God's Deacon

Chapter 96 Return to Public Lose

After returning to the inn, Zhong Cheng was already physically and mentally exhausted, and fell asleep without saying a word. When I woke up the next day, it was already noon. After lunch, Zhong Cheng walked slowly to the mansion.

The gate of the publicshu fu is still the same as before. Although the vermilion gate looks very imposing, it still looks deserted. The door was open, and the stone lions stood alone on both sides. How sad it is to lose the family and not even have a doorkeeper!

As the public loser said, the public loser is still the same big house as before, but the atmosphere is completely wrong.

No matter how magnificent the building is, it is deserted. The atmosphere of the big family is not something that can be created. Unless you have enough confidence, if the family is not strong, the family is not strong.

If you want to revitalize a family with few people, you need a person in this family who is proud of the world. Although the so-called "one person gets a chicken and a dog to ascend to heaven", it is unpleasant to say, but the truth is the same. In those years, if the public loser didn't have a craftsman, then the public loser might still be a small family in China who asked silently.

It is because of the craftsman that the loser will flourish. So if a family wants to be revitalized, it must have a person who is feared by others!

Yes, it's getting stronger! Only when you are strong enough can you get what you want. Or fame and fortune, or money, in a word, the law of the jungle, and the strong are respected. This is the iron law set by the divine continent since ancient times! If you want to live on this continent, you must abide by this eternal iron law!

With thousands of emotions in his heart, Zhong Cheng slowly moved his steps, passed through the scarlet gate, and came to the interior of the Gongfu.

In two months, there has been no change in the public government. The house is still full of roads, but what is chilling is that there is only one servant in black with a broom in his hand, with his back to Zhong Cheng and slowly sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground.

The back is very familiar. Zhong Cheng remembers that this servant should have seen it himself. Speaking of which, there are only a dozen servants in total. It is normal for Zhong Cheng to have the impression. And the back in front of him was tall and thin, and Zhong Cheng was very impressed.

Zhong Cheng thought for a while and thought of someone to come, so he shouted:

"Yo, thin, long time no see!"

The sweeper looked attentive and didn't notice that there was a person standing behind him. At this time, he suddenly heard Zhong Cheng open his mouth and trembled instinctively, and then quickly turned around. He was stunned to see Zhong Cheng in front of him.

After the servant turned around, Zhong Cheng saw his face clearly and confirmed his guess. The man in front of him was indeed thin. He was tall and thin two months ago, and nothing has happened.

After a brief silence, Gan Xiong suddenly cheered and shouted, "Ha! Zhong Cheng, you are back!"

"Yes!" Zhong Cheng smiled at Gan Thin, nodded and said, "I haven't finished what I promised. I must come back to fulfill my promise!"

"Ye also, also..." Gan thin nodded repeatedly, and the joy on his face was obvious. But suddenly, he seemed to be a different person. He sighed slowly and took a meaningful look at Zhong Cheng.

The sudden change of Gan thin attitude suddenly made Zhong Cheng feel confused, so he said, "We haven't seen each other for two months, but you will sigh as soon as we meet. It's too disglapsing!"

Gan Shou shook his head and sighed regretfully, "If only you came back a day earlier. Xiaodie just got married yesterday. If you came back yesterday, you might still see her."

About Xiaodie, under the guidance of Bauhinia last night and his own thinking, the previous feeling of loss has disappeared.

Since Zhong Cheng can say blessings to the little butterfly couple without changing his face and heartbeat, it is enough to prove that Zhong Cheng did not actually explain his superfluous feelings for Xiaodie. Thinking about it, Zhong Cheng and Xiaodie can only be regarded as new acquaintances after all, and they don't fall in love at first sight, so it is normal to have no feelings for each other.

"Oh, that's a pity! It's too late to bless her." Zhong Cheng casually returned to say, "Compared with this, I think I should go to the lady or the master to report first."


Seeing Zhong Cheng's answer so casually, he muttered in his thin throat, and his eyes couldn't help showing a trace of anger. But then, Gan thin smiled bitterly and restrained the anger in his eyes.

"Miss's words should still be building machine beasts in the back mountain, and the old man is in the 'Yayuan'... Well, you still say hello to the housekeeper Wu, and he will arrange it for you. I guess Uncle Wu is in his room now. Do you remember where his room is? As you can see, I still have a job here, so I can't go with you. I'm sorry!"

With that, Gan thin shook the broom in his hand and made a helpless look at Zhong Cheng.

Of course, Zhong Cheng doesn't care about these small problems. He smiled and said, "Where are you busy with you? Don't worry about me. Then I'll go to Uncle Wu. Goodbye." He waved his hand like a thin man and walked straight to the house.

Gan thinly looked at Zhong Cheng's back, shook his head, and continued to sweep the fallen leaves.

Zhong Cheng is still very familiar with several main roads of public losers. For example, Zhong Cheng remembers the bedroom where the servants live. And Uncle Wu lives in the first room in the north courtyard of the courtyard.

With a light step, Zhong Cheng came to the bedroom, and several scenes came into sight again. Zhong Cheng inevitably sighed again. He came to Uncle Wu's door and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, and Uncle Wu still stood in front of Zhong Cheng as energetic as before.

When Wu Bo saw Zhong Cheng, he suddenly said "h" in his mouth, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhong Cheng carefully, and nodded silently.

Zhong Cheng was looked at by Wu Bo's burning eyes and said tentatively, "Wu Bo, is there anything on my face?"

"No, since Brother Zhong is back, let's go to the old master first." Uncle Wu came out of the room, closed the door, said a cold word, and then stepped out first.

Zhong Cheng did not intend to talk to the gloomy-looking Wu Boduo, but he didn't say much at the moment. He quietly followed Wu Bo and walked towards the small garden of the old man's loser friend.

Without saying anything, Zhong Cheng and Wu Bo came to the small garden where Gong lost friends lived for the third time, which was similar to before. There was an ordinary cabin in the courtyard surrounded by some beautiful flowers and plants. Of course, the big pit caused by the "tyrannical king" has disappeared.

This time, the loser did not stay in the house like the previous two times, but sat in a wheelchair and relax in the garden. The loser was slightly surprised to see Wu Bo leading Zhong Cheng, and his eyes fell on Zhong Cheng. Gu Bo's unsurprising face was full of doubt. However, the old fox was the old fox. He did not stare at it like Wu Bo, but recovered Gu Bo's unsurprised expression in an instant.

Of course, the sharp-eyed Zhong Cheng did not miss this detail.

"I've met the master!" It's not the first time here. Zhong Cheng knows how to salute.

"Have you finished the matter of Brother Zhong?" The loser asked Zhong Cheng with the old man's unique kind smile.

"Yes!" Zhong Cheng nodded and said, "The next thing has been done. It's time to come back and fulfill your promise and help the lady recreate the 'breaking space'."

"In this case, the girl Feixue is now building a 'breaking the air' in the back mountain. Brother Zhong, are you going now, or?"

"If it's convenient, now!"

"Well," the loser nodded and told Uncle Wu next to Zhong Cheng, "Mr. Wu, you can send Mr. Zhong to the back mountain and give it to the young lady now. Feixue has been complaining about the slow progress these days. Now that Brother Zhong is here, he should be able to go a lot easily!"

"Yes." Wu Bo answered respectfully and led Zhong Cheng away. As a result, Zhong Cheng still couldn't say a few words at the third meeting with this public loser.

The loser looked at Zhong Cheng's fading back, then lowered his head, stared at his dry hands, and muttered, "In two months, he has become a divine ruler from an ordinary person, and has directly reached the 'God's order'! What a terrible speed of cultivation!"