God's Deacon

Chapter 35 Public Loser

Wu Bo slowly put Fei Xue on the ground, then walked to the body of a man in black, squatted down, pulled off his mask to reveal his face distorted by pain, and stretched out his hand to probe his nose. Without breath, he has indeed died. Wu Bo had a black face, looked at the owner of the body, and found that not only black blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, but also his whole face turned black! It looks like it has decayed.

"What a vicious poison!" Wu Bo sighed and knew that it was impossible to get something out of the black people today. He turned around and stared at the boss in black who was killed by Zhong Cheng, but his face became heavier. Looking at the body on the ground and Zhong Cheng beside him, Wu Bo was full of doubts and fog on his face.

At this moment, Zhong Cheng did not have a floating feeling because of the beauty in his arms. Wu Bo's series of movements and looks made Zhong Cheng's forehead unconsciously ooze a few drops of cold sweat. Zhong Cheng was worried and didn't know what Uncle Wu would do. But many years of experience told him that he must not panic at this time. If he panics, he is afraid that the consequences will be serious. So no matter how he beats in his heart, Zhong Cheng's face still maintains that calmness.

As for Xiaodie, she seemed to be drunk at this moment, leaning weakly on Zhong Cheng's shoulder. It seems that there is no intention to leave for a moment.

Uncle Wu came to the boss in black and squatted down. He was not in a hurry to pull off his mask, but stared at the small red blood hole in the center of the deceased's eyebrows. This wound is really strange! Wu Bo vowed that even if he had lived for so long and wandered in the world for so many years, it was definitely the first time he saw such a wound.

Wo still can't figure out the weapon that caused this small blood hole. Needless to say, it is definitely a hidden weapon, but what kind of hidden weapon is so powerful? In the face of this powerful power, even Wu Bo himself has to have a miracle and defend wholeheartedly to survive. In front of such a strong hidden weapon, even if it is a powerful general, I'm afraid that a carelessness will be seriously injured.

Wu Bo glanced at Zhong Cheng sharply and sighed, "What a great boy! What a poisonous method!" He looked at the little butterfly leaning against Zhong Cheng's arms and Zhong Cheng, who was at a loss, and couldn't help smiling, with a little nostalgia and sadness in his eyes.

"Cough, little butterfly!" Wu Bo coughed dryly, and Xiaodie woke up like a dream. She shook all over and hurried out of Zhong Cheng's arms and bowed nervously to Wu Bo: "Wu Bo, I..."

"Well, you are still young." Wu Bo waved his hand to interrupt Xiaodie and said with a pleasant smile, "There is nothing wrong with you here. Little butterfly girl, it's getting late. You go and find Xiaoyu girl, and then the two of them serve the lady back to the room together. Got it?"

"Yes, the maidservant obeys." Xiaodie saluted Wu Boyingying and turned around to leave. But she suddenly stopped and blushed. She turned her head to look at Zhong Cheng and whispered, "Mr. Zhong, see you tomorrow." After saying that, Xiaodie seemed to have done something bad and ran to the south courtyard. The body is graceful, showing the true nature of a woman.

"Is this the so-called shyness of women? Really, really, it's really wonderful!" Zhong Cheng felt a strange feeling of numbness in his heart, and his whole body was light.

Seeing Xiaodie leaving, the kindness in Wu Bo's eyes swept away. He looked at Zhong Cheng seriously, and then slowly asked, "Brother Zhong, what happened to the hidden weapon just now?"

"This..." Zhong Cheng sighed secretly and thought that it should come. "It's hard to explain. I can only tell Uncle Wu that what I just launched is a hidden weapon uploaded by my ancestors. As for what kind of hidden weapon it is, it is not convenient for me to explain now.

"Is it inconvenient to explain?" Uncle Wu's eyes seemed to shoot a cold light, which made Zhong Cheng's heart cold. The scene suddenly froze, the moonlight was empty, and the atmosphere was solemn. Coincidentally, Xiaodie led Xiaoyu to this side quickly.

Xiaoyu saw the dead man on the ground and couldn't help but be stunned in horror. She thought that Xiaodie didn't tell her about the person who had just died here. It was not until Xiaodie patted Xiaoyu on the shoulder that she came to her senses. She cast a complaining look at Xiaodie and wanted to scold her for a few words. Xiaodie playfully spit out her tongue, wink at Xiaoyu, and pointed to Zhong Cheng and Wu Bo in the field.

Xiaoyu was smart and naturally understood what Xiaodie meant, so she had to swallow the scolding reluctantly. The two women came to the field, saluted Wu Bo, greeted Zhong Cheng at the same time, and then walked to the inner hall with the fainted Fei Xue. Of course, when Xiaodie greeted Zhong Cheng, her voice became subtle again, and her cheeks were also red. Xiaoyu beside her was full of bad smiles.

After the two women took Fei Xue away, there were only two people left in this place, Zhong Cheng and Wu Bo, as well as the cold bodies on the ground. The nightingale sang, and Zhong Cheng and Wu Bo looked at each other with unnatural expressions.

"If you don't want to say it, I can't force it, but I can't decide it. Brother Zhong, can you accompany me to meet the old master? Although he was asking for advice, Wu Bo's tone was irresistible. Zhong Cheng nodded helplessly and agreed.

Uncle Wu squeezed out a smile from his wrinkled old face, looked at the bodies around him, and walked over and carried the body of the boss in black on his shoulder. Uncle Wu's miracle is profound, and it is not a problem to carry such a short figure.

"Follow me and I'll take you to meet the master." After saying that, Wu Bo carried the boss in black and took the lead in the way. Zhong Cheng looked at Uncle Wu's old body, gritted his teeth and followed!

"The boss of the public loser seems to be called a public loser, isn't he just a figure?" Zhong Cheng thought. Today, I learned about the old man of the public loser from the scare of the public loser. It is said that after the incident 12 years ago, the old man began to close the door to thank guests and live in seclusion.

The inner hall of the loser is naturally much more gorgeous than the outer hall. Among other things, the beautiful pavilions are definitely beautiful. But thinking of the current situation, how can Zhong Cheng have any intention to enjoy the beautiful scenery?

Speaking of which, Zhong Cheng is really sad. That day, it was also in Longnan Mountain. Because his mind was full of the letter of my life, Zhong Cheng was not in the mood to enjoy the wonderful scenery of nature at all. Now, Zhong Cheng's heart is full of panic and uneasiness, and naturally he is not in the mood to appreciate the vigorous atmosphere of the public government.

Wu Bo and Zhong Cheng did not say anything and bowed their heads and quickly walked through the public transport house at night. The two first walked on a straight road, and then turned into a remote path. The path is dark without lanterns, surrounded by trees and flowers, and the air is very fresh.

The path was not long, and Zhong Cheng and Wu Bo quickly reached the end of the path. At the end stands a small cabin quietly, and there is a colorful garden in front of the house. And the big dark pit not far from the garden!

The place where the loser lives is so simple and simple, quiet and natural. Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be surprised. He thought that those rich and powerful people liked to show off!

After all, in contemporary China, it is difficult to find a few truly poetic and picturesque people among those who are rich and powerful. There are more upstarts who are elegant and unlearned. Looking at their hateful golden teeth, Zhong Cheng often feels disgusted in his heart, and sometimes even raises an impulse to beat them.

And that big pit is simply amazing. The crater is nearly ten meters in diameter and two meters deep, which is obviously the result of the fierce blasting sound just now. Look at the big pit, there are still bursts of smoke at this moment, and the warmth is still there.

Although the two came to the garden, Uncle Wu did not immediately walk to the wooden house, but gently put down the boss in black on his shoulder and stood respectfully in front of the garden. Zhong Cheng was puzzled, but he didn't ask much. He followed Wu Bili in front of the garden.

"Wu, why did you come here with others? And he is also carrying a person. There was a slow old sound from the wooden house. Hearing this sound, Zhong Cheng was shocked and thought to his heart, "Oh, my God! Is there a more old voice than this? Why is there a kind of heartbreaking grief and helplessness in the voice?

Old, this is really old! Not only the oldness of the body, but also the oldness of the soul

Moreover, the old man's strength also shocked Zhong Cheng from the bottom of his heart. The old man did not open the door, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he said the situation of Zhong Cheng and others. I think the footsteps made by Zhong Cheng and others when they walked leaked information. But just by the slight footsteps of Zhong Cheng and others, he can judge who he is. This strength must be deeply admired by Zhong Cheng no matter what.

"My lord, the old slave you told me has been dealt with. Unfortunately, the five men in black are all dead, and they can't get the details behind the scenes. In front of this old master, Uncle Wu seems to have become a meek rabbit at this moment, and the breeze just now has disappeared.

"If you die, you will die. Anyway, there is no hope to get anything from them?" The old man said generously, "You just have someone deal with the body later. Now tell me, what are you doing here with the one next to you? And why do you have to carry a person on your shoulders?

"It's like this, my lord. The man next to me, named Zhong Cheng, is the young man I mentioned to you today. Although the old man was not in front of Uncle Wu, he still bowed politely.

"Well, I know that. Fei Xue said that this young brother Zhong's craftsmanship is very superb. Moreover, the girl's painstaking efforts - 'breaking the air' seem to have been damaged by this young brother Zhong's buttocks. There is no anger, no sarcasm, and the master's tone is very plain, as if he is narrating something that has nothing to do with himself.

Wu Bo continued: "And the one on my shoulder is the leader of those people in black today. Originally, he was just a thief, but there was no reason for the old slave to bring him to you to disturb your purity. However, something happened that the old slave didn't expect. The old slave is not talented, and I have to ask the old master to make a decision.

"You said." Even if Uncle Wu said this, the old man who lost his friend was still indifferent.

"Yes." Wu Bo paused and began to talk about tonight's events. When Wu Bo said that Zhong Cheng used a mysterious hidden weapon to kill the leader in black in one fell swoop, even the loser friend who lived in seclusion from the world whispered softly.

The whole incident was not long, but after a while, Uncle Wu finished everything. Then, he didn't forget to add: "If you don't ask, the old slave dares to decide. Please judge."

After listening to Uncle Wu's narration, the small garden suddenly became quiet. Zhong Cheng didn't say a word from beginning to end, and Wu Bo also shut up after a long talk. As for the loser in the cabin, he is also silent at this moment, as if he is thinking about something.