet led by the Nightmare. No matter how you look, the practice coalition does not have an advantage. At this time, just try to delay the time and wait for the ancestor of Yin Ruins to wake up. Otherwise, this battle is bound to be a Defeated.

This is only part of the strength of the Federal Li family, not the ultimate force of the Federation, which is already so horrible. Even President Yin Xu is uneasy at the thought of ten divine masters in the Federation. If Li Meng and others can't be left behind, it won't be long before Li Meng, who has recorded the current accurate coordinates, will lead the family's god-level masters to come through space.

In that case, there is no resistance, and nothing can be said to let these guys escape, so as to annihilate them all. This is something that Banshu has repeatedly emphasized. At this time, the nightmare has blocked millions of light-years of space energy fluctuations, signals and space crossing technology are unavailable, and the expedition fleet has lost contact with the family.

Peng! The demon emperor's armor was hit by Li Xuan. The demon emperor snorted coldly and was slightly injured. The next moment, he had rushed out of the mecha and let it explode into a mass in midair.

"Alpha Expedition Fleet, do you think the invaders are good? I will show you the ultimate force of the demon clan, change!" With a roar and a roar, a starry beast thousands of miles long appeared in the galaxy.

"What is this?" Li Xuan shouted loudly.

This is a giant beast with golden scales, eight claws, swinging a pair of wings covering heaven and earth, and a ferocious monster head. It is eight thousand miles thick and looks like metal. This is the starry beast. Just looking at the ferocious fangs exposed at its mouth, it scared a group of invaders.

With a bang, the big claws patted on the mecha controlled by Li Xuan, directly breaking the field and blowing up the mecha.

Compared with the starry beast, the 10,000-meter-long warship is not enough. The big tail swept and blew up the three warships. At this time, the attack power of the starry beast was enough to challenge the demigod. Of course, it still couldn't catch up, but it had far exceeded Li Xuan's limit.

A long figure in a battle suit rushed out of the fire, fiercely hit the giant claw of the beast, but then was beaten away miserably.

Peng, the beast hit the warships and smashed five warships.

Woth! Countless lasers fell on the giant beast, and even a trace of oil skin could not be touched.

The warship closer to the giant beast flew away, and then ten nuclei * roared at the giant beast.

When the other party threw the nucleus*, the sound of the nightmare had reached the demon emperor's ear.

The giant beast instantly released its golden light. With a flash, it became a golden, winged puppy with only the size of its fist. In an instant, it broke through thousands of times the speed of sound and had long been out of the range of attack. The breath fluctuated completely restrained. It had locked his laser-guided nuclear bomb and suddenly lost its target. It exploded in the starry sky, forming a state of ten mushroom clouds. The explosive air mass almost blew up the starry sky.

"FUCK!" With an angry roar, the demigod Li Meng couldn't help recall the three powerful emperors and inspired the guardian warships in the realm of the emperor-class field. He did not need any mecha, but directly rushed out of the warship and chased the demon emperor. How domineering his perception is. Even if the demon emperor shrinks into a grain of sand, he can lock it. He decided to tear this million-long reptile into countless pieces of meat.

'Locked demigod Li Meng, nuclear weapon * attack'. The Nightmare autonomously carried out the previous order, and 20 nuclear bombs flew to Li Meng in an instant.

"It's not good!" Li Meng's face changed, and the field retracted inward to protect himself, and quickly flew out to the distance at a speed exceeding 3,000 times the speed of sound.

Rumble! The nuclear bomb exploded and shrouded more than 20 warships. They were destroyed and permanently disappeared with a flash of flames. The demigod field cooperates with the protective power of the warship itself to isolate the damage of the nuclear bomb. Li Meng flew out of the warship, and the warship was protected by the emperor-class field, but it could not withstand the impact of the nuclear bomb at all and directly turned into nothingness.

The eyes are shining.

At this time, Li Meng turned into a light and had rushed to the larger starry beast.

With a roar, a big energy fist stood on the ground and directly hit the demon emperor.

The strong body of the starry beast suddenly collapsed in half, and the starry beast returned to the size of the body, flowing like a golden blood waterfall.

"Evil beast, go to hell!" Li Meng's eyes were red, and when he saw his own heavy losses, he was the idea of killing the big reptile in front of him.

"Brother, how can this be? Change". With this roar, Tianzangyue flew out of the mecha, directly turned into a giant beast, and was not afraid of death and hit the demigod Li Meng.

"No, sister, you go back."

The demon emperor was shocked. In Li Meng's field, the beam of the nightmare did not work, and the two starry beasts were not the opponents of the demigod.

Looking at the movement of Tianzangyue, I was anxious in an eye.

"No!' Bansu roared and shouted wildly in his heart: Fight, nine seals in one, unite for me!

With a rumbling sound, the projection of the three Buddhas of the past, the future and the present appeared in the sea of knowledge. At this critical moment of life and death, they burned a thousand years of life in exchange for super-divine understanding, regardless of the forced nine seals.

The projection of countless gods and Buddhas suddenly appeared in the starry sky, singing mysterious spells loudly.

The golden light was shining, and the demigod Li Meng suddenly looked at the location of Bansu, and his face was moved. Is this...?

Banju rushed out of the mecha in an instant, and the combination of nine seals was barely successful, increasing 10,000 times its power.

He blushed and slapped two black mechas that ran away crazily.

contains two big hand prints with demigod power, which are thousands of miles long and shoot two mechas like flies.

Two emperor-level masters rushed out crazily, were held by two big fingerprints and clenched tightly.

Boom! The souls of the two emperor-level strongmen were destroyed.

"Impossible, this is a nine-in-one, your sister!" Li Meng shouted strangely.

"Hang Yue, come back." The domineering order conveyed his heart, and Tian Zangyue was shocked, changed his direction, and circled his brother and flew back. Li Meng looked as if he didn't see it. At this time, his mind was attracted by Bansu.

The two sides of the war coincidentally stopped fighting, slowly flew back to their warships, and watched the two peerless masters facing each other in the starry sky. They were the ones who decided to fight.

"Li family, commander-in-chief of the Alpha Expeditionary Fleet, captain Li Meng."

Li Meng's voice shook the void, which was a respect for the strong.

"World-like life, official student of Yinxu College, Marquis of the Great Shang Dynasty."

The title of the master is always a marquis, which is what he means, and the big businessman can only do it.

"Your state is unsustainable, and you are not your opponent."

Li Meng is full of confidence.

"You are an invader, and you can't stand on justice, and you will die in the hands of me." Bansu said calmly and said categorically.

"Are you so sure? With your ability, if you join the Li family, you will make the decision. You can enjoy the treatment of heavenly elders and control countless star domains to become a hegemon.

Li Meng slowly persuaded him.

"Why did you say so much? I didn't know until I hit it. Are you worthy to negotiate with me?"

"Really, just let it go." Li Meng stood with his hands in the starry sky and said easily.

"I won't let you down."

The Fumo sword appeared in his hand, twisted his neck, and a huge sword array composed of ten thousand swords appeared behind him. The virtual shadows of the three ancient Buddhas suddenly appeared in the starry sky, united in one place to form a unique field and suppress the void.

Li Meng looked solemn.