God's Deacon

Chapter 187 Siege

There was nothing to say all the way. When Zhong Cheng arrived outside Tamu City, it was already a few days later. On the way to this Tamu City, Zhong Cheng had to sleep out and suffer from hunger. Now that he has finally arrived in Tamu City, Zhong Cheng should rush in desperately, then have a good rest, and then look for the old man named Gotl. But some distance away from Tamu City, Zhong Cheng has stopped. Because the city has been surrounded by tens of thousands of Jiang's army!

Zhong Cheng looked from afar and saw that there were already a lot of people and armor outside the city! In front of such a magnificent army, Zhong Cheng has no chance to enter the city. Similarly, the Britons in the city have no chance to leave at all. Looking at the posture, the two sides seem to have fallen into a stalemate! This is a protracted battle, but also a war of attrition, so the one who wins in the end must be the one with plenty of food and fodder!

From this point of view, Jiang Guo seems to have a more dominant position!

Although Jiang's army has a large number of people and consumes more grain and fodder, they have taken the initiative and mastered the grain transportation channel. As long as the grain and fodder energy is continuously replenished, this army will not lose! Compared with them, the British army in the city has suffered too much. There may be a certain amount of grain and fodder in Tamu City to provide them with fighting power, but the accumulated grain and fodder will run out sooner or later. At that time, they are likely to lose without supplies.

Therefore, the glueing state is quite unfavorable to the Intes at present. If they want to win, the British must use tricks to break the inqueak encirclement of Jiang's army. But in the face of such a strong army, what kind of strategy should be used to be effective? This is a problem, a problem that even Zhong Cheng can't help but bury his head in meditation. In the past, Zhong Cheng was the captain of the special forces. Although he did not arrange troops like a war, Zhong Cheng had some understanding of war out of interest.

However, with Zhong Cheng's little understanding of the war, it is obviously impossible to break the current deadlock. As a result, after thinking for a while, Zhong Cheng shrugged his shoulders helplessly, saying that there was nothing he could do. It's a small matter that I can't think of a way to break the deadlock. For Zhong Cheng, the most important thing now is to enter Tamu City, but looking at the armed and ambitious Jiang soldiers in the distance, Zhong Cheng is uncertain.

Sure enough, he is still a skilled person and bold! If Zhong Cheng's strength is stronger, he may have gone in now. Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng couldn't help but take a long breath and shook his head, "It's difficult!"

Suddenly, a white light flashed, and the figure of Bauhinia appeared in front of Wang Ruiyi. Her smile is still charming and has not changed at all because of the fierce Jiang Guo army. He looked at Zhong Cheng, who looked pale and joked, "I didn't expect that Jiang Guo's army had hit this place. What a miscalculation! If you eat less on the way, you may be the first to enter the city!" Of course, she was joking. From the tired face of the defenders on the wall, it is not difficult to see that the two sides have been exhausted for a while.

Zhong Cheng frowned and said, "Isn't it time to joke! We have to find a way to break through these obstacles in front of us and enter the city.

"Well, that's right. But this difficulty is not ordinary!" While smiling, Bauhinia looked at the dense army and shook his head and said, "To be honest, with your current strength, the possibility of killing a bloody road from the chaotic army is still very small. Moreover, aren't you afraid that there are divine leaders in this army who can compete with you? After all, this is a big army, and it is not impossible for a divine deacon to attack with the army.

"That being said, it's impossible to turn back now! We have come to this point, and we have to go to the city!" With that, Zhong Cheng subconsciously clenched his fist and glanced at the smiling look of Zi Jing Zheng next to him. He was dissatisfied and said, "Don't laugh badly there. I'll tell you that I will do this. It's all because of your instructions!"

"What do I do? What can I do to touch you?" Bauhinia shook his head with a smile, looked into Zhong Cheng's eyes and said, "Don't you think I don't know what're thinking in your heart. You will insist so much. You just want to see the hometown of the Sword God? Brother Sword God is really charming! You said that you only met him once and talked to him several times, and did you respect him so much?

Zhong Cheng curled his lips and hummed, "It's my business whether I respect or not. I know it myself! But if you say so, don't you think the predecessor of Sword God is not worthy of respect?

Bauhinia waved his hand and shook his head and said, "No! Of course not! As far as the sword god is concerned, he feels worthy of respect! Well, for the face that you are so obsessed with the Sword God, when you arrive at the Drian tribe, I will tell you about the Sword God! How about it? Are you full of fighting spirit?

Zhong Cheng shook his head decisively and said, "To be honest, because you said this, I didn't respond to it."

Bauhinia's smile stiffened, and he immediately stiffened his face and hummed, "Bad boy! You speak so badly! Be careful, aunt, I cut your tongue after I came out of the chaos world!"

The words sound quite horrible, but it is a pity that Bauhinia is born with a beautiful face, so that he is still so beautiful when he gets angry, which makes a vulgar man like Zhong Cheng really not afraid. But fortunately, Zhong Cheng knew very well how horrible the strength of the beautiful woman was, so he did not intend to continue to be angry with him and said, "Well, back to the topic, what do you think you can use to enter the city?"

"What do you ask me?" When Zijing asked, he saw Wang Ruiyi nodded, so he dragged his chin and thought for a while, muttering, "That's how it should be." Then he looked up at Zhong Cheng, with a serious expression and said word by word, "If it were me, of course, I would rush in without saying anything!"

When Bauhinia showed a serious face, Zhong Cheng's heart was involuntarily nervous, but when Bauhinia said his opinion, Zhong Cheng's heart suddenly felt a sense of depression of being pushed to hell by life! He was depressed, he regretted it, and he knew he was wrong! Bauhinia's answer made him depressed, and his behavior made him regret, and then the two added up to let him know that it was his fault!

Sure enough! A strange woman like Bauhinia seems to have no other role except to like to talk nonsense and tease Zhong Cheng. Although occasionally, she would save Zhong Cheng's life at a critical moment, it was basically a time when Zhong Cheng was tortured quite miserably...

Sinful beauty!

Zhong Cheng looked up to the sky and sighed, shaking his head with his hands on his back, so as to vent the helplessness and depression in his heart. To his gratitude, Bauhinia did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, but stood beside him with a beautiful face, and did not feel guilty at all because of Zhong Cheng's sigh. Fortunately, Zhong Cheng is used to it in this regard.

After a few sighs, Zhong Cheng gradually calmed down, grinned at Bauhinia, and said solemnly, "I will trouble you in the future. If there is nothing to propose, please shut up!" And I have to reiterate that you are the one who asked me to look for the Drian tribe outside the fortress! Although I also want to see it myself, for me, if I don't see it, I'm just disappointed at most. But what will you lose, I don't know?"

What a smart person Bauhinia is. As soon as she heard Zhong Cheng's words, she knew that the other party was really angry. She thought about it for a while. I guess it was because she had done enough, so she showed a serious look again and said in a low voice, "That red! Don't talk nonsense, just talk about what to do! Let me ask you, do you see if this army can't get in and out of the siege of Tamu City? After saying that, Bauhinia stretched out his jade hand and pointed gently.

Zhong Cheng took the opportunity to look at the army and put them in a tight array and extraordinary momentum, so he nodded and said, "As you said, it's impenetrable, it's completely a big iron bucket!" I can't find a path at all!"

"Ha ha, your metaphor is quite humorous!" Bauhinia smiled gently, and then shook his head and said, "What you are talking about is just superficial imagination! There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and there is no army without gaps! In the army that has been queuing up, there are always one or two gaps that can't be filled!"