God's Deacon

Chapter 155 Dragon's Wrath

After listening to Zhong Cheng's words, Junlang frowned and said in a low voice, "Give me a reason why you can take him away."

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Actually, whether you kill him or not, it doesn't have much impact on you, does it? In this case, why do you waste time killing him?

Junlang snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes and waited for Zhong Cheng's face, and said coldly, "Joke, do I need a reason to kill people?"

After listening to this, Zhong Cheng lowered his head and was silent. For him, the biggest headache is that this is not the reason. Because this itself is the speaker's strong words, and there is only one thing to convince the other party, that is, to speak with strength. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng's strength is far less than Junlang now.

Junlang saw Zhong Cheng's helpless face, so he smiled coldly and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you. For the sake of your Qian family, go quickly!"

Zhong Cheng closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes, pointed to Wuhua on the ground, and said, "What if I must take him with me?"

"Then both of you will be buried here!" When he said that, Junlang's eyes were already full of murderous intent. It can be seen that he did what he said.

When it comes to this, it should be a fight, but before that, Zhong Cheng has to confirm one thing first.

"Kill me? Aren't you afraid that my people will come to you for revenge? Don't forget what the status of the Qian family is on the Tongshen mainland. Although you are the god king, I'm afraid you are invincible!" Perhaps it is too deeply influenced by the anti-God Sword. Zhong Cheng's words are deeply domineering.

To Zhong's expectation, a trace of disdain appeared on Junlang's face. He raised his chin slightly and said indifferently, "Whether you are from the Qian family or not, even if you are, so what? Don't forget, this is outside the fortress. It's rare. I'll kill you now. Who knows?

"Well..." Zhong Cheng's eyebrows were condensed, and he knew that it was meaningless to talk about it any more, so he began to quickly run miracles in his body and was ready to continue fighting.

"Zhong Cheng, no!"

Suddenly hearing this reminder from Bauhinia, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be stunned and stopped the operation of the miracle inexplicably. But the loud laughter from the opposite side seemed to tell Zhong Cheng that it was too late to stop!

"Hahaha!" Junlang raised his head and laughed for a burst of laughter, then shook his head, looked at Zhong Cheng, and sneered, "Humph! As expected! You are not from the Qian family, are you?"

Zhong Cheng was shocked and thought to himself, "How did he know?" But on the surface, because he was afraid that Junlang was deliberately testing himself, Zhong did not show any abnormality, but smiled and said, "Really? We can make a bet and have a try.

Junlang snorted and shook his head, "There is no need to bet. Just when you just ran the miracle, it already showed that you were not from the Qian family! Haven't you reacted now?"

After listening to Junlang's words, Zhong Cheng was even more confused. In his opinion, his reaction just now should be normal!

When Zhong Cheng was puzzled about what to do, the soft girl of Bauhinia slowly came to Zhong Cheng's ears.

"Idiot, since the Qian family is a family of the three gods, I'm afraid they already have the strength to have eyeliner all over the world on the Tongshen continent. The reason why I just said 'no' is that I hope you can show more self-confidence so that your opponent can have concerns! And you are too anxious. In the face of a strong man at the level of God King, do you think you can seize the opportunity?

After listening to Bauhinia's explanation, Zhong Cheng understood how much trouble he had just caused him. Unfortunately, now, all regrets are meaningless. Now that they have been exposed, Zhong Cheng has to deal with each other.

Retelling this, Zhong Cheng did not hesitate any more, shouted violently, suddenly punched, and hit Junlang opposite in the air!

"Breaking the sky!"

In an all of an hour, a strong spirit came straight to you. But as the god king, how can Junlang be afraid of Zhong Cheng's attack? Junlang stretched out his right hand and pointed gently on the ground in front of him. Then he took out the ground and immediately rumbled up, forming a stone wall to block the attack.

Looking at Junlang, it's as if it's effortless. It is no wonder that Zhong Cheng has cultivated to the level of "God General", but compared with Junlang, who is the king of God, he is two levels worse! Therefore, Junlang's attack did not even qualify him to tickle, and there was no threat.

At this moment, there was a roar in front of Junlang, and then a golden cylindrical metal penetrated the stone wall in front of him and rushed to him!

This is Zhong Cheng's second armor-piercing bullet!

"This is the case again!"

With a cold snorting, Junlang's body remained motionless, condensed a miracle on his right hand, raised his hand, and cut it forward with one palm. With a soft sound, the armor-piercing bullet shot at Junlang has flown high in mid-air.

Sure enough, in front of the God King, any attack by Zhong Cheng is powerless!

However, Zhong Cheng will not give up the attack like this. He showed his figure, lifted his pistol, and wandered around Junlang while quickly pulling the trigger.

Just after Junlang flew the armor-piercing bomb, there was a roar in the forest, and then several bullets shot at Junlang's position from all directions.

Seeing this scene, Junlang's face showed a trace of panic for the first time. Obviously, he did not expect Zhong Cheng to have the ability to fire so many bullets in one breath. But Junlang is the god king who has experienced hundreds of battles. Although he showed a trace of panic, he was still calm.

But when he saw Junlang snorting coldly, he pointed his hands around him and shouted, "God, giant rock wall!" Then, a stone wall rose up and protected Junlang and the woman beside him. This time, Junlang deliberately increased the output of the miracle, so the stone walls around him were several times harder than just now, so he was not worried that his stone walls would be penetrated by Zhong Cheng's bullets.

When Zhong Cheng saw Junlang doing this, he smiled and didn't see any regret at all. The reason why he would do this is very simple, that is, Junlang was cheated. Ask Zhong Cheng, who only has five armor-piercing bullets in total, how can he release so much in one breath?

So now Zhong Cheng's shooting are all ordinary bullets containing miracles!

This bullet is five times less powerful than an armor-piercing bullet. A god king like Junlang doesn't need to use any magic at all. He only needs to release the miracle in his body, and he can bounce it off with the power of the miracle. Therefore, there is no need for Junlang to use the "giant rock wall" at all.

But Junlang was affected by the armor-piercing bullet just now and mistakenly thought that Zhong Cheng was firing all armor-piercing bullets, so he did so for the sake of safety.

And his approach undoubtedly hit Zhong Cheng's bosom. Don't forget that Zhong Cheng's purpose is to take Wuhua and escape together. Today, Junlang and the two are wrapped in the center by the stone wall, which is undoubtedly Zhong Cheng's last chance!

Zhong Cheng did not waste any time. At the moment when Junlang and the two were surrounded by the stone wall, he put away the pistol in his hand, quickly rushed to Wuhua's side, and then helped him up.

"Damn it! So heavy!" Zhong Cheng complained in a low voice and tried his best to resist Wuhua on his shoulder. Then, he turned his eyes to the stone wall not far from him. Due to the end of the shooting, the raised stone wall has begun to collapse. It is estimated that Junlang will be able to meet Zhong Cheng face to face in less than a second.

Zhong Cheng will not give his opponent this opportunity!

He stared and suddenly whispered, "Dragon, help me!" As soon as the words fell, the ring in Zhong Cheng's hand suddenly burst out a dazzling golden light, and then there was a loud dragon sound in the woods!

The violent golden light in front of Zhong Cheng suddenly rose to the sky and gradually transformed into a dragon! At this time, the stone wall in front of Junlang had completely collapsed, allowing them to witness the demeanor of the golden dragon.

"Oh, my God! It's actually a dragon!" The woman screamed and was stunned. Although Junlang beside her didn't make a sound, his face was extremely dark!

At first glance, the dragon, whether it was Junlang or the charming woman, showed shock on his face without exception! They never dreamed that they were lucky enough to witness the demeanor of the dragon in their lifetime!

That's a dragon, a real dragon that combines nobility and domineering!