God's Deacon

Chapter 29 Little Butterfly

Zhong Cheng rolled his eyes and curled his lips and said, "Talk to yourself, what a crazy woman!" Zijing grinned, breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered carelessly, "Ha ha, you are still a child, and your mouth is smelly and hard. I am very generous and don't know half of you. One day, you will shout for me to guide you in practicing miracles!"

Of course, Zhong Cheng would not agree with Bauhinia's point of view. He snorted coldly and stopped talking. The room suddenly calmed down. Suddenly, Bauhinia frowned and said to Zhong Cheng, "It seems that someone is coming. I'll go first. You can take care of yourself. Don't forget to think more about practice!" Come on, Bauhinia turned into a white light and rushed into the ghost bead in Zhong Cheng's pocket.

Zhong Cheng listened to Bauhinia's words, of course, and rolled his eyes again. He touched his nose, took out the pistol from his pocket, and said to himself, "Huh! Ask me to follow your script, no way! I might as well shoot myself than be controlled by you!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the house, and then a sweet female voice came in from the outside, "Mr. Zhong, Miss ordered my maidservant to send you some change of clothes. Is it convenient for you now?"

"Oh, okay, wait, I'll be right there!" Zhong Cheng answered, and his heart warmed. He secretly praised that the public lost Fei Xue was thoughtful. He has been wearing this dress for nearly two days. Although it is not shabby, it is also very dirty, and it is inevitably uncomfortable to wear it.

Zhong Cheng did not hesitate. He hurriedly put away the pistol in his hand, then straightened his clothes and opened the door. Outside the door, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old woman stood there with a pile of folded clothes in her hands and smiled.

"Mr. Zhong, thank you for your hard work. These clothes were sent by the maidservant. Do you think I can put it in for you?

The girl has a beautiful melon seed face, and the two small dimples are looming when she smiles, which is very cute. She may not be as fresh and beautiful as Feixue, not as bright and luster as Murong Yun, let alone as charming as Bauhinia. But with a stingy smile, there is a calm atmosphere of freedom.

Zhong Cheng has always been fond of such an approachable girl next door. He immediately smiled back and said, "Miss, thank you for sending me these clothes. Come on, please come in." With that, Zhong Cheng gave way,

Unexpectedly, the woman suddenly smiled and shook her head and said, "Mr. Zhong, you are joking. I'm just a maidservant. What a young lady is not a young lady. Just call me Xiaodie. Miss didn't scream casually, remember? Although she is still smiling, her preaching is unabated, and she really cares about it.

Zhong Cheng scratched his head, smiled awkwardly and said, "Ha ha, it seems that I'm wrong. So this little butterfly girl, thank you very much for your clothes. Please come in. With that, Zhong Cheng bent down slightly and asked to come in.

As a Chinese citizen of the 21st world, Zhong Cheng is used to shouting Miss. As long as you are not old or young, it should be no problem to call Miss. But the world is obviously still an uncivilized feudal society, and the hierarchy seems to be quite strict!

Zhong Cheng sighed about this problem and welcomed the cute woman who called herself "Little Butterfly". Xiaodie grinned at Zhong Cheng without delay. After coming in, she went straight to the floor where the wardrobe was placed and folded the clothes in her hand one by one.

When Xiaodie passed Zhong Cheng, Zhong Cheng only felt a faint fragrance floating into his nose and suddenly felt refreshed. This fragrance is not the secular rouge gouache, but the body fragrance that women are born with. It is this original fragrance that makes people feel more comfortable.

Zhong Cheng also followed a few steps and watched the little butterfly fold her clothes and put them into the wardrobe. His movements were light and with a trace of inexplicable beauty. Zhong Cheng smiled and quietly appreciated this simple but beautiful picture scroll.

Little butterfly was skillful and quickly completed the work. She breathed a sigh of relief and raised her hand to try the crystal of her forehead. Then he found him staring at himself without saying a word. He couldn't help but jump, blushing slightly and whispered, "Mr. Zhong, what are you doing?"

Zhong Cheng suddenly realized that he was rude and quickly looked away. At the same time, he arched his hand and apologized, "Sorry, what should I say? I don't mean any harm, really." This sounded really lame, as if the criminal shouted that he was wronged. So much so that Zhong Cheng felt something was wrong when he heard it, but it was obviously too late to change his words.

Seeing Zhong Cheng's embarrassed face, Xiaodie couldn't help smiling gently, "Okay, I know you are unintentional. Stop arching your hands. It feels like I'm bullying you.

"Well, isn't it?" Seeing that the other party was not angry, Zhong Cheng was a little relieved, straightened his posture, looked at the wardrobe, and said, "But Miss Xiaodie, your hand is really a coincidence. It's finished so quickly."

Xiaodie smiled shyly and suddenly laughed playfully, "Is it done fast? Do you want me to do it for a while to observe me?"

"Uh! No, Miss Butterfly, you think too much. I just sincerely praise it. There is no superfluous idea. Zhong Cheng shrugged his shoulders and explained.

Xiaodie shook her head and said, "I don't believe this. My mother said that men can't believe what they said!" You are a man, so I can't believe what you said.

Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly and sighed, "Your mother is really cautious. It's okay. It's not a good thing to believe others at will. It's better to be cautious." His expression suddenly looked a little depressed, and Ma Qiang's face appeared reluctantly in his mind, and he couldn't help tingling in his heart.

The feeling of being betrayed by friends - it's absolutely uncomfortable!

Xiaodie couldn't help but panic when she saw Zhong Cheng's face. She stretched out her hand and patted Zhong Cheng on the shoulder and said anxiously, "Mr. Zhong, are you all right? I was joking just now. Although my mother did say that, I didn't mean that!"

Looking at Xiaodie's worried look, a sense of guilt welled in Zhong Cheng's heart. He was involved in his face and forced a smile, "Miss Xiaodie, don't worry too much. I have nothing to do."

Really? Don't coax me. If Xiaodie is wrong, just say it. I will pay attention to it in the future. Xiaodie is just a 15- or 16-year-old girl, and her way of thinking is quite simple. When Zhong Cheng said that, she didn't think about it any more.

Zhong Cheng took the opportunity to nod and naturally turned away. "Miss Xiaodie just mentioned your mother... That's your mother. How is your mother now?"

"My mother..." Xiaodie's eyes dimmed a little, her red lips slightly opened, and whispered, "My mother died when I was ten years old. If it hadn't been for the young lady's good heart, she would not only have taken me in, but also paid to bury my mother. I'm afraid I would have starved to death on the street."

After listening to this and looking at Xiaodie's petite body, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but feel pain in his heart and sighed: "In feudal society, the people really don't live!"

"I'm sorry to mention your sadness. Dare to ask, girl, where has your father been? Zhong Cheng apologized.

"Father, I've never seen my father..." Speaking of her father, Xiaodie's expression was even more sad. "According to my mother, my father abandoned me and my mother when I was only four years old and ran away with a woman..."

After hearing this, Zhong Cheng immediately bent down and apologized, "Miss Xiaodie, you are really unscrupulous! I'm so sorry, I hope you can forgive me!"

"It's okay. It's all in the past. I've forgotten it for a long time." Xiaodie smiled faintly, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Zhong. I really want to talk to myself."

Zhong Cheng shook his head and said, "Where, Miss Xiaodie, you are right. It's Zhong Cheng who didn't pay attention to myself!" It aroused your annoyance.

"Ha ha, it's not annoyance." Xiaodie smiled generously, "Mr. Zhong, it's getting late. If nothing happens, Xiaodie will go first."

Zhong Cheng naturally had no reason to keep the other party. He showed his right hand and said, "Girl, please."

"Well, goodbye." Xiaodie nodded to Zhong Cheng, walked to the door, and then turned around and said, "by the way, Mr. Zhong, don't always call me. Listen to me awkward. You call me Xiaodie. That's what they call me.

"Well, I know. Goodbye, Xiaodie." Zhong Cheng responded with a smile.

Xiaodie left, and Zhong Cheng was left alone in the room. He leaned his back against the wall and couldn't help sighing for some reason. Then, the dark pearl in the waist bag flashed, and the Bauhinia had appeared in front of Zhong Cheng.

"What's the matter, Mr. Zhong? His expression is very serious!" Bauhinia still looks like it's in need of a beat. Of course, this is Zhong Cheng's feeling. In the eyes of others, this is probably the so-called charming and touching!

Zhong Cheng snorted angrily, "What do you know, you heartless? In your opinion, this worldly trouble is just a game.

"Hmm!" Bauhinia's surprise was not sarcastic, and her look suddenly became serious, "I don't know? Of course I know! As long as someone exists, there will be something like that just now! People's greedy nature remains unchanged, and there will be countless children like little butterflies in the world!"

Bauhinia is angry, really angry! Her face has long been without the charm of the past, the enchantingness of the past, and the unrestrainedness of the past. Some are just cheeks red with anger! When you are really angry, you will be shocked!

Zhong Cheng was innocently scared by the momentum of Bauhinia and whispered to himself, "So, how can we change all this?"

"Change?" Bauhinia smiled disdainfully, and her teeth were slightly exposed. She was still so beautiful and delicate. "It's impossible to change. This is the essence of human beings! This is the essence of the world! Even if he is the creator of the gods, how can he not be ugly in his heart!? Zhong Cheng, you are just a mortal! What you can do is just make yourself stronger and protect the people around you!"

Zhong Cheng was stunned, his eyes were dull and his expression was dull. Bauhinia's words undoubtedly violently hit Zhong Cheng's heart, making Zhong Cheng unable to calm down for a long time.

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng smiled to himself. He shook his index finger at Bauhinia and hummed:

"I thought you wanted to say something, but in the end, you still asked me to practice miracles!"