God's Deacon

Chapter 1 Mysterious Letter

On the uneven wasteland road, a dark green military jeep swayed and galloped.

" boss, I'm convinced of you. Isn't it just an unsigned letter? Are you so excited? Unexpectedly, there is such a place where 'chickens don't shit and birds don't lay eggs'. The young driver in a black wallet with a burly mouth full of scum said with a grumb face.

"You son of a bitch! I bet that the origin of this letter is absolutely extraordinary. Just drive obediently. Also, isn't it just for you to come to Gansu? How dare you say that 'chickens don't shit, birds don't lay eggs' here. Be careful that the leaders of Gansu kicked you to death on the roadside when they heard it. In the co-pilot's position, there sat a tall, strong and magnificent young man.

The young man's name is Zhong Cheng, who is the captain of the third special forces team. His family has been soldiers for three generations. And the driver next to him is his good friend and deputy captain, Ma Qiang,

At this time, he was holding a sallow envelope in his hand, and only wrote these words briefly on the surface of the envelope:

"We are the forgotten."

The content is also very short, just a simple sentence:

"The person who receives the letter goes to the Holy Land at the call of heaven."

Then came a map in the letter. The paper looked a little historical, and the yellow paper was wrinkled. So not only the text, but also the map is very vague. But judging from its outline, it is indeed a map of China.

Using his status as the captain of the special forces, Zhong Cheng successfully restored this map with the help of modern technology. The location indicated in the map is in Longnan Mountain in Gansu.

Although things seem to be extremely strange, Zhong Cheng's innate sixth sense seems to remind him that he should come here to find out anyway. Of course, reason told Zhong Cheng that it was extremely stupid to go to an unknown place.

After many strong ideological struggles, reason was finally defeated by curiosity and sixth sense. Zhong Cheng still decided to go to the place marked on the map to find out.

"No, I said it for nothing. Boss, since you are so ambitious, I have nothing to say. But boss, I'm really curious about what kind of magic this letter has. Will a calm person like you do such an unquiet thing? Knowing Zhong Cheng's temper, Ma Qiang understands that persuading him is equivalent to doing useless work. At least let him figure out the reason by himself.

"Don't you think this paper doesn't look like a product of modern civilization?" Zhong Cheng shook the envelope in his hand and said to Ma Qiang.

Ma Qiang took this letter with his own hands before, so he said, "Yes, the quality of this paper is so poor that it is indeed not allowed by modern technology. Which manufacturer dares to produce this kind of paper, it will definitely go bankrupt. So, you won't say that this is ancient paper, right?

"Why not? Why can't it become ancient paper? Zhong Cheng responded with an easy face.

Ma Qiang curled his lips, snorted coldly, and said, "Even if it is ancient paper, what can it mean? Maybe it's a boring guy who digs out such an antique and wants to tease you.

"Well, if that's the case, it's a good thing. I'm afraid it's not like this." Zhong Cheng looked at the envelope in his hand and said elusively.

Ma Qiang paused. He couldn't understand what Zhong Cheng's words meant best. He and Zhong Cheng are both members of special forces and Chinese soldiers specializing in fighting terrorists. If this letter is sent by the accomplices of the terrorists they killed, things will be bad. If so, we will have to admire the IQ of these terrorists, who actually caught Zhong Cheng's biggest death hole - curiosity.

This operation is secret, unknown, and even not approved by superiors. Even the technician who helped them recover the map was hidden in the drums.

Only Zhong Cheng and Ma Qiang know about this operation.

"It's not like that, boss. We should all wear masks when we do tasks. Those guys won't be as perspective as Superman in American movies!" Ma Qiang comforted Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng grinned at this time, "Haha, Ma Qiang, won't you be afraid? Humph, if it's really a terrorist, why don't we just kill them with a knife and a gun? Young man, relax." With that, Zhong Cheng looked like an elder and patted Ma Qiang on the shoulder.

"Hmm!" Ma Qiang quickly shook Zhong Cheng's palm away, "Young man, I'm older than you, okay?" Although they are all 24 years old, Zhong Cheng is indeed a month younger than him.

"Oh..." Zhong Cheng pretended to be disappointed and said, "Ah, it's really the rule of the 21st century. The vice captain is more fierce than the captain."

The talker is unintentional, and the listener is intentional. When Zhong Cheng said "deputy captain" and "captain", he did not notice that his good friend Ma Qiang's eyes at this time unexpectedly shot a few fierce rays, and his face was full of murderousness.

However, only a moment after this expression appeared, it disappeared without a trace.

Irred to Zhong Cheng, who ignored the nonsense, Ma Qiang continued to drive attentively. Zhong Cheng, who was isolated, felt a little bored and began to take a nap. Although it was bumpy all the way, he had been nervous since he received the letter and fell asleep for a while.

He didn't realize that his best friend was staring at him fiercely at this time.

Ma Qiang's slightly narrowed triangular eyes seemed to have a few strange green lights. He looked at Zhong Cheng like a wolf staring at his prey. His right hand left the steering wheel and put it on the brown gun bag on his belt. There lies the latest domestic QSZ929×19mm automatic pistol quietly. As long as you have it, you can beat Zhong Cheng's head into a ball of mud at once.

Looking at Zhong Cheng's defenseless and sleeping face again, Ma Qiang finally put his right hand back on the steering wheel. It's not that he doesn't want to take advantage of people's danger, but if the shooting scene is in the car, it is inevitable that there will be some clues left. If he is exposed at that time, there will be no meaning for him to follow Zhong Cheng from Beijing.

Therefore, he must wait. After arriving at the uninhabited forest area of Longnan Mountain, there is nothing to worry about killing Zhong Cheng. Because this operation is secret, only he and Zhong Cheng are in the know. Of course, it is not ruled out the possibility of Zhong Cheng telling others. Just with Zhong Cheng's character, such a possibility is negligible.

has at least 90% of your winning face, so this method is worth a try.

"Hmm! Zhong Cheng, this time, I want you to come and go back!" With such a sentence thrown out viciously in his heart, Wang Qiang's attention returned to the driver.

Zhong Cheng, who was asleep, didn't know at all that he had just walked around in front of the ghost gate.

"Big boss, boss..." A slight shaking made Zhong Cheng, a special forces soldier, quickly open his eyes and immediately wake up as soon as there is a movement. This is a necessary quality for a special forces soldier. What about Zhong Cheng himself as the captain?

Zhong Cheng looked at Ma Qiang in front of him and asked, "What happened?" Ma Qiang will not wake himself up for no reason. He wakes himself up to prove that something must have happened.

"Well, boss, there is indeed one thing now. We have now arrived at Longnan Mountain, but as you can see, our jeep horror can no longer enter before. Ma Qiang drove the narrow and winding road in front of the window. Said.

Zhong Cheng also looked at the road ahead. As Ma Qiang said, the next road is no longer suitable for a jeep. High tree trunks on both sides and narrow paths covered with yellow mud. In such a primitive forest, it is impossible for a car to drive into it.

"Well, I expected this for a long time. We can't sit in the car all our lives. It's good to get off the bus and walk occasionally. Zhong Cheng looked at the sky. It was already dusk. At this time, the primitive forest looked beautiful under the golden afterglow. But if you think of the fact that there are only two of them in this big place, beauty has to become weird.

"It's getting late. Let's sleep in the car for one night today and go into the forest early tomorrow morning. No objection." Zhong Cheng proposed.

"No." Although I really want to get rid of Zhong Cheng quickly, it is undoubtedly unwise to go deep into this no man's land at this time. It doesn't matter if you have been waiting for so long. Do you still care about waiting for this night?

"Yes, are you ready for the equipment you prepared before departure?" After confirming that Ma Qiang had no objection, Zhong Cheng asked.

"Yes, according to your boss's request, I have prepared equipment such as Swiss army knife or German military shovel, as well as enough compressed dry food and anti-virus masks." Ma Qiang replied. In this work, he is not careless, joking, going deep into the virgin forest, under the harsh wild environment, and undoubtedly looking for his own death without all the equipment.

"Well, that's good. Go to bed early. You have to get up early tomorrow and refresh yourself. After confirming the condition of the car again, Zhong Cheng took the lead in closing his eyes.

"Hmm!" Ma Qiang sneered in his heart and thought to himself, "Zhong Cheng, how dare you expose yourself defenselessly in front of me!"

Now is not the time to get rid of Zhong Cheng. In order to adjust his state, Ma Qiang slept with his mind.

The silent jeep and the silent forest merged into one at this moment, and the darkness devoured everything.

Like Ma Qiang, Zhong Cheng is also thinking about a problem. He really doesn't know why he wants to come here. Even if he is too curious, years of special forces experience have trained him to be more rational than emotional. But even so, this so-called forgotten letter still deeply attracted him. He could feel that the future might be full of danger, but he just couldn't stop his stupidity of wanting to find out.

At this time, he can be said to be "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains that prefer tigers and mountains".

However, he is also ready. It doesn't matter if you are injured or even die. But you must not let your friend Ma Qiang get hurt. It's benevolent and righteous that he can accompany him here. If Ma Qiang is hurt because of his waywardness, Zhong Cheng can't forgive himself all his life.

So he decided to let Ma Qiang go back tomorrow and go into Longnan Mountain alone to find out the truth of the matter.

In this way, the two people with their own minds slept quietly.