God's Deacon

Chapter 151 Dreen Tribe

After the sword light flashed, the bodies of the three sergeants had fallen heavily on the cold ground. They didn't even make a scream before they died!

Just because of the speed of this sword, it is really outrageously fast!

Among the fallen three-life sergeant, there was one person that Zhong Cheng was very familiar with. This person was no one else. He was the most arrogant at the beginning, and in the end, he was afraid of the most powerful Wang Hu. It is also reasonable for Wuhua to choose him to sacrifice the sword. As for the other two sergeants, they are the two most coaxed.

It can be seen that Wuhua still judged carefully and did not kill easily.

When Wuhua withdrew, Qin Zhujian's sword was already soaked with Yinghong's blood. The blood on the sword began to gradually penetrate into the interior of the sword body, little by little, until it completely disappeared. After that, Qin Zhujian's sword god lit a faint red light, like blood.

Seeing that Qin Zhujian was in this state, Wuhua breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he shouted at the group of sergeants who were still in shock in front of him, "Don't go yet!"

His voice is not loud, but he has an irresistible courage. After a short silence, a sergeant rushed out first, and then all the surviving sergeants rushed out desperately, as if they had met a devil.

After waiting for someone to leave, Wuhua breathed a sigh of relief again. Then, he put Qin Zhujian upside down on the ground, and then stretched out his hand to wipe the blade of Qin Zhujian. The sharp blade easily cut the unpretentious skin, and blood oozed from his palm and flowed on Qin Zhu Jian's sword.

With the infiltration of Wuhua's blood, the light red blood light over Qin Zhujian began to gradually recede until it became invisible.

Finally, Qin Zhujian restored his original appearance, and the sword body became as bright as before.

Next, Wuhua pulled out Qin Zhujian, walked to the table with the scabbard, withdrew Qin Zhujian back into the scabbard, and then connected the scabbard to carry Qin Zhujian behind his back.

After doing all this, Wuhua sighed again.

"It's all settled. What else do you have to sigh?" Zhong Cheng asked.

Wuhua looked at the Qin Zhujian behind him and shook his head and said, "No, the matter has not been resolved yet. Or, things have just begun."

"Oh?" Zhong Cheng was stunned, pondered for a while, and nodded, "You're right. It's just the beginning. After all, this place is still occupied by Jiang Guo!"

Wuhua closed his eyes, raised his head and sighed, "Yes, I don't know how much disaster my impulsive behavior this time will bring to the people of Jinghe Town. To be honest, I have begun to regret it.

"You don't have to regret it. Even if you don't do it today, your people can still live a stable life. Because the war in this town is burning. Zhong Cheng's expression is not good-looking. As a normal person, his aversion to war is also innate.

"Yes, because the war has broken out..." Wuhua put away his gloomy eyes, squeezed out a smile, and said, "I have to leave here. As you know, if I don't leave, this quiet town will not be peaceful. So goodbye."

"Wait, I'll go with you. Anyway, I can't bring the food I want, and it doesn't make sense to stay here. And I also want to ask you something, don't you mind?" Zhong Cheng stood up from his position and asked.

Whua smiled and said, "Of course not. Since you will come here from Linghai thousands of miles away, I guess you must have something important. It happens that I am a British and I am very familiar with this land. If there is anything to help you, I will not refuse.

Zhong Cheng arched his hand and smiled, "Thank you very much."

In this way, Zhong Cheng and Wuhua left the inn together. In order to reduce some unnecessary trouble, the two did not dare to stay more in Jinghe Town and left the town quickly. Fortunately, because the battle has just ended, the patrolling soldiers look tired, and now during the war, it is normal to carry weapons with them, so Wuhua with two-handed swords on his back did not attract the attention of the soldiers.

After leaving the town smoothly, they did not dare to stop immediately and hurried forward for a long time to a small forest. Finally, next to a spring in the woods, the two of them finally stopped and decided to rest for a while.

Zhong Cheng came to the spring, picked up a mouthful of the spring and took a sip. Then he gasped a few times and said to Wuhua, "It should be okay to get here, right? Anyway, why do we run like thieves? Can't you walk slowly?"

"There should be no problem. Those soldiers should not have the patience to come here." At this time, Wuhua was sitting on a boulder with a pleasant expression. I don't want to do anything with them."

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful, but you have a good temper. Just before you started, you gave the officer enough face!" Zhong Cheng sat down and praised.

Whua smiled carelessly and said, "It's okay. I really don't like to fight with others. By the way, you said you had something to ask me, but I don't know what's going on?"

"Oh, that's it. Do you know where a tribe called 'Drian' in the Intel people is? Zhong Cheng asked.

"Drian!" After listening to Zhong Cheng's words, Wuhua shouted in surprise, and then stared at Zhong Cheng suspiciously and said warily, "What are you doing in this place?"

"It's nothing. I just want to get something." Zhong Cheng took a look at Wuhua and explained, "Don't get me wrong. The owner of this thing asked me to take it. It's definitely not a robbery!"

"Oh, that's it." Wuhua nodded slowly and still looked alert, "Can you explain what it is?"

"This..." Zhong Cheng lowered his head for a while, and then looked up and said, "Yes, it's just a scabbard! According to the year, there should be tens of thousands of years of history.

"The scabbard!"

Suddenly, Wuhua suddenly pulled out the Qin Zhu Jian behind him, his eyes were round, and he shouted harshly, "Who asked you to get it!"

Wura was originally an extraordinary person, but now he scolds harshly, and his power forced Zhong Cheng to be shocked.

But Zhong Cheng is also an extraordinary person. He soon stabilized his body and adjusted the rhythm of his heartbeat. He breathed a sigh of relief, looked directly at the murderous Wuhua in front of him, and asked slowly, "Brother Wuhua, what do you mean? I'm just asking you about a place, and I don't mean to be your enemy!"

"Less change the topic!" Wu Hua shouted fiercely, "Answer me, who asked you to take the scabbard. What's the purpose of your scabbard?"

In the face of Wuhua in anger, Zhong Cheng did not retreat half a step, but faced its sharpness and said, "Didn't I say that? The owner of the scabbard asked me to take it!"

Zhong Cheng's words further aroused the anger in Wuhua's chest. He roared and shouted, "Bah! Do you think I will believe your words? The owner of the scabbard died tens of thousands of years ago. How could he order you to help him get the scabbard back? Or do you come from the underworld?

Zhong Cheng muttered in his heart, "Yes, I did come from the underworld" and then said, "Believe it or not, I didn't lie to you. It was indeed the owner of the "Reverse Sword" who asked me to take away its scabbard..."

Before he finished his words, Wuhua had waved his "Xin Zhujian" and roared, "Okay, you not only know that the 'Drian' tribe exists, but you also know about the 'Reverse Heaven Sword'! You bastard, answer me! How much research have you done on the 'Drian' tribe in private? What is the purpose of your trip to the tribe?"

"I really have no purpose, I just want to take away the scabbard of the anti-God Sword," Zhong Cheng stretched out his hands helplessly and said, "Brother Wuhua, why are you so defensive against me? Do you know what's strange about the 'Drian tribe' and 'Anti-God Sword'?"

"Of course it's strange! Because the 'Drian tribe' is the most mysterious and secretive tribe of the Intel clan, and the anti-God Sword is the most sacred peerless treasure of the 'Drian' tribe!"

A man's voice slowly floated into the ears of Zhong Cheng and Wuhua. The two followed the sound and saw that there were two more men and two women in the forest.