God's Deacon

Chapter 177 Ancient Secrets

When the woman saw that Zhong Cheng came in a hurry to report the news, the woman frowned and gradually eased. She smiled and said, "Thank you for reminding me that this matter has nothing to do with you. You go first."

Zhong Cheng looked at the woman and his party and frowned, "What do you mean by me to go first? Aren't you leaving? The number of this iron cavalry is no more than hundreds!"

"Real?" The woman smiled casually and casually said to the impulsive young man beside her, "Shi Fei, go and find out the situation."


Shi Fei bowed and hurried out of the tribe. Zhong Cheng looked at his back and looked at the calm Anglo people in front of him. Naturally, his heart was full of doubts. Anyway, this group of people behaved too calmly! The other party has hundreds of iron riders! Aren't they worried?

Of course, Zhong Cheng, who is old and heavy, will not say the doubts in his heart like a fool, but stand quietly in place.

"Why, aren't you leaving?" The woman looked at Shi Fei's back and suddenly turned her head to look at Zhong Cheng and said, "It's not good to be involved later."

Zhong Cheng smiled casually and said casually, "Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about me. I was born to like to watch the bustle."

The woman smiled, stared at Zhong Cheng's eyes, and said coldly, "I'm not worried about you, but I dare not leave my back to a person I don't trust!"

Zhong Cheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course I know you're not worried about me, but my curiosity won't let me go!"

"What if I force you to leave?" The woman's tone was cold, and her eyes flashed with murderous intent.

I have to say that the momentum emitted by this silver-haired woman at this moment is indeed extremely powerful, and the murderous eyes also made Zhong Cheng's scalp numb. But don't forget that Zhong Cheng has felt the stronger momentum than this, so he is less likely to retreat easily at this moment.

Facing this sharp look, Zhong Cheng first raised the corners of his mouth, smiled faintly, and then said slowly, "If I remember correctly, the British are a hospitable race, right? Isn't it against your national spirit to force a person at will? Or do you, as a patriarch, don't mind that the national spirit is violated?

As soon as this word came out, the faces of the rest of the Intels coincidentally showed anger and looked at Zhong Cheng gritting their teeth. It is natural that they will be so angry. After all, Zhong Cheng took their national spirit as a shield this time! How can a person who loves his own nation not feel angry?

At this point, even the silver-haired beauty who is the patriarch is no exception. When Zhong Cheng said this, the corners of the woman's eyes twitched obviously, but she, who was extremely self-restrained, soon regained her cold posture. However, in her eyes looking at Zhong Cheng, in addition to the strong murderous intention, there was also a sense of helplessness.

After a short silence, the woman sighed, shook her head and said, "Well, if you want to stay here, just stay here. But I remind you first that if you do anything strange, don't blame us for being fierce!"

When Zhong Cheng saw that the woman agreed, he smiled and said naturally, "Don't worry, don't worry, I said that I'm just a passer-by, and I will never do anything strange."

At this time, Shi Fei, who went out to explore the situation, also ran back with rapid footsteps. He passed by with Zhong Cheng, walked to the woman, bowed and said, "Py patriarch, there is indeed an iron cavalry of Jiang 500 meters in front of you. It is preliminarily estimated that there are about 300 people, well equipped, which should be the elite of Jiang Guo.

After listening to the report, the woman raised her chin, meditated, and muttered in a low voice, "So it is 300 people?" The rest of the British kept silent at this time, quietly waiting for the patriarch to speak. From this, we can see how noble this woman's status is in their hearts.

After ponding for a while, the woman suddenly raised her head, looked at the eight Anglo youths beside her and said, "Guys, do you want to avenge our compatriots?"


As if she had guessed that the woman would say so, as soon as she finished speaking, the group of hot-blooded young people answered with one voice. Among them, Shi Fei's voice is particularly loud.

Looking at the reaction of this group of young people, the woman nodded with satisfaction. Although she was only a teenager, her whole body exuded this leadership majesty that Zhong Cheng did not even have.

The woman raised my fist high and said loudly, "Very good, worthy of being a member of the British people! Everyone, let's stop Jiang's iron horse today and tell Jiang Guo that we are by no means a famous clan that is still slaughtered by people! You will win!"

"Bight to win! You will win!" Eight young people were encouraged by the patriarch, and their blood was already boiling at this moment. However, in this situation full of lofty words, Zhong Cheng suddenly gave a soft sneer. As a result, it was obvious that his sneer made everyone put their angry eyes on him again.

Zhong Cheng saw that he was angry, but his face remained unchanged. He shook his head and sighed, "I said, this patriarch, you are too bold!" Didn't you hear it clearly just now? The number of the other party is 300, and they are all elite. Do you think they will make it so easy for you to avenge your people?

"Thank you, I didn't expect you to worry about us." Perhaps it can be seen that Zhong Cheng said this out of kindness, and the woman's tone was not very harsh. "However, it's like we don't care about your business. I hope you don't care about what we do?"

Zhong Cheng nodded and sighed slightly: "That's natural. Since I can't control it, of course I won't. I just wanted to remind you what you want to do. With that, Zhong Cheng stretched out his hand and made a casual gesture. When he asked this, he just wanted to make sure how confident the woman was as the patriarch. Now seeing that she was so confident, Zhong Cheng had nothing to say.

There are two kinds of confident people in the world: one is blindly confident brain-damaged, which is not called self-confidence, but arrogant; the other is those who have strength and self-confidence, and their self-confidence usually comes from self-confidence in their own strength. In Zhong Cheng's opinion, this silver-haired woman obviously belongs to the latter.

"Let me see what you are going to do!" He said silently in his heart, and Zhong Cheng retreated aside with a smile, as if he wanted to be a regular audience.

After seeing Zhong Cheng retreat obediently, the woman was relieved and began to give orders: "Shi Fei, you go to lure the enemy and attract the enemy 300 meters east of the tribe. As for the rest, get ready with bows and arrows, and then come here. After saying that, the woman didn't say much and went to the east of the tribe. The rest, led by Shi Fei, walked directly in front of the tribe.

For a moment, only Zhong Cheng was still stunned. He looked at the back of the young people in front of him, and then looked at the shadow on his left hand side, and followed the silver-haired beauty almost without thinking about it. After all, beautiful women are much more attractive than those hot-blooded young people!

On the grassland, the silver-haired beauty walked ahead, followed by Zhong Cheng, and the two kept a distance of about ten meters. It is worth mentioning that so far, the silver-haired beauty has not turned back to stop Zhong Cheng. Of course, this is not because she acquiesced in Zhong Cheng's behavior. I guess it's because the other party knows that it's useless to stop Zhong Cheng, so she is so calm. Of course, it is absolutely a good thing for Zhong Cheng to be inaudibility. Because he doesn't want to be said to be thick-skinned.

After walking for a while, the woman suddenly stopped and stopped in place. Seeing that the woman stopped, Zhong Cheng naturally stopped. It seems that it is 300 meters to the east of the woman's mouth.

After stopping, the woman was not idle. She stretched out her right index finger to her mouth in front of Zhong Cheng, and then bit her silver teeth, bit the tip of her index finger, and shed blood.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but be surprised and secretly thought about what the woman wanted to do. The woman's next action answered the questions in Zhong Cheng's mind.

After biting her index finger, the woman wrote a character that Zhong Cheng did not recognize in her left palm with the blood on her index finger, then closed her eyes and sang in a low voice: "Mother of the earth, may you use your kindness to protect the people who respect you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman scolded softly and suddenly patted the ground under her feet with her left palm. As his palm fell, Zhong Cheng suddenly had an extremely strange feeling in his heart. Before Zhong Cheng thought carefully about what was going on, a round blood-red light suddenly circled the earth in front of him. At the same time, the strange feeling in Zhong Cheng's heart rose rapidly.

At this time, the woman is exuding a power that is extremely familiar with Zhong Cheng. The reason why this strange feeling is so strong is that Zhong Cheng is so familiar with this power! He believes that his former self has definitely felt the same power somewhere.

Just as Zhong Cheng was thinking hard, Bauhinia's familiar voice sounded in his ear.

"This is an ancient secret! Zhong Cheng, this woman has a great relationship with the Drian tribe!"