God's Deacon

Chapter 13 Skull Cemetery

With the "again against the sky" given by the Sword God, Zhong Cheng embarked on the journey again and stopped before the four gates. Zhong Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully considered the four iron gates engraved with different pictures in front of him.

A severe choice was placed in front of him. Without a hint, he had to make a completely uncertain choice. Of the four doors, he could only push one open. There was no way out. Once he was chosen, he had to follow the unknown road.

Because there is no way back!

"Alas..." Zhong Cheng sighed and said to himself, "I'm really not suitable for this kind of gambling solely on luck."

The surroundings are quiet and terrible. Zhong Cheng can't hear anything except his own gasp and the gradually accelerating heartbeat. He glanced at the four patterns in front of him and looked at the second picture on the left. There is a vague head pattern quietly carved there.

"I'm a human!" Zhong Cheng meditated and moved to the iron gate carved with human heads. Then take a deep breath, open the iron door and step in.

The iron door creaked open and closed again. The hall is still silent in the quiet candlelight. Except for the stone sword that left the hand of the sword god, everything here has not changed. Death and loneliness are still the main colors of the world.

————————————————I am the dividing line——————————————

Zhong Cheng walked through the iron gate to the next room with an extremely firm belief.

As soon as he passed through the iron gate, Zhong Cheng didn't have time to close it, and the iron gate had automatically disappeared. Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "Are you forcing me to move forward in such a hurry?"

No matter what, Zhong Cheng did not dare to neglect, and his eyes immediately returned to the room where he was.

"Ai..." Zhong Cheng has seen countless strange phenomena today, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he still sighed disoublingly.

Although the four halls that Zhong Cheng just passed through are all weird and full of crises, they are still magnificent. But today's room has nothing to do with atmosphere.

The hall here is still very spacious, even more spacious than ever, so spacious that Zhong Cheng can't see the opposite exit clearly. There was no slightly bright candlelight or blood-red light in the room, but there were countless green light balls floating in all corners of the hall. The whole hall was reflected in a faint green.

And on the ground of the hall, looking around, there are actually one crooked and different tombs of different specifications! There is no tombstone, only a grave with a wooden stake inserted in the mound, a forgotten tomb!

The floor of those halls just now was covered with a layer of stone bricks, and the floor of this hall was a slightly wet soil, which had not been decorated at all. The four sides of the hall are also bare and muddy, and there is not even a pattern.

The faint green light, surrounded by tombs and unadorned halls, seems to be a land haunted by death. Extradinarily cold and gloomy.

The photosphere is extremely small, and it is estimated to be only the size of a firefly. Zhong Cheng also has several light balls of this size floating around him. Zhong Cheng was curious and wanted to grab one to have a look. But it's a pity that no matter how hard Zhong Cheng tries and grasps, he can't catch one.

Zhong Cheng is not a person who will think about this kind of thing. Since he can't catch it, he will forget it. He looked at the piles without tombstones in front of him with some chills and swallowed his saliva, feeling that he didn't know what to do.

He looked forward with all his strength to find the exit of the cemetery. But what is eye-catching is full of piles of bulging dirt.

"I have no choice but to walk over and have a look!" Zhong Cheng opened the safety of the pistol, put away the wolf-eye flashlight, and pulled out the Swiss army knife pinned to his waist. Move forward very carefully.

Zhong Cheng was alert to the front while also having to take care of the soil under his feet. The tombs here are very irregular, and piles of bulging tomb bags are arranged in all directions of the hall, scattered around the hall like the green light scattered everywhere in the air.

This also made Zhong Cheng walk extremely carefully every step. He didn't want to accidentally step on the grave where an ancient man slept, and then jump out of the grave to strangle himself.

In the past, Zhong Cheng didn't care, but now Zhong Cheng is indeed scared. The lion jumping out of the door, the fish monster jumping out of the book, and the blood python living in the pool of blood. One strange thing after another destroyed Zhong Cheng's nerves and tempered Zhong Cheng's will. Zhong Cheng was forced to believe in the principle of "be careful to sail a ship for ten thousand years".

Step by step, Zhong Cheng stepped forward vigilantly. Thanks to his flexible footsteps and light posture, he narrowly crossed one narrow road after another.

These tombs are really not well repaired. Unexpectedly, several large tombs were gathered together and just blocked the way. Zhong Cheng was forced to show his excellent skills, sometimes stepping, sometimes rolling, and it was not hard to walk.

However, Zhong Cheng did not complain and walked forward silently. Complaining is the inherent viciousness of human beings. The more you complain, the more anxious you are; the more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes. The ground is full of "mines". If you are not careful, you may step on it, and the result of stepping on it - Zhong Cheng dares not imagine.

Zhong Cheng still pays attention to the graves rising in front of him, and then carefully thinks about the place to settle down. He didn't know that the bad environment around him was changing a little.

In places that Zhong Cheng did not notice, those green balls suspended in the air are moving extremely unusually. When gathered together, these green light actions do seem to be irregular. But if you look closely, you will find that once the green light bulbs are scattered, they are unusually moving in a certain direction, as if they are moving towards something.

Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng, who was too focused on the soles of his feet, did not find this phenomenon. He was still moving forward carefully. At this time, Zhong Cheng was coming to a place where five graves were piled up. The hall was really large. Even if he walked for nearly ten minutes, Zhong Cheng still couldn't see the edge of the hall.

Zhong Cheng was thinking about how to settle down. Suddenly, a small green light ball slowly floated in front of him. Zhong Cheng was surrounded by such green light balls. It is reasonable that he would not feel anything strange, but this time Zhong Cheng looked at the small light ball in front of him with some surprise.

The reason is very simple. This small green light ball is slowly falling down! And directly below the light ball - an unnamed tomb with wooden stakes!

"This is!" Zhong Cheng's pupils suddenly shrank and his body quickly drove up! He jumped away from the tomb in front of him in an almost an instant and stepped on the grave behind him. The touch of stepping on the grave made Zhong Cheng's stomach roll, but he did not regret his decision.

Reason told him that he must stay as far away from the grave that was about to receive the ball of light, because there was a hint of danger hidden there. Fortunately, things are not as bad as Zhong Cheng thought. Even if he stepped on the grave, the grave was still calm and did not mean to jump out a zombie.

The green light slowly fell into the grave in front of him under Zhong Cheng's gaze and went directly through the soil to the center of the grave bag!

Zhong Cheng's heart also hung up, and he didn't expect what would happen.

What will happen will be answered in the next second. In just a few seconds after the green light penetrated into the tomb, the raised tomb bag suddenly burst into a strong green light. In this faint light, the raised tomb bag suddenly exploded.

A skeleton wrapped in a few shatters slowly emerged from the scattered soil! It carried a rusty knife, roared at Zhong Cheng, and couldn't help rushing over!