God's Deacon

Chapter 122 Breakthrough, God General!

The world is afraid of the power against the sky. Even Wang Hua, who is a general, can't help losing his god at the moment he sees the anti-God Sword. This is normal. Whether it is humans or monsters, they have to be moved when they see such artifacts!

Zhong Cheng is not from the proud sword. Just as Wang Hua lost his mind, Zhong Cheng had already mentioned the anti-sky, handed it with his right hand, and stabbed Wang Hua with the "Sword of the Wind"!

Feeling the courage from the sword body, Wang Hua raised his eyebrows and immediately came to his senses. In front of him, Zhong Cheng had transformed into a hurricane, extremely fast, and the bright tip of the sword approached him in a blink of an eye. Wang Hua could even feel the cold air emitted from the sword body, which was no worse than the cold air in his own body!

However, the gap between God and God's messenger is insurmountable!

In less than a second, Wang Hua immediately showed the ability that the god should have. With a step, his body shook, and easily avoided this wind-like blow. At the same time, his right shoulder trembled and suddenly raised his cold fist and smashed against Zhong Cheng's face!

Its speed is not much worse than Zhong Cheng!

Zhong Cheng was already prepared. When Wang Hua's right shoulder trembled, he quickly withdrew the anti-sky sword and danced the "mountain sword" for defense!


Wang Hua punched him, but he felt that his fist seemed to hit some hard mountain stone, and he was suddenly shocked. He raised his eyes and looked straight ahead. He didn't know when there was a translucent gray hill in front of him, firmly blocking the middle of the two. My own punch is on this hill.

With the sword of the mountain to temporarily block Wang Hua, Zhong Cheng did not dare to fight hard and suddenly took advantage of his surprise. Then, Zhong Cheng's long sword trembled, and after dancing a few beautiful sword flowers in the air, he rushed to Wang Hua's back like a ghost, picked up his sword and sent it to the other party's back!

And what greeted him was the cold of the pavement! I don't know when Wang Hua had turned around and punched Zhong Cheng in the face. Because the severe cold stimulated his eyes, it was difficult for Zhong Cheng to see the other party's movements for a while. But he has a feeling in his heart that if the fish is stabbed forward like this, the country will be very serious.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng decisively chose to withdraw his sword, while exerting the sword of the mountain to defend and retreating backwards. Wang Hua's ice fist once again hit the hill danced by Zhong Cheng, and Zhong Cheng's arm also felt a soreness. Although the defense effect of the Mountain Sword is quite good, after all, Zhong Cheng's strength is very high. Even with such a wonderful magic method, Zhong Cheng will inevitably lose a few points.

With the counterattack of the other party's punch, he soon got out of the opponent's attack circle. When the severe cold in front of the door was not there, Zhong Cheng opened his eyes and knocked on Wang Hua opposite. At a glance, I couldn't help taking a deep breath and feeling deeply grateful for my retreat.

Wang Hua's body has deviated from its original position. If the sword I just stabbed out, the result was to pierce the air. And Wang Hua's ice fist can break his face firmly!

Wang Hua hated the battlefield to the extreme at this time. He was not allowed to breathe. He snorted coldly, picked up his ice fist, and rushed to Zhong Cheng again. Zhong Cheng had no choice but to lift the anti-God Sword and continue to deal with each other. Just after receiving the other party's two straight fists, Zhong Cheng has gradually felt a chill in his body.

In this way, the two fought together again. However, as before, Zhong Cheng relied on the exquisite magic method and dealt with Wang Hua wholeheartedly, and he would not be defeated for a while, but that's all.

Wang Hua understood that the purpose of the Sword of the Wind was a word "fast", so he always stood still and waited for Zhong Cheng's attack. If Zhong Cheng doesn't attack, he will chase him a little bit. For a while, Zhong Cheng was not withdrawing, and the attack was not, and he was very embarrassed.

And what is more painful is the effect of this "ice-chasing fist". Every time Zhong Cheng approaches each other, there will be a bitter cold coming towards him. Zhong Cheng's movements slowed down, the offensive was not sharp, and his gestures were unstable.

If it goes on like this, Zhong Cheng's defeat is only a matter of time. Speaking of which, Zhong Cheng didn't expect to win. After all, the opponent is a divine general, and he is just a divine messenger. A whole large-scale gap is not something that can be overcome.

But Zhong Cheng is very unwilling! After fighting for so long, Zhong Cheng has clearly felt that Wang Hua is not as powerful as he thought. He does have enough strength to suppress himself, but it is not cost-effective to waste a chance to avoid death just for his not very strong strength.

Bauhinia also said that there are only three chances for blood beads to protect themselves. I have used it twice. If I don't use this last time on a guy who is far better than myself, wouldn't it be too sorry for myself and blood beads?

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly popped up in Zhong Cheng's mind. An idea that is enough to turn him back into victory.

After another attack, Zhong Cheng moved away from Wang Hua's attack range. Because the two have been fighting so entangled for a long time, Wang Hua is used to it and is not busy chasing, but standing still and waiting for Zhong Cheng to use his speed to launch another attack.

However, Zhong Cheng did not immediately attack with his sword as he imagined, but rarely stayed in place and looked at himself with a smile.

"What, are you scared?" Wang Hua stared at Zhong Cheng, who behaved strangely, and snorted coldly, "Don't expect me to let you go!" You must die!" The reason why he didn't speed up his attack is that he was afraid that Zhong Cheng would be ambushed, and second, he also consumed a lot of miracles in his body and wanted to take a break for a while.

Do you think I will be scared? I just want to say that this endless fight is really boring!" Zhong Cheng's face was full of a strange smile, and his eyes were a little sharp.

"If you think it's boring, you can commit suicide! Anyway, in the end, you will definitely die in my hands. Instead of wasting time like this, you might as well be more cheerful and cut yourself!" In the depths of Wang Hua's voice, there is still a deep cold. He wants to kill Zhong Cheng, and he believes that he must be able to kill Zhong Cheng!

"Isn't suicide more boring? Don't forget, you want to kill me, not me. If you want to kill me, I will trouble you to be more efficient! I've had enough of such endless tricks!" Zhong Cheng hummed disdainfully, turned the anti-God sword upside down, and then urged the cave ring. With a flash of red light, Zhong Cheng had already added a small fiery red bead in his hand. It is the inner Dan of the leader of the taur.

After seeing this fiery red inner elixir, Wang Hua's eyes clearly glowed.

"Oh, my God! This is, this is not the inner elixir of the six-level monster!"

Wang Hua exclaimed and stared greedily at the fiery red inner elixir. Suddenly, there was a vicious hatred in his eyes, and then he glanced at Zhong Cheng and shouted, "Say! Where did you come from this inner elixir? With your strength, you can't even beat the third-level monster. How can you get the sixth-level monster's inner elixir! Sure enough, something must have happened to you when you went out with the loser girl this afternoon! Say it!"

In the face of Wang Hua, who was aggressive and questioned face to face, Zhong Cheng just smiled contemptuously, narrowed his eyes and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Do you think what you just said just now makes sense? What's my relationship with you? Is it necessary to report my affairs to you? Who do you think you are?"

"Very good! Your mouth is really cheap!" Wang Hua had not expected the answer for a long time, so he was not disappointed. The ferocious color on his face was darker. He gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. Anyway, that inner elixir is mine!"

"Yours? I advise you not to think about it, because..." With that, Zhong Cheng smiled and sent his left hand up. In front of Wang Hua, he swallowed the inner elixir into his mouth.

"Oh, my God! You are crazy! That's the inner elixir of a six-level monster. Do you want to explode and die!"

Wang Hua almost screamed and shouted these words. He never dreamed that Zhong Cheng had the courage to eat this. You know, the inner elixir of monsters can't be stuffed into the stomach casually. If the user does not have the ability to suppress the ferocity of Neidan, he is likely to be counterattacked by the powerful power contained in Neidan, which will eventually lead to physical violence and death!

I would rather commit suicide than take advantage of myself! This is the only explanation that comes to Wang Hua's mind.

But in fact, Zhong Cheng was definitely not committing suicide. All this has to start with Bauhinia.

Just after Zhong Cheng and Gongsu Feixue left the taurman altar, Gongsu Feixue had told him that there was no need to deliberately hunt the fierce bear and take its inner elixir. The strength of the Tauren leader is a little more powerful than that of the tough bear, and it is best to use it as a breakthrough introduction!

As for the question of when to swallow and when to break through, Bauhinia didn't say much, saying that this point had to be judged by Zhong Cheng himself.

In Zhong Cheng's view, under the risk of life, the blood in his body has completely boiled, and this is the best time to break through to the gods!

Therefore, Zhong Cheng did not hesitate at all and swallowed the inner elixir from the Tauren leader without hesitation.

The inner elixir of the six-level monster is really different. After the preparation of Bauhinia, the inner elixir immediately brought a hot colic to Zhong Cheng's body! So much so that Zhong Cheng's center of gravity was unstable and staggered to sit on the ground! Zhong Cheng packed up his mind in a panic and submerged the miracles in his body. With this powerful heat, he began to hit the bottleneck of the divine messenger and move towards the divine general.

The breakthrough process is extremely difficult, so Zhong Cheng's expression has been distorted due to extreme pain. In order to relieve the pain in his body, Zhong Cheng even lay directly on the ground and curled up into a ball.

In Wang Hua's eyes, he thought that Zhong Cheng had taken the internal elixir of the six-level monster, so his body was being swallowed up by the power of the internal medicine. In addition, Zhong Cheng's expression was so painful that Wang Hua strengthened his belief. A very vicious thought suddenly crossed his mind.

"Maybe it's good to let him die like this!"

Thinking of such a plan in his mind, Wang Hua gave up to continue the attack. Instead, he stood aside with his arms in his arms and watched Zhong Cheng's painful expression with great interest.

The heat in Zhong Cheng's body is bigger than one wave, and it is becoming more and more difficult to run miracles. But fortunately, the strength at the beginning is still there, so what Zhong Cheng can do is to rush up desperately, seek breakthroughs, and become a divine general with the help of his own will and the heat of Neidan!