God's Deacon

Chapter 9 Blood Python

In any case, there is indeed a creature in the blood pool in front of him that Zhong Cheng can't imagine. If he doesn't figure out the enemy's situation, Zhong Cheng will definitely dare to jump into the pool. Zhong Cheng moved his body and took a few steps away from the blood pool. Just kidding, if the monster suddenly comes out and drags itself into the pool, it will really be over.

Zhong Cheng continued to observe the situation of the blood pool, wanting to know what was in the pool. It's not a piranha or something, but since you live in a blood pool, should it be called a bloodthirsty fish? If...

Zhong Cheng stood there thinking again. He hurriedly knocked on himself to observe the blood pool. At a glance, he immediately denied his idea of piranhas just now. No matter how you look at it, the ripples formed in the pool are just one. Piranhas are mostly gathered in one place, so the things in the pool will never be piranhas. That guy should be a standard single-person household, and he has a great tendency to dominate one side.

It's not a piranian that makes Zhong Cheng feel a little relieved. Thinking of the crazy scene of piranus eating on TV, Zhong Cheng couldn't help getting goose bumps all over his body. And most piranhas attack in groups, so it's not so easy for you to avoid them.

But what the hell is the guy in the pool? Zhong Cheng rubbed his chin and meditated quietly. Looking at the slightly rising ripples, a thunder suddenly flashed in Zhong Cheng's mind. The shallow and long ripples made him suddenly think of a creature - snake just now! And Zhong Cheng dares to be sure that if it is a snake, it is definitely a python!

Water python! Zhong Cheng immediately thought of the introduction of this animal in the animal world, these assassins hidden in the water, these cold-blooded killers who patiently waited for their prey to come to the door, and these death gods who ate without spitting bones!

Oh, my God! There is such a nightmare monster hidden in it! And there is blood in this pool, and a python soaked in blood will become a blood python! What you have to face is a blood python, and it is a blood python of unknown length! This made Zhong Cheng couldn't help shivering. What a long future!

"Have I been seen through by this bloody guy?" Zhong Cheng looked at the looming ripples in the blood pool and said to himself. However, there is absolutely no benefit in frowning here now. Zhong Cheng has no way back, and the door when he came has disappeared. If he wants to leave this damn place, Zhong Cheng must cross the blood pool and leave from the opposite side. Take a step back and say that even if the door is still there, Zhong Cheng really doesn't have the courage to retreat. There is still a stone lion and five fish monsters standing behind him!

After figured out this ring, Zhong Cheng calmed down his ups and downs and forced himself to cheer up. Now it's dead. If you don't leave, you'll die. Let's fight!

Zhong Cheng made up his mind and immediately began to think of a way to cross the blood pool. But before that, Zhong Cheng must first determine how big the guy in the pool is. If you know yourself and know your enemy, you can win every battle.

"Well, we have to draw it out first..." Zhong Cheng thought about how to make the guy in the water appear. Finally, I decided to use bait to ** it. However, it was not easy to find the bait. Zhong Cheng rummaged through his backpack and wanted to find something helpful from it. The result was futile. Zhong Cheng, who turned over the backpack, did not find any meaty food in his backpack, but only a few astringent compressed biscuits. Snakes won't eat your cookies!

"Ha..." Zhong Cheng suddenly felt discouraged and scolded, "Daesh, why do snakes only eat meat!" They don't look at these vegetables, fruits and so on..." Zhong Cheng suddenly thought of something, patted his forehead and shouted happily, "Ah! How did I forget! Snakes have no eyesight! They find their prey with thermal sensing! That's easy to do!"

Zhong Cheng came up with a strange way to draw out the monsters in the pool with the heat of the bullet. This method sounds ridiculous, but in fact, it is still feasible. If the guy in the pool is really a perverted snake, it should have the ability and courage to attack the bullet that flew out. In this way, the front part of his body will undoubtedly be exposed, so Zhong Cheng is sure to estimate its body length.

Pay attention to make sure. Zhong Cheng did not hesitate any more. He took out his pistol and fired a shot at the other side. With a bang, the bullet flew out! The speed of the bullet was unparalleled, but within 0.1 seconds after the bullet was released, the blood under the route where the bullet flew suddenly burst, and an oval snake head with white sarcoma rushed up like a wind, opening its blood basin and accurately intercepting the passing bullet. Then the sand fell back into the blood with a cry. Of course, the falling python caused blood splash again.

Looking at the blood pool that had not been calm for a long time, Zhong Cheng's heart could not calm for a long time. The snake head and body have deeply hit Zhong Cheng's strong heart. The whole snake body is a little thicker than the upper bucket, which is estimated to be more than ten meters long. The snake head with a large mouth can definitely easily swallow Zhong Cheng in one breath, and even if the bullet just hit the seemingly fragile mouth of the python, it still failed to hurt its skin and flesh. What made Zhong Cheng's vest cold was the amazing speed of the python suddenly burst out. Even if Zhong Cheng was Phelps, he was definitely not as fast as the python!

What is this? This is despair!

"Bastard, you really showed me a clear way! I believe you are really flooded in my head!" Zhong Cheng cursed fiercely, needless to say, who he cursed.

"I'm afraid that I'll have no chance as soon as I get into the water..." Zhong Cheng's eyes were gloomy, and he was indeed affected by despair. "If only there was an aircraft or something that could fly over..." Zhong Cheng began to travel, but wait! Zhong Cheng's mind flashed again. He seemed to have ignored an extremely important thing. What is that? Zhong Cheng put back the pistol while thinking. Suddenly, his eyes stopped on the belt around his waist!

"Yes! Why did you forget that you still have a 'life-protecting lock' on your waist?" Zhong Cheng's face smiled again. He looked at the distance from the top of the ground in the hall, which was about ten meters! This height is work! The maximum extension of the lifeguard fast lock is 50 meters, and this short ten meters is not a problem at all!

However, a problem troubled Zhong Cheng again. Zhong Cheng could have crossed the blood pool by locking his life twice, but the guy just now once told Zhong Cheng to take away the blood-red bead in the center of the blood pool. If you want to take the bead away, Zhong Cheng will have to approach the blood pool. As soon as he gets close to the blood pool, Zhong Cheng will have to greet the blood python! Saying hello to the blood python is undoubtedly greeting death!

If it is someone else, he may not care about the mysterious character's words, but want to save his life, but Zhong Cheng is different. Zhong Cheng's innate sixth sense is repeatedly urging him to take away the blood-red bead, otherwise the road in the future is likely to be difficult. .

In the end, the sixth sense defeated reason, and Zhong Cheng began to think about the strategy of how to retreat after taking away the red beads. After thinking for a long time, Zhong Cheng could only come up with an unsafe solution and prepare to implement such a plan. Zhong Cheng knows very well that it will be futile to think about it for a long time, because the matter itself is already related to danger. Instead of trying to think of a plan that can't be figured out at all, it's better to preserve strength.

Zhong Cheng calmed down his excitement and began to act. He lifted his backpack on his right hand and carefully observed the movement of the blood pool. He made sure that the ripples crossed by the blood python were not around him before he dared to move his body to the blood pool. He didn't dare to stay and immediately released the life-protecting fast lock, which steadily plunged into the stone wall at the top of the blood pool. Zhong Cheng, who was sure to be firm, immediately pressed the contraction key. The body came to the top of the center of the pool with the fine lock. At the same time, the blood python also protruded its disgusting head from the blood pool and opened its mouth to Zhong Cheng.

The rapid rise of the python under made Zhong Cheng feel stressed. Fortunately, he was ready to lift his feet, and this time he narrowly avoided the big scarlet mouth full of fishy smell. The blood python didn't hit and couldn't fly, so he had to fall down unwillingly, which was also the time when the blood python fell. Zhong Cheng got up and shook his arm and threw the backpack on the upper right to the other side.

The blood python returned to the blood pool, and the backpack also fell to the opposite shore. The first round was the same as Zhong Cheng expected, which was regarded as Zhong Cheng's victory. Zhong Cheng, who was not bound by his backpack, suddenly felt relaxed and had the courage to carry out the second plan.

He pulled out his pistol, took a deep breath, and fired a shot at the place where he had just jumped. As he estimated, the blood python immediately rushed up to intercept the bullet. Zhong Cheng did not hesitate any more, and immediately released the life protection lock, and his body naturally fell down. And under him is the little red bead suspended in the middle of the blood pool!

Zhong Cheng saw the position of the red bead clearly and stretched out his left hand at the same time. Only this blow, only success and no failure! You must accurately grasp the red bead! This is Zhong Cheng's only chance. If you don't seize it, it's all over!

"God bless!!!" Zhong Cheng looked at the approaching red blood and prayed in his heart.

With a crash! Zhong Cheng fell into the blood pool, and his left hand grabbed a smooth thing at the same time. Zhong Cheng, who was in the blood pool, forgot the nausea in his heart and the discomfort in his body. He was happy with his success. I succeeded in this catch! I caught the blood-red bead that I must catch!

But Zhong Cheng is very calm. His situation is still very dangerous. It is estimated that the blood python has also fallen into the pool, and he must quickly escape from its attack. But it's strange why Zhong Cheng doesn't feel uncomfortable at all in this blood pool? He can even open his eyes and look at the blood! He can even breathe as he wants!

What's going on! Have you become a monster? But Zhong Cheng couldn't think so right. When he opened his eyes, he clearly saw that the blood python had just been killed!

will die! Zhong Cheng was shocked and his legs struggled to step down, trying to get out of this dangerous sea of blood. But his speed was really not comparable to the blood python. Zhong Cheng only slipped up a short distance and clearly felt that his waist seemed to be firmly entangled by something thick. That thing is slippery and disgusting. And his body was entangled one after another, and what's worse was that the slippery things began to tighten slowly! Zhong Cheng felt that his breathing was getting more and more difficult, and his brain was getting more and more in a trance.

Zhong Cheng's body was wrapped around the snake body by the blood python more than ten meters long in the blood pool. In the circle after circle, Zhong Cheng's eyes were white and his blue veins were exposed.

"Is everything over? I don't want it..." Zhong Cheng is still struggling. He can't die so helplessly. Such a death is a great shame for him! He clenched his fist, clenched his teeth, and was still struggling.

As if in response to Zhong Cheng's idea of survival, the red bead held by Zhong Cheng in his hand began to quietly shine a faint blood-red light. The weak light emits bursts of death because of the gorgeous blood red!