God's Deacon

Chapter 120 Ice Pursuit

The two returned to the camp along the way. Fortunately, this area belongs to the territory of the taurore, so this generation can hardly find any other monsters except the taurore, so Zhong Cheng and the two encountered any obstacles on their way back.

Back to the camp, Wang Huai, who was anxious, immediately greeted him. Of course, what he cares about is Fei Xue, and it will definitely not be Zhong Cheng. If there is anything wrong with Feixue's loss, Wang Huai's prospects will be sad, and his loser will definitely not give up with him.

And the public lost Fei Xue also followed the agreement with Zhong Cheng, did not mention the tauri and the guardian lion, and lied as just agreed. Wang Huai was just worried about the safety of Feixue. Now she has come back, so she didn't investigate too much. She just reminded her that she must be careful in the future.

A storm has calmed down.

At night, outside the camp of the wolf mercenary regiment.

A bonfire rose slowly, and Zhong Cheng sat beside the bonfire and quietly stared at the flame in front of him. After experiencing so many things today, Zhong Cheng was already quite tired. But helplessly, Wang Huai said that it was his turn to watch the night, so he had to sit here in the middle of the night watching the bonfire blowing cold wind.

There are people taking turns vigil in all directions of the camp, and Zhong Cheng's position is in the west of the camp, the place most far from the camp itself.

"Wow..." Zhong Cheng raised his lazy waist and rubbed his sleepy eyes, and his head became more and more dizzy. He is not an iron man. After a whole day of fatigue, he has already been physically and mentally exhausted. Now Zhong Cheng just wants to find a place to lie down and have a good sleep.

A cold wind swept by, and Zhong Cheng shivered with cold. He tightened his clothes and muttered, "When will you change shifts?" I can't stand it..."

The job of vigil is to change people every two hours. After all, it is difficult for mercenaries who are already very tired during the day to survive alone until the next day alone. And reluctantly, the effect will not be very good, so it is necessary to change shifts.

After a while, Zhong Cheng's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and his sleepiness is getting thicker and thicker. However, there was finally a sound of footsteps behind him.

Zhong Cheng was overjoyed and wanted to go back and say something. But suddenly, he sensed an unusual murderous intention!

It was almost a conditioned reflex. Zhong Cheng did not turn his head, but jumped away from his original position. The next second, a huge fireball flew over and hit the bonfire, but after a bursting sound, the place had been smashed into a big black hole.

"Cut!" There was a dissatisfied male voice behind him, followed by a few gloomy and vicious words, "You son of a bitch, your life is really great!"

"I don't know, when and where did I offend you?" Zhong Cheng patted the dust on his body, stood up, looked at the opposite side, and said coldly, "Wang Cheng!"

In front of him, there stood a fierce young man in leather, who was Wang Huai's son, Wang Cheng!

Seeing that the viciousness in Wang Cheng's eyes did not diminish at all, he hummed coldly, "You killed Brother Yin, which has caused my father to be anxious recently. Isn't this reason enough?"

"Oh?" Zhong Cheng raised his eyebrows and squinted, "So, are you here to avenge that bastard?"

"Isn't that enough to explain the problem just now?" Wang Cheng looked at Zhong Cheng, raised his right hand, burst into flames in his palm, and said viciously, "I'm going to burn your son to ashes!"

"Hahaha!" Zhong Cheng looked up to the sky and smiled, skimmed the corners of his mouth, and said disdainfully, "Wang Cheng, don't say that I hit you. With your little ability, I'm afraid it's impossible to kill me!"

"Ha..." Wang Cheng showed his cold teeth and smiled gloomily, "Do you think I will come alone if I want to kill you?"

"Hmm!" Zhong Cheng was shocked and suddenly felt a cold pressure behind him!

It's so fast!

When this word just flashed in Zhong Cheng's mind, the pressure had been pushed behind! Fortunately, Zhong Cheng changed his speed and showed the blessing of the wind in the "Sword of the Wind" almost in an instant! His body shook aside like a hurricane, wiped a gray figure, and narrowly escaped the blow.

The gray figure brushed Zhong Cheng and stopped beside Wang Cheng, but a middle-aged man with a moustache and a pale face, about 30 years old.

"Second uncle." Wang Cheng saw someone and immediately greeted him with a smile.

The man nodded to Wang Cheng, his eyes fell on Zhong Cheng, and said coldly, "It's you who killed Yin Hong, which caused our Wang family to have a bad relationship with the Yin family, right?"

"I killed Yin Hong," Zhong Cheng said coldly without any fear on his face, "Are you the deputy commander of the wolf mercenary regiment, Wang Hua?"

"Haha, I'm Wang Hua!" Wang Hua smiled and then frowned, "Since you know that I am Wang Hua, do you think you can still leave the precious forest alive after today? Just now, although you were lucky enough to escape, next time, it will not be so easy!"

"I can avoid it once, and I can avoid it again!" Zhong Cheng knew that it was no longer feasible to beg for mercy and retreat. He simply risked his life and said, "It's amazing that your uncles and nephews are together. Why am I afraid?"

"Good courage! Should I praise you for your bravery? Or should I say that you are stupid?" Wang Hua sneered and said, "Don't forget that you are just a god. Compared with a god like me, the gap in the middle is not a little bit!" I want to kill you, it's as easy as my palm!"

"Hmm!" Zhong Cheng snorted coldly and said contemptuously, "You are just a 'God General' figure. It's not a big deal for those who have just stepped into the realm of divine generals!"

Of course, there is a reason why Zhong Cheng will be so domineering. Don't forget that Zhong Cheng still has the blood bead on his body, and the blood bead can protect Zhong Cheng three times when his life is in danger. Now it has only been used twice, and another time is useless, so Zhong Cheng is not worried about dying here. As long as the blood beads solve Wang Hua, Wang Cheng will not worry at all.

If the blood spirit pearl kills Wang Hua, Zhong Cheng will also kill Wang Cheng without hesitation. If you have died or I have a deep hatred, then there is no need to be polite to treat each other in the future!

Cut the grass without rooting and the spring breeze blows again! Zhong Cheng knows very well that once he is married, unless he dies, the people of the Wang family will never give up. Instead of letting the other party destroy yourself, it's better to destroy the other party. Moreover, a family like the Wang family that bullies others everywhere by relying on its power must not be a good bird!

"Hahaha..." Wang Hua laughed angrily and frowned, "What an arrogant tone! Son of a bitch, I don't think you've been cleaned up! OK! Today, I will complete you and let you know how to write dead words! Cheng'er, don't interfere, just be ready to collect his body later!"

After saying that, Wang Hua did not hesitate, his legs bent, and his body suddenly bounced out to Zhong Cheng. Wang Hua clenched his fists, and there was a cold air around his two fists, hitting Zhong Cheng's body.

The fist hasn't arrived yet, and the cold air has come to my face. Zhong Cheng frowned and knew that the divine method used by the other party was the cold magic method. At present, he did not dare to touch it. He used the blessing of the wind in the "Sword of the Wind" and twisted his body to avoid it.

However, Wang Hua's fist seemed to be fixed, closely following Zhong Cheng's body and hitting him.

The chill came again, and Zhong Cheng, who dared not touch it, had to choose to move again to avoid it. And Wang Hua's fist also followed again.

In this way, Zhong Cheng dodged and Wang Hua chased. Although the two have not made a hand, the intensity is self-evident.

The miracle in Zhong Cheng's body is not as good as Wang Hua, but the effect of the blessing of the wind is quite significant, so he can always avoid the opponent's attack at critical moments and avoid danger every time.

Although Wang Hua's speed is not as fast as Zhong Cheng, his miracle is much stronger than that of Zhong Cheng. In addition, the magic method he uses is quite powerful, so he can always bite Zhong Cheng.

Wang Cheng watched the battle with a smile and was full of absolute confidence in his uncle. The magic method learned by his uncle is the superior magic method "Hanbing Chasing Fist". As the name implies, if he doesn't hit the other party, the fist will never stop, and the cold air on the fist will never dissipate.

Unless Zhong Cheng takes the other party's punch, he will definitely consume all the miracles in his body in dodging, and eventually he will inevitably be killed by Wang Hua. If Zhong Cheng wants to take it hard, then he will realize what a cold and piercing blow is!

This is the insurmountable gap between the gods and the gods! No god can defeat the god general, never!