God's Deacon

Chapter 145 Remembrance of the Past

"Fixue, why are you here? Aren't you accompanying the little princess in the palace? Zhong Cheng looked at the beautiful back in front of him and asked doubtfully.

The public lost Feixue looked back and smiled and said, "Sister Yun asked me to come. She said that Brother Murong might take action against you tonight, so let me come and help you."

Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly and sighed, "Let you help me?" This little princess overestimates you. The opponent is a god!"

The public lost Feixue looked at the wooden beast that broke through the air and smiled, "What about the divine appearance? If Sister Yun doesn't know the speed of breaking the air, she won't easily let me help you!" If you have anything to say, let's go out of town and talk about it. Hold on, I'm going to read it faster!"

In Zhong Cheng's view, the speed of breaking the sky is shocking enough, but he never thought that this speed could continue to rise to a higher level and reach the realm of against the sky!

The beast soul in the empty body is the soul of the guardian lion that integrates into the divine vein. Although this soul has received great damage, the guardian lion is the top ancient monster, and its strength is still strong. With the power of the beast soul, the speed of breaking the air has also been greatly increased. When the beast soul recovers for a period of time, even flying in the sky is not a dream problem!

Traveling through the sky and quickly on the street of the imperial city, the scenery on both sides also passed by. In the dazzling eyes, Zhong Cheng and the two had already sat against the sky and came to the gate of the north city.

At this time, it was already late at night, and the gate of the imperial city had already been closed. After seeing Zhong Cheng and the two of them, the general of the city immediately shouted and stopped, saying that he wanted to clear the customs token. Fortunately, Feixue had been prepared for a long time. The jade bracelet on his wrist flashed, and a golden token had fallen into his hand.

After confirming the authenticity of the token, the general did not say anything more and simply opened the door and let it go. Worried that Yin Hong and others would catch up, Fei Xue did not dare to delay for a second, urging ** to break through the air and run out.

After leaving the city, Gongsu Feixue skillfully commanded to break through the air to a path that could not be noticed at night, and then walked along the winding path.

After a while, perhaps it was certain that Yin Hong would not keep up, and the speed of breaking the air gradually slowed down. Finally, at the sign of the public loss, Zhong Cheng turned down from the broken air. And the public lost Feixue also jumped from the broken sky, and then performed some mysterious magic, narrowing the broken body to the size of a palm and included it in the jade bracelet.

After doing everything, Fei Xue breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Zhong Cheng, "I don't think I will be caught up."

"The speed of breaking through the air is so fast that if Yin Hong's bones want to catch up, they have to break through upwards." Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Thank you, Fei Xue. If you hadn't come to save me in the middle of the night, I would have died now."

"There is no need to thank us." The public lost Feixue answered, and then stopped talking. She didn't say anything, and Zhong Cheng couldn't find the topic. The atmosphere on the scene was a little awkward for a while. Speaking of which, since the two of them told each other their love, they haven't had much time to be alone on a moonlit night like this. Because Feixue has been focusing on the debugging of breaking the air.

"Let's go to the gazebo in front of us first, Sister Yun said, let's wait for her there, and then plan the next step together." Finally, the first person to speak was Feixue. After she finished saying this, she took a step and led the way forward. Zhong Cheng answered and followed her silently.

In fact, they don't know each other. Just like tonight, although the public lost Feixue hurried to save Zhong Cheng once, she didn't even know when and for what reason Zhong Cheng offended Yin Hong.

This time, Zhong Cheng decided to tell him some secrets that are not always there. Only by omiting all the events about Bauhinia, then there will be no problem.

After walking along the path in the suburbs for a while, the front suddenly became bright, and a pavilion by the stream reflected into their vision. The environment here is very elegant, with all kinds of flowers and trees, and it is particularly unique with the stream. However, it is a little regrettable that this pavilion is very fiasco, as if it has not been used for many years, and it is full of spider webs.

Gongsui Feixue didn't care about the slightly broken appearance of the pavilion at all. When she saw the pavilion for the first time, a trace of warm nostalgia suddenly appeared in her eyes. Between the turning of his eyes, he was full of remembrance and remembrance of the past.

In Zhong Cheng's impression, it was the first time that Fei Xue showed this expression in front of him. So he also stayed still and subconsciously stared at the pavilion built by the stream. This dilapidated pavilion seems to record a period of history worth remembering, full of traces of years.

"Go in."

The emotional public lost Fei Xue said softly, slowly walked into the pavilion, stretched out his delicate jade hand with thousands of thoughts, and gently touched a stone and a pillar in the pavilion. Every touch, there must be a slight range on the corners of her mouth.

The warm and sad smile touched Zhong Cheng's heartbeat. He could feel how important this gazebo was to Fei Xue. Because what is sealed here is the memory of the past.

Zhong Cheng didn't want to disturb Gongyu Feixue's memories of the past, so he sat quietly on the stone bench in the pavilion and silently stared at the 16-year-old beautiful girl in front of him.

Later, Fei Xue also sat down. Zhong Cheng asked her about the story here, and Gongsu Feixue told Zhong Cheng the story of her and the pavilion.

Since the departure of the guardian lion, Feixue, who showed his talent for cultivation, was quickly sent back to his home by the family. At this time, my family has already been fragmented and its strength has been greatly reduced. In such a lonely family, what their descendants have to do is undoubtedly to revive the style. Although Gongsu Feixue is a woman, as the only heir of the Gongsou family, she has undoubtedly shouldered the burden of revitalizing the family's former glory.

At that time, she was just a child, but she was prematurely deprived of the opportunity to enjoy childlike innocence. It can be imagined how cruel this is for a six- or seven-year-old girl. In the memory of Feixue, almost all of his childhood was spent in learning. In the heavy study, the only thing that can comfort her young heart is another little girl in this pavilion and pavilion.

If she hadn't come to Jihuang City to study in the year when she was seven years old, she would not have met the Princess Tianji Kingdom, who was two years older than herself.

After meeting the little princess, the two little girls soon became friends. Later, the active little princess took her to the gazebo on the outskirts of the city. In the future, they forgot all their troubles, played together, played together, and enjoyed this carefree childhood together.

Here, Gongci Feixue spent the second happy time in her life. If she didn't meet the little princess, if she didn't come here as a gazebo, she would almost forget what was laughing.

Zhong Cheng never knew that Murongyun, the little princess, turned out to be so important to Fei Xue. Once again, Zhong Cheng was very happy and satisfied to learn more about the people he loved deeply. He knew that there must be many unhemented past events, and Zhong Cheng would do his best to understand and listen to these past events. He needs to know his lover, because only those who know each other can love each other.

After listening to Gongsu Feixue's past with this pavilion and Murong Yun, Zhong Cheng also told Gongsu Feixue something about himself. However, Zhong Cheng only told Feixue how he offended Yin Hong. As for his origin and background, Zhong Cheng continued to maintain a confidential attitude.

This also embarrassed the atmosphere of the gazebo again: Zhong Cheng didn't want to reveal too much about himself, so he closed his mouth; while Fei Xue didn't say a word as if he was angry.

Zhong Cheng also hoped that he could describe everything without hesitation like Fei Xue, but reason told him that he could not do so. Now he is doing something that ordinary people can't imagine. His origin is incredible, and the people he communicate with are also incredible.

So all this hidden by Zhong Cheng is a secret, a secret that must not be mentioned by outsiders!

Just when the two were relatively speechless, there was a sudden sound in the path, and then Murong Yun, dressed in black, came from the distance of the path.