God's Deacon

Chapter 170 Soul Blasting

However, before Gongsun's fantasy, Zhong Cheng's blow had rushed towards him head-on. What is its power? Look at the earth full of turbulent gravel! Just at the beginning, the earth has shown a collapsing trend. If this force rushes straight through, I'm afraid it will raze the whole forest to the ground!

Looking at this blow, Gongsun's face did not look frightened at all. Admittedly, he did not have the ability to withstand such an unnatural blow, but it was not difficult to avoid it. After all, Gongsun Yae could fly magic. But just as Gongsun Wei was about to rush into the air, his body was suddenly stunned. Then, his face turned pale in an instant! It's pale and almost transparent! For the first time, there was panic in his eyes, deep panic!

In front of Gongsun Xiao, the huge energy generated by the blow did not hit Gongsun Xiao's head-on, but towards the air at an angle of 30 degrees. But the terrible thing is that because the power of this blow is so powerful that the radius of this energy is extremely large, it not only blocked Gongsun's route to escape to the sky, but also forced Gongsun's fate to retreat back to avoid its edge.

And the 100 meters behind Gongsun's night is the gate of the underworld that has been fully opened! The battlefield is like this. In an instant, the victory or defeat can be reversed! Gongsun, who was still confident just now, can't laugh anyway. Gongsun, who is good at illusion, can kill others invisibly, but his physical defense ability is really not good compared with characters of the same level. Therefore, Zhong Cheng's blow mixed with the power of the dragon soul and the power against the sky can't be stopped!

In order to survive, Gongsun Wei did not stop. Before the power spread to him, he had retreated like a wind. He looked up at the huge energy with white light above his head, and then looked at the strong energy in front of him. For the first time, his face showed an embarrassed look.

Now, for Gongsun Xiao, it is definitely impossible to go up, and due to the rapid and abnormal energy in front of him, it is impossible to dodge left and right. No, after a short round, Gongsun Yai would fall into such a passive situation.

If he retreats like this, he will enter the gate of the underworld by himself. Once human beings enter the underworld, it is equivalent to death. Once he touches the gate of the underworld, his body will stay outside the gate, and his soul will enter the inside of the gate. And when the soul enters the underworld, it can no longer come out!

What frightened Gongsun Xiao was that because Zhong Cheng's blow was a desperate idea, he almost used his whole body to take action. This was also the already powerful blow to become more violent, so violent that even Gongsun Yai didn't know how to retreat!

Time did not stop. When Gongsun Xiao realized the gloom behind him, he knew that he had been forced to the door of the underworld gate! Unfortunately, I still haven't thought of any way to retreat. In fact, when Zhong Cheng approached him and made the blow, I'm afraid everything was doomed!

Now Gongsun Yai suddenly began to regret. If he could only take away the remnant soul of the dragon satisfactorily at the beginning, Zhong Cheng would have died and he would not be forced to this point. Unfortunately, regret is useless now. At this point, even if he uses his best "illusion born" to control Zhong Cheng's brain, it is impossible to change the current war situation! Because Zhong Cheng, who did his best, could no longer stop this attack. And Gongsun Yai no longer has the ability to avoid or block this blow

It's over, yes, it's over!

However, the pride of the demon soul told Gongsun Wei that he could not let Zhong Cheng take away the life of a demon soul so easily! Suddenly, a strange sneer hung on his face. He suddenly put the palm of his right hand gently on his chest, then closed his eyes and gently sang about life.

Although Zhong Cheng is winning, his eyes have never been removed from Gongsun's body, so he can see Gongsun's sudden action clearly. Of course, he didn't know what Gongsun was doing, but his intuition told him that this would never be a good omen. Especially when Gongsun Wei is about to enter the gate of the underworld, this feeling is even more intense.

Almost as a conditioned reflex, Zhong Cheng suddenly tried his best to put away the attack and retreated. Of course, due to the remaining energy, the huge energy formed by the white light still exists. However, for Gongsun, these seem to have nothing to do with each other.

Gongsun's originally retreated body suddenly settled in place. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the strong energy shot in front of him with a sneer. He shook his head and smiled, "That's all right!" With these two long sighs, Gongsun Wei flattened in the palm of his right hand on his chest and suddenly burst out a super energy that Zhong Cheng had never seen before! This energy took Gongsun's body as the center and began to spread crazily in all directions!

Self-detonation! Gongsun Wei actually blew himself up at this critical moment!

Zhong Cheng did not expect that Gongsun Yai still had such a hand. When he just wanted to escape, everything around him had been completely smashed by the powerful power generated by self-detonation! From afar, the dazzling light formed by this huge explosion is like a huge semicircle, scattered at an unimaginable speed and soon covered the cemetery, forest, including several kilometers away from the forest!

With such terrible destructive power, I'm afraid everything in the explosion circle has been extinguished. But in the explosion range, two figures suddenly appeared. The owner of one of the figures was wearing an ordinary coarse linen coat and was quite heroic. At this time, his face was serious and he looked extraordinary. The owner of the other figure is a peerless beauty in a long skirt with flowing eyes.

This man and woman are naturally Zhong Cheng and Bauhinia. However, now Zhong Cheng is not Zhong Cheng, but Qu Shang after the possession of the sword god. Otherwise, with Zhong Cheng's ability, is it possible to escape from such a powerful explosion?

Qu Shang leaned over Zhong Cheng's body and held the anti-God sword in his hand, frowned at the continuous violent explosion under his feet, and sighed, "What a terrible power! If it hadn't been for the protection of the Holy Light Shield, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out this time.

Bauhinia's face also looked surprised. She patted her chest and sighed, "I was really shocked. I didn't expect this demon soul to have such a hand. If it hadn't been for Brother Qu Shang, you had replaced Zhong Cheng's body in time, I'm afraid Zhong Cheng would have died in it now!"

Qu Shang nodded, and a few deep light flashed in his dark eyes. Looking at the dazzling white light under his feet, he sighed: "The soul bursts, fuses the soul and the divine source, and then disperses it with miracles to form an unprecedented great power! It is the ultimate divine method of co-exhaustion! It's really scary!"

Bauhinia smiled gently, looked at Qu Shang and said, "However, no matter how frightening it is, hasn't it still hurt you?"

After listening to this, Qu Shang smiled. Unlike usual, this time Qu Shang showed not a smile, but a wry smile. He shook his head and took the anti-God sword in his hand back into the ring. Then he seemed to be unable to stand it anymore. Wow, he spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, and the sad blood drops glowed a little cold star in the night sky, looking so sad and beautiful.

Maybe it's because I've never seen Qu Shang get hurt. Bauhinia stood aside and was stunned! Then, as if she suddenly realized something, she rushed forward to help Qu Shang, but when her body passed through the other party's body, Bauhinia suddenly remembered that she had no body.

"Brother Qu Shang, what's the matter with you?" Bauhinia looked at Qu Shang worriedly and asked anxiously.

Qu Shang adjusted his breath. When Zhong Cheng opened his mouth to answer, a golden light suddenly appeared beside the two, and the dragon showed his original face. It glanced at Qu Shang's pale face and frowned, "Don't you understand this? It is clear that the soul has been strongly attacked!"