God's Deacon

Chapter 147 Northern Town

This quiet town in the north is as calm and peaceful as its name. But since the smoke of war began to spread, the peace and tranquility of this town have ceased to exist. Because Jinghe Town is located at the junction of the Inter and Jiang, it has become the cruelest battlefield overnight since Jiang launched a war against the British.

Jinghe Town is the land of the Anglo people. Like most of the Anglo people, the people here have silver hair and a hospitable enthusiasm. But now, these Int people have fewer smiles and more sad faces.

Just because of this war launched by Jiang Guo, it ruthlessly destroyed their hearts and bodies. When Jinghe Town is no longer quiet and peaceful, the change is understandable.

At this time, Zhong Cheng walked alone in this northern town, with black hair different from passers-by.

Originally, in a British town such as Jinghe Town, people with black hair like Zhong Cheng were quite rare. The reason is very simple. People with black hair are all people from the divine continent. And such people have always been proud of their arrogance, so people in the mainland have rarely come and disdain for this kind of foreign land.

But now, Jinghe Town has many people with black hair on the flat ground. And most of these people are sergeants in armor.

Of course, these foreigners who suddenly appeared on the British land did not come to visit. This can be seen from the faces of those sergeants wearing armor and fierce faces. Just because Jiang occupied here, they had to come and garrison, otherwise, they would not want to stay among a group of Britons.

And for these people with black hair, the faces of the Intes no longer have the hospitality of the past. They simply resented this group of disdainful and arrogant guys, resenting that they had destroyed their homes.

The war is still going on and has fallen into a stalemate.

There are two reasons why Zhong Cheng refused Murong Yun's kindness and went to the north alone. The first British is the hometown of the Sword God; second, in order to strengthen the power of the anti-sky sword, Zhong Cheng must go to the British to take something.

In Bauhinia, the important thing is the second one. In Zhong Cheng's view, it is more important to see the hometown of the Sword God. Until now, Zhong Cheng can't forget how valiant and heroic the sword god in the underworld is.

So, Zhong Cheng said goodbye to Tianji Kingdom, bid farewell to Fei Xue, and came to the land of the north alone. Since Zhong Cheng was mostly on his way to the north, he didn't encounter any trouble along the way. Of course, the money ran out quickly, but fortunately, he still had a token of the Qian family, and the Qian family's bank was everywhere, so money was never a problem.

Zhong Cheng also heard a little about Jiang Guo's war with the British. However, he did not expect that the trauma caused by the war to the hearts of the people had been so serious. The Bauhinia layer told him that the Intes are hospitable, optimistic and sunny, but now he doesn't see these characteristics at all.

This is the cruelty of war. Even those sergeants, how can they not be exhausted by the war?

Zhong Cheng walked all morning and was hungry. In recent days, due to the rush, Zhong Cheng has been vomiting. Now that it's easy to get to this British town, Zhong Cheng has no reason not to find a shop to sit in. Today's Jinghe town has been occupied by Jiang Guo, so the store has reopened, so it is not difficult to find an inn to sit in.

After a while, Zhong Cheng found an inn, so he didn't care about it and turned in directly. After entering, he regretted it. Yes, this is indeed an inn, but the special feature of this inn is that all the guests in the inn have white hair. A black-haired figure like Zhong Cheng came in and looked particularly eye-catching.

But if you come in, you can't quit without saying a word. Up to now, Zhong Cheng has to find a place to sit down and greet his second brother.

Xiao Er, who had white hair, came over angrily and stared at Zhong Cheng without saying a word.

The second child in this store may be just an incompetent little person, but even so, his burning angry eyes still deeply shocked Zhong Cheng. In his opinion, it seems that Zhong Cheng destroyed his hometown.

Fortunately, Zhong Cheng is the kind of person who is full of resistance, so even if he knows that the second child in this store hates himself, he can still keep calm. To Zhong Cheng's surprise, the second child in the store didn't say much. After listening to it, he retired and said "Wait a minute".

When he arrived here, Zhong Cheng had to sigh that his people were simple and the people were kind.

While waiting, Zhong Cheng began to take a good looking at the situation around him as usual. In this small inn, there are several Anglo diners sitting scattered at this moment. These Intes don't look good and look sad. No wonder, after all, their land is being tested by war.

Among these Intes, a white-haired youth attracted Zhong Cheng's attention. This young man is about 20 years old, with shoulder-length white hair, beautiful appearance, and wearing an ordinary cloth coat. On the table in front of him, there was a two-handed sword about 1.6 meters long and 3 centimeters wide. However, the sword is wearing a scabbard, so Zhong Cheng can't see its sword body.

Zhong Cheng didn't wait too long, and the dishes he ordered were served on the table by the shopkeeper. Zhong Cheng took a few bites and found that it tasted really good. Because it was delicious, Zhong Cheng forgot that the other party might poison the dishes and began to eat a lot. While he was eating happily, a roar suddenly came from the door of the store.


Then, three black-haired sergeants in armor walked into the inn with leather boots. After watching the three people come in, all the British people in the store looked at the three of them in an instant. That look was like seeing the indignation of killing his father's enemy to the extreme.

I have to say that due to the impact of the war, the business of this store is not good, and there are still many empty seats. But these three sergeants did not find an empty seat like Zhong Cheng, but went straight to a diner's table.

"Rabbit, why don't you give up your seat to me!" The national-faced sergeant, led by the three, slapped the wooden table and cursed angrily.

The Inte glanced at the sergeant coldly, hummed, and did not get out of the way. His move immediately aroused the anger of the three sergeants, and the leading sergeant shouted "Your grandmother!" Then he kicked over the wooden table, then grabbed the neckline of the Intes and pulled it up from the bench.

"Dog/mother's stuff, I want you to let you go. Don't you know that this is the land of Jiang Guo?" As soon as the national-faced sergeant said something, he immediately slapped the British in the face, and then tried his arms to throw the man out!

Although this sergeant is not a god, he is burly and powerful, so in front of him, the Anglo people who are as thin as chickens are not mentioned at all.


When his body fell to the ground heavily, there was a scream in the mouth of the Inter people, and his expression was distorted to the extreme because of pain. But even so, he still didn't put on a begging face. This is because the British people are born with arrogance that they will never give up. No matter how strong their opponents are, they will not be afraid.

And this reaction of the Inter people undoubtedly aroused the anger of the national-faced sergeant. He roared and suddenly pulled out the big knife around his waist and scolded, "Your grandmother, I don't believe that you are not afraid!" After saying that, the angry sergeant didn't care so much, and rushed forward with a big knife!

When he arrived here, Zhong Cheng couldn't sit still. He couldn't watch such violent incidents happen in front of him. But just as he was about to rush forward, a bright sword lay in front of the national-faced sergeant.

I don't know when the handsome young Intel has pulled out his sword to protect the Intel who was knocked to the ground because of his proud bones.