God's Deacon

Chapter 153 Giant Rock Wall

Junlang was not surprised by Wuhua's response, but nodded as a matter of course and said, "The people of the Drian tribe are really not afraid of death!" Good, since you said so, I will fulfill you!" With that, Junlang stretched out his hand again, and his palm turned to Wuhua. It seemed that he was going to exert "gravity pressure".

"Wait!" The situation was urgent, and Zhong Cheng did not hesitate. He took a step forward and stopped Junlang.

"Hmm?" Junlang's eyebrows condensed and looked at Zhong Cheng with a puzzled look. That reaction looks like Zhong Cheng has just been discovered, which is a deep blow to Zhong Cheng!

"Oh, it turns out that there is a handsome little handsome man here! Really, why didn't you find it at the beginning?" The charming woman threw a charming eye at Zhong Cheng and smiled gracefully. As for how pretentious this smile is, Zhong Cheng doesn't want to delve into it.

Next to this woman, Junlang always looks so calm and calm. After a slight shock, Junlang regained his previous facial expression and said coldly, "Who are you? Judging from your hair color, you should not be an Anglo; and depending on your dress, you are not a soldier of our country.

"The next name is Zhong Cheng, which comes from a small island above the Oriental Spirit Sea. He is not a native of Jiang or a British." Zhong Cheng holds the idea of salute first and then soldiers, so his tone is still relatively gentle.

Of course, regardless of Zhong Cheng's attitude, Junlang's tone is still cold, as if the whole world has a grudge against him. After listening to Zhong Cheng's self-introduction, his face showed a little doubt and frowned, "You are an oriental, what are you doing outside the northwest?"

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Of course, you have something to do when you come here. As for anything, I hope you don't have to ask General Jun."

"Well, I just want to ask you one question, and you must answer me truthfully!" With that, Junlang glanced at Wuhua, who fell softly on the ground, and then turned his eyes back to Zhong Cheng, "Why are you involved with this Derien tribe? What's the relationship between you?

"I have nothing to do with this bastard!" Before Zhong Cheng answered, Wuhua had struggled to speak first. It can be seen that his vigilance and anger against Zhong Cheng have not subsided.

Wuhua's unexempted run completely extreme the anger in Zhong Cheng's heart. Anyway, he is a bloody person. No matter how good his temper is, he will inevitably get angry.

So, Zhong Cheng echoed, "Yes, I really don't have any intersection with Er/force. I just met today. As for why this problem is brought together, it's just a coincidence.

"Do you meet by chance?" Junlang repeated doubtfully.

"That's right, it's just a chance!" Zhong Cheng replied affirmatively.

Junlang snorted coldly and frowned, "Since it was a chance encounter, why did you stop me from killing him? Give me a reason to satisfy me!"

"Of course it's because..." Zhong Cheng made an appearance to explain. Suddenly, his right hand was raised, and the ring in his hand lit up with a glare. Then, a black pistol fell into Zhong Cheng's hand.

Zhong Cheng, who held the handgun, did not hesitate and directly fired a shot at Junlang directly opposite him. At the same time, his legs moved, with the blessing of the sword of the wind, and began to move quickly. There is only one purpose, that is, to make Junlang's "gravity pressure" not be applied to him.

If this shot by Zhong Cheng was just an ordinary bullet, Junlang would never even look at it and waved it directly. But now, the shot by Zhong Cheng is using an armor-piercing bullet containing miracles! Its power is at least ten times stronger than ordinary bullets, which is a force that even people like Junlang can't ignore.

Seeing that the sharp armor-piercing bullet on his head burst into front of him at a lightning speed, Junlang's face showed a serious look for the first time. He raised his eyebrows and had a mirage. When the armor-piercing bullet shot in front of his face, he suddenly took action and hit the center of the armor-piercing bullet. The strong spirit on his finger actually bounced the armor-piercing bullet out!

Seeing this scene, Zhong Cheng's face was a little more solemn, and he thought to himself, "It's really a god-level figure!" Zhong Cheng knows best what the power of armor-piercing bullets is. You know, Zhong Cheng only has five armor-piercing bullets like this!

This kind of armor-piercing bullet with miracles can kill a general-level character in an instant when the opponent is undefenseful. And if you want to rebound it, at least you need a god-level figure. And if you want to fly it so easily, your strength is absolutely impossible to be lower than that of the God King! Moreover, judging from the colorless miracle bursting out in Junlang's body, he should belong to a higher level in this stage of the god king.

What a tricky guy!

In the face of such an enemy, Zhong Cheng has never thought about how to kill with one blow, but is very realistic about how to retreat smoothly. To this end, he must first understand the details of the other party, especially the magic method of "gravity pressure". Zhong Cheng must first figure out what his farthest attack distance is before he can plan a plan accordingly.

If only one person escapes, it will be much easier. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng must take away the injured Wuhua before evacuating. Before Wuhua was injured, the speed was too fast to say; but after the injury, it undoubtedly became a big burden. If he hadn't appreciated his unyielding character and wanted to get some information about the Drian tribe from him, Zhong Cheng would not have come to this muddy water.

Back to the war, Junlang looked angry after he shot at his armor-piercing bullet, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. And the miracles running in his body were also more violent in anger and murder, and an invisible airflow lingered around his body. Zhong Cheng knew that it was a miracle!

After the miracle is truly materialized, it will transform into an invisible airflow, which will show different postures according to the different divine methods learned by the owner. Because Junlang is a god who is good at using earth attributes, his miracles are relatively dignified and may turn into hard boulders at any time.

Zhong Cheng saw that Junlang had turned on this state, and his rapidly moving body dared not stop. Because at this time, Junlang's eyes are constantly following his body. I'm afraid that Zhong Cheng will be attacked by an unimaginable magic attack as soon as he reveals a little flaw!

"Hmm! Play little clever guy, do you think you can run away?

Suddenly, Junlang snorted coldly, right-clicked, pointed his index finger directly in front of Zhong Cheng, and shouted, "God's law, giant rock wall!"

"What!" When Zhong Cheng was surprised, there was a sudden roar in front of him, and then a high wall made of earth and stone crossed in front of him, abruptly blocking his way!

Zhong Cheng's surprise can be imagined. He quickly turned around, stepped on his feet on the stone wall, and tried his best to fly backwards by the anti-shock.

Looking at Junlang again, he sneered and suddenly turned his finger into the palm of his hand, showing the divine "gravity pressure" in the direction of Zhong Cheng. This action really shocked Zhong Cheng with a cold sweat. Without waiting for enough strength, he directly bounced his legs and flew out in the opposite direction.


When Zhong Cheng's body had just detached from the stone wall behind him, there was a sudden sound of a bursting behind him, and then the bursting stone wall shot several flying stones in all directions. A few of them are flying towards Zhong Cheng's back!

"So, use the force of gravity to blow up the stone wall, and then use the flying stone of the stone wall itself to carry out an all-round attack? That's awesome!"

But now Zhong Cheng has no time to lament the power of the other party, because three huge stones are about to hit his back! What's worse, Zhong Cheng is now in mid-air and has nowhere to borrow, so it is impossible to avoid this wave of attacks at all!

At this critical moment, Zhong Cheng maintained his usual good habit of calmness, carried out miracles, and suddenly used the divine method - the sword of the mountain!

With the development of the divine method, Zhong Cheng suddenly had a hill formed by earthy gray light behind him. After hitting such a hill, the straight flying stone smashed one after another! And every time a flying stone is broken, Zhong Cheng's look will be even more ugly.

The defensive magic of the mountain sword is just a concept, and it doesn't have to be launched when holding a long sword. This is the same as the sword of the wind. Zhong Cheng can still use the wind attribute of the sword of the wind without coming against the sword of heaven. Therefore, when Zhong Cheng does not have a sword, he can still take advantage of the defensive role of the mountain sword.

However, compared with holding the hand against the sky, its defense effect will be more or less discounted. This is also the reason why Zhong Cheng's face was ugly, because he was really hit by flying stones!